Mon, 25 February 2019
We all know fisheries can have a negative effect on other animals as the gear tends to trap the animals, which can lead to injuries and even death. Researchers in France are witnessing the same effect, but at a larger scale as 600 dolphins washed up dead along a beach in France. Researchers believe there are more dolphins dead that sunk to the bottom of the ocean as well. The dolphins had injuries, missing appendages and scaring along their bodies from fishing gear. Listen to the episode to find out how the dolphins get trapped and what solutions are being proposed to stop the deaths. Do you think the proposed solutions are going to work? Share your ideas in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group: Want to get started on living for a better Ocean? Sign up for the Grove Collaborative and get a free gift:
Direct download: SUFB_S710_WhyAreHundredsOfDolphinsWashingUpDeadOnTheBeachInFrance.mp3
Category:Dolphins -- posted at: 5:49pm EST |