Fri, 29 December 2017
In this last episode of 2017, I breakdown what you can expect from Speak Up For Blue in 2018. Here is the list: 1) New podcast shows: Marine Conservation Happy Hour, ConCiencia Azul (Speak Up For Blue in Spanish, hosted by Melissa Marquez) and Speak Up For Blue in French (Hosted by Dr. Lyne Morissette). 2) You Tube Videos - I will be creating regular You Tube videos for 2 , maybe 3, episodes per week in 2018 3) Creating more LIVE content on a daily (weekday) basis in Facebook, Instagram and Periscope (Twitter) 4) Bringing more Marine Science content to all of the above platforms 5) Providing more Speak Up For Blue Community resources so we can all make better decisions 6) Create more incentives for the Speak Up For Blue Patreon Campaign 7) Create branded Merchandise where a portion of the profits will go towards supporting small organizations doing great work 8) Consulting as a Podcast Producer and Host for organizations who would like to create podcast content for their projects. If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.
Direct download: SUFB_S414_WhatsHappeningIn2018ForSpeakUpForBlue.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST |