Mon, 30 January 2017
I wanted to talk about what it takes to start and run an organization or a social enterprise as some of you in the Speak Up For Blue community have expressed interest in starting your own. I base the points I make in this episode on my experience and the experiences of the past two guests on the podcast, Shon Miller and Allison Randolph (Ocean Allison). Enjoy the podcast! Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health.
Direct download: SUFB_S271_WhatItTakesToStartAndRunAnOceanConservatioOrganization.mp3
Category:social enterprise -- posted at: 8:00am EDT |
Fri, 27 January 2017
Edd Hind-Ozan and I are back again to discuss 3 articles/topics that interested us this week that were related to Mexico. Why Mexico? Well, I'm vacationing there with my family and I wanted to know more about their ocean policies, issues, and projects. We discuss the following articles: Enjoy the podcast! Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health. |
Wed, 25 January 2017
Ocean Science and Conservation Communication is more important now more than ever as the oceans, and environment in general, are changing at a rapid rate and government are slow to act. Communication allows the right information to get in front of the public so that they can make more informed decisions on how to live for a better Ocean. But how do you get in front of the public in this day and age?
Allison Randolph, aka Ocean Allison, specializes in Ocean Science and Conservation Communication (has experience with podcasting, video documentaries and public speaking) and stops by the podcast to tell us how she got involved in the field and how you can communicate science effectively to make a difference. Enjoy the podcast! Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health.
Direct download: SUFB_S269_OceanScienceCommunicationWithAllisonRandolph.mp3
Category:Science Communication -- posted at: 8:00am EDT |
Mon, 23 January 2017
Fake news and trolls suck! They can ruin your day either because you fall for the fake news or you get emotionally baited into dealing with social media trolls. When you are starting to get into Marine Science and Conservation Communication, you will likely run into both. Haven't yet? Try using the #climatechange and post an article or statement saying something like "We need to do something about this darn climate change." You will most likely run into some animated characters. I have a certain system to deal with fake news and trolls and it based on experience and what some of my friends and colleagues have been through over at Southern Fried Science. Take a listen to find out what I do in the face of fake news and trolls. Enjoy the podcast! Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health.
Direct download: SUFB_S268_HowToDealWithFakeNewsAndTrolls.mp3
Category:Fake News -- posted at: 8:00am EDT |
Fri, 20 January 2017
Dr. Edd Hind-Ozan joins me again to provide his prospective on 4 new stories that hit the world presses/internet this week. Edd and I bring you up to date on Ocean News every week on Ocean Talk Friday. In this episode, we discuss: Enjoy the podcast! Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health. |
Wed, 18 January 2017
Beach Clean Ups happen all around the world organized by many individuals and organizations who want to protect the Ocean. And they are all doing great work. However, Shon Miller's organization is different. Shon started the San Clemente Beach Conservation Program to not only clean up the beach in his home town, but to instill a sense of sustainability into the organization's supporters. As a young organization (August 2016), Shon has facilitated chapters of the SC Beach Program in Portugal and other Countries with leaders who share his mission and vision. Shon has also partnered with sustainable brands such as Beautiful PM (a surf board designer that makes surfboards from reused materials) and Mulch California (a fashion company that makes clothes from reused raw materials. Check out the interview to find out how he feels connected to the Ocean and how he started, and grew, the SC Beach Conservation Program. Enjoy the podcast! Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health.
Direct download: SUFB_S266_SCBeachConservationProgramWithShonMiller_GB.mp3
Category:Beach -- posted at: 8:00am EDT |
Mon, 16 January 2017
Donald Trump will become the 45th President of the United States this Friday. It's well know that his new administration does not believe climate change is human induced so they will not do much to stop it. However, what will his administration do to deal with the consequences of Climate Change that affect the Economy, Human Health and National Security, 3 themes that are important parts of the Republican Platform. I suggest a way to approach dealing with the consequences of the Climate Change using a great article written by Dr. Ellen Prager and Dr. Tim Dixon in the Huffington Post. Enjoy the podcast! Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health.
