Fri, 30 November 2018
We continue with our Friday segment of "What's Happening In Marine Social Science This Week" with Dr. Edd Hind-Ozan, but first, I provide a warning to all people who want to rescue a whale from entangled gear and are not trained for it. Whale Rescue Can Be Dangerous Beth Pike (Co-host of the Salish Shes Podcast), made me aware of a story where a man hopped on the back of a whale to untangle it from the fishing gear that was caught around the animal. The effort was made popular after Ellen had the two men on her show to praise them for their work; however, the rescue could have gone wrong very quickly and the man could have sustained serious injuries or even died. Rescuing whales is dangerous. They are massive animals with powerful flukes (tails) that can kill people if they are ever struck. entanglements can also lead to injury if the person gets caught themselves and the whale dives below the surface. The point of the story is to encourage people to call the proper authorities and wait for trained rescuers to aid the animal in question. Indonesian Fishing Community Take Matters Into Their Own Hands Fishing communities in many parts of the world rely on fishing for sustenance and revenue. A lack of fish due to overfishing can put the community at risk, so it's not surprising when a fishing community in Indonesia to take matters into their own hands and enforce a paper marine protected area to discourage poaching from occurring. Dr. Edd Hind-Ozan describes the story and discusses how fishing communities in other countries are doing something similar to ensure the viability of their natural resource. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Facebook Group: Ask Us Questions: Holiday Gift:
Direct download: SUFB_S640_IndonesiaFishersEnforceOwnMPAsAndBeCarefulWhenRescuingAWhale.mp3
Category:Marine Social Science -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Thu, 29 November 2018
I have the pleasure to have a good friend of mine on the podcast, Dr. Nathan Robinson. You might remember Nathan as the researcher that pulled out the plastic straw from the Olive Ridley Sea Turtles in Costa Rica in the famous You Tube video. He's also the same guy to pull out the plastic fork from a different Olive Ridley Sea Turtle four months later about 70 km south of the first incident. Today, Nathan joins me to discuss a new study on Green Sea Turtles off the coast of Cape Eleuthra Island, Bahamas. The behavioural study is identifying trends and variations in behaviour of individuals among habitats and other Sea Turtles. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Links For Nathan: Links for the Show: Facebook Group: Voicemail: Grove Collaborative:
Direct download: SUFB_S639_TheRealWorldSeaTurtlesWithDrNathanRobinson.mp3
Category:Sea Turtles -- posted at: 12:13pm EST |
Wed, 28 November 2018
On today's episode, I talk about the persistence of All Old White Male Panels and conference and workshops and how that might limit Marine Science and Conservation. I also provide an update on my job search after having an information meeting with a Canadian Marine Conservation Organization. Spoiler alert: I don't have a job, but there is potential. Share your thoughts on this episode in our Facebook Group: Do you have a question that you would like to share on air? Ask it on our Speakpipe service and leave a voicemail: Enjoy the Podcast!!! Get ready for your holiday parties you are hosting by using the Grove's quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:
Direct download: SUFB_S638_AllWhiteMenPanelsAndUpdateOnJobSearch.mp3
Category:Marine Science and Conservation -- posted at: 1:41pm EST |
Tue, 27 November 2018
I start this episode by discussing 3 important conclusions of the US Climate Report as I didn't feel that I covered enough on it yesterday. I continue the episode with our "What's Happening In Conservation Marketing" segment with Brook Tully. Climate Report: 3 Takeaways The Atlantic wrote a great piece on 3 important points of the Climate Report released by the Trump Administration last week. I talk about them briefly as they are important to know. It talks about long term trends and results due to droughts and sea level rise. Conservation Marketing Segment Brooke Tully joins me on the podcast today to continue her series with "What Is Happening This Week In Conservation Marketing," where Brooke and I discuss Conservation Marketing applications in Marine Conservation. In this segment we explore what will happen next after the plastic straw movement? Will the movement die out or will it be successful in making more people aware of ocean plastic pollution and help change behaviours in other single use plastic use? Have some thoughts on the episode? Share them in the Facebook Group: Want to get your question heard on the podcast? Ask it here: Enjoy the Podcast!!! Get ready for your holiday parties you are hosting by using the Grove's quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:
Direct download: SUFB_S637_WhatsNextAfterThePlasticStrawMovement.mp3
Category:Plastic Straws -- posted at: 12:35pm EST |
Mon, 26 November 2018
![]() A Climate Report predicting massive increases in the costs due to the consequences of climate change was released on Black Friday while holiday shoppers were out getting gifts for their families and friends. The Trump administration tried to sneak out the report due to their position as a Climate Denying-Administration; however, the plan backfired after several news agencies picked up the report and covered it in some detail. The coverage from some of the media outlets could be called questionable as some agencies had panels consisting of Climate Deniers that tried to skirt the conversation around the Climate action needed to whether Climate Change actually exist. I discuss these events during this episode. Let me know in our Facebook Group what you think of how the media covers Climate Change stories in regards to always mentioning Climate Denial: Enjoy the Podcast!!! Get ready for your holiday parties you are hosting by using the Grove's quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:
