Wed, 17 July 2019
It's the answer to many people's question of who would win in a fight: an Orca or a Great White Shark? Over the past few years, researchers have been studying the influence of Orcas on the Great White population. It seems as though Orcas like to eat the livers of White Sharks. Great White Sharks have been washing up on shore with their livers missing in South Africa; however, the who do it and how was a mystery until researchers came across the video in the article where the theory became realistic. How long do you think it was possible before Orcas figured out that the liver was so good for them? Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group: Want to be more eco-friendly? Buy certified eco-friendly products from our affiliate partner the Grove Collaborative: Check out the new Speak Up For The Ocean Blue Podcast App:
Direct download: SUFB_S835_OrcasPrecisionBitesOnGreatWhites.mp3
Category:Orca Eating Great White Sharks -- posted at: 1:00pm EST |