Thu, 10 October 2019
In the last episode, I talked about the update from the Ocean Clean Up Project which stated that their prototype was able to collect plastic; however, it also caught a number of ocean animals. The project has received some criticism and with that, there is a lot of bickering going on among conservationists. I think I need to say something about the people behind the Ocean Clean Up Project or any other project that is designed to help the Ocean. Listen up. Do you think the people behind the Ocean Clean Up Project are bad? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group: Check out the new Speak Up For The Ocean Blue Podcast App: Check out the Shows on the Speak Up For Blue Network: Marine Conservation Happy Hour Dugongs & Seadragons: Environmental Studies & Sciences Marine Mammal Science:
Direct download: SUFB_S903_AreTheOceanCleanUpProjectPeopleBadPeople.mp3
Category:Ocean Clean Up Project -- posted at: 3:33pm EST |
Wed, 9 October 2019
The Ocean Clean Up Project has released an update that their prototype is catching plastic in the Pacific Ocean Gyre. Great news! Unfortunately, Dr. Rebecca Helm noticed that the prototype wasn't just catching plastic. It was catching small animals too. Just as was predicted by many scientists. Rebecca mentions that the animals being caught are part of a neuston ecosystem that she describes as a floating coral reef. I discuss whether this prototype from the Ocean Clean Up Project should be used at all. Do you think the prototype should be used? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group: Check out the new Speak Up For The Ocean Blue Podcast App: Check out the Shows on the Speak Up For Blue Network: Marine Conservation Happy Hour Dugongs & Seadragons: Environmental Studies & Sciences Marine Mammal Science:
Direct download: SUFB_S902_OceanCleanUpCanHarmNeustons.mp3
Category:Ocean Clean Up Project -- posted at: 5:11pm EST |
Tue, 18 December 2018
The Ocean Clean Up Project was deployed in September with much anticipation of the world. The goal: Clean up the Pacific Garbage Patch. A lofty goal surrounded with a lot of controversy from the science and conservation fields; however, many media outlets were promoting the heck out of the project as a feel good project. I have been very critical of the program relating to various criticism shared by the Marine Science and Conservation community. The Clean Up Project device reached the Great Pacific Garbage Patch recently; however, it has not cleaned up anything. The device is not working the way it should. It is not moving fast enough to pick up the trash in the water. Boyan Slant released a statement saying that his team is working on the problem. There may be some good that comes out of this project, which I discuss in this episode. Check it out. Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group about this episode: Take advantage of our Sponsor's, Grove Collaborative, holiday deal for eco-friendly products:
Direct download: SUFB_S658_AnUpdateOnTheOceanCleanUpProject.mp3
Category:Ocean Clean Up Project -- posted at: 3:40pm EST |
Mon, 1 October 2018
It's not secret that I am not a fan of the Ocean Clean Project that is spearheaded by Boyant Slat. I don't think the device that he is building will clean up the Oceans from plastic pollution or even the Pacific Garbage Patch; however, a colleague and friend John Davis has a different perspective on the project giving me more hope about the evolution of the project. John is well versed in how the marine debris experts think about various project around the world dealing with marine debris (and plastic pollution). He knows these things because his organization, Open Communications for the Ocean (OCTO), operates the leading online community of marine debris professionals called the Marine Debris Listserv. In the episode, John talks about how and why OCTO started the listserv and what it has meant to him and the field of marine debris. Take a listen and find out some exciting updates for the Ocean Clean Project and gives me hope in Boyant's vision. What do you think about the Ocean Clean Up Project? Let us know in our Facebook Group. Click Here To Join The MARINE DEBRIS listserv. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Did you know we are in the planning stages of building an app so that you and our audience can consume all of our podcasts and other content? All you have to do is join the Patreon Community.
Direct download: SUFB_S583_WhatTheOceanCleanUpProjectCanDoForTheFutureOfMarineConservationWithJohnDavis.mp3
Category:Ocean Clean Up Project -- posted at: 4:44pm EST |