Fri, 20 May 2022
Climate change has been deemed the biggest threat in the world by many scientists, conservationists, industries, governments, and militaries around the world and countries have made international pledges in the form of treaties to curb greenhouse gas emissions and invest in more renewable energy, but the parties that form the government in democratic countries do not adhere to the treaties or listen to what the experts are saying. In some cases, the governments have done the opposite of the advice of experts and driven the problem further. Therefore, citizens need to demand more action on climate change from their government through voting. In this episode, I am going to discuss how Australia is in one of the most important elections for climate action as described in an opinion article written by Dr. Euan Ritchie And published in the Guardian. His story is not unique when compared to my story and my country, Canada, and is also similar to other countries. Link to article: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: Website: Instagram: Twitter:
Direct download: SUFB_S1308_ClimateAndPoliticsAustralia.mp3
Category:Climate Action -- posted at: 12:00am EST |