Thu, 22 December 2022
For years now marine biologists, conservationists, NGOs, and governments have been working to protect the oceans in places all over the world. It would make sense that the projects would be about working altogether, especially with the people that live along the coastal community. Unfortunately, that hasn’t always happened. Coastal communities have been ignored during these projects. Luckily, there seem to be more conversations around Justice and equity with environmental projects, which could lead to a better future. I am going to talk about ocean Justice and Equity in this episode. Fill out our listener survey: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1398_SpeakingUpForOceanJusticeAndEquity.mp3
Category:Ocean Justice and Equity -- posted at: 11:55pm EST |
Wed, 21 December 2022
Ocean protection is a key tool in managing oceans and its resources and it requires the support of all ocean users, but the one group is often ignored or left out of the process that can play a key role in protecting the ocean effectively. Indigenous groups have been protecting their oceans and lands for thousands of years and need to be included in conservation conversations. I am joined by Humna Sharif of the National Ocean Protection Coalition and Angelo Villagomez of the Center for American Progress to discuss ways in which scientists, NGOs, and governments can support Indigenous-led conservation. Links to Article: Connect with Humna:
Connect with Angelo: Fill out our listener survey: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1397_HowToSupportIndigenousLedConservation.mp3
Category:Indigenous -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 19 December 2022
Northern right whales have been the subject of many conservation conversations over the past couple of months due to the decisions made around lobster and crab pot support for sustainability to protect the endangered species. Northern Right whales are heavily monitored, especially in the winter during their calving season. Two calves were spotted recently off the coast of Georgia providing some hope for the endangered whales in hopes that their numbers rebound, but the population is expected to produce 23 calves per year which have not been achieved in a long time. One theory is that the whales have had to shift their feeding areas north to the Gulf of St. Lawrence to find their preferred food, copepods due to climate change. Will this season be better than those in the past? Link to articles: 1) 2 Northern Right Whales Spotted Off the Coast of Georgia 2) 13 new Northern Right Whale calves in 2021 3) Northern Right Whale Food Source Fill out our listener survey: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1396_NorthernRightWhaleCalvesSpotted.mp3
Category:Whales -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 16 December 2022
It's that time of year that is supposed to be one of the happiest times of the year. Students get a holiday for at least 2 weeks, people travel to see their families, and others stay local and make plans to meet up with friends who are home for a bit and meet up for family gatherings during special days throughout this holiday season. It's also a time when we buy and give gifts to family and friends and receive some too. But we can get caught up in gift-giving and create more of a mess for the environment and the ocean. I'm going to give you 3 tips on how to make this a better holiday season for the ocean. Link to article: Fill out our listener survey: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1395_3WaysToProtectTheOceanDuringTheHolidays.mp3
Category:Act for the blue -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 14 December 2022
We live in an interesting time. We have access to information at our fingertips whenever we want. It's a great opportunity to learn and interact with people all over the world. Of course, there are downfalls to social media as well as there are some great advantages. Scientists have the ability to share their work with people who do not have access to peer-reviewed papers. They also provide access to criticism in their work. Criticism does not always have to lead to being canceled, but it could lead to better work. I am going to talk to you about a recent interaction I had with a listener that ended in a great way. Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1394_ScientistsCritiqueAndDebate.mp3
Category:SciComm -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 12 December 2022
If a shark dies in the ocean, where do we find its remains? Well, there could be many answers to that question, but for many sharks, you could find their teeth in one place that we know. A deep-sea graveyard was discovered off some islands in the Indian Ocean by the ocean research arm of Australia, the CSIRO. The discovery contained teeth of various shark species ranging from mako sharks to the relatives of the now-extinct megalodon shark. Although scientists don't yet know why this graveyard was in this location, they look forward to diving into the shark teeth to find out. The latest research find from the same ship discovered a new deep-sea shark species, the stripey hornshark. Link to article: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: |
Fri, 9 December 2022
It seems to be a right of passage for people to buy or rent a home/apartment when they are ready. But have you ever thought if your home will contribute to Climate Change or help Climate Change? It's never really discussed, right? People go house hunting and discuss their needs and wants and worry as to whether they can afford their next living space. Wouldn't it be nice to live in a home that is net-negative? My guest today is Aiden Vogel, the founder of Swyft Lyft, a start-up based out of Austin, Texas that is working to ensure your next living space is net-negative. We discuss how and why he came up with this idea and how he is moving it forward into a product. He's going for scale folks and he is here to talk about it. Connect with Swyft Lyft: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1392_NetNegativeHomes.mp3
Category:Business for the environment -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 7 December 2022
Since Elon Musk bought Twitter, it has become more of a cesspool of racism, sexism, and misinformation than it was pre-Elon and conversations are becoming more confrontational as people are trying to defend their points of view on both sides of issues. But Science Twitter has been a staple where most people get great information from colleagues or science celebrities to learn more about science and it is now at risk. I am ranting about Twitter and how Science Twitter could be lost in the long term...and that is a shame!!! David Shiffman's article on Science Twitter: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: |
Mon, 5 December 2022
We will need to leverage Blue carbon (kelp, Seagrass, etc.) to help reduce climate change. Blue carbon can help absorb carbon 20 times or more than trees. There is an entire industry that is budding due to the potential revenue that may or may not end up in turning a profit. Regardless of the revenue, Blue Carbon is not in the right position to live a long, healthy life. So we need to protect the kelp forest and help solidify blue carbon to help the planet, but they are in trouble due to the consequences of years of climate change. So the question remains how do we protect blue carbon sinks? Link to article: Blue Carbon Canada: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1390_KelpDisappearingFromWestCoast.mp3
Category:Blue Carbon -- posted at: 12:32pm EST |
Fri, 2 December 2022
We tend to have a perception that working as a marine biologist requires us to be a professor at a university or work in Academia. But there are more options that could lead to a more rewarding career in your marine biology field of choice. Therefore, in this episode, I am going to present to you the options available that may not be the career paths you think you need to choose even though you may think that they present more challenges. Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1389_ThereIsMoreToYourCareerThanWorkingInAcademia.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 30 November 2022
A huge vote to take place this week to ban fishing devices that target sharks amid massive shark population declines
Shark populations are being targeted in international waters by fishing fleets using legal fishing gear...sort of. The gear can target sharks that are in high demand for their fins, meat, and organs. Tens of thousands of metric tons of sharks are being fished annually reducing some populations by at least 70%. The Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission, which governs tuna fisheries in those waters could vote on a proposal to ban the devices as soon as this week in Vietnam. Research has shown that banning the devices could lead to a decreased mortality of oceanic whitetips by 40.5% and silky sharks by 30.8%. I am going to break down the story and show you how this vote could easily help shark populations in international waters. Link to article: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1388_BanningFishingDevicesTargetedForSharksCouldLeadToDrasticDecreaseInMortality.mp3
Category:Sharks -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 28 November 2022
After two seafood certification bodies pull their support for the Maine lobster fisheries to support more protection to protect the Northern Right Whale population from extinction. There are only 340 individuals left in the population and government departments are getting desperate to protect the struggling whale population. They don't want to take any chances on whale entanglements. Is this the right thing to do? Will this protect the whale population and is it worth hurting the Maine lobster fisheries? Link to Article: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1387_WholeFoodsPullsMaineLobsterOffShelvesToProtectNorthernRightWhales.mp3
Category:Fisheries -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 25 November 2022
COP27 talks result in agreement for developed nations to pay developing nations penalties for Climate Change consequences
