Mon, 29 May 2017
The Government of Canada recently made some ambitious goals to protect 10% of their coasts by 2020. I speak to Dr. Rodolphe Devillers to discuss the challenges the Canadian Government and other governments face when establishing Marine Protected Areas. Some of the challenges we discuss: Enjoy the podcast! Support Science and Climate Change Science Research by buying our Graphic T-shirts "Science Can't Be Silenced" and "Climate Change is here, it's real, it's time to act." The March for Science is over, but Climate Change Research must continue so we are extending our campaign to support Climate Change Science Research as a Speak Up For Blue Community. $5 of every shirt purchased will be donated to support the research of Dr. Michelle LaRue, who researches how Climate Change affects various animals in the Antarctic and Arctic systems. Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health.
Direct download: SUFB_S323_TheChallengesInEstablishingMPAsWithDrRodolpheDevillers.mp3
Category:Marine Protected Areas -- posted at: 10:44pm EST |
Mon, 29 May 2017
My family trip to the Grand Cayman was wonderful, but I do have some concerns over the ecotourism on the island and how it might protect the Ocean and its inhabitants. Support Science and Climate Change Science Research by buying our Graphic T-shirts "Science Can't Be Silenced" and "Climate Change is here, it's real, it's time to act." The March for Science is over, but Climate Change Research must continue so we are extending our campaign to support Climate Change Science Research as a Speak Up For Blue Community. $5 of every shirt purchased will be donated to support the research of Dr. Michelle LaRue, who researches how Climate Change affects various animals in the Antarctic and Arctic systems. Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health.
Direct download: SUFB_S322_GrandCaymanEcoTourismAndControllingExpectations.mp3
Category:Grand Cayman -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Fri, 26 May 2017
I discuss 2 issues that have come up in the past week: 1) Iron Fertilization and 2) How to act around sea lions and other wildlife.
Enjoy the podcast! Support Science and Climate Change Science Research by buying our Graphic T-shirts "Science Can't Be Silenced" and "Climate Change is here, it's real, it's time to act." The March for Science is over, but Climate Change Research must continue so we are extending our campaign to support Climate Change Science Research as a Speak Up For Blue Community. $5 of every shirt purchased will be donated to support the research of Dr. Michelle LaRue, who researches how Climate Change affects various animals in the Antarctic and Arctic systems. Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health.
Direct download: SUFB_S321_IronFertilizationAndHowToActAroundAnimals.mp3
Category:Ocean Talk Friday -- posted at: 8:57am EST |
Wed, 24 May 2017
Daisy Kendrick was troubled by the fact that her friends were not aware of Ocean issues, so she decided to create marketing campaigns that target where other organizations aren't...the gaming community. Today, you are going to here from someone who is quickly becoming a successful non-profit entrepreneur that is working to change the behaviour of how we use plastic. Enjoy the podcast! Support Science and Climate Change Science Research by buying our Graphic T-shirts "Science Can't Be Silenced" and "Climate Change is here, it's real, it's time to act." The March for Science is over, but Climate Change Research must continue so we are extending our campaign to support Climate Change Science Research as a Speak Up For Blue Community. $5 of every shirt purchased will be donated to support the research of Dr. Michelle LaRue, who researches how Climate Change affects various animals in the Antarctic and Arctic systems. Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health.
Direct download: SUFB_S320_ChangingBehaviourAroundPlasticUseThroughGamingWithDaisyKendrick.mp3
Category:Plastic Pollution -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Mon, 22 May 2017
![]() I made a mistake on the Adult Film star getting bitten (or not bitten) by a shark, Preserve Committee in Cape Cod is suspended by Trump and a dolphin is rescued by a stranding network. Enjoy the podcast! Support Science and Climate Change Science Research by buying our Graphic T-shirts "Science Can't Be Silenced" and "Climate Change is here, it's real, it's time to act." The March for Science is over, but Climate Change Research must continue so we are extending our campaign to support Climate Change Science Research as a Speak Up For Blue Community. $5 of every shirt purchased will be donated to support the research of Dr. Michelle LaRue, who researches how Climate Change affects various animals in the Antarctic and Arctic systems. Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health.