Direct download: SUFB_S636_TrumpAdministrationTriesToSneakClimateReportOutOnBlackFriday.mp3
Category:Climate Report -- posted at: 4:05pm EST |
Sat, 24 November 2018
Artist Danielle Eubank connects people with the Ocean through her art, which are paintings of the wavelets in almost every Ocean in the world. Danielle has painted hundreds of pieces from four Oceans and is getting set to paint some pieces in the Southern Ocean. Art plays a huge role in connecting people to the Ocean as well as helping them understand Ocean Issues and how they can help solve them. Danielle offers a tip to help protect the Ocean every time she posts on her Facebook page. How have you seen art play a role on Marine Conservation? Let me know in the Facebook Group: Enjoy the Podcast!!! Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:
Direct download: SUFB_S635_OneArtistFiveOceansWithDanielleEubank.mp3
Category:Marine Conservation Art -- posted at: 4:00pm EST |
Fri, 23 November 2018
Dr. Edd Hind-Ozan joins me for another segment of "What's Happening in Marine Social Science This Week" where we discuss a plastic pollution story in Nigeria. The story describes a lawyer who was sick of seeing plastic on her beach so much that she started an organization involving community clean ups to help rid the beach of plastic. I cover a story out of the North Eastern Pacific, where a warm water mass has formed and being dubbed the "Son of the Blob." Some meteorologists are suggesting the that water mass may be responsible for the droughts and forest fires along the West Coast of North America. Let us know your thoughts on this episode in the Facebook Group: Enjoy the Podcast!!! Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:
Direct download: SUFB_S634_PlasticPollutionInNigeriaAndSonOfTheBlob.mp3
Category:Plastic Pollution -- posted at: 4:00pm EST |
Thu, 22 November 2018
Nick Wehner is back from OCTO to discuss how Scientists can now pre-register their studies with journals. This process will help scientists vet their methods with peer reviewers and get them approved before they do the study, which will increase their chances of being published by the journal and prevent their study from being scooped. Nick tells us about the article and how this process will be good for scientists. If you want to upload your thesis, grey paper pr pre-print to a server where Decision Makers can access, check out MarXiv. Let us know what you think of this article in our Facebook Group: Enjoy the Podcast!!! Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:
Direct download: SUFB_S633_PreregisterYourStudyJournalsWithNicWehner.mp3
Category:Science Journals -- posted at: 4:00pm EST |
Wed, 21 November 2018
I'm about to embark on a journey to find a job in Marine and/or Freshwater Conservation in Canada and I want to share this journey with you. I've covered finding a job before as I shelled out my advice to over a hundred people in my lifetime; however, I never covered my own experience as it is happening. This is probably the most vulnerable that I have ever put myself out there on this podcast. I want to do it because I want people to know that they are not alone through their journey. There will be rejection and there will be emotional responses, but I will eventually find a job. I know this because I have been in this situation before. Where will I begin with my strategy? Well, you will have to listen to the podcast to find out. Let me know your strategy in our Facebook Group: Enjoy the Podcast!!! Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:
Direct download: SUFB_S632_IMissScienceAndGNowLookingForAJob.mp3
Category:Marine Conservation careers -- posted at: 4:00pm EST |
Tue, 20 November 2018
I have Brooke Tully on the podcast today for her segment "What's Happening In Conservation Marketing This Week." On this segment Brooke and I discussed how conservation organizations should change their messaging to match changing consumer trends. I also discuss the Marine Conservation that is happening on the Isle of Man that includes beach clean up to community fisheries management. What are your thoughts on Conservation Organizations needing to change their messaging according to shifting consumer trends? Let me know in the Facebook Group: Enjoy the Podcast!!! Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:
Direct download: SUFB_S631_ConsumerEnvironmentalTrendsAndProtectingTheIlseOfMan.mp3
Category:Consumer Trends -- posted at: 4:03pm EST |
Mon, 19 November 2018
There was an oil spill that happened off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador that no one seems to be discussing. It is estimated that 250,000 Litres of oil was spilled it was is still from an unknown cause. The spill has not yet been contained because the weather is so severe from the "most intense storm" that has hit the area in history. The total amount of oil spilled and the total damage will not be known until the authorities can get in and start containing the spill. This is yet another reason why Canadians and the world need to move away from our dependence on oil and shift towards more renewable energy sources to protect our coastal water quality as well as our species and habitats. I would love to know whether you heard about the oil spill before you listened to the podcast. Let me know in the Facebook Group: Enjoy the Podcast!!! Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:
