How To Protect The Ocean


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Plastic Pollution in the Ocean
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Southern Resident Orca
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January 2019
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Discovery's Shark Week is back for 2019. I conduct my annual review of the previews of Shark Week to show you what I am excited about. 

What do you think of the line up this year? Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S846_SharWeekPreview.mp3
Category:Shark Week -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

I saw a post about an article on overfishing sharks in the high seas, where the authors provided evidence on the reasons why we need Marine Protected Areas in the High Seas. 

Listen to the episode to find out what the High Seas are and why Marine Protected Areas will be so hard to manage/enforce in the future.

What are your thoughts on Marine Protected Areas on the High Seas? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S845_WhoWillManageTheHighSeasMPA.mp3
Category:High Seas -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

There is a headline about Climate Change going around telling people that the world is going to end in 18 months nations don't start taking action to fight Climate Change. The headline is: "Climate Change: 12 years to save the planet? Make that 18 months."

Headlines that have a doomsday message can manipulate what the article is actually trying to get across and gove fuel to the opposition to argue that there are Climate Change Alarmists.

Take a listen to the episode for more details.

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Direct download: SUFB_S844_TheDoomsdayClockStrikesAgain.mp3
Category:climate change -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Edie Widder, Deep Sea Ecologist and CEO/Founder of ORCA (Ocean Research And Conservation Association Inc), to discuss how her non-profit organization collects coastal and marine data and uses the results to inform communities on how they can conserve their coastline (and neighborhoods better. 

This approach seems like common sense; however, it is unique these days, especially with non-profit organizations. 

Edie and I also discuss two special events that happened while she was out at sea, once in 2012 and once last month. Listened to the episode to find out more.

Would you like to see more Non-Profits like Team ORCA? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S843_TeamORCANonProfitUniqueWithDrEdieWidder.mp3
Category:Dr. Edie Widder -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Have you ever heard of mudflats, salt marshes, mangrove forests, seagrass beds, and coral reefs? They are all habitats that can make or break your coastline. They are also known as Living Shorelines and they are being slowly added back to previously developed areas where the coastlines have been hardened by concrete walls or gravel.

Today's episode is dedicated to Living Shorelines and showing you the benefits of putting back natural areas. It's also a great introduction to the next episode where I speak with Dr. Edie Widder from Team ORCA, where we discuss how living shorelines can help Florida's coastline and algal problem.

Have you spoken to your local government about living shorelines? Share your experiences in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S842_LivingShorelinesForCoastalCommunities.mp3
Category:Living Shorelines -- posted at: 2:33pm EST

There is a huge battle happening in Hawaii right now between the State Government and Native Hawaiians. The peaceful battle is over the construction of the largest telescope (large than the Hubble Space Telescope) on the most sacred land in Hawaii. 

I discuss how science should not take priority over sacred cultural lands. Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S841_DoesScienceTakePriorityOverEverything.mp3
Category:social science -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

A new species of shark has been discovered in the Gulf of Mexico by a team of researchers in 2010. The 5.5-inch American pocket shark was fully described in the researchers' article in the Zootaxa journal. 

I discuss the continued importance to explore the deep-sea as understanding this area could help human survival in the future.

Have you seen a bioluminescent shark like this before? Share your discovery in the Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S840_BioluminescentPocketShark.mp3
Category:Shark -- posted at: 2:07pm EST

This episode is the second part of my interview with Dr. Nathan Robinson who was one of the two marine scientists who video recorded the second only live recording of a live Deep Sea Giant Squid EVER!!!

Nathan discusses the events surrounding and during the analysis of the video. It's quite the story, especially how he describes how he felt when he first saw the footage after 100 hours of dull video viewing nothing, but dark deep-sea.

YouTube links:

Sea Turtle With Straw:

Sea Turtle With Fork:

Nathan's YouTube Channel:

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Direct download: SUFB_S839_2ndRecordingOfALivingDeepSeeSquidWithDrNathanRobinson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:20pm EST

You may remember Nathan being on the podcast a few years ago as he described the event that spearheaded the plastic straw band movement. Nathan was the field biologist who removed the straw that was stuck in the Sea Turtle's nose. The virality of the video made him realize the power of science communication as that video continues to be THE video shown by multiple media outlets to make people aware of the problems of single-use plastic.

Four months later, Nathan emailed me another video where he removed a plastic fork from another Sea Turtle proving that the previous incident was not a one-off chance. 

I recently found out that Nathan was part of the research team that recorded for the second time only a live video of a giant squid in the deep sea. 

In Part 1 of the interview, Nathan and I discuss how science communication is important to him and how it can be used to create conservation opportunities.

YouTube links:

Sea Turtle With Straw:

Sea Turtle With Fork:

Nathan's YouTube Channel:

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Direct download: SUFB_S838_ThePowerOfScienceCommunicationWithDrNathanRobinson.mp3
Category:SciComm -- posted at: 3:50pm EST

High Spring rains and phosphorus are predicted to cause a massive algal bloom in Lake Erie as well as in the Gulf of Mexico. 

Lake Erie has had a history of algal problems given that the agricultural industry surrounds the lake on both sides of the border and Western Lake Erie is very shallow giving way to warmer waters. Phosphorous that washes into the Lake from streams and rivers combined with the warmer waters is a great recipe for algal blooms. 

I talked about the harmful algal blooms in the Gulf of Mexico in past episodes that originates from the output of the Mississippi River.  

Algal blooms as large as the ones predicted in Lake Erie and the Gulf of Mexico can spell bad news for our fight against climate change. Find out why by listening to the show.

What actions are you taking to reduce your use of phosphorus? Share your strategies in the Speak Up For Blue Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S837_LakeEriePredictedToGetMassiveAlgalBloomInJuly.mp3
Category:Harmful Algal Blooms -- posted at: 1:58pm EST

Three more Northern Right Whales have been spotted in the Gulf of St. Lawrence entangled in fishing gear. One whale has been freed by a team of whale stranding professionals. The other two whales have been spotted intermittently, but the weather conditions have not been great to attempt a disentanglement. 

In this episode, I talk about the plight of the Northern Right Whale and what governments and you can do to help save them from extinction.

Links to Whale Rescue Team:

Campobello Whale Rescue Team

Canadian Whale Institute

Donate To The Team

How do you think we can help Northern Right Whales? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S836_NorthernRightWhalesAreInMoreTrouble.mp3
Category:Northern Right Whale -- posted at: 1:34pm EST

It's the answer to many people's question of who would win in a fight: an Orca or a Great White Shark? Over the past few years, researchers have been studying the influence of Orcas on the Great White population. It seems as though Orcas like to eat the livers of White Sharks.

Great White Sharks have been washing up on shore with their livers missing in South Africa; however, the who do it and how was a mystery until researchers came across the video in the article where the theory became realistic.  

How long do you think it was possible before Orcas figured out that the liver was so good for them? Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S835_OrcasPrecisionBitesOnGreatWhites.mp3
Category:Orca Eating Great White Sharks -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Dr. Luiz Rocha found a new species of fairy wrasse, a fish species, in a remote area off of the coast of Madagascar. He asked his colleague YI-Kai Tea to confirm it was a new species to which he did and he named it after Black Panther. The full Latin name of the fish is Cirrhlabrus wakanda. 