Direct download: SUFB_S319_SharkBiteStoryCorrectionCapeCodPlanningCommitteeSuspendedStrnadedDolphinRescued.mp3
Category:Dolphin Rescued -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Fri, 19 May 2017
Someone in the Speak Up for Blue Podcast Facebook Group asked if there was a difference between US and Canadian Ocean Management. I attempt to explain how the two countries are different and similar. Hopefully, I do a good job. Enjoy the podcast! Support Science and Climate Change Science Research by buying our Graphic T-shirts "Science Can't Be Silenced" and "Climate Change is here, it's real, it's time to act." The March for Science is over, but Climate Change Research must continue so we are extending our campaign to support Climate Change Science Research as a Speak Up For Blue Community. $5 of every shirt purchased will be donated to support the research of Dr. Michelle LaRue, who researches how Climate Change affects various animals in the Antarctic and Arctic systems. Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health.
Wed, 17 May 2017
Dr. Andrew Wright joins me on the podcast to recount a workshop he attended to help protect the Taiwanese White Dolphins. Andrew provides a great description of the importance to workshops to help with species management. The Taiwanese White Dolphin face a number of issues that continue to threaten the status of the population. Workshops, like the one Andrew describes, bring experts and local communities together to help identify and implement solutions to species ocean issues. Enjoy the podcast! Support Science and Climate Change Science Research by buying our Graphic T-shirts "Science Can't Be Silenced" and "Climate Change is here, it's real, it's time to act." The March for Science is over, but Climate Change Research must continue so we are extending our campaign to support Climate Change Science Research as a Speak Up For Blue Community. $5 of every shirt purchased will be donated to support the research of Dr. Michelle LaRue, who researches how Climate Change affects various animals in the Antarctic and Arctic systems. Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health.
Direct download: SUFB_S317_ThePlightOfTheTaiwaneseDolphinWithAndrewWright.mp3
Category:Taiwanese White Dolphin -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Mon, 15 May 2017
![]() Is the increase of Grey Seal Population on Cape Cod causing problems with humans? I was asked to answer a question as to whether the science says Grey Seals are preventing the cod stocks in the Northeast from recovering. I answer this question using a Canadian example. Who Should Lead the Ocean Conservation Movement? Bill Nye has been undergoing heavy criticism from the non-scientific AND the scientific community as to whether he should lead the Climate Change science movement. Should he be a leader? Is he harming the movement? I also address this during the show. Trump trumps the EPA Again! He is at it again. Replacing scientific experts with fossil fuel industry representatives...ugh! Enjoy the podcast! Support Science and Climate Change Science Research by buying our Graphic T-shirts "Science Can't Be Silenced" and "Climate Change is here, it's real, it's time to act." The March for Science is over, but Climate Change Research must continue so we are extending our campaign to support Climate Change Science Research as a Speak Up For Blue Community. $5 of every shirt purchased will be donated to support the research of Dr. Michelle LaRue, who researches how Climate Change affects various animals in the Antarctic and Arctic systems. Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health.
Direct download: SUFB_S316_SealItWithAKissToLeadOrNotToLeadGovernmentSchmovernment.mp3
Category:Cape Cod Seal -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Fri, 12 May 2017
Dr. Lyne Morissette joins us for this episode of the Ocean Talk Friday to discuss Microplastics is sea salt; Diversity in the Deep Sea; Seismic Surveys starting up in the Atlantic; and, Orcas hunting for shark liver. Enjoy the podcast! Support Science and Climate Change Science Research by buying our Graphic T-shirts "Science Can't Be Silenced" and "Climate Change is here, it's real, it's time to act." The March for Science is over, but Climate Change Research must continue so we are extending our campaign to support Climate Change Science Research as a Speak Up For Blue Community. $5 of every shirt purchased will be donated to support the research of Dr. Michelle LaRue, who researches how Climate Change affects various animals in the Antarctic and Arctic systems. Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health.
Wed, 10 May 2017
Citizen Science is becoming a bigger part of collecting field data that will help inform policy to better protect the Ocean. We are going to find out all about how you can participate to help protect the Ocean. Michael Bear is the Director of Citizen Science for Ocean Sanctuaries, which operates marine citizen science programs in California and will be offering a free course in Marine Citizen Science with its partner Reef. Take a listen to find out how you can become a better marine citizen scientist. Enjoy the podcast! Support Science and Climate Change Science Research by buying our Graphic T-shirts "Science Can't Be Silenced" and "Climate Change is here, it's real, it's time to act." The March for Science is over, but Climate Change Research must continue so we are extending our campaign to support Climate Change Science Research as a Speak Up For Blue Community. $5 of every shirt purchased will be donated to support the research of Dr. Michelle LaRue, who researches how Climate Change affects various animals in the Antarctic and Arctic systems. Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health.
