Fri, 5 February 2021
A new Administration, the dominance of one political party in the House, the Senate, and the White House brings along new changes. One of those changes in Climate Policy. The Biden/Harris administration promised changes to Climate policy that would reverse many of the policies from the previous administration, including the rejoining of the US to the Paris Climate Agreement. I invited Jasmine Sanders, Executive Director of Our Climate, on the podcast to discuss what the new administration will mean to the Climate movement. She summed it up by saying: "Climate Work begins NOW!" Not that Our Climate wasn't doing climate work before. It's just that now there is a possibility to inform policy on Climate on the federal level that wasn't possible over the past four years. Jasmine tells me about the work that is being done through her organization to mentor young people of all cultures and socio-economic backgrounds to help get involved with the Climate movement for their communities. She talks about work inside and outside Capitol Hill as well as other levels of government that need guidance on Climate Change reform. We also discuss how Climate Change should include addressing environmental justice if we really want to create change. Check out the links below to join the movement: Our Climate Website: Our Climate Blog: Support Our Climate: Get Involved:
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Direct download: SUFB_S1116_InTheUSClimateWorkBeginsNow.mp3
Category:climate change -- posted at: 12:00am EDT |