Mon, 29 November 2021
Polish researchers observed a young female polar bear chasing a reindeer into the ocean, drowning it, and feeding on it. The observation in addition to another observation of the same young female feeding on a different reindeer carcass in the same region sparked a wonder as to whether polar bears were altering their diets in the Svalbard region because there was less ice. Other researchers disagree with that line of thinking as the bears have been seen feeding on reindeer since the 1950s and 60s on occasion. They think that more people are able to document the observations with phone cameras to post on social media making it seems as though polar bears feeding on reindeer occurs more often than we think. Link to Article: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1241_ArePolarBearsSwitchingTheirDiets.mp3
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