Direct download: SUFB_S630_MassiveOilSpillOffTheCoastOfNewfoundland.mp3
Category:Oil Spill -- posted at: 4:00pm EST |
Sun, 18 November 2018
We discuss many of the Issues facing the Ocean on this podcast; however, we rarely discuss what we love most about the Ocean itself. We protect the Ocean because we love it, so we should talk more about what we love about the Ocean. In this episode, I tell you 3 reasons why I love the Ocean in hopes that you will go to the Facebook Group and tell me your reasons why you love the Ocean. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:
Direct download: SUFB_S629_WhatDoYouLoveAboutTheOcean.mp3
Category:Love the Ocean -- posted at: 4:00pm EST |
Sat, 17 November 2018
The Canadian Government, led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, is rolling out the Carbon Tax for Canadians and Businesses. I thought I would take the time to calculate my family's carbon footprint for the past year. I was amazed at how much Carbon I produced for my trips via airplane and it makes me wonder whether I should curtail travelling based on the carbon that I produce. On the other hand, I could implement a carbon offsetting program where I pay to offset my carbon footprint to fund specific projects. What it your Carbon Footprint? Go to the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Page and calculate your footprint: Enjoy the Podcast!!! Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting: |
Fri, 16 November 2018
We start today's episode with the Marine Social Science Segment with Dr. Edd Hind-Ozan discussing a news article demonstrating a great Industrial-Government-Science Partnership to monitor whales to prevent entanglement. The Dungeness Crab Industry has funded Scientists to board Coast Guard helicopters during regular surveillance duties to monitor areas where there are crab pots to prevent whale entanglement. We continue with the show as I describe the carbon tax in Canada and how the Federal Government will use the tax. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau rolled out how the Carbon Tax will work for various provinces. Everyone will pay a tax based on their household carbon emissions (in tons of carbon produced) and will get money back with their tax returns. Want to share your ideas? I would love to hear your thoughts in our Facebook Group: Enjoy the Podcast!!! Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:
Direct download: SUFB_S627_MarineSocialScienceThisWeekAnd.mp3
Category:Carbon Tax -- posted at: 4:00pm EST |
Thu, 15 November 2018
For years China has been accepting plastic from many parts of the world include the US; however, the superpower stopped accepting plastic in "dirty" form last January (2018). The questions now is what does the US do with all of its plastic waste? John Davis (OCTO) is here to try and answer the question as it has been the latest topic on the Marine-Debris Listserv. We discuss the new form the plastic must be in for China to accept it. We also discuss how cities are adapting to this new format and what they are doing with their plastic trash. We would love to hear your ideas. You can join the Marine-Debris Listserv by going to Enjoy the Podcast!!! Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:
Direct download: SUFB_S626_ChinaWontTakePlasticWhatNowWithJohnDavis.mp3
Category:Plastic Pollution -- posted at: 4:00pm EST |
Wed, 14 November 2018
Elephant tusks and rhino horns dominate the headlines when it comes to illegal products being sold on the black market. I understand why this happens as they are iconic species; however, there are many other illegal animals being sold where enforcement is lacking. An article in National Geographic discusses the illegal sales of Conch and Nautilus shells (along with other shells) that are not in the up and up. The shells were not picked up on along the shore where it was already empty. Many of the shells were taken from the Ocean with live animals in them. The poachers kill the animals in the shells, pour acid in the shell, which cleans out the shell or any remains and sell it at markets and in decorative stores. The people who buy the shells do not make the connection that there were animals in the shells or they do not understand their important functionality in the Ocean habitats in which they live. Do you see Nautilus and Conch shells being sold at markets where you travel and at stores at home? Let me know in the Facebook Group: Enjoy the Podcast!!! Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:
Direct download: SUFB_S625_NautilusConchShellsPartOfHugeIllegalTrade.mp3
Category:Conch Shells -- posted at: 4:19pm EST |
Tue, 13 November 2018
I am happy to announce the beginning of the Conservation Marketing Segments with Brooke Tully. She will be on the program once a week discussing various topics surrounding Conservation Marketing. Brooke's first segment involves tips on how we can better our presentations at conferences to focus more on results and discussion. The second half of the episode is dedicated to me telling you about a conversation I had with my Aunt about Climate Change. I would love to hear your thoughts on the episode in the Facebook Group: Enjoy the Podcast!!! Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:
Direct download: SUFB_S624_ConsMarkAndClimateChangeDiscussion.mp3
Category:climate change -- posted at: 4:00pm EST |
Mon, 12 November 2018