The purpose of COP27, aside from sharing climate change information, is for specific governments to work together to formulate an agreement to help reduce climate change. The COP27 meetings ended with a new agreement that builds on the last meeting's results after negotiations almost collapsed when the EU negotiator almost walked out due to the meeting agreement at the time. So some would consider it successful. Two major agreements were reached: 1) the agreement for developed nations to pay developing nations damages for climate change consequences; and, 2) the US and China resumed climate talks. I am going to discuss these results and what it means in the near future. Link to article: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1386_COP27ResultsInMajorAgreements.mp3
Category:climate change -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 23 November 2022
Fisheries Certification body, Marine Stewardship Council, removes Maine Lobster certification not meeting sustainability measures to protect Northern Right Whales
The Northern Right whale population is in trouble and measures need to be taken to ensure the population does not go extinct from the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. Climate change is driving the whales north into the Northern US and Canada where there were 17 deaths in 2017 due to ship strikes and entanglement in fishing gear. Canada took measures to reduce the ship's speed to half of the regulated speed during the summer of 2017. the speed increased the next year during the same timeframe. Now fishing certification organizations have removed their certification of the Maine Lobster fishery as the fishery has been deemed not to take the necessary precautions to help the Northern Right whale population. I am going to discuss what this means for the whales and the fisheries in this episode. Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1385_MaineLobsterNoLongerMSCCertified.mp3
Category:Fisheries -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 21 November 2022
Shark species are being fished unsustainably all around the world and protections in sharks need to increase to track where these species are being bought and consumed. Tracking their trade can be difficult, but one tool that is available is CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. A recent vote during the 19th convention added 54 shark species on the CITES Appendix II. I am going to talk about what this means for sharks and what else can we do to further protect them. Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1384_54SharkSpeciesProtectedUnderCITES.mp3
Category:CITES -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 18 November 2022
We talk a lot about the ocean on this podcast and ways that people within the field of marine science and conservation are trying to protect it, but we rarely talk about the things that you can do at home or at your work/office. I work at an office two days a week where people are in and out of the office as we work hybrid work schedules. It's a pretty great office and my company provides us with a lot of great things including coffee and food/snacks. I now have the opportunity to help shape our work policies as to how the company can be more environmentally-friendly. I have a lot of work and research to do so I am going to document it here, on the podcast. Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1383_IsYourWorkEcoFriendly.mp3
Category:Act for the blue -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 16 November 2022
Do you know that corals are living animals? Did you think they might be rocks? It's okay because you are not alone. There are many people who don't know much about coral reefs other than they are beautiful to see on TV and everyone wants to see them. But the thing is that corals are great for the oceans and coastlines. Corals form dense biodiversity and decrease wave energy to protect eroding coastlines. Reefs are critical to the ocean, but there are specific environmental and human disturbances that are causing them to degrade to the point of no return. you need to know more about them to help protect them. On the podcast today, Dr. David Vaughan joins me to discuss his new book The Secret Life of Corals: Sex, War, and Rocks that don't Roll to help you better understand corals and provide you with opportunities to help save them. Buy the book: The Secret Life of Corals: Sex, War and Rocks that Don't Roll Other Book: Active Coral Restoration: Techniques for a Changing Planet: Connect with Dr. David Vaughan: Website: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1382_SecretLifeOfCoralsDrDavidVaughan.mp3
Category:Corals -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 14 November 2022
COP27 is happening in Egypt right now where world leaders are gathering to discuss how they will reduce the greenhouse gas input into the atmosphere and make promises for their respective countries...that probably won't be met. People are tired of broken promises and would like to discuss and see solutions in action. One solution can be found in the Ocean through seagrass farms that can be cultivated in the Ocean, accumulate carbon, and sunk into the depth of the ocean to drive the carbon cycle. There are many companies who are trying to accomplish this goal, but can it work, and is it good for the Ocean? Link to Article: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1381_COP27ClimateSolutions_SeagrassSequestration.mp3
Category:Climate Action -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 11 November 2022
In the last episode I spoke to Maria Pinto about her experience in marine science communication where she discussed her platform of choice and the type of content she enjoyed creating. Speaking with Maria inspired me to continue to level up my scicomm game so in this episode I wanted to share with you how I will be starting (re-starting) my efforts for content on YouTube. I hope that those of you who are inspired by today's episode will have enough guidance to help you start your own efforts in science communication. Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: |
Wed, 9 November 2022
You have heard my thoughts on science communication based on my experiences which I enjoy telling you all about. But it's about time that you hear about someone else's experience in marine science communication. Maria Pinto is that person that you need to hear from because she is a marine science communicator that has experience working on multiple platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram using her knowledge of marine science to share via science communication. She discusses what it's like to be a science communicator in Europe, gaming and scicomm, and why she sticks to being creative rather than only focusing on growing her following. Connect with Dr. Maria Pinto: YouTube Channel: Instagram: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1379_WhatItsLikeToBeAMarineScienceCommunicator.mp3
Category:SciComm -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 7 November 2022
Unicorns of the sea is a term used to describe the majestic and mysterious narwhal, a cetacean that is widely known for its modified tooth that grows out of its skull. I call them mysterious because research is relatively new on the narwhal. We don't know a lot about them. But we do know when they typically begin their fall migration. Dr. Courtney Shuert is here to tell us about their migration and how climate change is affecting the timing of such an important event. Courtney's Twitter: Article Press Release: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1378_ClimateChangeAlteringNarwhalMigrationTiming.mp3
Category:Cetaceans -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 4 November 2022
Have you ever gone grocery shopping and watched people leave the store with the groceries in a bunch of plastic bags? Or watch people smoking cigarettes while lying on the beach and extinguishing their butts in the sand. It's frustrating to watch people continue to do things that don't protect the oceans. I think the change comes with the principles of psychology and behaviour change. There are certain ways to go about changing behaviour and it goes beyond spewing facts at people. Link to article: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1377_HowYouCanHelpYourFamilyAndFriendsLiveForABetterOcean.mp3
Category:Behaviour Change -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 2 November 2022
I did a search on the web for any type of content with a topic surrounding communication for ocean conservation and I found videos, papers, and blog posts on how scientists think science communication needs to be conducted using scientific facts. But is that what audiences want to hear? Are they interested in learning about the facts? I propose that we have to find new ways to talk about the ocean that is fun and provides real ways to change the ocean. Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1376_YouHaveToCommunicateChangeEffectivelyForTheOceanIfYouExpectChange.mp3
Category:Science Communication -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 31 October 2022
People love traveling to Mexico to enjoy the tropical weather to escape winter for a week and the high tourist area called Quintana Roo is a very popular destination. But there is a problem with some of the tourist activities such as dolphin excursions. Tourists can watch captive dolphins perform tricks or even swim with them. Scientists and advocates have been trying to shut the dolphinarium industry down all over the world, but Mexico is home to approximately 10% of the 3000 held in captivity around the world. A recent vote by Mexico's government officials has banned marine mammal captivity which is a great first step in the right direction; however, I am going to talk about why so much more needs to be done to ensure this ban on captivity goes through. In other words, I am not holding my breath. Link to article: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1375_MexicoBansCaptiveMarineMammals.mp3
Category:Marine Mammal Captivity -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 28 October 2022
