Sat, 9 February 2019
I am pleased to have Dr. Edward Hind-Ozan back on the podcast to do discuss "What Is Happening In Marine Social Science This Week?" It's a weekly segment where Edd brings us articles that he and I discuss where we focus on people and their interaction with the Ocean. On today's segment, Edd and I discuss a paper by Dr. Angela Dean on how conservation messaging should be different for different groups of people when trying to change a behaviour around the Ocean. It reaffirms the thought process that conservation messaging should not be the same for everyone as everyone has different values. Listen to the episode and let Edd and I know your thoughts on conservation messaging in the Facebook Group: Want to get started on living for a better Ocean? Sign up for the Grove Collaborative and get a free gift:
Direct download: SUFB_S697_ConservationMessagingNeedsToBeDifferentForVariousGroupsWithEddHindOzan.mp3
Category:Conservation Marketing -- posted at: 1:16pm EST |
Tue, 22 January 2019
Brooke Tully joins the podcast for her segment of "What's Happening In Conservation Marketing This Week?" On today's episode, Brooke and I explore the notion that people don't change because why should they?! Everyone is being asked so much these days from being asked to be healthier to buying eco-friendly products to save the planet. There are some people who are tired of being asked to change all of the time. Why should they change? Brooke has some answers. Check out the episode for Brooke's solutions. Why do you change your behaviour? Or better yet, why don't you change your behaviour? Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group: Want to get started on living for a better Ocean? Sign up for the Grove Collaborative and get a free gift:
Direct download: SUFB_S685_WhatPeopleDontDoThingsWhyShouldIWithBrookeTully.mp3
Category:Conservation Marketing -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Wed, 16 January 2019
Have you ever tried to change, but little things got in the way. For example, one of my New Year's Resolutions for 2019 was to eat less meat (only 3 times per week). So far, it hasn't gone so well because I haven't planned my meals. When I am hungry, I want to eat everything that is in front of me, so I pick the first thing I see. I won't meet my resolution if I don't change. I need to plan my meals ahead of time to ensure that I know exactly what I am eating everyday and before every meal. I can't let planning become a little hassle that will prevent me from changing. Brooke Tully is here to discuss the Little Hassles in our ongoing segment of why people don't do things on "What Is Happening In Conservation Marketing Today?" Listen to what she has to say about how conservationists can get people to change without worrying about the hassles. Take a listen and share your thoughts in the Facebook Group: Want to get started on living for a better Ocean? Sign up for the Grove Collaborative and get a free gift:
Direct download: SUFB_S681_WhyPeopleDontDoThingsHassleFactorsWithBrookeTully.mp3
Category:Conservation Marketing -- posted at: 1:00pm EST |
Tue, 8 January 2019
Brooke Tully is back again with a great segment of "What's Happening in Conservation Marketing." We continue to discuss why people don't do things. We focused this episode on people don't change their behaviours because they can't. Brooke brings up the fact that people are often asked to change behaviours that may be too expensive and/or not accessible to them. I notice this quite a bit in the Marine Conservation field. However, Brooke has a solution. Take a listen and share your thoughts in the Facebook Group: Want to get started on living for a better Ocean? Sign up for the Grove Collaborative and get a free gift:
Direct download: SUFB_S675_PeopleCantDoThingsBecauseTheyCantWithBrookeTully.mp3
Category:Conservation Marketing -- posted at: 2:05pm EST |
Wed, 19 December 2018
Brooke Tully joins me on the podcast today for another edition of "What's Happening in Conservation Marketing This Week?" This time, Brooke describes her new online workshop that she created to help make conservation movements more effective using marketing techniques that follow traditional and digital marketing practices. Brooke and I provide some examples of effective Conservation Marketing that only scratch the surface of the material that you will be hearing. You can find the registration for the Online 6-Weeks Workshop here. Note: I do not make any money on this workshop. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Link to Registration (Ends Jan 15th): Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group about this episode: Take advantage of our Sponsor's, Grove Collaborative, holiday deal for eco-friendly products:
Direct download: SUFB_S659_ConservationMarketingToBetterProtectNature.mp3
Category:Conservation Marketing -- posted at: 5:03pm EST |
Sat, 3 November 2018
![]() Brooke Tully joins me on the podcast to discuss why Conservation Marketing is so important for Marine Conservation to be successful. I was originally joined by Brooke on the podcast to discuss Conservation Marketing in general; however, this time we begin to discuss the implications of how to do conservation by targeting individual markets. This interview is Part 1 of 2. I wanted to divide up the interview due to length without throwing away any of the value of Brooke's words. Part 2 will be published tomorrow where we discuss the workshop she facilitated for a variety of types pf professionals that want to do conservation and target specific audiences. How do you think we should target audiences? Let me know in the Facebook Group. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Sponsor: I've teamed up with the Grove Collective to give you a chance to change the way you use cleaning products in your home that will benefit the Ocean. Click here for your free gift after purchase!
Direct download: SUFB_S615_CraftingMessagesForDifferentAudiencesWithBrookeTullyPart1.mp3
Category:Conservation Marketing -- posted at: 4:00pm EST |
Fri, 2 November 2018
This episode is the second part of my interview with Brooke Tully. We discuss her latest workshop she facilitated at the Conservation Marketing (#ConsMark2018) Conference last week. In the episode, Brooke discusses the structure of the workshop and how she got participants to think about how they need to group their audiences and customize their Conservation Messaging to relate to each audience. Do you have a marketing background? Let me know in the Facebook Group how you think conservation messaging should be grouped based on various audiences? Enjoy the Podcast!!! Sponsor: I've teamed up with the Grove Collective to give you a chance to change the way you use cleaning products in your home that will benefit the Ocean. Click here for your free gift after purchase!
Direct download: SUFB_S616_CraftingMessagesForDifferentAudiencesWithBrookeTullyPart2.mp3
Category:Conservation Marketing -- posted at: 5:11pm EST |