Mon, 16 April 2018
SUFB 456: US Making Countries Survey Cetaceans For Fishery Exports and Are We Really Recycling Properly
Two stories to discuss today: 1) The US is using the Marine Mammal Protection Act to make countries to thorough Cetacean surveys before they can ship fish to the US; and, 2) A recent CBC report revealed that Canadians may not be recycling properly due to a major miscommunication as to what does and does not get recycled. You will be surprised at a few of the items that don't get recycled. Enjoy the Podcast!!! I would love to hear your opinion on this episode. Join the Facebook Group to chime in. Do you know we launched more Ocean Related Podcasts? Subscribe to Marine Conservation Happy Hour and ConCiencia Azul
Direct download: SUFB_S456_CanadaSurveysCetaceansToExportFishToUSAreWeRecyclingProperly.mp3
Category:Recycle -- posted at: 8:00am EDT |