Mon, 2 May 2022
Everyone loves food, you can tell by the number of restaurants that are in a city/town/village. There is a food network with chef battles and mouth-watering dishes. Many cultures use food as a way to socialize and build relationships. But do you ever worry about how the future of our food will be secured in a time when the world will be changing? Stanford University's Center for Ocean Solutions is looking at how blue food security will be affected by a number of changes including the ever-so-changing climate. Dr. Michelle Tigchelaar is a climate scientist that focuses on blue food security and she joins me on the podcast to discuss a recent paper on how Climate change will affect blue foods in the future.
Direct download: SUFB_S1300_HowBlueFoodsAreAffectedByClimateChange.mp3
Category:Blue Foods -- posted at: 12:00am EST |