Mon, 24 January 2022
A Greenpeace research vessel discovered a new colony of Gentoo penguins in Antarctica. It is the only colony that has been detected this far south on the icy continent. It's an important discovery because Gentoo penguins prefer low-lying, rocky areas that have no ice. The ice in Antarctica is melting six times faster than it was in the 1970s due to climate change. Melting ice will have an effect on global sea rise, weather patterns, and prey availability (krill). Greenpeace and other organizations are calling for the nations of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) to implement a network of Marine Protected Areas in Antarctica to relieve fishing pressure on the habitats. Links to articles: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1261_GentooPenguinsFoundInIceFreePartOfAntarctica.mp3
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