I am delighted to have Sophia Wasserman on the podcast today to discuss a new published study (Open Access) on the public's perception of Dolphinariums (Swim with Dolphins experience) in the Turks and Caicos Islands. I was surprised to see the results of this study and understand how a dolphinarium could seem reasonable for an island environment to have, especially when jobs are scarce and there is a booming tourist industry. Sophia takes us through the study's methods and results as we discuss the implications of the study to perception of dolphinariums. What do you think of dolphinariums? Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group: Enjoy the Podcast!!! Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:
Direct download: SUFB_S623_PublicPerceptionOfDolphinariumsWithSophiaWasserman.mp3
Category:Dolphinarium -- posted at: 4:17pm EST |
Sun, 11 November 2018
I had the pleasure of interviewing Madeline Cashion for this episode, where we discussed managing big data for fisheries management with a focus on Sharks. Madeline completed her Masters with this project. She studied 65 years worth of fisheries data in the Mediterranean to better understand how shark populations in the region have changed. It wasn't an easy process as there are many challenges in analyzing a long term dataset. Madeline and I discuss the challenges of using big data and how she overcame those challenges to create a useful thesis project that could be applicable to managers in the Mediterranean. How do you think Managers could use this data to apply to shark management? Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group: Enjoy the Podcast! Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:
Direct download: SUFB_S622_ManagingBigFisheriesDataForBetterSharkManagementWithMadelineCashion.mp3
Category:Shark Management -- posted at: 11:09am EST |
Fri, 9 November 2018
We continue with the Marine Social Science Segments with Dr. Edd Hind-Ozan. Today we discuss why there are plastic bits in plastic water bottles. Just another reason why we shouldn't be using plastic water bottles. I also discuss the new Orca Whale Watching Ban implemented in Washington State to help protect the Southern Resident Orca Whale Population. I ask the question, is whale watching the real problem, or is it low hanging fruit? Let me know what you think of the Orca Whale Watching Ban in our Facebook Group: Enjoy the Podcast!!! Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:
Direct download: SUFB_S621_PlasticBitsInWaterBottlesOrcaWhaleWatchingBanned.mp3
Category:Orca -- posted at: 4:00pm EST |
Thu, 8 November 2018
Nick Wehner and I continue our series on clearing up the tangled subject of paywalled journal articles and open access. I've heard the grumblings of many people on the restrictions of peer reviewed journal articles that sit behind a paywall. The restrictions can include such subjects as with whom the author can share her/his published articles. Nick takes us through the legal rights of authors and what type pf restrictions exist on published papers, including how authors should look into the type of creative commons license they should use before the article is written. Do you have something to say about the rights of authors? Chime in via the Facebook Group. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Don't forget to submit your paper to MarXiv to ensure Ocean decision makers get access to your paper. Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:
Direct download: SUFB_S620_CanAuthorsShareTheirPublishedPapersWithNickWehner.mp3
Category:Academic Science Journals -- posted at: 4:00pm EST |
Wed, 7 November 2018
Will the approach to Marine Policy be different now that the House is controlled by the Democrats? I explore this questions with the help of the listeners in the Facebook Group and in my Facebook contacts. I asked people this morning whether they thought Marine Policy will change now the that house was dominated by Democrats. Most were positive and hopeful realizing that policies may not be able to be reversed. However, they also realize that certain policies that are bad for the Ocean may not go through. I discuss the comments in this episode, but I would love to hear your thoughts in the Facebook Group. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Discuss the Election and how it will affect the Ocean in the Facebook Group: Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:
Direct download: SUFB_S619_ChangesWithTheVoteHowItAffectsTheOcean.mp3
Category:Marine Policies -- posted at: 4:05pm EST |
Tue, 6 November 2018
This episode is for the US listeners in the audience. It's a message to remind you to go out and vote. It's a reminder that you can make a difference. I go over a few of the Environmental policies that the Trump Administration has changed over the past 2 years. The policy changes have ignored science and US citizens to promote short term economic growth. My message is simple, vote for the Democrat Candidates to provide a check and balance in the House and Senate to ensure policy changes by this administration will not go forward without a fight and a representation of the US people. VOTE FOR THE OCEAN, VOTE BLUE!!! Discuss the Election and how it will affect the Ocean in the Facebook Group: Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:
Direct download: SUFB_S618_VoteForTheOceanVoteBlue.mp3
Category:US Midterm Elections 2018 -- posted at: 12:09pm EST |
Mon, 5 November 2018
Nicole Matthesen, a member of the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group, asked a question in the group regarding how to choose a school for marine science. I didn't respond by text, but I did dedicate this podcast episode to answering the question. During this episode, I go through strategies that I would use if I were to redo College/University as well as graduate school. My strategies focus on looking for a school that will set me up for a career.