The name was meant to be a reference to a pop culture movie because Tea wanted people to identify with the fish in order to conserve it. Conservation of new species is a little tricky. I describe why in the episode. Take a listen.

Do you think new Ocean species should be names after pop culture references? Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S834_NewCoralReefFishSpeciesNamedAfterBlackPantherMovie.mp3
Category:Fish -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

A researcher named Victoria Herrman does most of her work in the Arctic. She wrote an article in the Guardian regarding her government citations that were disappearing. This is a HUGE issue that many scientists from around the world were hoping wouldn't happen...but here we are. 

What do you think we should do about getting access to these documents back? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Japan is excited to start commercial whaling again as their three whaling ships set out to hunt Bryde's, minke, and sei whales. After Japan left the Internation Whaling Commission, it was excited to resume commercial whaling after 30 years without having to worry about the "research" tag, which apparently means that they could produce better quality meat?!

Take a listen to the episode for more details.

How long do you think the whaling will last before Japan says it should stop? Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S832_JapanSetsOutToHuntWhalesWithoutDoingResearch.mp3
Category:Japan Whaling -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

In 2018, there were 27 reported shark incidences that resulted in a shark bite in the US Atlantic Ocean and only 4 in the US Pacific Ocean (3 in Hawaii). Why is there such a difference in shark bites between the two Oceans? Take a listen to find out. 

Do you worry about shark bites when you go in the water? Share your thought in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S831_MoreSharkAttacksInAtlanticThanInPacific.mp3
Category:shark attack -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

The Government Of Canada has reported six Northern Right Whale Deaths in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Four of those deaths came in 48 hours. The Department of Transportation has announced a temporary reduction in ship speed in the area to avoid any future deaths. This action is the same action that the government took two years ago which seemed to work. So why did the government revert back to old ways? 

Do you think the speed should be reduced permanently (or seasonally)? Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S830_6NorthernRightWhalesDieInJuneInCanada.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Are you a recent Marine Conservation graduate who is struggling to find a job? Join the rest of us!!! I've been there! The mental and emotional stress of not finding a job today is excruciating. Many graduates have been searching for more than 3 years after graduating with little success.

Is it time to think of a new way we can do Marine Conservationists even if we are not working in the field or we decide to become an entrepreneur?

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I had a great conversation with a friend of mine on the weekend, where we discussed politics (I know, I's a taboo topic for most people to discuss politics over drinks, especially between two people who have different views). However, the conversation was really good. There was no arguing. No personal attacks. No one was trying to change their minds. It was just two people, who were discussing their political views and events surrounding those views. 

I often get into conversations, where people have a different view as mine surrounding Marine Conservation. I tell you how I approach the conversation about Marine Conservation during this episode.

Take a listen.

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Direct download: SUFB_S828_HowToSpeakToPeopleWhoDontShareTheSameViewsAsYou.mp3
Category:Marine Conservation -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Governments all around the world have made great promises to reduce their impact on Climate Change; however, actions have not been taken towards greenhouse gas reductions that are necessary. For example, the Canadian Government has implemented a Carbon Tax while buying a pipeline at the same time. The US Government is back in the Climate Denial phase. Citizens from these nations are wondering what the hold up is in acting to reduce climate change. 

Do you think any industry should have lobbyists involved in Climate Talks? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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A new paper is out that studied numerous studies on the entanglements in fishing gear and single-use plastics of sharks and rays from around the world. The paper identified the specific animal and/or habitat characteristics that put sharks and rays at more risk. 

Take a listen to the episode for more information.

What would you do to stop the problem of ghost nets? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S826_EntaglementOfSharksRaysWorseThanExpected.mp3
Category:Ghost Nets -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

There is big news on the Sargassum Belt and how Caribbean beaches are bombarded by tons of the seaweed as it is deposited onshore. I've witnessed it myself first hand and I've seen the reactions from tourists who are not happy to see trucks working 10 hours a day to remove the Sargassum from the beach, which they thought was supposed to be peaceful.

Ed Yong wrote a great article on the subject for the Atlantic and I covered it on this episode. Take a listen while you are on the go.

Would Sargassum on a beach prevent you from visiting beaches in the Caribbean? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S825_TheSargassumBeltWhatYouNeedToKnow.mp3
Category:Sargassum Belt -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

This episode is based on a great article that was written for Mongabay News. The article looks at a coastal town in the Philippines that has a booming ecotourism industry for whale shark viewing; however, the sightings have declined over the past few years and it is affecting the coastal town. Find out how by listening to the episode.

What do you think the town should do about their Ecotourism Industry? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S824_WhatHappensToEcotourismTownWhenWildlifeDontShowUp.mp3
Category:ecotourism -- posted at: 6:30pm EST

Ed Yong wrote another great article on the evolution of intelligence in the Octopus. The Mollusc species got more intelligent as they lost their shells. They developed behavioral flexibility and camouflage. It's a great piece that you could read here, but don't forget to listen to the episode if you want the information on the go.

How would you test an Octopus Intelligence? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S823_WhyOctopusesAreSoSmart.mp3
Category:Octopus -- posted at: 2:54pm EST

There is a great podcast called "Commons" that is doing a series on how the Oil and Gas industry has influenced life and politics in Canada. The Commons' latest episode dives into the conspiracy that Conservative politicians have labeled anyone or organization that has foreign funding as eco-extremists trying to keep Canada's Energy landlocked.  It's an interesting time to be a Marine Conservationist, where information spewed by politicians, true or false, tends to dominate the narrative. 

Take a listen and get ready to be met by a $30 Million war room to attack anyone who speaks out against oil and gas to protect the environment. There are interesting times ahead.

Will this stop you from speaking out against the fossil fuel industry? Share your perspective in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S822_ConspiracyToLabelEnvironmentalistsAsExtremists.mp3
Category:SciComm -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was photographed while meeting with some teenagers in his home riding with a bag of plastic cutlery after announcing, just 2 weeks ago, a proposal to ban single-use plastic by 2021. Did he buy the plastic? Probably not; however, the optics are not great and opponents are on the attack. 

We all get caught up in a destructive and wasteful society because that is what we have created. Our society has opted for making money with lighter and cheaper materials rather than sturdy and more efficient materials. 

However, we shouldn't worry about getting caught up in this type of society. We should be more focused on how we ourselves should change the types of products that we use. 

I have some ideas that I mention in the podcast. Share your thoughts on this topic in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S821_GettingCaughtInModernDestruction.mp3
Category:Plastic Pollution -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

An article in the New York Times is highlighting some good news for a subpopulation of Loggerhead Sea Turtles, whose population is rebounding after being considered Endangered almost 10 years ago. 

Find out why the population is rebounding by listening to this episode. Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group ( on how other projects similar to this one in Georgia could benefit Sea Turtle populations in other locations.

