Fri, 15 March 2019
Oil spills happen. As we have seen over the past couple of episodes, oil spills can happen anywhere and sometimes governments facilitate the process by not protecting their citizens. Unfortunately, oil spills can have a drastic negative influence on small communities such as Renell Island, a small island within the chain of the Solomon Islands. A tank carrying 700 tonnes of oil was ashore during a cyclone and spilled at least 80 tonnes of oil over a reef and coastline just off of Rennell Island. The oil turned the water black, poisoned the fish, killed the corals, contaminated the spring water (where the communities get their drinking water), and cut the island's food supply to those communities (they depend on fish, but know need to collect food from the Government to eat. This is just one example of how oil can have negative impacts on coastal communities. Perhaps we should remember that you don't have to be in the Solomon Islands to get affected by oil spills. What are your thoughts on this oils spill? Share them in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group: Want to get started on living for a better Ocean? Sign up for the Grove Collaborative and get a free gift:
Direct download: SUFB_S727_SmallIslandPaysPriceDuringOilSpill.mp3
Category:Oil Spill -- posted at: 1:17pm EST |