Direct download: SUFB_S617_WhatToLookForInAMarineBiologyProgramForUndergradAndGradSchool.mp3
Category:Marine Biology Colleges -- posted at: 4:00pm EST |
Sat, 3 November 2018
![]() Brooke Tully joins me on the podcast to discuss why Conservation Marketing is so important for Marine Conservation to be successful. I was originally joined by Brooke on the podcast to discuss Conservation Marketing in general; however, this time we begin to discuss the implications of how to do conservation by targeting individual markets. This interview is Part 1 of 2. I wanted to divide up the interview due to length without throwing away any of the value of Brooke's words. Part 2 will be published tomorrow where we discuss the workshop she facilitated for a variety of types pf professionals that want to do conservation and target specific audiences. How do you think we should target audiences? Let me know in the Facebook Group. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Sponsor: I've teamed up with the Grove Collective to give you a chance to change the way you use cleaning products in your home that will benefit the Ocean. Click here for your free gift after purchase!
Direct download: SUFB_S615_CraftingMessagesForDifferentAudiencesWithBrookeTullyPart1.mp3
Category:Conservation Marketing -- posted at: 4:00pm EST |
Fri, 2 November 2018
This episode is the second part of my interview with Brooke Tully. We discuss her latest workshop she facilitated at the Conservation Marketing (#ConsMark2018) Conference last week. In the episode, Brooke discusses the structure of the workshop and how she got participants to think about how they need to group their audiences and customize their Conservation Messaging to relate to each audience. Do you have a marketing background? Let me know in the Facebook Group how you think conservation messaging should be grouped based on various audiences? Enjoy the Podcast!!! Sponsor: I've teamed up with the Grove Collective to give you a chance to change the way you use cleaning products in your home that will benefit the Ocean. Click here for your free gift after purchase!
Direct download: SUFB_S616_CraftingMessagesForDifferentAudiencesWithBrookeTullyPart2.mp3
Category:Conservation Marketing -- posted at: 5:11pm EST |
Fri, 2 November 2018
The latest report from WWF called the Living Species Report 2018 says that in the past 40 years humans have been responsible for the loss of 60% of animals around the world. I will be honest, this can't be a surprise to you, right? Media companies have been plastering articles on all of their platforms like it's a huge surprise, but let's face it we aren't that surprised are we? The way humans have been treating the world has been awful. Our governments continue to make decisions based on short term gains without worrying about the long term consequences. The best way to turn things around starts with voting!!! Vote whenever possible! Let me know in the Facebook Group how you feel about this report. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Sponsor: I've teamed up with the Grove Collective to give you a chance to change the way you use cleaning products in your home that will benefit the Ocean. Click here for your free gift after purchase!
Direct download: SUFB_S614_AreWeSurprisedAboutDecreaseInGlobalSpecies.mp3
Category:Living Species Report -- posted at: 4:00pm EST |
Thu, 1 November 2018
Dr. Edd Hind-Ozan joins me on the program today to kick off a new segment called "What's New In Marine Social Science." We discuss a great article in Popular Science that identifies the top Environmental Priority in every state going into the election. So read the article and go VOTE!!! Did you know that there has been a slow oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico that started after Hurricane Ivan destroyed a platform in 2004. The platform was owned and operated by Taylor Energy. Since 2004, the company has not had to pay anything in fines even though the leak was discovered in 2010 during aerial surveys during BP's Deepsea Horizon disaster. Both the stories today highlight the importance to put elected officials in office that will do the right thing when managing natural resources and reducing climate change impacts. Let me know your thoughts on this episode in the Facebook Group. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Sponsor: I've teamed up with the Grove Collective to give you a chance to change the way you use cleaning products in your home that will benefit the Ocean. Click here for your free gift after purchase!
Direct download: SUFB_S613_LargestSlowestOilSpillInUSHistoryMarinePolicySegement.mp3
Category:Oil Spill -- posted at: 4:00pm EST |