Tonight was a tough night for me as there was an incident with a parent and the coaching staff of which I am a coach. Not only did it get heated, but it almost turned violent on the parent's part. I haven't coached for a terribly long time, but this is something that has never happened to me. It really makes me rethink coaching and gets me thinking about the work I do on this podcast. I put in the work on this podcast because it makes me happy to talk about the ocean and the benefit is that I hear from listeners that they enjoy it as well. It makes be happy that I can inspire people to change and its why I target people who want to do good for the ocean. Today, I am going to talk about why I love interacting with this audience and work so hard to try to provide information to help people change habits or build habits to live for a better ocean. It's also why I don't target or try to change the minds of people who don't care about helping the ocean. It's the same reason why I love coaching kids with their parents who want to become better players and human beings. Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1374_CommunicatingToThoseWhoWantToParticipateInChange.mp3
Category:SciComm -- posted at: 12:03am EST |
Wed, 26 October 2022
The ocean is in trouble and policy can help solve many of those problems, but there are many challenges to overcome to create or change policy. It is difficult for one organization to create policy no matter how big, therefore, coalitions are necessary to change and/or create the policies that will help save the ocean. I am speaking with Jenna Valente, who is the Director of Advocacy at Healthy Ocean Coalition and a fellow podcaster, to get more information on how her organization helps others in changing policy and advocating for the ocean. Connect With Healthy Ocean Coalition: Website: Twitter: Connect with Jenna: Twitter: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: |
Mon, 24 October 2022
The Alaskan crab fishery was made popular by the TV show, the deadliest catch and it's worth $200 million dollars annually. But the fishery is closed this year because 90% of the population (one billion crabs) disappeared over the past two years. I will be discussing the possible culprit in this episode. Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career:
Direct download: SUFB_S1372_WhatHappenedToOneBillionCrabs.mp3
Category:Climate Crisis -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 21 October 2022
There are more people who are trying to change the way people, companies, and governments change the way they do business to reduce climate change. But the methods of some climate activists are giving the rest of the climate activists and advocates a bad name. These methods need to stop and the people doing this need to focus on more appropriate demonstrations and lobbying. I provide examples of some of the extreme behaviour that is giving the rest of us a bad reputation and what you can focus on going forward. Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1371_ClimateActivistsNeedToStopDoingThis.mp3
Category:Ocean Action -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 19 October 2022
I grew up reading books on the ocean and I would soak up all of the textbooks that I could find, but we need more books that target the specific segments of the people to help them change their habits for a better ocean. There is a tiny trend happening where books are being targeted toward the general public, but that needs to scale and quickly. I am going to talk about the marine conservation books that speak to me and the public and the types of books that we need in circulation in the near future. Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: |
Mon, 17 October 2022
A scientific publisher is accused of greenwashing by supporting the oil and gas industry while pledge climate action
The best thing that we can do to help the ocean is to choose products and services that are good for the environment and companies are making it known that they are doing something to protect the environment. But how can you tell if companies are truly in for the environment? There are companies that are greenwashing, Starbucks for example, for profit. I am going to cover an example of a scientific publisher that is being accused of doing the same thing while publishing scientific articles and striving to contribute to climate projects. Article: Petition: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1369_AScientificPublisherIsAccusedOfGreenwashing.mp3
Category:Greenwashing -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 12 October 2022
There is a race of innovative projects from organizations and companies to try to clean up the ocean from plastic pollution and some projects are doing a great job, Mr. Trashwheel is a great example. But the organization called the Ocean Clean Up continues to overpromise and underdeliver at the expense of the natural environment and yet the messaging continues to be pushed as the narrative that this project will be able to clean up 90% of the oceans across social media by creators from all over the world. I would like to tell you why their new idea is not good for the environment even with the good intention of cleaning up the ocean. Link to video: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1368_TheOceaCleanStillPosesARiskToEnvironment.mp3
Category:SciComm -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 10 October 2022
Marine protected areas work well to protect fisheries and biodiversity if the areas are not fished during protection. But what happens to the fishers during those closures? Fishers could have a tough time finding alternative income during closures in areas where they used to fish to make a living and feed their families. Indonesia may have an interesting way to combat this and might help the ocean in Indonesia. I'm going to tell your their plan and my thoughts so let's start the show. Link to article: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1367_IndonesianFishersPaidToPayForPlasticPickUp.mp3
Category:Fisheries -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 7 October 2022
Watching climate change impacts such as major hurricanes, floods, droughts, wildfires, and ice sheets melting can be overwhelming for anyone, but it's time to act to fight climate change on every level ranging from individual actions to voting at the highest level. In this episode, I am going to talk about how to do more in your local area that needs to be done. Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1366_GetInvolvedLocallyToFightClimateChange.mp3
Category:climate change -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 5 October 2022
The fall in Ontario is one of my favorite times of the year. It's a time when leaves change into beautiful colors, and the humid air of the summer is replaced with a crisp that is perfect under the sun making the season as close to perfect as possible. But the weather in other places could mean a visit from hurricanes, one after another. We have seen two large hurricanes hit various parts of the eastern seaboard of North America and some people are using this time to blame the victims who lost loved ones, their houses, and more. There is a better way to approach talking about the devastating impacts of climate change and it has to do with timing. In this episode, I am going to talk about how I think we should approach the timing of the climate change discussion. Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1365_LetsTalkAboutClimateChange.mp3
Category:climate change -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 3 October 2022
A heat wave causing an increase in sea surface temperatures in the Mediterranean Sea causes a rapid deterioration in corals that once housed vibrant red and purple coral forests that provided a ton of biodiversity along the southern French, and Spanish coasts, and along the island of Sardinia. The only thing that saves them is the depth in which they reside. We need to talk about it in this episode. Link to article: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1364_MeditteraneanHeatWaveCausingCoralsToDie.mp3
Category:climate change -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 30 September 2022
After looking at the news this week and seeing two hurricanes rip through various countries causing trillions in damages, it's hard not to think about climate change and how everything is getting worse. I find it difficult to know how we are doing. We hear about international agreements such as the Paris Agreement and the Convention of Biological Diversity and we expect things to get better, but every time a report is written we hear about how things keep getting worse. Wouldn't it be nice to have a way of tracking how countries, states/provinces, cities, and even companies are holding up their end of the bargain? Well, we might just have a way to do that and it's called Earth System Boundaries. In this episode, I am going to talk about these ESBs and the 7 gaps that exist to achieve these metrics. Link to article: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1363_HoldingCitiesAndCompaniesAccountableFortheEnvironment.mp3
Category:Action -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 28 September 2022
My University was and still is known as an Agricultural School. One program that was being heavily promoted at our school and in my program was that of aquaculture. I didn't know much about aquaculture before I took a class on it but it sounded like a great thing that solved food problems. Grow fish to serve as food with a growing global population that was slowly running out of resources. Aquaculture helps wild populations as it puts less pressure on fishing wild stocks. It sounded great, but there were always issues with aquaculture in Canada that I was learning about throughout my career, but I didn't really understand the issues and how they were being covered up. I recently came across a podcast series called The Salmon People hosted by Sandra Bartlett that changed everything and it's a great way to learn about the history of problems in aquaculture. In this episode, I will talk about the podcast and how I felt it serves as a great communication piece for Canadians and anyone else that is interested in fisheries and aquaculture. Podcast Link: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: |
