Thu, 25 February 2016
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This week's Ocean Talk Friday was recorded on, a live streaming platform that allows viewers to interact with hosts. Nathan and I hoped on Blab to discuss:
1) What whales do at night;
2) How sharks use a particular sense to navigate up and down the coast;
3) How an artisanal sea cucumber fishery is being ruined to serve larger markets; and,
4) How scientists don't study the good news stories because they are harder to fund.
Join us next week on Blab to be a part of the conversation!
10 Ocean Tips to Conserve the Ocean:
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Wed, 24 February 2016
On Monday, we talked about the the species of dolphin where an individual got stranded; picked up by a beachgoer and pet by about 30-50 people before it died. It was tragic to say the least, but I thought it would be a good opportunity to talk about some research on the La Plate Dolphin to give you context of how the species is managed.
Talk a listen and find out what the research says about this tiny marine mammal.
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Direct download: sufbs120laplatadolphinpopulationstructureandmanage_1456365668.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 10:44pm EDT |
Wed, 24 February 2016
On Today's Interview Wednesday, I speak with the Director of the Shark Lab at the California State University, Dr. Chris Lowe, to discuss his research as well as why he thinks the white shark population is doing so well. You might be surprised by the answer.
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Direct download: sufbs119sharksandclimatechangewithdrchrislowe_1456281258.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 1:17pm EDT |
Mon, 22 February 2016
This week on Species Tuesday, I profile the La Plate River Dolphin because we spoke about the same species on yesterday's podcast, which was killed after people picked up the stranded dolphin and passed it around like a toy for every one on the beach to touch.
Today, I discuss why it is so unique and important to the local area and how the story we discussed yesterday was such a tragedy.
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Direct download: sufbs118laplateriverdolphinprofile_1456116280.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:00pm EDT |
Sun, 21 February 2016
A La Plate River Dolphin washed up on a beach, likely stranded, when beachgoers decided to pass it around to pet and take selfies with it before it died of dehydration. The La Plate River Dolphin is listed on the IUNC Red List as a Vulnerable Species.
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Direct download: sufbs117beachgoerskillvulnerabledolphininargentina_1456116215.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 11:55pm EDT |
Fri, 19 February 2016
It's another Ocean Talk Friday and Nathan and I are back at it chatting away about our favourite subject: Ocean Conservation. On Today's episode, we talk about: How islands are a haven for marine biodiversity; how climate change is helping sea stars waste away and driving down the lobster population; and, how octopus are so cool they can tell you who is going to win a fight by the colour they turn.
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Wed, 17 February 2016
On Research Thursdays today, I talk about a study that focuses on quantifying multiple threats to the environment on a local scale instead of using expert opinion. The authors say the latter method tends to under- or over-estimate the true effect, which can affect the effectiveness of the Marine Protected Area.
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Direct download: sufbs115quatifyingmultpilethreatstomarinehabitats_1455769410.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 11:40pm EDT |
Tue, 16 February 2016
I came across a video the other day of kids throwing sand on some sea lions at a famous beach that has some historic controversy. The worst part of the video was that the parents/guardians were not stopping the kids from harassing the sea lions. I rant a bit on this and tell a story of my visit with my family to the same beach 4 years ago.
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Direct download: sufbs114harassmentofsealionsatsealbeach_1455503158.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:00pm EDT |
Mon, 15 February 2016
This Species Tuesday I decided to profile Krill as they are small but hugely important in the sustenance of some major iconic species such as baleen whales, fish, and penguins. They are found all over the world so I thought it would be good to find out a little more about them.
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Sun, 14 February 2016
Plastic pollution is found all of the world in every Ocean. It comes in large to tiny forms and now researchers are finding that the plastic pieces are homes for microbe species, including the harmful ones. Take a listen to see why you really should stop using single-use plastic (Spoil Alert: It's because of microbes!!!)
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Direct download: sufbs112harmfulmicrobesarelivingonplastics_1455186003.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:00pm EDT |
Thu, 11 February 2016
Today on Ocean Talk Friday, Nathan and I decided to change things up. We decided to discuss one article written by past podcast guest Andrew David Thaler who wrote about the losing battle scientists and conservationists face everyday but we always say at the end of the day: "we lost a little less today."
We know you feel the same frustration in Ocean Conservation so we wanted to talk about our feelings about the subject and offer a little hope to chage your view point from "lose a little bit less" to "win a little bit more!"
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Wed, 10 February 2016
As we covered seagrass habitats on Monday's episode, I wanted to cover seagrasses and their importance today, on Research Thursday. However, we are looking at a study that proves Marine Protected Areas designated to protect fish should involve more than just coral reefs. Check out the podcast to find out why.
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Direct download: sufbs110fishusemorethanjustcoralhabitats_1454927375.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:00pm EDT |
Tue, 9 February 2016
We have two very special guests on Interview Wednesday's today. David and Phil run an organization called Eco Sapien, which creates small documentaries on You Tube. Some great quality documentaries, I might add that include conservation science, something that has been missing in many big budget TV programs.
I sit down and chat with David and Phil on why and how they started Eco Sapien and how they got so good at producing documentaries.
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Direct download: sufbs109bristishwildlifewithecosapien_1454927127.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:00pm EDT |
Mon, 8 February 2016
Today, on Species Tuesday, we examine my favourite group of animals in the world, the cuttlefish. I love these guys because of these ability to hover and change colour for camouflage. I profile the giant Australian cuttle fish today along with some of its pretty cool features and some conservation aspects that we should all know about.
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Mon, 8 February 2016
A Seagrass species located in Shark Bay, Western Australia is using an alternative reproductive strategy to colonize an area that is highly saline and not normally optimal for the species. In this episode, we discuss why that is happening and what the seagrass species prefers.
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Direct download: sufbs107seagrassusinglastditchefforttoreproduce_1454877775.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 2:33am EDT |
Thu, 4 February 2016
Today's Ocean Talk Friday with me and Nathan Johnson talks about how people still think the earth is flat (WTF!?); The Royal Caribbean and WWF partner for Ocean Conservation; Sea Turtle Males are in demand; and, Microsoft is putting servers under water - is that good for the Ocean?
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Wed, 3 February 2016
This week's Research Thursday, I chat about how a study found that the African Penguin population success was highly tied to the population of the sardine and anchovy. This has great implications for managing the penguin species, which is listed as vulnerable by the IUCN Red List.
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Direct download: sufbs105africanpenguinvariabilitywithfish_1454554250.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:00pm EDT |
Wed, 3 February 2016
I speak with Esther Jacobs Overbeeke who is a Communications Specialist for Oceans Research, a South African research organization focusing on Great White Shark populations. Esther's story is an awesome one, selling everything she had in Scotland to move to South Africa to work with sharks.
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Direct download: sufbs104sharkconservationsawithestheroverbeeke_1454363438.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 6:11pm EDT |
Mon, 1 February 2016
Penguins are known for being around ice in the Antarctic, but the African Penguin is known for living in South Africa, a tropical environment. The penguin is actually considered endangered because people keep taking something that is vital to their reproduction and pretty much gross when you think about what people are taking. Take a listen to find out what that is.
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Mon, 1 February 2016
German scientists have discovered the thermal expansion of water due to higher temperatures contributes more to sea level rise than initially thought. The study also found that sea level rise is not uniform around the world as some places will receive a 5x increase of the global average while other places will be the same.
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