Direct download: SUFB_S314_CitizenScienceWithMichaelBear.mp3
Category:citizen science -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Mon, 8 May 2017
Social media is a beast to understand all of the different platforms. When to post, how many times, who should you target are all things to consider; however, the point of Social Media is to become social. You want to engage with other people to have valuable discussions that make both your lives better. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. There are time where the other people misinterpret your meaning or you are not clear on the point that you are trying to make and people get mad...that happened to me and I talk about it today. Also, there is a weird ocean story about an Adult Film star in a shady cage, who got bitten by a lemon shark..truly bizarre. Finally, I talk about a study where fish are changing behaviour to be closer to Marine Protected Area (MPA) boundaries. Enjoy the podcast! Support Science and Climate Change Science Research by buying our Graphic T-shirts "Science Can't Be Silenced" and "Climate Change is here, it's real, it's time to act." The March for Science is over, but Climate Change Research must continue so we are extending our campaign to support Climate Change Science Research as a Speak Up For Blue Community. $5 of every shirt purchased will be donated to support the research of Dr. Michelle LaRue, who researches how Climate Change affects various animals in the Antarctic and Arctic systems. Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health.
Direct download: SUFB_S313_SciCommLessonLearnedAdultFilmStarBittenBySharkEvolutionOfFishInMPAs.mp3
Category:Sci Comm -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Fri, 5 May 2017
Nathan Johnson is back on the podcast to join me on Ocean Talk Friday where we talk about: Plus we offer a great tip on how you can spread Ocean Conservation on your own (you don't have to work in the industry for this). Enjoy the podcast! Support Science and Climate Change Science Research by buying our Graphic T-shirts "Science Can't Be Silenced" and "Climate Change is here, it's real, it's time to act." The March for Science is over, but Climate Change Research must continue so we are extending our campaign to support Climate Change Science Research as a Speak Up For Blue Community. $5 of every shirt purchased will be donated to support the research of Dr. Michelle LaRue, who researches how Climate Change affects various animals in the Antarctic and Arctic systems. Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health.
Wed, 3 May 2017
There is a big problem in San Francisco Bay: A number of sharks and other fish are washing ashore dead. Sean van Sommeran is on the front lines making sure each fish is processed and analyzed to find out why. Sean's organization, The Pelagic Shark Research Foundation, is partnering with the Marine Mammal Center and some researchers who specialize in fish health to help determine why a number of different sharks such as leopard sharks, white sharks and other fish (eagle rays, etc.) are washing up on the shore dead. These strandings have bee occurring for the past 5-6 weeks and it's not the first time this type of stranding event has occurred. Listen to the podcast to hear more on why these sharks and other fish are dying this spring. Enjoy the podcast! Support Science and Climate Change Science Research by buying our Graphic T-shirts "Science Can't Be Silenced" and "Climate Change is here, it's real, it's time to act." The March for Science is over, but Climate Change Research must continue so we are extending our campaign to support Climate Change Science Research as a Speak Up For Blue Community. $5 of every shirt purchased will be donated to support the research of Dr. Michelle LaRue, who researches how Climate Change affects various animals in the Antarctic and Arctic systems. Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health.
Direct download: SUFB_S311_SharkStrandingsInSFBayWithSeanvanSommeran.mp3
Category:Sharks -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Mon, 1 May 2017
Whales are the focus of today's podcast as they are in the news on the East and West Coast of the United States. Some of the news is good and some of the news is bad. Even the good news is not that great. Here is the breakdown of the episode: 1) 41 Humpback whales washed ashore dead over the past year (average is 14). Scientists are looking into it; Enjoy the podcast! Support Science and Climate Change Science Research by buying our Graphic T-shirts "Science Can't Be Silenced" and "Climate Change is here, it's real, it's time to act." The March for Science is over, but Climate Change Research must continue so we are extending our campaign to support Climate Change Science Research as a Speak Up For Blue Community. $5 of every shirt purchased will be donated to support the research of Dr. Michelle LaRue, who researches how Climate Change affects various animals in the Antarctic and Arctic systems. Are you looking to change the way you eat for a better health and environment? Start using Arbonne nutrition and health care products that are all natural and environmentally friendly. I use them all the time and their nutrition line has transformed the way I eat and my health. Email me today, to find out how you can transform your health.
Direct download: SUFB_S310_HumpbackWhaleStrandingsOrcaHuntingExagerrationCarefulActivism.mp3
Category:Whales -- posted at: 8:00am EST |