Fri, 18 August 2023
In this episode of the How to Protect the Ocean podcast, host Andrew Lewin discusses the incredible story of marine biologist Mario Moscatelli and his 30-year-long fight to protect Guanabara Bay in Rio de Janeiro. Despite facing adversity, pollution, and death threats, Mario's dedication to the cause has never wavered. The episode explores a new documentary by Mongabay News that tells Mario's story and sheds light on the challenges faced by marine biologists working to make a positive impact. Tune in to learn more about Mario's journey and the importance of protecting our oceans. Donate to help Maui families: Link to article with the Documentary (10 min): Share your conservation journey on the podcast by booking here: Fill out our listener survey: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: HTPTO_E1494_TheBiologistDefendingRiodeJaneirosGuanabaraBay_MauiAd.mp3
Category:Marine Conservation -- posted at: 12:00am EST |