Mon, 26 September 2022
There are times that we, as humans, think that we can't affect the ocean because it is so big and so deep. In fact, there used to be a saying: "The solution to pollution is dilution." But scientists and engineers realized that there is a tipping point where there is so much pollution that dilution is impossible. The same truth works for noise pollution. Noise can reach many places including the deep sea, according to a recent study. I am going to discuss why the results of this noise study should throw caution into the wind for deep-sea mining. Link to article: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1361_NoiseStudyFindsHumanNoiseInDeepSea.mp3
Category:Deep Sea -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 23 September 2022
The world is changing at a rapid rate and governments are scattering to catch up with a policy to try and stop the changes. But the changes are starting to get companies to rethink their priorities from only making a profit to adding benefits to their employees and their environment. Some companies, like Patagonia, are taking their values full throttle by making the Earth its only shareholder. In this episode, I am going to discuss what I think of this shift in focus from some businesses. Link: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1360_PatagoniamakesEarthTheirOnlyShareholder.mp3
Category:For-Purpose Business -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 21 September 2022
There are two major issues that have to do with fisheries that could affect the way you choose your sustainable seafood, but each issue can be confusing to find the information that would make it easy for you to make the best decision for you. These issues lead to confusion because you never know which information is correct. The results can affect people's lives in a negative way. In this episode, I am going to discuss the issues and show you how confusing these issues can be and why it can affect conservation and livelihoods. Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1359_InformationAroundLobsterFisheriesAndSalmonAquacultureAreCausingWarOfWords.mp3
Category:Fisheries -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 19 September 2022
The US government has declared tribal salmon fisheries along the west coast failures for a number of years due to a number of factors that include everything from river pollution to climate change, but will the payments offered by the government as compensation for the failures help bring back the salmon stocks? In this episode, I will discuss how the salmon population is negatively affected and what needs to be done to help the tribal communities. Link: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1358_TribalSalmonFisheriesFailuresHappeningMoreOften.mp3
Category:Salmon -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 16 September 2022
I was scrolling through Twitter the other day and I came across a post that was retweeted by a friend of mine. The post was a graph that looked at how long it would take to break down various bags (plastic bags vs re-useable bags). It showed that plastic bags did not take the longest time to break down in a landfill. But they were more questions to be asked that talked about sustainability. Therefore, in this episode, I will discuss how we should pursue more sustainable lifestyles. Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1357_HowShouldWePursueSustainableProducts1.mp3
Category:Sustainable -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 14 September 2022
There are often times that I look at the news and hear the disasters that are happening all over the world and in my own backyard, I get overwhelmed and doubt whether we are going to be able to protect the oceans and ourselves from Climate Change. But I take comfort in the fact that there are people all over the world who are working together to protect their piece of ocean/planet. Therefore, in this episode, I will discuss how I think that we can build resilience locally to help globally. Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1356_CommunicateLocallyToLeadToGlobalAction1.mp3
Category:Science Communication -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 12 September 2022
For 45 years, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has been know for its Direct Action Campaigns that led to controversial means to stop illegal activity in the open sea. The organization was led by Captain Paul Watson, who was the face and the pride of Sea Shepherd. Paul Watson was the youngest co-founder of Greenpeace and left the organization because he wanted to do more than protest illegal wildlife events, he wanted to stop them. His vision to create a fleet of ships to act as an environmental navy was achieved and the organization was known for being a thorn in the side of whalers and illegal fishers all over the world. But now, parts of Paul Watson's organization have turned their backs on him for a path that is more scientific. So the question is, will this ruin the organization or will it make it better? Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1355_PaulWatsonOutWhatWillHappenToSeaShepherd.mp3
Category:Paul Watson -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 9 September 2022
My Master's advisor used to tell me that I would be great in a technical job within the marine science and conservation field and he was right as at the time I worked in a very technical part of the field as a marine technician and a newly graduated GIS Analyst. But I always pictured myself as someone who was in charge of either a research program or a non-profit organization that helped forward marine conservation through science. It wasn't until I was 15 years into my career that I realized I could do something that I was really good at: speaking to people about my field. Opportunities opened up for me once I started to execute speaking to people about marine science and conservation. In this episode, I am going to help you with ways that you can use your strengths to apply to marine science and conservation. Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1354_WorkInMarineScienceConservationByDoingWhatYouAreGoodAt.mp3
Category:Marine Conservation careers -- posted at: 12:40am EST |
Wed, 7 September 2022
I've known that I wanted to be a marine biologist ever since I was 14 years old and dreamed of being on ships to work to protect the ocean. But I struggled to find information on the ocean as I did have access to the web at the time. There are still struggles in finding the proper information on the ocean in today's society. Access to journal articles is behind paywalls for the most part and information disseminated on social media is often in small snippets and incomplete. Therefore, comprehensive and accessible materials about ocean education could provide more people with inspiration to help protect the ocean. In this episode, I will use the Massive Open Online Course, Sharks!, as an example to show how people who may not be scientists can use this knowledge to speak and live for a better ocean. Link to MOOC Sharks!: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1353_CanMOOCCoursesAsSciCommTools.mp3
Category:SciComm -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 5 September 2022
Community support and legislations proves helpful in restoring mangroves for small villages in the Philippines
Mangroves provide protection along the coastline from erosion due to wave action and are a biodiversity haven that produces ample fisheries for local villages. But with bounty often comes increased popularity and in the case of Malampaya Sound in the Philippines, the increased popularity led to destruction and decreased fisheries. Therefore a combination of legislation and community action was necessary to mend the fisheries of the sound. In this episode, I will reveal what factors led to the slow increase of mangroves within the Malampaya Sound. Link: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1352_CommunitySupportAndLegislationToHelpRestoreMangrovesInPhilippines.mp3
Category:Mangroves -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 2 September 2022
Last week, I discussed how to get experience to help you get your first job in marine science and conservation; however, COVID put a wrench in many college-level students that impaired their ability to get experience. So now what do you do? In today's episode, I am going to discuss how you can move forward to start your career. Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1351_COVIDMadeItDifficultToFindExperienceHereISHowYouCanGetMoreAndGetAJob.mp3
Category:Marine Conservation careers -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 31 August 2022
A recent meeting in New York at the UN headquarters was not very productive for the High Seas. An agreement could not be met to protect the high seas in four key areas. The lack of an agreement leaves many ocean species vulnerable to overfishing, climate change, and disturbance from increased shipping traffic. An agreement will take a global effort to ensure governments respect the oceans for all of us, but it will take more effort. Link to article: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1350_WhyCantWeAgreeTProtectTheHighSeas.mp3
Category:High Seas -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 29 August 2022
The UK is facing a number of beach closures due to sewage run-off as water companies are bypassing treatment and dumping raw sewage. Sewage run-off is supposed to happen on rare occasions; however, water companies are allowing run-off more than on rare occasions. Critics have suggested that the companies are choosing profits over reinvestment in the treatment plants. Could the problems faced with sewage by the UK be due to the privatization of the water utility sector? Links to articles:
1) 2) Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1349_HowMuchSewageIsBeingReleasedToYourCoastline.mp3
Category:Sewage Treatment -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 26 August 2022
