Mon, 7 March 2016
Species Tuesday: NOAA Ocean Exploration and Research Department discovered a new species of Octopus that is being dubbed "Casper, the Friendly Octopus" because of it's ghost-like white body that glows in the dark. On today's podcast I talk about the unique qualities of the species and why we need more of these kinds of discoveries.
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Sun, 6 March 2016
As someone who works in producing important maps of fish habitat to inform manager, I am geeking out at this article I cover in today's episode. The Duke Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab produced online maps for 35 Whale and Dolphin Species for managers to see them. I explain why these maps are important and how they will be used in Ocean Conservation during this episode.
The key is to continue to fund these projects!
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Direct download: sufbs126onlinemapstrackwherewhalesanddolphinsgo_1457320709.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 10:24pm EST |
Sat, 5 March 2016
Another Ocean Talk Friday was a success and for the 2nd week in a row, we hosted it on Blab, a live streaming site where we actually had people ask us questions! YAY for interaction!
This week, Nathan and I chatted about:
1) Superpower-like jellyfish;
2) China's quest to "explore" the deep sea by making it a law;
3) Noise from the deep sea (hint: it's not China!); and,
4) Sea Turtles vs Resorts in Kenya
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Wed, 2 March 2016
Marine Protected Areas are designed to remove the human influence, or disturbance, to the oceans; however, climate change impacts like high sea surface temperatures will affect MPS effectiveness in the future.
Today, I review a study that incorporates sea surface temperature variability in MPA planning.
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Direct download: sufbs124incorporatinghightemperatureinmarineplanni_1456892014.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:00pm EST |
Tue, 1 March 2016
Coral bleaching is synonymous with Climate Change and unfortunately, high global temperatures this year as brought on another coral bleaching event in a UNESCO Heritage Site. Today, I talk about what is happening, why it happened, and what we can do about it.
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Direct download: sufbs123greatbarrierreefcoralsundergoingbleaching_1456891839.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 11:33pm EST |
Tue, 1 March 2016
Leonardo DiCaprio one best Actor for Revenant at the 2016 Oscars and instead of thanking his costars he talked about how we should be supporting politicians who support Climate Change Emission reductions. And believe or not, some people didn't like it. Listen to the podcast to find out why.
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Direct download: sufbs122leodicapriooscarsspeechwhatisclimateaction_1456861206.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 2:59pm EST |
Mon, 29 February 2016
Leonardo DiCaprio one best Actor for Revenant at the 2016 Oscars and instead of thanking his costars he talked about how we should be supporting politicians who support Climate Change Emission reductions. And believe or not, some people didn't like it. Listen to the podcast to find out why.
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10 Ocean Tips to Conserve the Ocean:
Show Notes:
Direct download: sufbs122leodicapriooscarsspeechwhatisclimateaction_1456802370.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 10:20pm EST |