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I sat down with Ryan Lindsay as he was sitting in his car getting ready to travel with his young family (18-month-old daughter, wife, and dog) to educate retailers and potential customers on the benefits of regenerative agriculture. His primary goal is to create a better world for his daughter to inherit while his secondary goal is to sell some products. 

Check out the advantage of how regenerative agriculture can sequester Carbon, produce better cattle, and more crops. 

REP Provisions -

REP Provisions Products -

REP Provisions Regenerative Agriculture -

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We discussed Whale Sea Side Sanctuaries in previous episodes (Episode 190) but at that time there was never any reason to believe that captive facilities would ever give up any of the Cetaceans to a Sea Side Sanctuary. However, times have certainly changed. 

Merlin Entertainment has created a company policy of no Cetacean captivity. When Merlin bought an aquarium in Shanghai, they immediately made the decision to find a new home for the two captive Beluga whales names Little Grey and Little White. 

Two years later, the Belugas arrived at their new home ready to be in the wild again. 

Take a listen to the episode to find out more details and share your thoughts on Whale Sea Side Sanctuaries in our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S818_TwoBelugasMoveToKeikosSeasideWhaleSanctuary.mp3
Category:Whale Sanctuaries -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

The mating between a Beluga Father and Narwhal Mother over 30 years ago gave way to a hybridization called a Narluga. The mixing of species sounds great and fun to see the mixing of two species that give features of both parents. However, hybridization could lead to a decrease in adaptive genes that make it easier for Arctic animals to survive in a harsh environment. 

Check out the episode and share your thoughts on how hybridization can be a threat to animals in the Arctic:

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Direct download: SUFB_S817_TheDicoveryOfTheNarluga.mp3
Category:Narluga -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

An unfortunate incident happened along a shoreline within the past week, where a teenage girl was bitten by a sea lion. Video captured the incident as it showed the girl dancing in ankle-deep water as the sea lion bit her. The incident seemed to be unprovoked. 

The girl is okay; however, she is understandably frightened of sea lions. 

The animal was tested for diseases and was identified to have Domoic Acid poisoning, which can occur during algal blooms along a coastline. 

In this episode, I comment on the incident; how the media reported on it; and, the rarity of these types of attacks. 

Are you afraid of sea lions after hearing this story? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S816_13YearOldBittenBySeaLion.mp3
Category:Sea Lions -- posted at: 12:36pm EST

Melissa Marquez (host of the ConCiencia Azul Podcast) wrote a great article in Forbes about the sighting of a potential mating event for Whale Sharks

Whale Sharks are a majestic and mysterious species that researchers are trying to research to help conserve the species as it is now listed and an IUCN Red List "Endangered" Species. 

Check out why I think the species needs to be researched more and how discovering potential mating areas at places such as Ningaloo Reef are so important.

Click here to read more of Melissa's articles of sharks on Forbes

Do you support Whale Shark Research? Share the ways you support Whale Sharks in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S815_NigalooReefWhaleSharkMatingArea.mp3
Category:Whale Sharks -- posted at: 2:03pm EST

I am joined by Jenny Roberts and Alicia Wood from the Pacific Whale Foundation to discuss their new campaign to get their audience to ReTHINK their use of single-use plastics. 

One of their strategies in the campaign, which I absolutely love by the way, is a video published once a week to discuss ways you can ReTHINK your use for specific items (Click here for the link). 

Pacific Whale Foundation

ReTHINK Campaign

How are you ReThinking your use of single-use plastic? Share your strategies in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Ghost nets are a huge problem in the Ocean. Fishing nets that are discarded in the Ocean continue to catch fish, sea turtles, marine mammals, and seabirds in numbers in the hundreds of thousands. 

It is estimated that half of the marine debris in the Ocean is made up of Ghost Nets. We have to make sure that we don't put any more nets into the sea, but it would also be great to get rid of some of the ghost nets that are already out there. 

Ocean Voyages Institute's Founder, Mary T. Crowley, is already in the process to clean up some of the ghost nets. Mary and her colleagues handed out GPS units to mariners and asked them to attach the units to ghost nets. The Ocean Voyages Institute's crew used satellite trackers to collect 40 tons of nets. 

Mary wants to hand out more GPS units this year (150), but each unit costs $1600. If you would like to donate to Ocean Voyages Institute to help them reach their goal, then click here.

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Direct download: SUFB_S813_TrackingGhostNets.mp3
Category:Ghost Nets -- posted at: 2:28pm EST

The Canadian Government declared a climate emergency one day and approve the expansion of a pipeline the next. Can you really reduce climate change when you invest in oil and gas? The answer may seem simple, but it is more complex than you think.

Share your thoughts on the way Canada and other governments are approaching the fight against climate change in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Page:

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A larger group of divers, 633 divers to be exact, got together last weekend to clean the seafloor along Deerfield Beach. The group beat the previous record of 614 set in the Red Sea a few years earlier. 

These events are great for people who want to do more for the Ocean and/or they get more inspired by their actions that they include their friends in the next event that will inspire others. 

Have you picked up trash during a dive? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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A number of authors wrote an article in the Conversation about the poo problem that has hit the increasingly populated Australian Coastlines. The descriptive article compares a number of cities that have experienced an increase in the human population, which has increased the amount of sewage that needs to be treated before it goes out to the Ocean.

I discuss some of the effects of "poopy" water on the environment and on the human population and their drinking water supplies.

Does your city have proper sewage treatment? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S810_AustraliaCoastlinesHaveAPooProblem.mp3
Category:Marine Sewage -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

I had the pleasure to sit down and chat with Nick Wehner about something different other than Open Access Journals! We talk about Nick's career in Marine Conservation, and more specifically, Nick's experience in Marine Conservation as a member of the LGBTQ Community. 

One thing that I realized with Nick is that he works to serve other people, whether it is in Marine Conservation or being the President of the LGBTQ community in grad school. 

Take a listen to Nick's story and share your thoughts on the episode in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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I had the pleasure of interviewing James Nikitine for this episode. James is a Marine Conservationist with a specialization in Marine Policy and Science Communication. 

James and I discuss how he got to where he is today and what his production company, Manaia Productions, is going to do for marine conservation. He also discusses his recent move with the family to New Zealand and how this will help his business and Marine Conservation.

Links for James Nikitine:

Manaia Productions:

James On Twitter:

James On LinkedIn:

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There is a video that is making rounds on Canadian Social Media feeds that attacks the proposed bill on a Canadian-wide ban of single-use plastics by 2021. While the rest of the world is rejoicing at the thought of the ban, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's opponents say the bill should not matter because Canada does not produce most of the plastic pollution as compared to other nations.

It is estimated that 165 million tons of plastic pollution in the ocean.

Even 1%, which is what the video estimates as Canada's plastic pollution output is, of that would be over 1 million tons of plastic pollution. That's quite a bit of pollution. 

I refute many of the "facts" that the video provides. 

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Direct download: SUFB_S807_PoliticsAndPlastics.mp3
Category:Plastic Pollution -- posted at: 5:33pm EST

I sit down with Christine Figgener today to discuss #SeaTurtleWeek that started on June 8th and ends on June 16th. There is a coordinated effort by sea turtle practitioners all over the world to create awareness for the 7 species of Sea Turtles on the planet. 

