Fri, 1 May 2020
A few weeks ago, I saw a post by my friend and colleague, Emily Cunningham, about a huge project that she and her project partners just won. They developed the proposal for over 3 years and finally saw the results, over 2 million pound prize awarded to the project that would engage local communities in the Northeast of the UK with their Oceans. I invited Emily to come on the podcast to tell us why it's important to have projects that reconnect the local community with their Oceans. Have you connected with your coastline (lake or ocean)? Share your experience in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group: Links: Seascapes Project: Emily's Twitter: Emily's website: Check out the new Speak Up For The Ocean Blue Podcast App: Check out the Shows on the Speak Up For Blue Network: Marine Conservation Happy Hour Madame Curiosity ConCiencia Azul: Dugongs & Seadragons: Environmental Studies & Sciences Marine Mammal Science: Projects For Wildlife Podcast:
Direct download: SUFB_S997_EngagingLocalCommunitiesInTheirSeascapesWithEmilyCunningham.mp3
Category:Community Conservation -- posted at: 12:00am EST |