Fri, 29 July 2016
Nathan and I are prepping for the International Marine Conservation Congress being held in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. We are super excited for this opportunity and were are looking forward to sharing all the wonderful things that we will learn at the conference. We will also introduce you to some people involved at the conference as well. Today, we are talking about the following BIG stories this: 1) Whales win big against Navy!; 2) New species of beaked whale discovered in Japan/Alaska; 3) The Vaquita will vanish if China's demand for Totoaba swim bladders continue 4) Seagrass, an important habitat for coral fishes and critters, are dying off in Indonesia due to harmful human activities; 5) Cosco Shipping, China's largest shipping company pledges to stop transporting shark fins from Hong Kong.
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