Christine tells us her story of how she became interested in Marine Conservation, specifically Sea Turtles and how she got into science communication (scicomm). 

Sea Turtle Week Links:

Sea Turtle Week:

See Turtles:

Christine Figgener Instagram:

Christine Figgener YouTube:

Have you seen Sea Turtle information pop up in your feed? Share the information (text, images or videos) in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group: 

What do you think about the ban? Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S806_SeaTurtleWeekWithChristineFiggener.mp3
Category:Sea Turtles -- posted at: 2:57pm EST

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a federal ban on single-use plastic to be implemented in 2021. There will be a list of items that will be banned; however, the list hasn't been fully created yet. 

Trudeau also mentioned that the plan will include working with manufacturers to reduce the amount of plastic used in their packaging. 

There is some criticism from the opposition party, but you will have to take a listen to find out more.

What do you think about the ban? Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S805_CanadaToBanSingleUsePlastic.mp3
Category:Plastic Pollution -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

I had the pleasure to speak to Dianna Cohen, CEO of the Plastic Pollution Coalition, a coalition of 750 organizations, businesses, and individuals. 

During our conversation, we discuss how Dianna got into fighting Plastic Pollution, how the coalition started, why REFUSE is the fourth (and first R), and how you could like a plastic-free lifestyle.  

Do you strive to live a Plastic-Free lifestyle? Share your tactics in our Facebook Group:

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I hope you have a wonderful World Ocean's Day. I have a little something for you to think about on this day and every day moving forward.

Take a listen.

What are you doing on Ocean's Day? Share what you are doing in our Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S803_HappyOceansDay.mp3
Category:World Ocean's Day -- posted at: 1:33pm EST

I had the pleasure to sit down with Sara Cannon to discuss her PhD work on how coral reefs in Micronesia respond to Human Impacts and Coral Reefs.

Sara brings up a great point in the interview that some coral reef species are not better off in an MPA as they may not be good for MPAs, especially if they have a large cover. She adds that if those coral species are susceptible to climate change and are responsible for most of the coral coverage, then the reef will have a difficult time recovering as most of the coral will be bleached and often dead.

Sara and I also discuss June being Pride month and her challenges as someone who is part of the LGBTQ + community faces in the Marine Conservation field.

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Two fishermen who recorded (yes, recorded) themselves mutilating a Greenland Shark at sea by cutting off its tail and throwing it back in the water and laughing as it tries to swim away. You can watch the video here, but I will warn you that it is graphic. 

I focused my discussion on enforcement and how some agencies are using video recorded by idiots in this story that mutilate animals on the Ocean. 

What are your thoughts on enforcement in the Ocean? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S801_FishermenWhoMutilatedGreenlandSharkGetFired.mp3
Category:Animal Welfare -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Dr. Chris Parsons, Director Of Science Content for Speak Up For Blue, interviews Jen Sewada of the PEW Charitable Trusts on how they are working with partner organizations to get Mako, Guitar, and Wedge Sharks protected in the CITES list. 

Find out what CITES is and the strategy used to get other sharks on the list by listening to this episode.

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Direct download: SUFB_S800_JenSawada.mp3
Category:CITES -- posted at: 5:39pm EST

Dr. David Shiffman wrote a great article for Scientific American based on a science journal article about the management of protected species. The journal article in Ecology and Evolution looked at the interactions of one protected species, the great white shark, with another protected species, the sea otter. Both species are conservation success stories; however, the great white sharks are killing sea otters with exploratory bites.

So how do we manage the influence of one protected species on another? I discuss it in this episode. Take a listen.

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Direct download: SUFB_S799_WhatHappensWhenOneProtectedSpeciesEatsAnother.mp3
Category:Protected Species -- posted at: 2:54pm EST

There was a great write up on about how nature documentaries may focus too much on the beautiful nature and not enough on the behavior change that is necessary to solve the issues facing nature. 

I would like to hear your thoughts on nature documentaries and their role in conservation. Share them in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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In yesterday's episode, I mentioned that working to live an Ocean-Friendly life can lead to a change in mindset in each individual that could lead to bigger changes. I explain it all in this episode and I think it will help you when someone tells you that doing stuff as an individual doesn't do anything for the environment. 

Do you agree with me? share your thoughts in the Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S797_HowBeingOceanFriendlyAtHomeCanLeadToBetterThings.mp3
Category:Ocean Lifestyle -- posted at: 4:09pm EST

In 2016, a mass die-off of thousands of tufted puffins washed up emaciated and either dead or dying due to changes in their food supply. 

Puffins are seabirds that feed on pollock, cod, and other fish at the edge of cold pools in the Bearing Sea. The puffins rely on the healthy fish to eat so that they have the energy to fly, molt, and survive the harsh environment of Alaska. 

Unfortunately, the warming weather prevents the cold pools from forming, which spreads the fish out over thousands of kilometers. The puffins have to fly further to catch prey. 

Listen to the episode for more details of why puffins are dying and how Climate Change is playing a role.

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Direct download: SUFB_S796_WhyDidAMassDieOffOfPuffinsHappenInAlaska.mp3
Category:Puffins -- posted at: 4:31pm EST

Darcie Anderson is my guest today and she is here to tell us how she is living for a better Ocean. Darcie has lived in 5 countries, including living 500 meters from the Ocean in a Nature Reserve. She is a second-year student in Marine Science at the University of Highlands and Islands in Scotland and she is a youth leader from AYUDH Europe, an organization that empowers youth to lead in social and environmental change. 

Check out what Darcie has accomplished in such a short time by listening to this episode. 

Here are the links mentioned in this episode:

Beach Watch By Marine Conservation Society

Hunt For THe Nurdle

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Did you know that countries ship their recycled waste to other countries for recycling and disposal? Well, apparently it's been happening for a while, but it seems like it's going to stop now.

Malaysia and the Philippines are sick and tired of Canada's Recycled and Contaminated waste so they are sending it back. 

As a Canadian, I am appalled that we were sending our Trash away. It will be interesting to see what happens to the trash we get back and what we produce in the future. As usual, I have some thoughts and share them in this episode.

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Direct download: SUFB_S794_CanadasRecyclingReturningFromOverseas.mp3
Category:Plastic Pollution -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

I've lived through a Category 3 Hurricane before and it was intense...I know, I know, that's nothing compared to what the people along the US East Coast have experienced. I can't imagine what it would be like to live through a Category 5 Hurricane!

Well, according to recent research from Columbia University and NOAA, hurricane intensity may increase further as Climate Change progresses. 

Sea Surface Temperature

An increase in global sea surface temperature can affect everything from phytoplankton to the migration patterns of whales. It can also affect the intensity of Hurricanes, which we have witnessed over the past few decades. 

Wind Shear

Wind Shear (the difference between wind speed or direction between the lower and upper troposphere) can also be affected by Climate Change. High wind shear will keep Hurricanes less intense, whereas as low wind shear will intensify the landfalling and the storm surge.

