Mon, 7 November 2016
The Ross Sea MPA has forced me to reflect on how regulators and policy makers who are in charge of managing the Ocean through Marine Protected Areas, Quotas and other regulatory tools manage Ocean Users. Ocean Users are not used to being managed. They could generally do whatever they want as long as they show the government that they could contribute to the economy in the short or long term; however, recent events (BP Oil Spill) have driven governments to manage all Ocean Users as some can affect others, including the environment (as an Ocean User per say). I try to provide you with some examples on how Ocean Users are being or have been managed, but I would really like to here what you have to say about this subject matter. Email me to let me know how you think we should manage Ocean Users.
Direct download: SUFB_S233_HowDoWeDealWithOceanUsers.mp3
Category:Stakeholders -- posted at: 8:00am EST |