Wed, 6 December 2023
In this episode of the How to Protect the Ocean podcast, host Andrew Lewin dives into the controversial topic of deep-sea mining. While the focus has been on COP28, Andrew shifts the conversation to the recent developments in deep sea mining. He highlights reports from Greenpeace and mining websites that discuss countries and companies eager to start testing or continue testing deep-sea mining. Andrew raises questions about the viability and financial motivations behind these efforts. Tune in to learn more about the potential impacts of deep-sea mining and how it may affect our oceans. Links to article: Sign Up for the Ocean Daily: The host of the podcast, Andrew Lewin, has recently launched a daily newsletter dedicated to providing valuable information about the ocean. This newsletter serves as a complementary resource to the podcast episodes, ensuring that listeners stay up to date with ocean-related news that may not be covered in the show. Describing it as an "information highway," the host encourages listeners to access the newsletter either through the podcast or by subscribing to receive it directly in their inbox every weekday morning. Stressing its significance, the host emphasizes that the newsletter is a valuable tool for staying informed about ocean-related matters and urges listeners to sign up for it. Excitingly, the podcast host announces the inclusion of job postings in the newsletter. These job opportunities are specifically related to the ocean and provide details about their locations and the organizations offering them. The host expresses enthusiasm for this new addition and hopes that it will gain traction among the audience. The overarching goal of the podcast and the host's company, Speak Up For Blue Media and Communications, is to inform listeners about ocean-related developments, empowering them to advocate for the ocean and take action towards its betterment. By signing up for the newsletter, which is sent every weekday morning, listeners can stay up to date with the latest information and job postings related to the ocean. The podcast, titled "How to Protect the Ocean," and its host's company, Speak Up For Blue Media and Communications, are dedicated to educating listeners about the state of the ocean and inspiring them to become advocates for its preservation. Andrew Lewin emphasizes the importance of speaking up for the ocean and encourages listeners to actively engage and make a difference. The podcast aims to raise awareness about various ocean-related issues, including deep-sea mining, and foster meaningful conversations and discussions among its audience. Additionally, the host mentions a newsletter that listeners can subscribe to, ensuring they receive regular updates and information about the ocean. Overall, the podcast and the host's company are committed to educating and empowering listeners to protect and conserve the ocean.
Direct download: HTPTO_E1538_SomeCountriesAreLookingAtTestingDeep-SeaMining.mp3
Category:Deep-Sea Mining -- posted at: 9:16pm EST |