POV - You just graduated with your BSc in Biology with a concentration in Marine Science and you are super excited to start a new career in the field of Marine Science and Conservation, but you noticed that every job requires 3-5 years of experience, a Masters and/or a Ph.D. degree. Now you are a little deflated and you want to find out where you can find a job that you don't require a crazy amount of experience or other degrees. Well, I am going to give you some suggestions for this episode. Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1348_WaysToGetExperienceForYourFirstJobInMarineScienceAndConservation.mp3
Category:Marine Conservation careers -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 24 August 2022
The last 5 decades have been a rough one for the science field and it doesn't look like it's going to get better. Politicians and fringe groups are denying climate change and the scientific process around various tools to help protect people. But on the other hand, it seems as though there are more STEM programs popping up in schools at the high school and post-secondary school levels. So my question to you is: Can we get people excited about science again? Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1347_CanPeopleGetExcitedAboutScienceAgain.mp3
Category:SciComm -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 22 August 2022
Dr. Milton Muldrow Jr., Director of Natural Science Programs at Wilmington University (Delaware) joins me on the podcast today to discuss how synthetic biology can play a role in protecting the ocean. Milton talks about his career and journey balancing multiple jobs and opportunities with a family that led him to land a role that can help students solve ocean challenges. Milton's website: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1346_HowSyntheticBiologyMayHelpTheOcean.mp3
Category:Innovation -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 19 August 2022
I launched this podcast to help people understand what is happening in the ocean and how they can help so I can stay connected to the ocean and its conservation. But I did not know that I would reach this many people when I started and it makes me want to do more in science communication. In this episode, I am going to tell you the milestone I hit and why I want to continue to do the podcast...and how I would like to expand my reach through other platforms. Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1345_IHitAHugeMilestoneAndItMakesMeWantToPodcastMore.mp3
Category:Action -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 17 August 2022
How you can use the example of baby sea turtles as a way to explain climate change to your family and friends
Explaining climate change is not a simple exercise, especially when there is so much misinformation floating around the web, and some times the material can be complex to explain, but there are ways to explain how climate change is affecting an iconic animal such as the sea turtle to get people's attention. In this episode, I am going to explain how baby sea turtles can be used to explain how climate change is affecting animals in the ocean. Link to Article: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1344_HowToUseBabySeaTurtlesToExplainClimateChangeToFamilyAndFriends.mp3
Category:SciComm -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 15 August 2022
Cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) are beautiful creatures and they display a number of different behaviours that we often like to watch. The behaviours are usually friendly ones such as bow riding or breaching the water giving us a spectacular show. But cetaceans are wild animals and being in the wild means every species needs to survive that is why researchers were not surprised after observing a pod of Risso's dolphins herding away a pod of long-finned pilot whales to protect the food in their habitat. In this episode of the Speak Up For The Ocean Blue podcast, I am going to discuss the incident and why it's important to know why these cetaceans are so protective. Link to Article: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1343_RissoDolphinsHerdAwayPilotWhalesToProtectTheirHabitat.mp3
Category:Cetaceans -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 12 August 2022
Is Canada's single use plastic ban enough to reduce plastic waste, Oceana Canada thinks we can do more
Canada just passed a law to ban 6 types of single-use plastics across the nation over the next 3 years in an unprecedented move to curb plastic waste, but some people think that Canada can do more, including Oceana. I am going to talk about how Oceana Canada thinks Canada can reduce plastic even more and I want to ask the question, is it too much? Link to campaign: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1342_CanCanadaDoBetterWithPlastic.mp3
Category:Plastic Pollution -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 8 August 2022
The International Seabed Authority, which is responsible for overseeing the development of deep-sea mining in international waters AND protecting the ocean met to negotiate a set of regulations to determine if deep-sea mining can proceed. But scientists and environmentalists involved in the process are worried about transparency and revealing that the process is not transparent at all. In this episode of the Speak Up For The Ocean Blue podcast, I will provide you with more information on the process and what it could mean for the deep sea. Link to article: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1341_TransparencyAndAccessAnIssueAtDeepSeaMiningNegotiations.mp3
Category:Deep-Sea Mining -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 5 August 2022
When I speak to people about their careers in Marine Science and Conservation, I can sense how badly they want a job and build their careers. It's hard to describe how I can notice it, but if you have it then go after it. But there are many of you who lack the motivation to fight for a position to get what you want. You have to show that you have a passion for this field in order to be successful. In this episode of Speak Up For The Ocean Blue podcast, I am going to tell you what you can do to show the hiring managers that you have a passion for Marine Science and Conservation so you will get hired and start your career down the right path. Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1340_MustShowThisPersonalityTraitIfYouWantAJobInMarineScienceAndConservation.mp3
Category:Marine Conservation careers -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 3 August 2022
A news article revealed that Kylie Jenner uses her private jet to fly 17 minutes to do daily chores such as grocery shopping to avoid traffic in LA. A sustainability firm based in the UK dug deeper to produce a list of the worst private jet offenders that were celebrities, but are we putting the blame in the right place? Celebrities are easy targets to receive hate; however, there was a report published in 2017 that revealed that 100 companies around the world are responsible for 70% of the contribution to climate change. In this episode of the Speak Up For The Ocean Blue Podcast, I am going to discuss why we should be tackling both and think about the way we need to change how we do business in the future. Link to article: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1339_AreCelebretiesContributingTooMuchGreenhouseGasesViaTheirPrivateJetFlights.mp3
Category:climate change -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 1 August 2022
A Greenland shark was found in the Caribbean Sea, surprising the science world and it begs the overall question: Have they always been there? But more research is needed to answer a number of questions. It also reminds us all that we know nothing of the deep sea and maybe we should hold off on opening up deep-sea mining since we don't really know the damage we could cause. In this episode of the Speak Up For The Ocean Blue podcast, I am going to run through some of the questions I have on the Greenland shark distribution topic and provide my thoughts on why this should really halt any plans of deep-sea mining. Link to Article: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1338_DoGreenlandSharksFrequentCaribbeanSea.mp3
Category:Sharks -- posted at: 6:03pm EST |
Fri, 29 July 2022
Three episodes ago, I discussed how to speak up for the ocean if you are not a scientist. I suggested following specific scientists on social media to get accurate and recent science and conservation information. I had a few people contact me over Instagram to ask if I know where they could get more information on science and conservation in their area. A great question indeed and that seems like it could be hard to find anyone. In this episode of the Speak Up For The Ocean Blue Podcast, I will tell you how you can find out about local science and conservation issues. Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1337_WhereToFindLocalScientistsToFollow.mp3
Category:SciComm -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 27 July 2022
Discovery puts man in a clear plastic tub in the ocean; attracts big white shark; and, is surprised when the shark bites the clear tub to grab the human
Every year I go into Shark Week with a positive mindset in hope that it will provide some great programs and some great cinematography and I would like to hope that it won't play into the fear-mongering, but that was not the case for the first news piece that I saw from CNN (who owns Discovery). A clear promotional video starts off with fear of shark sightings and bites then into one of the dumbest things a person can do when being around a white shark. I will tell you why it was so dumb in this upcoming rant. Link to video: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1336_SharkWeekIsUpToItsOldAntics.mp3
Category:Shark Week -- posted at: 12:43am EST |
Mon, 25 July 2022
Shark week is back and over this week you will see some great shots of different species of sharks and some interesting behaviours, but you probably won't see much talk on the conservation of sharks and you might hear some misinformation on the species. You can take advantage of Shark Week by informing your followers (and maybe new followers) on shark conservation and where we need to focus on to increase shark awareness.
