Fri, 2 November 2018
The latest report from WWF called the Living Species Report 2018 says that in the past 40 years humans have been responsible for the loss of 60% of animals around the world. I will be honest, this can't be a surprise to you, right? Media companies have been plastering articles on all of their platforms like it's a huge surprise, but let's face it we aren't that surprised are we? The way humans have been treating the world has been awful. Our governments continue to make decisions based on short term gains without worrying about the long term consequences. The best way to turn things around starts with voting!!! Vote whenever possible! Let me know in the Facebook Group how you feel about this report. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Sponsor: I've teamed up with the Grove Collective to give you a chance to change the way you use cleaning products in your home that will benefit the Ocean. Click here for your free gift after purchase!
Direct download: SUFB_S614_AreWeSurprisedAboutDecreaseInGlobalSpecies.mp3
Category:Living Species Report -- posted at: 4:00pm EST |