Direct download: SUFB_S265_DTrumpAndClimateChangeHowToDealWithTheConsequences.mp3
Category:climate change -- posted at: 8:00am EDT |
Fri, 13 January 2017
I am delighted to announce that Dr. Edd Hind-Ozan joins us as a co-host on the podcast today to continue the tradition of Ocean Talk Friday, where 2 people discuss the week's latest news and how it may have a positive of negative influence on Marine Science and Conservation. Today we discuss the following Ocean News Topics: Enjoy the podcast! Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health. |
Wed, 11 January 2017
Imagine the biggest retailers in the wanting to ensure they source sustainable seafood...well, it's true. Walmart, Sobeys, Publix, High Liner Foods, and more larger retailers are working with Sean Murphy's organization called Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) to ensure their seafood they purchase is sustainable. Sean tells us successful sotries of brands working directly with fishing communities to help manage fisheries properly to avoid overfishing, environmental degradation and social issues while maintaining a viable seafood product for their customer base. It's a win-win situation. Listen in on the conversation that Sean and I have about how industry is leading a movement to make fisheries sustainable. Enjoy the podcast! Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health.
Direct download: SUFB_S263_SustainableSeafoodPartnershipsWithSeanMurphy.mp3
Category:Sustainable Fisheries -- posted at: 8:00am EDT |
Mon, 9 January 2017
Tilikum was a captive orca made famous by the documentary "Blackfish" died at the age of 33 in his Sea World pen in San Diego, California. His tragic story of being ripped from his mother and forced to live in a small enclosure where he only interacted with human trainers (in which he is responsible for killing two of them) grabbed the hearts of millions of people to the point where they stopped attending Sea World parks driving the price of Sea World's stock down forcing the park to make drastic changes to their breeding program and their entertainment program. Today, I discuss what advocates and conservationists should do after Tilikum's death and how his death could save captive and wild orcas alike. Enjoy the podcast! Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health. |
Fri, 6 January 2017
I take on Ocean Talk Friday on my own this week as Nathan Johnson will be taking on a different role this year due to his life becoming business. We will try and get him back whenever we can because, well...he's awesome!!! Here is what I discuss on today's podcast: Enjoy the podcast! Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health. |
Wed, 4 January 2017
My first interview of 2017 HAD to be about sharks!!! Sean van Sommeran is the Executive Director at the Pelagic Shark Research Foundation. Sean and I discuss what he observed in sharks over the past 35 years along the coast of California and other places like Canada and Chile. We often hear about the popular shark species such as great whites, tiger sharks, bull sharks and hammerhead sharks; however, Sean talks about shark species such as the basking sharks and leopard sharks. It's fun to talk different shark species with someone who has studied them for so long and has been involved in establishing one of the first shark conservation organizations back in 1990. Enjoy the podcast! Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health.
Direct download: SUFB_S260_MonitoringPelagicSharksWithSeanvanSommeran.mp3
Category:Sharks -- posted at: 8:00am EDT |
Mon, 2 January 2017
Happy New Year!!! I thought I would kick off 2017 with letting you know what I have planned for Speak Up For Blue. I am super excited about this year because this is the year I plan on moving away from my full time job to dedicating my full time on Speak Up For Blue. My main goal is to continue to build a strong Marine Science and Conservation Community with you and the other audience members. Last year we discussed at length how grassroots movements will be the key to moving forward in conserving the ocean in 2017, especially when facing government administrations that do not put protecting the environment at the top of their list. A strong online community that has rational science-based discussions to advance ocean conservation will be important in 2017 and beyond. Does this mean that I am only searching for scientists to join the community? Absolutely not!!! You know me better than that!!! I am searching for you to join the community. It costs nothing more than the time you are already putting in to listening to this podcast. Keep listening to the podcast all this year and you won't miss out on any of the new and exciting things happening at Speak Up For Blue (including relaunching our You Tube Channel: Speak Up For Blue TV). Enjoy the podcast! Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health. |