Mon, 14 March 2022
Dr. Nathan Robinson was part of a sea turtle research team when the team discovered that one of the sea turtles had a straw stuck up its nose. The entire ordeal was recorded and the video went viral on YouTube and contributed to the global ban the plastic straw campaign. The virality of the video changed Nathan's future career as he now focuses on how video can help identify deep-sea creatures and study the behaviour of oceanic animals. However, the one thing that doesn't get talked about enough was Nathan's study topic during the research expedition where the viral video was recorded. Nathan was studying the animals that would settle and hitch rides on the backs of sea turtles, called epibionts. He continued to study epibionts for the past ten years and recently created a database of studies and information on epibionts from all over the world. Nathan recently published a paper on the database and the questions that it answered. He sat down with me to discuss those answers and where he would like the epibiont database to lead other researchers in the future. Connect with Nathan: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1279_StudyingTheAnimalsThatHitchARideOnSeaTurtles_Final.mp3
Category:Sea Turtles -- posted at: 12:00am EDT |
Mon, 1 November 2021
There was an unfortunate situation along the Pacific Coast when at least 300 Olive Ridley's Sea Turtles washed up dead on the shore.
Experts say that cause of death was most likely drowning after getting caught in fishing gear; however, there was no mention of fishing gear found with the sea turtles. Link to article:
Direct download: SUFB_S1229_300SeaTurtlesWashUpOnCoastInMexico.mp3
Category:Sea Turtles -- posted at: 12:00am EDT |
Mon, 17 May 2021
A new study revealed a potential favourite nursing habitat for Green Sea Turtles that hatch near the Gulf Stream. The area is filled with algae that many tourists hate and call "Seaweed", but it plays a crucial role in providing Green Sea Turtles with food and shelter during some of the most vulnerable years of their lives. Want To Talk Oceans? Join the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group: Speak Up For Blue Instagram: Speak Up For Blue Twitter:
Direct download: SUFB_S1159_SeaTurtleHatchlingsUsingSargassoSeaToHangOut.mp3
Category:Sea Turtles -- posted at: 12:00am EDT |
Fri, 26 March 2021
I wanted to put together an episode of one of my favourite species in the Ocean, the Sea Turtle. There are 7 Sea Turtle Species and they are all on the Endangered Species List for many countries. They face many dangers around the world and at different scales. I asked my good friend and colleague Dr. Nathan Robinson about the issues and conservation needs of Sea Turtles in 2021 and he provided me with some great points. Listen to the episode where I discuss the top Ocean issue that Sea Turtles are facing and what we can do to stop the effects of these issues. Follow Dr. Nathan Robinson for more information on Sea Turtles: Leatherback Sea Turtle Trust: SEE Turtles: Want To Talk Oceans? Join the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group: Speak Up For Blue Instagram: Speak Up For Blue Twitter: Check out the Shows on the Speak Up For Blue Network: Marine Conservation Happy Hour Madame Curiosity ConCiencia Azul: Dugongs & Seadragons: Environmental Studies & Sciences Marine Mammal Science: Projects For Wildlife Podcast: Ocean Science Radio The Guide To Mindful Conservation: Dancing In Pink Hiking Boots:
Direct download: SUFB_S1137_SeaTurtleConservation.mp3
Category:Sea Turtles -- posted at: 12:00am EDT |
Mon, 12 October 2020
Sea Turtle egg poaching is a big threat to the conservation of these endangered species. Poachers will wait until Sea Turtles lay their eggs on the beach until they grab as many as eggs they can to either sell them or consume them. There are continuous efforts to stop poaching in countries such as Costa Rica. In an effort to expose the poaching routes, or determine if they even exist, Helen Pheasy used fake Sea Turtle eggs equipped with a GPS unit to identify where Sea Turtle egg poachers went with the eggs, called InvestEGGators. They planted InvestEGGators into 101 Sea Turtle nests from Green and Olive Ridley Sea Turtles. Only 5 InvestEGGators came back with data that revealed local Poaching routes. The closest route was within a mile while the furthest route was 85 miles from the nesting site. Conservation organizations do not want to prosecute the poachers; however, they would like to use the data to target education and awareness programs to the towns that end up with the eggs. Poaching Sea Turtle eggs gives even fewer chances of the hatchlings making it to adulthood as only 1 or 2 individuals will survive to adulthood from the hundreds of eggs laid on a nest. Want To Talk Oceans? Join the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group: Speak Up For Blue Instagram: Speak Up For Blue Twitter: Check out the Shows on the Speak Up For Blue Network: Marine Conservation Happy Hour Madame Curiosity ConCiencia Azul: Dugongs & Seadragons: Environmental Studies & Sciences Marine Mammal Science: Projects For Wildlife Podcast: Ocean Science Radio The Guide To Mindful Conservation: Dancing In Pink Hiking Boots:
