Wed, 19 April 2017
Farah Obaidullah is a Marine Scientist who is ensuring women in our field have a voice for equality. I was extremely proud to have Farah on the podcast to discuss her platform that she has built to provide women a chance to meet and share their work with a common voice. If you are a male or female ocean conservationist then you will want to hear this episode. Even if you are not in the Ocean Conservation Field, this issue will still apply to you as it applies across many fields. Enjoy the podcast! Support Science and Climate Change Science Research by buying our Graphic T-shirts "Science Can't Be Silenced" and "Climate Change is here, it's real, it's time to act." The science community and its supporters are Marching for Science on April 22nd, Earth Day, in Washington, D.C. Show your Support for science by wearing the T-Shirts during the march. Not going to the March for Science, wear the T-Shirt, take a pic of you wearing it and post it on social media with the hastag #MarchforScience. $5 of every shirt purchased will be donated to support the research of Dr. Michelle LaRue, who researches how Climate Change affects various animals in the Antarctic and Arctic systems. Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health.
Direct download: SUFB_S305_Women4ScienceWithFarahObaidullah.mp3
Category:Women 4 Science -- posted at: 8:00am EST |