I discuss how this effect can affect the way people live along the Eastern seaboard. 

Will this news change your thoughts on living along the US Coastline? Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group:

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The title of this episode changes as I provide my opinion on the clothes that are available (fast fashion) and the clothes that we should be buying (vintage, 2nd hand clothes made of natural fibers). The whole idea of fast fashion selling cheap clothes ($4 for a t-shirt is just not right!) makes me makes me even more queezy that I am attracted to those deals because, well, I'm cheap!

I change the topic during this episode because I figured out that changing from fast fashion to 2nd-hand clothing is a change in behaviour and it needs to be convenient for us in order to change. People will not buy eco-friendly products just because you say it's better for the environment. The product needs to work and be convenient to purchase. 

Article I discussed during the episode:

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Direct download: SUFB_S792_MovingAwayFromFastFashion.mp3
Category:Fast Fashion -- posted at: 1:30pm EST

At the Collision Conference, I had the chance to speak with some of the Entrepreneurs that are trying to disrupt the current environmentally harmful markets with products and services that will replace the status quo. 

I describe four companies that impressed me at the conference that was out to change the world. 

The Brands I Talked About During The Show:

Edible Brandz

Plant Plus - no website right now



Would you use the products from these companies? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S791_CollisionConferenceEcoFriendlyStartups.mp3
Category:Collision Conference -- posted at: 1:02pm EST

This episode is coming at you straight from the Collision Conference, a conference where tech meets solutions for everything. Today, I am focused on the Planet: Tech portion of the conference, where I saw speakers from the Plastic Pollution Coalition, Climate Action Network Canada, Loliware, Akoin (From the musician, Akon!), and the CEO of the Leonardo Dicaprio Foundation. I also saw a very special guest, Environment And Climate Change Minister, Catharine McKenna!

They all converged to discuss how we need technology to fight climate change, loss of biodiversity and a whole suite of problems facing the planet. 

I provide a quick summary of what went down during the morning and I hope to get you some interviews in the coming days.

Let me know in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group what tech solutions you know of that are helping the planet:

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Direct download: SUFB_S790_CollisionConferencesPlanetTech.mp3
Category:Planet Tech -- posted at: 3:01pm EST

Nick Wehner from Open Communications For The Ocean (OCTO) joins me again today to discuss the updates to the new version of the MarXiv ( pre-print, open-access database. 

During the episode, Nick and I discuss the goals achieved by the database in less than two years and how much money it saved users who would otherwise have to pay a high fee subscription just to get access to important Marine Conservation research behind paywall accounts. 

Have you accessed MarXiv yet? Let me know why in our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S789_NewVersionOfMarXivOnItsWay.mp3
Category:MarXiv -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

I was invited to a conference by a listener of this podcast, Rachel Wheeler, that I've never attended before. The conference is called the Collision Conference, which involves solving a number of problems through technology. There are 500 speakers at the conference including Prime Minister Trudeau, Seth Rogen, the CEO from the Plastic Pollution Coalition, and the CEO from the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. Needless to say, I am pretty excited; however, I am a little nervous as I don't know what to expect. 

This episode is how I am prepping for a new conference and what I will do with my media badge.

How do you prep for conferences? Share your strategies in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S788_PreppingForAConferenceThatIveNeverBeenToBefore.mp3
Category:Conferences -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Researchers have found a massive amount of plastic on a remote island in the Indian Ocean. The plastic and debris were not made or used by a population of 600 people that live on the island. It came from other countries generated by other people. 

Unfortunately, the local community will be affected by this plastic pollution for decades to come as it will take a lifetime to get rid of all of the plastic. The presence of plastic pollution will affect tourism and could affect the local economy.

Check out more details in the episode. How are you going to change your plastic usage in the future? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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A new study has revealed a warming Climate has caused a change in the number, location, and intensity of Tornadoes in the US' Tornado Alley. 

I discuss how tornadoes have changed over the past 4 decades and what those ramifications could be for the average US citizen. I also discuss how Climate Change has affected other types of storms and their ramifications.

Take a listen and let me know whether you would live in an area where you know there are going to be more intense storms. Share in the Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S786_ClimateChangeCausingAShiftInTornadoAlley.mp3
Category:Tornado -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Recent laws that were made in the US regarding abortion made me think that we as citizens in our own countries need to pay attention to politics and how our elected officials vote on particular issues, especially issues that affect the Oceans. It doesn't matter what side of the political spectrum you are on, your elected officials should represent the values of their constituents. We need to monitor environmental issues closely.

In this episode, I discuss how we can do this to make sure laws involving environmental issues that are dear to us don't go the opposite of what we want. 

Take a listen to the episode and share your experiences on watching key issues that are important to you. Share them in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S785_KeepAnEyeOnPolitics.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

During yesterday's episode, I talked about how we need to stop letting trash get in our Ocean by living an Ocean Lifestyle. It's a way to make sure that we ask ourselves if what we do, eat, or where will negatively affect the Ocean. 

An Ocean Lifestyle requires educating ourselves on how we can do better and what we can do or buy to make sure we are not having a negative impact on our planet, especially the Ocean.

Take a listen as to what I say in this episode and let me know in our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group ( how you are living an Ocean Lifestyle.

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Direct download: SUFB_S784_PursuingAnOceanLifestyle.mp3
Category:Ocean Lifestyle -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

It's amazing that we can find trash in the deepest parts of the Ocean. And when I say amazing, I mean that in the most depressing way!

Some people see the news of trash in the deepest parts of the Ocean and don't know what I do. Other people, like myself, see trash at the deepest parts of the Ocean and want to see action. 

I want to see myself and my community doing more to stop using wasteful products. I want to see us avoid buying products based on waste packaging. I want to see your efforts on social media. Tag me on Instagram, Tag me on Twitter, Post in the Facebook Group images of the type of eco-friendly products you use. Let's build a community of "Doers!"

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Direct download: SUFB_S783_ExplorerSetsDepthRecordAndFindsTrash.mp3
Category:Plastic Pollution -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

A recent opinion article that was written by George Monbiot in the Guardian told everyone to stop eating fish in order to save fish stocks. Monbiot listed a number of problems with the current fishing industry in the UK (and can be echoed around the world) and quickly dismissed the solutions that are being implemented to reduce and stop over-fishing. 

I disagree with some of the points made by Monbiot in regards to the success of the conservation solutions. Take a listen to the program.

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Direct download: SUFB_S782_CanThePlanetStopEatingFish.mp3
Category:Sustainable Fisheries -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Dr. Johnny Briggs from the PEW Charitable Trust's Bertarelli Ocean Legacy Program to discuss his work on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and Other Effective Conservation Measures (OECMs) in the UK and the Overseas Territories. The UK committed to protecting 60% of its coastline using a combination of MPAs and OECMs.

Take a listen to determine how PEW and their partners worked on achieving such an ambitious goal.

Do you think they will reach their goal? Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group:

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Punta Fuego is a Belizean Radio show that follows a fictitious character named Richie, who is a fisherman trying to stay on the right side of the law and abide by fisheries regulations. 

