Sat, 22 September 2018
There is a BIG problem in the Marine Science and Conservation field and it goes with how the science and research is shared. Science in itself is supposed to be freely shared amongst the public; however, that is not the case. Journals hold the vital research methodologies and results behind a paywall that is only available to people who can afford the annual access of a set of journals that could equal upwards of $5 million. Over a number of episodes, I will be speaking with today's guest, Nick Wehner from OCTO (Open Communications For The Ocean) about the ins and outs of the journal field that holds one of the biggest problems in sharing information. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Check out MarXiv that allows authors to share their pre-print papers in Marine Science and Conservation. If you have a view on this issue, let me know what you have to say in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group.
Direct download: SUFB_S574_OpenAccessVsPayWallJournalsWithNickWehner.mp3
Category:Science Journal -- posted at: 4:00pm EST |