Direct download: SUFB_S1335_SharkWeekConservationNarrative.mp3
Category:Shark Week -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 20 July 2022
Science plays an important part in understanding the trends in the ocean whether they are positive or negative and scientists also are critical in communicating their work so people can be aware of the trends, but people think that only scientists can talk about science and that is not true; therefore, by the end of this episode of the Speak Up For The Ocean Blue, I hope to convince you that you can speak up for the ocean too and give you steps that you can take to make sure you do it correctly. Follow/Subscribe to Beyond Jaws: Apple Podcasts: Spotify: Website: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1334_UseThese3StepsToSpeakUpForTheOceanIfYouAreNotAScientist.mp3
Category:SciComm -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 18 July 2022
The Mississippi Delta is one powerful river that drains a large portion of the rivers in the US and two provinces in Canada, yet there are few people who know how powerful the river can be and how the land at the mouth of the Mississippi changes depending on the action that is taken by human alteration. Hakai Magazine wrote a great article on how the Mississippi River is changing and what can be done to save the land, the shrimpers, and the bottlenose dolphins that inhabitat of the ever-changing Mississippi Delta. Link to article: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1333_CanTheMissDeltaBeReengineeredToSaveIt.mp3
Category:Mississippi -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 15 July 2022
Sharks have had a bad reputation for decades that have lead to their harm and lack of protection for a long time, but more videos and articles are surfacing that include love for sharks. But could all of this love be dangerous for shark populations as well? Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: |
Wed, 13 July 2022
I recently had the opportunity to interview wildlife science communicator, Forrest Galante, for my other podcast I cohost called Beyond Jaws and during the interview Forrest taught me a lot about being a science communicator through his own journey. Therefore, I am going to share some interesting tips that I picked up from Forrest that I will use as a science communicator and that you could use in your own journey.
Beyond Jaws Podcast: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1331_LessonsInSciCommFromForrestGalante.mp3
Category:Science Communication -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 11 July 2022
There is a huge push to move away from fossil fuels and move toward renewable energy to help reduce climate change, but politicians and the fossil fuel industry are always pushing for more oil and gas drilling to help the economy; therefore, authors are the centre for American Progress laid out 4 reasons why the Biden Administration should not expand offshore drilling in the proposed 5-year plan he laid out this past month...and they kinda listened. Link to article: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1330_4WaysWhyTheBidenAdminShouldNotExpandOffshoreDrilling.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 8 July 2022
Recent government decisions on environmental protections got you down? Here are some careers that can help you make changes.
Government decisions whether they are from the courts, congress, senate, or the white house can inspire people to take up the arm of conservation by seeking out a job and building a career to protect the environment, but going back to school to get a science degree may not lead you to the type of change that you want. Building a career in conservation takes planning; therefore, I will teach you what you should look for in a career that could lead to change. Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1329_RecentCourtDecisionsGotYouWantingAJobToMakeChange.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 6 July 2022
The US Democrats have control of Congress, the senate, and the white house and they are all on the same page about climate action, but the US Supreme Court is Republican-dominated and they have made a decision that undermines the Clean Air Act and the ability for the EPA to regular emissions from the fossil fuel industry. Therefore, it's time for the government to step up and make laws that will better address the climate emergency. In this episode of the SUFB podcast, I will be ranting about the decisions of late from the US Supreme Court and why the government needs to adapt to the stalling of the fossil fuel industry. Link to article: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1328_SupremeCourtDecisionEPAClimateCrisis.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 4 July 2022
I've done some work with mining companies in Ontario before as I would run studies to ensure the companies were not harming the surrounding water bodies, but during my time as a private consultant, I heard some really bad stories about mining companies harming local areas and people with toxic spills. Therefore, I was initially worried when I saw Tesla and Nickel Mine in a recent headline on Mongabay News. I was happy to hear that their mention is not tarnished by this involvement in nickel mining with the benefits that come to the community. In this episode of the Speak Up for the Ocean Blue Podcast, I am going to tell you about a nickel mine on a small island that could be beneficial to the local community. Link to article: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1327_NickelMineInNewCaledoniaGetsBackedByTeslaAndLocalCommunity.mp3
Category:Mining -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 1 July 2022
Marine Conservation needs to focus on empowering and including coastal communities to achieve success
When I grew up, I wanted to be a marine biologist. I had this dream that I would work in a small Pacific Islands doing marine science and conservation, but that was probably a form of parachute science and that can hurt marine conservation outcomes. Parachute science happens more often than you think and there is now a call to build in more equity in marine conservation by including local communities in the conservation plans of THEIR coastline. In this episode of the Speak Up for the Ocean Blue Podcast, I am going to cover why diversity, equity and inclusion are the primary focus of the UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon. Link to article: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1326_MarineConservationEquityInclusionForSuccess.mp3
Category:Diversity -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 29 June 2022
As long as I can remember protecting the ocean has always been my number one priority Ocean conservation and the action takes time and work from many different fields and it requires the dedication of many men and women from around the world; however, it is very difficult to focus on conserving the ocean when other human rights are being taken away and need more focus. In this episode of the Speak Up For The Ocean Blue Podcast, I am going to discuss how recent news/events/decisions around the world and in the US (even in my home country of Canada) can affect the people's focus on the ocean. Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1325_SpeakingUpforTheOceanIsHardWhenHumanRightsAreAtStake.mp3
Category:Policy -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 27 June 2022
We have a plastic pollution problem in this world and we can't solve it unless countries put in policies to ban single-use plastics, but what will a ban look like. In this episode, I am going to describe how Canada is going to ban single-use plastics as soon as December 2022. Link to Press Release: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1324_CanadaIsBanningSingleUsePlastic.mp3
Category:Plastic Pollution -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 22 June 2022
There need to be more conversations about the ocean on the web and there are plenty of opportunities to start your science communication journey, but people still aren't getting started. Therefore, I am going to tell you the different ways how you can get started in science communication today. Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1323_SciCommHowWillYouGetStarted.mp3
Category:SciComm -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 20 June 2022
Restoring oyster beds, seagrass, and salt marshes together is better than restoring only one type of habitat