The radio show is designed to target fishing villages across the country to bring about the education of fisheries regulations of Marine Protected Areas. The show has made more fishers aware fo regulations and boundaries of the real MPA. 

Listen to this episode for more information.

Do you think there should be more radio shows that target fishers for conservation purposes? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S780_PuentaFuegoRadioIsHelpingProtectFisheries.mp3
Category:Radio -- posted at: 2:26pm EST

Dr. Chris Parsons joins me on the podcast again today. This time Chris is discussing the results of a new report on the science of mortality and life expectancy of Marine Mammals in captivity compared to wild. 

There are many misleading "facts" out there regarding mortality and life expectancy so this report comes at the right time. 

Listen to Chris discuss the details now and let us know your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Last week a video surfaced of some boaters in Norway that came upon a Beluga Whale in the wild. the interesting fact about this video was that the Beluga Whale had Russian military straps on it. The internet became outraged that this poor Beluga whale was being used to spy for the Russian government; however, what many people failed to realize was that the US military also has a history of using marine mammals.

Dr. Chris Parsons agreed to join me (last minute!!!) to discuss the use of marine mammals in the military along with how they are treated and the protections for the marine mammals.

What do you think of the use of marine mammals in the military? Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group:

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Imagine a life where all businesses go about their business with minimal impact on the Ocean and the Planet as a whole. It sounds like a great dream, doesn't it?! According to a recent UN Global Environmental Health Report, we will need to make serious changes faster to reach that dream, or else. 

The UN Report is a damning one that calls out deleterious human practices that have altered most of the Planet's habitats and put millions of species at risk of extinction as a result.

Listen to the episode for more details and how we enact change within our governments. 

What do you think of the report? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S777_UNGlobalHealthReportCallsForMajorChanges.mp3
Category:Ocean -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Dr. Jane Lubchenko, the NOAA Administrator from 2009-2013 while President Obama was in power, called out the Trump Administrations new Nominee for the same position in an Oped in the New York Times.  

Her reasons? 1) He has no scientific background; and, 2) He has a serious conflict of interest. Tune into the episode to find out more.

Share your thoughts on the nominee in our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S776_DrJaneLubchenkoWritesOpEdTellingUSSenateToRejectNOAANominee.mp3
Category:NOAA -- posted at: 9:47pm EST

Large Basking Sharks have been spotted off the coast of Southern California. It's important to note that this has not happened in decades, according to this article. There has actually been an increase in sightings of Basking Sharks, which could mean two things: 1) More people are able to identify Basking Sharks and not mistake them for Great White Sharks; and/or, 2) There are more Basking Sharks coming to the coastline. 

Either one of those possibilities means good news for the Basking Shark population. Find out why by listening to the episode.

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Direct download: SUFB_S775_MoreBaskingSharksSeenOffTheCoastOfSouthernCalifornia.mp3
Category:Basking Sharks -- posted at: 9:13pm EST

The Buzz Phrase on the month has been "Climate Change Emergency." Federal Governments, States/Provincial Governments, and Municipal Governments have declared Climate Change Emergencies all over the world. However, some governments may just be using it as a way to build a positive relationship with their citizens.  

I discuss 3 articles relating to Climate Change Emergency Declarations and Actions from China, the UK, and my city of Burlington, Ontario in Canada. Take a listen.

Do you think the Climate Change Emergency Declarations are an important step for governments to take in the fight against Climate Change? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S774_WhatDoesDeclaringAClimateChangeEmergencyActuallyMean.mp3
Category:climate change -- posted at: 12:56pm EST

There are reports of Grey Whales washing up along the West Coast of the US dead. Necropsies were conducted on 20 individuals and the bodies were found to be emaciated, which means the whales have not been eating properly. 

This is a concerning situation because Grey Whales feed by scooping up the sediment and eating the crustaceans that lie within it. If there is not enough food within the sediment, then perhaps managers need to look at what is happening to the sediment such as trawling. 

Trawling can be a destructive practice whereby fishing gear scrapes along the ocean floor to catch bottom-dwelling species in their nets. 

There is a big need to find a solution to this matter as there is a good chance that it is due to human disturbance. 

What do you think is causing the Grey Whale deaths? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S773_GreyWhalesWashingUpOnBeachDead.mp3
Category:Grey Whale -- posted at: 2:23pm EST

You never know what is going to happen when you are working in the Marine Conservation Field. It doesn't matter if you are a scientist, a communicator or a marketer because your job could be gone at any moment. 

I'm not trying to scare you. I am trying to prepare you for what might happen to your career as it happened to me as well. 

Working in this field is not secure by any means. You work on temporary contracts, full-time contracts, permanent status, and more options, I'm sure; however, you have to be prepared to apply for jobs as soon as you either quit or lose a job. 

Keeping your resume updated will help you with getting the next job. In this episode, I talk about the many reasons why you need to keep your resume up to date and how you can do it. 

Take a listen to the episode to find out.

Do you keep your resume updated while you have a job? Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S772_KeepYourResumeUpToDate.mp3
Category:Marine Conservation careers -- posted at: 12:03pm EST

Indonesia is home to the largest coastline in Asia and one of the most biodiverse areas in the Ocean, including the number of marine mammal species that occupy the coastline and deeper sea either for food, call it home or use the island as a migration area to get to their next location.

Unfortunately, the marine mammals don't always swim off into the sunset as they tend to strand quite a bit along the coastline of Indonesia. The citizens that live along the coastline do not always know how to help the stranded marine mammals and if they try to help, they could be doing more harm than good. 

The Government of Indonesia has been in the process of running trainings and workshops to help empower the local coastal communities to help when a stranding event occurs. 

Check out the episode for more detail.

Would you ever join a Marine Mammal Stranding Organizations? Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S771_IndonesiaTrainsCitizensForStrandingRescue.mp3
Category:Marine Mammal Stranding -- posted at: 1:18pm EST

It FINALLY HAPPENED!!! The Canadian Government has upped its Marine Protected Area Standards to exclude some extractive industries from MPA boundaries. 

Take a listen to the episode to find out more details.

Share your thoughts on this monumental decision for Canada and the Ocean in our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S770_CanadianMPAsNowHaveBetterStandards.mp3
Category:Marine Protected Areas -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

A new study from researchers at Rutgers University-New Brunswick is out concluding that climate change impacts marine species has twice the impact than on land species. 

Take a listen to the episode to find out why.

What do you do to reduce your impact on Climate Change? Share your strategies in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Imagine walking up and down the beach on a peaceful morning enjoying the sunrise with your significant other, or may even your family. You enjoy the calmness that is brought by the gentle waves hitting the sandy shore. As the sun lightens the sky, you quickly realize that there are a number of objects along the beach ahead of you. It's a number of dead dolphins...cue horror movie-like music. 

This is happening up and down the coast of Peru right now. Over 3,000 dead dolphins have washed ashore and the culprit might be oil and gas exploration. 

Take a listen to the episode to find out how this happens. 