Direct download: SUFB_S1067_InvestEGGatorSeaTurtleEggTracker.mp3
Category:Sea Turtles -- posted at: 12:00am EDT |
Wed, 30 September 2020
Dr. Nathan Robinson joins me on the podcast today to discuss a new study he published with colleagues where they asked the question: "Do Sea Turtles Survive After Being Released After Rehabilitation?" Sea Turtles were brought to a rehabilitation centre for various reasons, including being cold-stunned. Once ready for release, 31 Sea Turtles were equipped with a Satelite tag to observe if they exhibited normal migration patterns. Listen to Nathan as he describes what the Sea Turtles did after they were released. To discuss more Ocean topics, join the Facebook Group: Speak Up For Blue Instagram: Speak Up For Blue Twitter: Check out the Shows on the Speak Up For Blue Network: Marine Conservation Happy Hour Madame Curiosity ConCiencia Azul: Dugongs & Seadragons: Environmental Studies & Sciences Marine Mammal Science: Projects For Wildlife Podcast: Ocean Science Radio The Guide To Mindful Conservation: Dancing In Pink Hiking Boots:
Direct download: SUFB_S1062_DoesSeaTurtleRehabWork.mp3
Category:Sea Turtles -- posted at: 12:00am EDT |
Fri, 1 November 2019
The MCHH crew (Dr. Craken and Dr. Smash) continue their St. Petersburg Science Festival Series by speaking with Denise Clem from NOAA about Sea Turtle Recovery and how it relates to the Shrimp Fishery in the Gulf of Mexico. The Shrimp fishery has been shown to trap Sea Turtles in their trawl nets in the past prompting scientists and fishers to work together to create Turtle Excluder Devices. Listen to the podcast for more information. Did you support the shrimp trawling industry in the Gulf of Mexico? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group: Check out the new Speak Up For The Ocean Blue Podcast App: Check out the Shows on the Speak Up For Blue Network: Marine Conservation Happy Hour Dugongs & Seadragons: Environmental Studies & Sciences Marine Mammal Science:
Direct download: SUFB_S917_SeaTurtleRecoveryAndShrimpFisheryEducation.mp3
Category:Sea Turtles -- posted at: 1:00pm EDT |
Mon, 16 September 2019
It's like a scene straight out of IT, when Penny Wise turns into a monster and you see all of his nasty teeth. Not many people would compare the mouth and esophagus of a Sea Turtle to a fictional serial killer monster that is topping the box office at the moment, but it is all I can think of while looking into that mouth. The mouth of a Sea Turtle is full of sharp barbs that face inward. Guess what they are for and listen to the episode to find out their function. Do you think the barbs are a smart adaptation? Let me know in the facebook group (I will also share pictures in the facebook group): Want to be more eco-friendly? Buy certified eco-friendly products from our affiliate partner the Grove Collaborative: Check out the new Speak Up For The Ocean Blue Podcast App: Check out the Shows on the Speak Up For Blue Network: Marine Conservation Happy Hour Dugongs & Seadragons: Environmental Studies & Sciences Marine Mammal Science:
Direct download: SUFB_S887_WhySeaTurtleMouthsAndEsophagusAreSoScaryLooking.mp3
Category:Sea Turtles -- posted at: 1:00pm EDT |
Thu, 13 June 2019
I sit down with Christine Figgener today to discuss #SeaTurtleWeek that started on June 8th and ends on June 16th. There is a coordinated effort by sea turtle practitioners all over the world to create awareness for the 7 species of Sea Turtles on the planet. Christine tells us her story of how she became interested in Marine Conservation, specifically Sea Turtles and how she got into science communication (scicomm). Sea Turtle Week Links: Sea Turtle Week: See Turtles: Christine Figgener Instagram: Christine Figgener YouTube: Have you seen Sea Turtle information pop up in your feed? Share the information (text, images or videos) in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group: What do you think about the ban? Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group: Want to get started on living for a better Ocean? Sign up for the Grove Collaborative and get a free gift: Check out the new Speak Up For The Ocean Blue Podcast App:
Direct download: SUFB_S806_SeaTurtleWeekWithChristineFiggener.mp3
Category:Sea Turtles -- posted at: 2:57pm EDT |
Thu, 29 November 2018
