Sun, 29 November 2015
Ocean Geologists have discovered and mapped a volcano with unique properties. the properties will reveal a better understanding of how our world is formed.
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Fri, 27 November 2015
SUFB 060: Ocean Talk Friday Dolphin Friendly Labelling; Fish Vessel ID; Citizen Science; and, Fish Camouflage
Nathan Johnson is our guest on the Ocean Talk Friday Show this week as we talk about Dolphin Friendly Labelling; Fishing Vessel ID; Citizen Science; and, Fish Camouflage.
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Wed, 25 November 2015
This week's news have been fairly depressing, so I thought it would be good to share a great citizen science program called the Great Victorian Fish Count. It's a program where Scuba divers and Snorklers count fish species to help researchers monitor changes in fish populations in and around the coast of the Province of Victoria.
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Category: -- posted at: 7:00pm EDT |
Tue, 24 November 2015
A Brazilian dam operated by Samarco, a mining company, collapsed two weeks ago flooding the Doce Basin with toxic mud leaving over 280,000 people without clean water and killing at least 12 people. The government estimates the clean up will take 30 years and cost 1 billion dollars; however, environmentalists say it will cost 27 billion dollars. It's just another reason to make sure extractive industries like mining and oil/gas need to be held to the highest regulatory authority to avoid the horrible events.
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Category: -- posted at: 7:00pm EDT |
Mon, 23 November 2015
The Marine Mammal Centre is currently home to a record number 85 seal lion pups who washed up on northern California beaches this year, underweight and weak. Today on the podcast I hypothesize why and discuss what you can do about it.
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Category: -- posted at: 7:00pm EDT |
Sun, 22 November 2015
Researchers have found that warming oceans after the last glacial period caused massive dead zones in the Pacific Ocean. The Warming Oceans were similar to the temperatures currently in the North Pacific caused by a warming body of water dubbed the "Blob."
Listen to the podcast to find out more and what you can do to stop it.
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Category: -- posted at: 10:45pm EDT |
Fri, 20 November 2015
On today's Ocean Talk Friday, we are talking about Marine Protected Areas and the need for different science (social and economic science), the need for more fishing exclusion protected areas, and the FDA approval for Genetically Modified Salmon.
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Category: -- posted at: 2:53pm EDT |
Wed, 18 November 2015
Marine Planning allows us to plan all the activities that occur in the ocean. Marine planning is absent in many jurisdictions around the world, which is crazy to think when most counties/municipalities, states/provinces and countries have plans for terrestrial areas, both environmental and business.
Listen to why I think Marine Planning is important and what you can do add more marine plans in your oceans.
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Wed, 18 November 2015
Sea World has been backed into a corner by animal activists and a little documentary called Blackfish; however, the basis of evidence that orcas in captivity have degraded health (physical and mental) is all about science. Sea World understands this and is now trying to discredit the people who are scientific experts on wild orca populations.
Listen to the podcast to find out who Sea World is attacking and why.
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Mon, 16 November 2015
Warming oceans are bring more frequent toxic algae blooms to the Pacific delaying the Dungeness crab fishery indefinitely. I talk about other events that were related to toxic algae during the podcast.
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Category: -- posted at: 7:00pm EDT |
Sun, 15 November 2015
Driftnets are killing 83% bycatch in a fishery targeting 2 species, according to Todd Steiner in a guest commentary in the Monterey Herald. The state government allows the use of driftnets because the pressure from the commercial fishing industry won't let them stop.
Listen to the podcast to find out the details and how many species are being killed that aren't the 2 targeted species.
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Category: -- posted at: 11:00pm EDT |
Fri, 13 November 2015
SUFB 050: Ocean Talk Friday: Social Enterprises using Plastic Pollution, Habitat Health Index, Super Corals and Pirate Fishing!
Ocean Talk Friday is back again where my guest Nathan Johnson and I talk about Countries trying to stop Pirate Fishing; Businesses using ocean plastic pollution in their products; A new way for researchers to assess habitat health; and, Researchers trying to create a new "Super Coral" to combat Climate Change.
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Thu, 12 November 2015
Renewable Energy is the focus of California for the next 20 years as they want to power the state with 50% renewable energies. A massive floating wind farm is now proposed to be constructed 15 miles off the coast of California.
Listen to the podcast to find out why some people love the idea and others hate it.
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Category: -- posted at: 5:00pm EDT |
Wed, 11 November 2015
SeaWorld has caved to outside pressures to stop it's infamous Orca (Killer Whale) shows that they have used as a marketing tool to attract customers for year. SeaWorld attendance dropped 17% last year losing them 3.8 million dollars in one year.
SeaWorld officials stated they are moving away from the entertainment shows to focus more on educating the public on Orca habitat, which means they don't plan of releasing the Orcas anytime soon.
I provide my opinion in the podcast on the subject as it relates to the available science out there.
Listen to Episode 12 for more on the science behind Orca captivity:
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Category: -- posted at: 1:20pm EDT |
Mon, 9 November 2015
Every once and a while I like to profile specific people who I find are doing great things for Ocean Conservation. Adrian Grenier, known for his role as Vincent Chase in HBO's Entourage, is one of those people. Take a listen to find out what he has done and what he is currently doing for Ocean Conservation.
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Category: -- posted at: 7:00pm EDT |
Sun, 8 November 2015
Researchers have discovered the cod populations off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador are recovering faster than the populations in the Gulf of Maine. The differences in populations sizes are due to cumulative influences on the population. Listen to the podcast to find out which 2.
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Category: -- posted at: 11:05pm EDT |
Fri, 6 November 2015
It's Ocean Talk Friday YAY!!!
Nathan Johnson and I discuss how many marine protected areas should be in a network; El Nino and his buddies and their effect on global weather patterns; The discovery of a Manta Ray Spawning Area in Indonesia; and, How the loss of Arctic sea ice will change the Arctic coastline.
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Thu, 5 November 2015
Marine Scientists who collaborate with international counterparts for Ocean Conservation work in small islands should be respectful of the local communicty on the islands. There are specific strategies to ensure all parties win and another part of the Ocean gets conserved.
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Category: -- posted at: 9:59am EDT |
Tue, 3 November 2015
Coral Reefs in the Pilbara region along the North-West part of Australia are being destroyed by high sea temperatures and predation by a large number of Crown of Thorns Starfish. The combination of Ocean Issues does not allow the corals to recover from an individual issue. The loss of Coral Reefs in this area can have serious impacts on biodiversity and shoreline protection.
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Category: -- posted at: 7:00pm EDT |
Tue, 3 November 2015
Researchers have found evidence of Ocean Acidification affecting Pteropods in the Southern Ocean. Pteropods are an important part of the food web in this area of the world. Ocean Acidification impedes the ability for the Pteropods to use calcium to build there snail-like shells.
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Category: -- posted at: 12:15am EDT |
Mon, 2 November 2015
Happy Birthday to my daughter Taya, whose insatiable thirst for knowledge continues to inspire me to provide Ocean Conservation Information to her, her sister, and you for a better Ocean.
Happy Monday! Today, I talk about a recent article where a host for a popular BBC program called Autumnwatch said Wildlife TV does not help conservation. I talk about why he said it and why I agree. I also let you in on a new project I've been working on for the past 2 months that will help solve the problem.
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Category: -- posted at: 2:56pm EDT |