Mon, 26 February 2018
SUFB 438: Debt Financing for MPAs; Fighting Pseudoscience with SciComm; and, Belugas Alter Feeding Behaviour in Absence of Sea Ice
I cover a lot of information in this week's Ocean Update episode. First, I discuss how the Seychelles worked with The Nature Conservancy to refinance their nation debt in exchange for designating 30% of its EEZ as a Marine Protected Area. Second, I give my opinion on how to fight pseudoscience, such as the flat earther movement, with scicomm (Science Communication). Lastly, beluga whales have been found to be diving deeper and longer for food when there is less sea ice. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Enjoy the Podcast!!! If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.
Direct download: SUFB_S438_MPADebtFinancing_FightingScienceDenialWithSciComm_BelugasDiveLongerAndDeeperWithLessSeaIce.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT |