Sat, 15 October 2016
Attaining a sustainable marine science and conservation career is not easy. It takes focus, patience, and hard work. The first episode of this series gives you a breakdown on how to create goals for your career by setting your path. Now you need to start your journey down your path. Where do you begin? As a recent graduate or someone who is shifting career, you probably don't have much experience in the career path field, which means your chances of getting a job is low. So this episode is dedicated to helping you gain experience through volunteering. Volunteering has its ups and downs. On one hand you can gain quite a bit of experience quickly. On the other hand, you may have to pay money to go far away to get that experience. Is there are problem with that...nope! If you can afford it, go because it's a great adventure and you do get some great experience even if it is short lived, but not everyone can afford to go away. They have to search for alternative methods of volunteering. This episode will detail some steps you can take to acquire some great experience without having to pay money. This is important so remember, take notes! Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health.
Direct download: SUFB_S220_BONUSMarineCareersSeriesHowToVolunteerToGainExperience.mp3
Category:marine biology jobs -- posted at: 9:00am EST |