Thu, 20 September 2018
Overfishing is putting a dent in the oceans seafood supply; however, it is difficult to quantify what damage has been done. Scientists are trying to determine the damage from overfishing by trying to determine the amount of the ocean we are fishing. There are a couple of labs that used a global fishing dataset to assess the amount of ocean is taken up by fishing. The two labs have come to very different conclusions based on one particular difference in the analysis. I cover the difference and discuss the ramifications of those differences for managing the future of our ocean's fish stocks. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Let me know in the Facebook Group which method you think is correct. Consider joining our Patreon Community to listen to more content and support our mission to build a Podcast Network for Ocean Awareness and Action.
Direct download: SUFB_S572_WhatAreOfTheOceanAreWeReallyFishing.mp3
Category:Overfishing -- posted at: 4:00pm EST |