There are many coastal areas that have been degraded to the point that restoration is necessary, but restoration can be very expensive and is often focused on 1 type of habitat. Therefore, restoration specialists and conservationists are now focusing on restoring more than one type of habitat to increase the success of the coastal area. In this episode of the SUFB podcast, I will be discussing how projects from different parts of the world are having success with restoring multiple habitats due to a term we call connectivity. Link to article: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1322_RestoringMultipleCoastalHabitats.mp3
Category:Restoration -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 17 June 2022
Everyone loves fashion and loves to look good when they go out. Many people follow the term "Look good, feel good." But today's fashion comes at an environmental cost/price and therefore, it needs to change to more sustainable options. In this episode of the Speak Up For the Ocean Blue Podcast, I will be highlighting two types of ocean sources derived from an invasive species and the other from kelp. Link to article: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1321_WillTheOceanLeadFashionIntoANewEra.mp3
Category:Oceanpreneur -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 13 June 2022
Protecting and conserving the ocean seems to take a back seat to other issues when talking about priorities. For example, in Canada, politicians want to protect the economy more than the environment because it has a higher priority. Often times the protection of the economy comes in direct conflict to protecting the environment. But what if the ocean had a say in this priority choice. What if the Ocean could speak to us and give humans a message. Conservation International has some thoughts on what the Ocean was to say to humans. In this episode, I am going to talk about a new campaign from Conservation International called Nature Is Speaking and how it should make us rethink how we protect the ocean. Link to video: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: Website: Instagram: Twitter: |
Fri, 10 June 2022
The last part of my 3-part series interviewing fishers from the East Coast of Canada takes me to a conversation I had with Gordon Beaton who has fished along Canada's East Coast for his entire life. His uncle was a fisher and his son is now a fisher. Learn what it takes to be a fisher in Canada. Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: |
Thu, 9 June 2022
I continue my series of speaking to fishers from the East Coast of Canada to get to know their challengers and why fishing is such a big part of their lives.
Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1318_KevinSquiresAndNancyWedden.mp3
Category:fishers -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 8 June 2022
Happy Oceans Day!!! As promised in the last episode, here is the entire audio piece created by Michelle Amor. Enjoy!
Direct download: SUFB_S1316_SoundsOfTheOceanExperience1.mp3
Category:Oceans Week -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Tue, 7 June 2022
I had the opportunity to sit down with Carl Allen to discuss what life was like as a lobster fisher in Eastern Canada.
Carl told me how young he was when he started fishing and how his life is all about fishing. He also discusses the work he does with the fishing union. Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: |
Mon, 6 June 2022
There seems to be a day for everything these days and the oceans have a day as well, June 8th. It's a time for us to think about why we love the ocean so much and how we can better protect. There are celebrations, conferences, announcements (big and small) where governments and organizations try to stand out from one another to tell you how they are committed to protect the oceans. But the announcements are all massive agreements and commitments that don't include a very important thing, YOU! In this episode, I am going to go over my thoughts about oceans week and how I think you should approach it. What you can get out of oceans week. I am also going to discuss the programming that I have planned for Oceans Week for this podcast and some other things.
Direct download: SUFB_S1315_OceansWeekHowYouShouldApproachIt.mp3
Category:Oceans Week -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 3 June 2022
There are many people that want to work in Marine Conservation, but not everyone has a degree in Marine Biology or another type of science degree; however, you don't need to be a scientist to help protect the ocean. There are many people who are working on Marine Conservation with business and arts degrees. In today's episode, I am going to answer a question from a listener who wants to work in Marine Conservation and has a Psychology degree. I am going to provide some examples of how useful someone can be with a Psychology degree in Marine Conservation. Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1314_WhatTypeOfJobCanYouGetWithAPsychologyDegree.mp3
Category:Marine Conservation careers -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 1 June 2022
ExxonMobil will finally have to face charges in Massachusetts for misleading the public on Climate Change
There are studies that have revealed that oil companies like ExxonMobil have spent billions of dollars on campaigns that involved misleading the public on Climate Change and one Attorney General brought charges against the oil company, but will the company have to pay for their misleading ways and what will the punishment be? We need to hold more fossil fuel companies accountable for the notorious work that they conduct around the world. In this episode, I will discuss why I think this trial could have severe consequences for oil companies across the states in the US. Links to articles: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: Website: Instagram: Twitter:
Direct download: SUFB_S1313_ExxonMobilToFaceChargesForMisleadingPeopleOnClimateChange.mp3
Category:climate change -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 30 May 2022
Laws in Canada make sure that marine theme parks such as Marineland cannot acquire new cetaceans (Whales or Dolphins) and they were amended in 2019 to ensure that whales and dolphins do not perform in their entertainment shows, but evidence suggests that Marineland continues to conduct the whale and dolphin shows. Therefore, Canadian laws should work faster to ensure the safety and well-being of the animals. In this episode, I will discuss the video evidence that was published by Animal Justice in Canada and why I think that the laws should work faster to stop the shows from happening at all. Link to Article: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: Website: Instagram: Twitter:
Direct download: SUFB_S1312_MarinelandRunningIllegalWhaleAndDolphinShowsInCanada.mp3
Category:Marine Mammal Captivity -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 27 May 2022
There are many of you (including myself) that would like to help protect the ocean and we tend to fantasize ways in which we can help, but there are times when we are not focusing on the best ways we can all protect the ocean; therefore, I am going to go through the best ways that you can help save the ocean with minimal work even though it might not be the way you dreamed it would be. In this episode, I am going to discuss how I had FOMO lately on ocean protection and started to focus away from the best way that I could protect the ocean (through communication). Do you go through the same thing? Building an online community through digital storytelling 6-week course: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: Website: Instagram: Twitter:
Direct download: SUFB_S1311_AreYouFocusedOnTheBestWaysToHelpProtectTheOcean.mp3
Category:Community Conservation -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 25 May 2022
Sharks are an iconic ocean animal that can strike fear and wonder in anyone that sees them and they are one of those animals that everyone would like to protect; but, most shark populations around the world have experienced drastic declines in population over the past 50 years and many people do not know how to go about protecting them; therefore, Dr. David Shiffman wrote a book to help guide you to better protect sharks and oceans. In this episode, I speak to Dr. David Shiffman about his new book, Why Sharks Matter, to get the inside scoop on why he wrote a book that wasn't a textbook and how people can help better protect sharks. Order the book: Amazon: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: Website: Instagram: Twitter:
Direct download: SUFB_S1310_WhySharksReallyMatter_DrDavidShiffman2.mp3
Category:Sharks -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 23 May 2022