Do you think the cause of the dead dolphins is oil and gas exploration? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S768_3000DeadDolphinsWashUpAlongCoastalPeru.mp3
Category:Dolphins -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Have you ever wondered what marine conservation looks like in Asia, specifically China? I sat down with Marcy Trent Long, who is the host of the podcast Sustainable Asia, to find out what is happening in the environment in China. 

Take a listen to find out about Marcy's Journey and how she finds ways to communicate environmental issues in China in a country where it can be difficult to communicate in general.

Sustainable Asia Podcast

Let us know what you think of Marcy's podcast in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S767_SustainableAsiaWithMarcyTrentLong.mp3
Category:Sustainable Asia -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation and the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science have created a Global Coral Reef map covering 65,000 square kilometers that is available for free to the public.  

The dataset was collected over a 10-year period as researchers traveled to over 1,000 coral reefs in 15 different countries. 

I talk about the amount of work that has to go into creating a dataset that uses satellites and field data during this episode. Take a listen.


Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation

University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine And Atmospheric Science

Project Seagrass

How do you think the map will be used for conservation? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S766_GlobalCoralReefMapForConservation.mp3
Category:Coral Reef -- posted at: 3:05pm EST

I had the wonderful pleasure of sitting down with Janis Searle Jones, the CEO of the Ocean Conservancy, to discuss how the Ocean Conservancy started working to prevent trash (debris and plastics) from entering the Oceans. Their work started with the launch and growth of the International Coastal Clean-Up, which removes 2.5 million pounds of trash every year. Now the Ocean Conservancy has a Trash Free Seas program that works to prevent plastic pollution from entering the Ocean.

My discussion with Janis involves how the Ocean Conservancy works in collaboration with other non-profit organizations and the private sector to address plastic pollution and create a more circular economy. 

Take a listen to the podcast to find out more details about the Ocean Conservancy's Program and how Janis became CEO of the organization.

How would you approach the private sector while discussing plastic pollution? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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There is a great article in Hakai Magazine involving the questions as to whether every seal should be rescued. Normally, we think of seal rescues as helping a sea rehabilitate from an injury from fishing gear or being shot by humans; however, in the Netherlands, people are rescuing seal pups when the pups are alone on the beach; however, there is a problem with that process. Sometimes the pups are not abandoned all of the time. 

Mother seals will leave their pups alone on the beach after a few weeks old to forage for food. They feed the pups the food when they get back. The foraging could take up to 24 hours. 

So there is a big controversy surrounding the issue of seal rescue in the Netherlands. Listen to the episode to find out more information.

Do you agree with rescuing every pup you see "abandoned?" Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S764_DoAllSealsNeedRescuing.mp3
Category:Seal Rescue -- posted at: 1:55pm EST

Happy Earth Day!!!

I am joined by Angelo Villagomez. He is the man who started the #30EarthMonthHeroes to get people to highlight the people who they admire in the fight to conserve our planet, on land and in the sea.

Angelo and I discuss why he started the hashtag and some of the results he has observed since April 1st. 

Check out the hashtag by clicking here: #30EarthMonthHeroes

What are you doing for Earth Day? Share your experiences in our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S763_30EarthMonthHeroes.mp3
Category:Earth Day -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Last week the world witnessed a fire that destroyed most of the historic Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France. Two days after the fire was put out, there were $700 million Euros donated by billionaires and governments to restore the cathedral.

The question that crossed the minds of many people was: Why can't mobilize the same amount of money for environmental issues such as Climate Change?

I rant about this on this episode.

Do you agree with me? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S762_NotreDameCathedralVsTheEnvironment.mp3
Category:Notre Dame Cathedral -- posted at: 10:06pm EST

The Great White Shark is a predator there is no doubt about that; however, is it THE apex predator? In other words, is there something else that hunts down the Great White Shark? There is and this animal is the Apex predator of the Ocean. 

This animal has been known to hunt Great White Sharks off the coast of South Africa and off the West Coast of the United States. 

Can you guess what this animal is? Listen to the episode and let us know your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S761_GreatWhiteSharksAreAfraidOfOrcas.mp3
Category:Great White Sharks -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Horseshoe crabs are amazing to see along the beaches from Maine to Florida. We often see them in the touch tanks at public aquariums. They are cool looking with their armored shell and prehistoric look. In fact, they are prehistoric. They have been around for 450 million years with little change in their looks. 

Humans have found an important use for them as well and that alone fuels the need to protect these prehistoric species. 

Listen to the episode to find out why. 

Do you know why horseshoe crabs are not really considered crabs? Share your answers in the Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S760_WeNeedToProtectHorseshoeCrabsAndHereIsWhy.mp3
Category:Horseshoe Crabs -- posted at: 7:02pm EST

Teresa Iglesias, a biologist at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, recently co-authored a paper on whether cuttlefish can dream. Teresa and her team observed Rapid Eye Movement (REM) in cuttlefish during an experiment that also occurs in mammals and other vertebrates. REM in humans is what scientists think leads us to dream. Of course, it is difficult to provide evidence that cuttlefish dream, the possibility of it happening is more real than we might have thought before this study.

Link to study:

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Direct download: SUFB_S759_DoCuttlefishSleep.mp3
Category:Cuttlefish -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

The Endangered Right Whale population has been through a lot of survival problems since its population started to decline in 2010. There are now an estimated 411 individual whales left and less than 100 breeding females. It's not a good sign. 

Two years ago, we lost 17 individuals from the population after many of them died in the Gulf of St. Lawrence due to either ship strikes or fishing gear entanglement. Things were not looking good for the population; however, in 2018, we didn't have any reported mortalities and this year we have observed 7 Northern Right Whale Calves in there wintering location around Jacksonville, Florida

You bet researchers and conservationists are keeping a close eye on the mother and calf pairs. 

Listen to the episode for more details and share your thoughts on what the calves mean for the Northern Right Whale Population in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S758_RightWhaleCalvesSpottedInCapeCodBay.mp3
Category:Northern Right Whale Calf -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

I am joined by Dr. Stacy Baez, who works with the PEW Charitable Trust on their Bertarelli Ocean Legacy Program. Stacy and I discuss the work that PEW does all around the world to support the discussion, strategies, and implementation of Marine Protected Areas. 

Stacy's job involves traveling to different countries and speaking to governments as well as other stakeholders about the benefits of MPAs and help them to understand how MPAs could help their local situation. 

Warning: There are times where I speak too much during the interview (I apologize for that). I tend to get excited and sidetracked when discussing MPAs. Dr. Baez answered every question with fantastic answers and I am proud to publish this episode.

Share your thoughts on the status of MPAs around the world in our Speak Up for Blue Facebook Group:

Links mentioned during this episode:

PEW Bertarelli Ocean Legacy Program

Angelo's Post On PEWs Blog

Paper: Large Marine Protected Areas - Status

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Direct download: SUFB_S757_PEWResearchKeyToLargeMarineProtectedAreas.mp3
Category:PEW -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Fauna and Flora International has reported that zero leatherback sea turtles nested along the beaches in the Rio Escalente Chacocente Wildlife Reserve this past season. A result that has the scientists at FFI worried about the future of Leatherback Sea Turtles in the Eastern Pacific that once had 30-40 female individuals nest on the same beaches in the 1980s. 

