Thu, 26 September 2019
Have you ever wondered how products stay on the grocery store shelf for so long? There is a specific way companies make sure they last so long. Have you ever wondered how the size of the packaging impacts the amount of the product you use? There is a specific reason for that as well. On today's episode, I talk about how marketing and competition drive the quality of the products and the potential impact they have on the environment and human health. Do you buy eco-friendly products online? Share your thoughts on your experience in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group: Check out the new Speak Up For The Ocean Blue Podcast App: Check out the Shows on the Speak Up For Blue Network: Marine Conservation Happy Hour Dugongs & Seadragons: Environmental Studies & Sciences Marine Mammal Science:
Direct download: SUFB_S894_WhyWeShouldBuyMoreEcoFriendlyProducts.mp3
Category:Eco-Friendly Products -- posted at: 5:29pm EST |
Mon, 27 August 2018
Nutrients are playing a huge role in disrupting our coastal ecological stability. We have blue-green algal blooms that are so think it smells like dead people. We also have red tides that kill everything in its path for short (lately longer) periods of time. These algal blooms are popping up all over the world causing heaps of trouble. Unfortunately for Florida, the two types of algal blooms mentioned here are present at the same time and they are reeking havoc along the Southwest coast. Nutrients that fuel the algal blooms come from the coastline. The nutrients are derived from industries and sewage treatment plants. You and I contribute nutrients to our sewage treatment plants; therefore, it would be good if we could reduce our nutrient input through more eco-friendly products. I talk about some of those products in hops that you will go out and try some. Here is a link to some available Laundry Detergent products from this Amazon search. Let me know your favourite eco-friendly products in the Facebook Group. Want to hear more form Brooke? Check out The Deep Dive, where Brooke and I talk more candidly about conservation marketing and how it applies to the Ocean.
Direct download: SUFB_S548_HowYouCanHelpStopNutrientOverload.mp3
Category:Eco-Friendly Products -- posted at: 4:00pm EST |