Mon, 23 August 2021
I speak to Dr. Johann Bell from Conservation International on today's episode to discuss a Climate Justice example in the Pacific Islands. Many small islands states in the Pacific received a majority of their revenue from fishing licenses from the distance water fleets of other countries such as the US, China, Korea, Japan, and others. The revenue pays for education and other programs in the Pacific Island nations. However, there is a problem that is being caused by Climate Change. The change in water temperature is shifting the tuna populations outside of the small island jurisdiction where the other countries could fish for free rather than paying for the licenses. The small island countries would miss out on crucial revenue and the fisheries would not be regulated in the high seas. Dr. Johann Bell discusses the solutions for this problem with me during this episode. Links from the episode: Check out all of our episodes on Want To Talk Oceans? Join the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group: Speak Up For Blue Instagram: Speak Up For Blue Twitter:
Direct download: SUFB_S1200_ClimateJusticeExampleWithTunaFisheriesInPacific.mp3
Category:Climate Justice -- posted at: 12:00am EST |