Thu, 24 January 2019
Nick Wehner joins me on the podcast to discuss Open Access papers and the challenge of getting more authors to upload their papers to Open Access databases such as MarXiv for Marine Conservation papers. Nick and I discuss the comparison of success rates of authors agreeing to share their papers in open access databases via email. You will be surprised at the rate! We also talk about a weird thing that Pay Wall companies do with citation. Find out more by listening to the episode. Do you have concerns about sharing your papers on Open Access Databases such as MarXiv? Share your thoughts in our Facebook Group: Want to get started on living for a better Ocean? Sign up for the Grove Collaborative and get a free gift:
Direct download: SUFB_S687_SharingPapersViaOpenAccessSuccessAndCitationHoardingWithNickWehner.mp3
Category:Open Access Journals -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Thu, 18 October 2018
We continue our series on how pay-walled journal publishers are inhibiting marine conservation practices as they limit access to science articles. Nick Wehner (from OCTO) joins me on the podcast to discuss a new article he wrote on how the impact of articles listed in Open Access Repositories, such as MarXiv, is increased over Open Access articles from publishers. I am shocked by what Nick reveals in this interview and I think you will be as well. This topic is something that needs to be discussed. Do you think scientists should start publishing in repositories such as MarXiv rather than journals that are behind a wall? Let me know in the Facebook Group. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Join the Patreon Community to help support Speak Up For Blue's mission to bring Marine Science and Conservation information to you and the audience.
Direct download: SUFB_S600_OpenAccessWithNickWehner.mp3
Category:Open Access Journals -- posted at: 4:41pm EST |