Wed, 28 August 2019
Every second breath of air we take is due to the Ocean. Phytoplankton is responsible for this great breath of fresh air because they use photosynthesis to produce Oxygen while using up CO2 in the process. It is also one of the reasons why Climate Change has not grown out of control; however, Climate Change has affected the development and abundance of phytoplankton over time. A new study shows diatoms, a species of phytoplankton with a silica cell wall that absorbs CO2 and sinks down to the bottom of the Ocean, where the CO2 is fixed onto the seafloor. The diatoms sink because of their heavy silica wall. Unfortunately, the silica wall in diatoms has been shrinking as the Oceans become more acidic. The silica walls have become smaller and the diatoms are not sinking to the seafloor where the CO2 can be fixed. Find out more details by listening to the episode. Do you think this is a problem that can be fixed? Share your thoughts on the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group: Want to be more eco-friendly? Buy certified eco-friendly products from our affiliate partner the Grove Collaborative: Check out the new Speak Up For The Ocean Blue Podcast App:
Direct download: SUFB_S872_ClimateChangeAndOceanAcidityReducingCarbonAbsorbingPlankton.mp3
Category:Ocean Acidification -- posted at: 1:30pm EST |
Mon, 6 August 2018
Researchers at the University of Exeter have discovered that European sea bass lose some of their sense of smell when pH dips in tiny amounts, which means that Ocean Acidification with cause this fish to become vulnerable. The study showed the bass have to be 42% closer to their prey, to their habitat and their predators to detect them leaving them vulnerable to hunt for food, find suitable habitat and be at risk of predation. This study opens up the question as to whether other fish will show similar results in more acidic waters. Sponsor: Solid Sun Logistics specializes in skin care and UV protection for outdoor enthusiasts like you and me. Solid offers a complete 3-step skin care system to keep you on the water all day, day in and day out. Use any of the products individually, or get the Essentials Kit for the complete sun protection and skin rehabilitation experience. Solid donates 5% of the revenue of the sale to Ocean Conservation Organizations that you can select. Add SUFB15 at checkout for an extra 15% off of your order. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Become par to the Speak Up For Blue Nation by joining our Patreon Campaign. I would love to hear your opinion on this episode. Join the Facebook Group to chime in. Do you know we launched more Ocean Related Podcasts? Subscribe to Marine Conservation Happy Hour and ConCiencia Azul
Direct download: SUFB_S527_OceanAcidificationCanAffectSmellOfFish.mp3
Category:Ocean Acidification -- posted at: 4:00pm EST |