The rapid decline has been attributed to a boom in turtle and egg poaching during the 80s and 90s as well as adults getting killed in legal and illegal fishing nets. 

5-10 individual female turtles nested on the same beaches in 2018. Researches are puzzled as to why the turtles did not return and hope to find ways to get sea turtles back to the beach. 

Listen to the episode to find out we the female to male sea turtle ration is also worrying marine scientists in this region.

Share your thoughts on Sea Turtle Conservation in the Speak Up For The Ocean Blue Podcast:

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We see Marine Protected Areas being designated left, right, and centre. We always hear about the percentage of the area of the Oceans that are being designated. There is a reason for that. It's because of the Convention Of Biological Diversity at the meeting in Aichi, Japan (Target 11) that calls for nations to protect 10% of the Ocean. 

A recent paper calls out nations for focusing too much on the percentage instead of evaluating the type of biodiversity that is being protected. 

Check out the episode to listen to the details.

Share your thoughts on MPAs near you in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S755_MPAsQualityOverQuantity.mp3
Category:Marine Protected Areas -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

We have witnessed many floods around the world lately. It's Spring, so the snow melts in the temperate parts of the world, which causes more water to run. When you add Spring rainfall into the mix, then you get even more water running everywhere. 

Traditionally, the extra water would flood in areas known as floodplains. The floodplains tend to be natural areas that would get flooded every once and a while, but wouldn't harm anyone...until humans started to develop on them.

Find out why governments do not want to help the people who buy or build homes in floodplains by listening to this episode.

Share your thoughts on whether you would want to bail people out after they purchased houses on floodplains:

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Direct download: SUFB_S754_DontBuildYourHomesInFloodPlains.mp3
Category:Floodplains -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

If Anemones and their close relatives, corals, don't have a tough enough time with climate change consequences that cause mass bleaching, they seem to also be dealing with taking in microfibres

Microfibres enter the ocean through "shedding" during the laundry cycle, enter into the sewage treatment system and get into local waterways that will empty into the ocean, eventually. 

The microfibres could be from nylon, polyester, and polypropylene materials. Take a look and the tags on your clothes and see if these materials are on them. Chance are they are there because they are quite common. 

Listen to the episode to find out about the study that discovered this possibility. Share your thoughts on how you buy your clothes to prevent microfibres from getting into the Ocean in our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S753_AnemonesTakeInMicrofibres.mp3
Category:Microfibres -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

I received an email this morning that inspired this episode. I get asked many times how people can change careers to one that is in Marine Conservation. It's not easy and for many, it can be scary. 

I provide some advice for those of you who want to change your careers to Marine Conservation. 

I would be more than happy to help you with your career. I also offer coaching services for those who are really ready to go after the career they want.

Feel free to ask questions about your career in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S752_SwitchingToACareerInMarineConservation.mp3
Category:Marine Conservation careers -- posted at: 2:20pm EST

Belize has doubled the amount of No-Take Marine Protected Areas in its waters to boost biodiversity and protect fisheries from future fishing pressure. 

The new No-Take MPAs as located in waters that range from 200-3000 metre deep and includes a coral reef complex called the Corona Reef. Corona Reef has been identified as an aggregation area of commercially important finfish species. The MPAs are not under significant fishing pressure at the moment; however, investments have been made to build larger boats and better gear that will handle the new depth range. 

The MPAs are designed to pro-actively protect the finfish species before the aggregation areas are depleted due to overfishing.

The No-Take MPA increase puts Belize at 12% of its coastal and marine waters over the 10% goal outlined in the Convention on Biological Diversity. 

Do you think this is good forward thinking by the Belizean Government? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S751_BelizeNearlyDoublesNoTakeMPAInDeeperWaters.mp3
Category:Marine Protected Areas -- posted at: 4:23pm EST

There is nothing better than watching a nature documentary narrated by David Attenborough. The graphics delight my eyes and Attenborough's voice soothes my soul! It's why I was so excited that Netflix released its Original Series called Our Planet (Available Now!). 

I started watching the series and I was quite surprised to see a graphic scene at the end of the second episode entitled Frozen Planet. One of the final scenes showed Walruses falling off cliffs along the Alaskan shores as they were trying to get back in the water. I don't know Walruses could climb? I definitely didn't know that they can't climb back down.

It's a graphic scene that had me wondering. Luckily, there is an article that explains part of the story. I discuss it in this episode.

Listen to the episode to find out why these animals fall off cliffs.

Did you think the Walrus scene was too graphic? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S750_WhyAreWalrusesFallingoffCliffsInOurPlanet.mp3
Category:Walruses -- posted at: 4:16pm EST

For decades the Queensland Government has been authorizing the killing of a list of sharks that may pose harm to bathers along the beautiful beaches of the Great Barrier Marine Park. The Shark population has since decreased due to the ignorant killings.  Sharks would be caught on baited drum lines and government contractors would go and shoot the sharks. 

The Humane Society launched a lawsuit in collaboration with other Marine Conservation Organizations, including Law Organizations to stop the senseless killing. Even the science says killing sharks will not offer better protections against bathers. 

The courts have ruled in favor of the sharks as they sided with the scientific evidence that proves shark cullings do not work to protect bathers. 

Drum lines may still be used; however, the sharks will have to be released almost immediately as well as tag all great white sharks, bull sharks, and tiger sharks. 

Do you agree with the ban on killing sharks? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For The Ocean Blue Podcast:

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Direct download: SUFB_S749_SharksProtectedInGreatBarrierReef.mp3
Category:Shark Protection -- posted at: 4:11pm EST

S-203 is a Bill in Canada that will make marine mammal captivity illegal in Canada. The bill is set to be presented in the House of Common before the House is released for summer. The Vancouver Aquarium and Marineland are the only two facilities that currently hold marine mammals. The current cetaceans in the facilities are grandfathered in; however, they cannot take on any more animals after the bill is implemented. A fine of $200,000 for each violation will be enforced if the facilities do not abide by the new law.

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Direct download: SUFB_S748_CanadaSetToPassBanOnMarineMammalCaptivityBill.mp3
Category:Marine Mammals -- posted at: 5:57pm EST

Nick Wehner joins me on the podcast today to discuss the use of the p-values in Marine Science studies. Statistical Societies have been telling the science community to be careful of only using the p-values as a way to measure significance as that is not always enough; however, it seems as though the scientific community has not changed its ways in its use of the p-value. 

What say you? Share your thought in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

Links Associated with this Episode:

Open Communications For The Oceans


American Statistical Association's Statement on p-Values: Context, Process, and Purpose

Summary of the Above Article in Nature

Impact of Criticism of Null‐Hypothesis Significance Testing on Statistical Reporting Practices in Conservation Biology

Improving the transparency of statistical reporting in Conservation Letters

Learning more open research methodology

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Direct download: SUFB_S747_SignificanceOfPValuesIsItEnough.mp3
Category:Conservation Statistics -- posted at: 1:00pm EST