Equity, diversity, and inclusion has been the focus of many organizations in marine science and conservation and outside of the field for a number of years and there has been some small steps in the right direction made, but there are many examples of BIPOC scientists and their teams that still face racism today. Therefore, it is important to highlight some of those racist examples to show people the challenges that BIPOC scientists face in 2022. In this episode, I am going to describe to you a real-life example of a hotel staff asking a BIPOC scientist and her team to leave the hotel after the scientist asked for her room to be cleaned, which she had asked for a week. Link to Resources:
Tweet Thread: Dr. Tiara Moore: WOC Website: Building an online community through digital storytelling 6-week course: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1309_BIPOCScientistGetsKickedOutOfHotelForAskingForHerRoomToBeCleaned.mp3
Category:Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 20 May 2022
Climate change has been deemed the biggest threat in the world by many scientists, conservationists, industries, governments, and militaries around the world and countries have made international pledges in the form of treaties to curb greenhouse gas emissions and invest in more renewable energy, but the parties that form the government in democratic countries do not adhere to the treaties or listen to what the experts are saying. In some cases, the governments have done the opposite of the advice of experts and driven the problem further. Therefore, citizens need to demand more action on climate change from their government through voting. In this episode, I am going to discuss how Australia is in one of the most important elections for climate action as described in an opinion article written by Dr. Euan Ritchie And published in the Guardian. His story is not unique when compared to my story and my country, Canada, and is also similar to other countries. Link to article: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: Website: Instagram: Twitter:
Direct download: SUFB_S1308_ClimateAndPoliticsAustralia.mp3
Category:Climate Action -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 18 May 2022
In the last episode, I talked about a new enzyme that can breakdown plastics in days instead of centuries and it seems very promising, but we know that it is not the complete solution and people will continue to use single-use plastics; therefore, in this episode, I offer three ways that we need to get a mass reduction of plastic use. Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: Website: Instagram: Twitter:
Direct download: SUFB_E1307_DoPeopleTrulyUnderstandThePlasticPollutionProblem.mp3
Category:Plastic Pollution -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 16 May 2022
A new enzyme that can break down plastics in a matter of days and not centuries is giving people hope that we can still use plastics and not have to worry about the reduction, but the solution will only take care of a small percentage of plastic pollution. Therefore, we need to continue the pursuit of reducing our single-use plastics. In this episode, I will discuss why we need to stay the course in reducing our plastic dependence. Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1306_EnzymeBreaksDownPlastics.mp3
Category:Plastic Pollution -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 13 May 2022
Marine science and conservation has proven to help the ocean in many cases when things are done properly, but not all of it works; therefore, methods need to adapt and build on past failures. In this episode, I will be talking about two conservation experiments that people don't like but could lead to a better understanding and protection of the ocean. I am going to talk about the failed experiment of keeping marine mammals in captivity at marine parks and shark tagging. Building an online community through digital storytelling 6-week course: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1305_FailureInMarineScienceAndConservationCanLeadToBetterProtections.mp3
Category:Marine Conservation -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 11 May 2022
How Podcasts can help scientists and conservationists connect with the public to help them live for a better ocean
There are many issues that are facing this world that have science-based solutions that are not getting solved and it's because people are taking swipes at scientists in every field, but is it because scientists and conservationists don't seem accessible to the public; therefore, I am going to tell you about my favourite tool: podcasts are a great tool to reach the public. In this episode of the Speak Up For The Ocean Blue Podcast, I am going to tell you how podcasts can help connect scientists and conservationists with the public to help people live for a better ocean. Building an online community through digital storytelling 6-week course: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1304_HowPodcastsCanConnectScientistsWithPublicToHelpOcean.mp3
Category:SciComm -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 9 May 2022
Climate change consequences lead to low lake levels in Lake Mead and the Colorado River Basin affecting the drinking water supply for over 20 million people
Climate change consequences have been talked about for decades and people have been ignoring them, but know those consequences are happening and people are paying the price; therefore, it's time to talk about their impact and how we can move forward with better action. In today's episode, I am going to be talking about the record low lake levels of the Lake Mead /Colorado River system and how that could affect the drinking water supply for over 20 million people. Building an online community through digital storytelling 6-week course: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: Website: Instagram: Twitter:
Direct download: SUFB_S1303_LakeMeadColoradoRiver_LowLevels_ClimateChange.mp3
Category:climate change -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 6 May 2022
It is really difficult to find a job in marine science and conservation lately so many early career scientists search for internships before full time or temporary jobs, but is an internship in their best interest? I am a huge proponent of getting a job over an internship when possible. In this episode, I discuss why early career scientists should focus on search for jobs instead of internships. Building an online community through digital storytelling 6-week course: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1302_InternshipVSJob.mp3
Category:Marine Conservation careers -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 4 May 2022
Science Communication is one of the most important parts of conservation as it is responsible for getting complex information to your audience, but people are used to simple sound bites rather than long explanations; therefore, SciCommers need to adapt and get their points across easily. In today's episode, I am going to be discussing how to get your point across while holding your audience's attention. Building an online community through digital storytelling 6-week course: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1301_HowToSpeakOnComplicatedIssuesToYourAudience.mp3
Category:SciComm -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 2 May 2022
Everyone loves food, you can tell by the number of restaurants that are in a city/town/village. There is a food network with chef battles and mouth-watering dishes. Many cultures use food as a way to socialize and build relationships. But do you ever worry about how the future of our food will be secured in a time when the world will be changing? Stanford University's Center for Ocean Solutions is looking at how blue food security will be affected by a number of changes including the ever-so-changing climate. Dr. Michelle Tigchelaar is a climate scientist that focuses on blue food security and she joins me on the podcast to discuss a recent paper on how Climate change will affect blue foods in the future.
Direct download: SUFB_S1300_HowBlueFoodsAreAffectedByClimateChange.mp3
Category:Blue Foods -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Fri, 29 April 2022
We own a lot of stuff and we love to buy stuff, but that stuff leads to a life of waste and builds on our impact on the oceans; therefore we need to move towards a net zero impact. In today's episode, I am going to provide you with an example of an organization that is moving towards net zero...the Toronto Zoo, and how the entire organization is working together to get to net zero. Wild For Life Podcast: Apple Podcasts: Spotify: Building an online community through digital storytelling 6-week course: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1299_OrganizationsCanMoveTowardsnetZero.mp3
Category:Live For A Better Ocean -- posted at: 12:00am EST |