I have the pleasure to have a good friend of mine on the podcast, Dr. Nathan Robinson. You might remember Nathan as the researcher that pulled out the plastic straw from the Olive Ridley Sea Turtles in Costa Rica in the famous You Tube video. He's also the same guy to pull out the plastic fork from a different Olive Ridley Sea Turtle four months later about 70 km south of the first incident. Today, Nathan joins me to discuss a new study on Green Sea Turtles off the coast of Cape Eleuthra Island, Bahamas. The behavioural study is identifying trends and variations in behaviour of individuals among habitats and other Sea Turtles. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Links For Nathan: Links for the Show: Facebook Group: Voicemail: Grove Collaborative:
Direct download: SUFB_S639_TheRealWorldSeaTurtlesWithDrNathanRobinson.mp3
Category:Sea Turtles -- posted at: 12:13pm EDT |
Sun, 29 July 2018
Sea Turtle populations are endangered for all 7 species and there are groups working very hard to ensure their survival; however, a summer red tide event in Southwest Florida is causing high mortality on Sea Turtles that are way above the normal mortality rates for these species. The average number of Sea Turtle deaths in one year in the Southwest Florida area in 30-35; however, conservation groups have already collected 53 sea turtles in June and July alone (in the Sannibel Island area). There seems to be no end in sight as the red tide season usually occurs during the winter, where cool water from the mainland breaks up the red tide blooms. The current bloom won't be broken up by cool water as it is summer and practitioners are worried that the red tide could last until the winter. Sometimes, we have to deal with bad news...not my favourite part of the job. Sponsor: Solid Sun Logistics specializes in skin care and UV protection for outdoor enthusiasts like you and me. Solid offers a complete 3-step skin care system to keep you on the water all day, day in and day out. Use any of the products individually, or get the Essentials Kit for the complete sun protection and skin rehabilitation experience. Solid donates 5% of the revenue of the sale to Ocean Conservation Organizations that you can select. Add SUFB15 at checkout for an extra 15% off of your order. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Donate to the Jairo Mora Sandoval Bravery Award to Fund 5 more brave Marine Conservationists Become par to the Speak Up For Blue Nation by joining our Patreon Campaign. I would love to hear your opinion on this episode. Join the Facebook Group to chime in. Do you know we launched more Ocean Related Podcasts? Subscribe to Marine Conservation Happy Hour and ConCiencia Azul
Direct download: SUFB_S519_MassSeaTurtleMortalityInSouthwestFloridaDueToRedTide.mp3
Category:Sea Turtles -- posted at: 4:00pm EDT |
Sat, 21 July 2018
SUFB 511: Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group Works To Help Solve Watersport Incidences With Sea Turtles
One of the great things about the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group is that people who are facing marine science and conservation problems can post in the group and other people (scientists/conservationists) can provide some advice best on past experiences and their expertise in the subject matter. A recent post by a member named Emma provided a similar opportunity for advice to be given by other members in the group. The organization for which Emma volunteers posted a graphic photo of an injured loggerhead sea turtle that was trying to nest and lay her eggs, but was hit by a boat propeller before she got to the beach. The turtle died of her injuries before she could get to the beach and lay her eggs. Emma was searching for advice from other members of the group as to how the organization can move forward with this issue. Ideally, the organization would want to stop the motorized water sports from occurring during nesting season; however, the industry needs to make money within 6 months to survive for the entire year; therefore, stopping the water sport activities may be futile. Dr. Edd Hind-Ozan and Loch Land offered a few suggestions that seemed like the proper avenue to take. Listen to the podcast to find out what those avenues are. Sponsor: Do you like Speak Up For Blue, or ConCiencia Azul, or Marine Conservation Happy Hour? If you are an avid listener to any or all 3 shows, consider supporting us to help us continue to build our platform of Ocean Awareness and Helping People Live For A Better Ocean by contributing to our Patreon Campaign. $1 or more dollars will get you access to our Patreon Feed as well as other great incentives. Click here to become part of the community now!!! Enjoy the Podcast!!! Donate to the Jairo Mora Sandoval Bravery Award to Fund 5 more brave Marine Conservationists Become par to the Speak Up For Blue Nation by joining our Patreon Campaign. I would love to hear your opinion on this episode. Join the Facebook Group to chime in. Do you know we launched more Ocean Related Podcasts? Subscribe to Marine Conservation Happy Hour and ConCiencia Azul
Direct download: SUFB_S511_WorkingWithTourismToProtectSeaTurtles.mp3
Category:Sea Turtles -- posted at: 4:00pm EDT |