Mon, 20 June 2016
I was very busy this past week, which is why I was only able to post all 3 episodes. I was able to post Ocean Talk Friday with Nathan, so we were still able to provide you with some great content. I wanted to take this episode to talk to you about how Marine Conservation really works because of two things that happened to me last week that I feel are extremely important to address with regards to Marine Conservation. The first has to do with a conference that I attended and helped organized called the Coastal Zone Canada Conference. I was able to meet a lot of people that work to conserve coastlines and zones and learn about the importance of communication among scientists and the public. The second event that inspired me to record this episode was an online debate that happened the day i recorded this episode. The debate has to do with the movie "Finding Dory" and the potential increase in pressure of people who want Royal Blue Tangs, the fish species of the Dory character. I am all about discussing facts to help the Conservation of Marine Species; however, there are certain people who are so passionate that they don't let anyone else have an opinion unless they are in agreement with them. Marine Conservation is about people coming together to manage the Oceans, not bullying people into trying to agreement. Take a listen to the podcast to find out how Marine Conservation can be successful. 10 Ocean Tips to Conserve the Ocean:
Direct download: SUFB_S171_MarineConservationLetsTalk.mp3
Category:Marine Conservation -- posted at: 12:00am EST |