Sun, 26 August 2018
Brooke Tully joins me again on the podcast to discuss the second part of the interview that we started yesterday. Today, we are discussing how to create a conservation movement. I thought it would be good for you, the audience, to understand how a movement is put together, starting with the purpose. It's important to realize that a movement usually ends with a specific action or behaviour change. The campaign for the movement is based on creative marketing purposes hopes to results in a behaviour change of a certain group around an Ocean Issue. Brooke works with conservation organizations to create campaigns that will help groups conserve the Ocean with a specific behaviour change. Enjoy Part 2 of 2 episodes on Conservation Marketing with Brooke Tully. Check out her work here: Enjoy the Podcast!!! Want to talk about it? Join our FREE Facebook Group to discuss the Oceans with Ocean-minded people. Want to hear more form Brooke? Check out The Deep Dive, where Brooke and I talk more candidly about conservation marketing and how it applies to the Ocean.
Direct download: SUFB_S547_HowToCreateAMovementWithBrookeTullyPart2.mp3
Category:Social Marketing -- posted at: 4:00pm EDT |
Sat, 25 August 2018
I used to think that Ocean Awareness was the only component needed to get the public to not only understand the issues facing the Ocean, but it would also give them enough information and inspiration to conserve the Ocean. Unfortunately, the behaviour change needed to conserve the Ocean for a particular issue does not happen just through Ocean Awareness. Behaviour change leads to action for conservation, which happens through marketing campaigns. Brooke Tully joins me on the show today to discuss how to bridge the gap between Ocean Awareness and Ocean Action. She is a conservation marketer with a background in Creative Marketing. She drops a lot of knowledge around this subject. So much knowledge that I had to divide her show into 2 parts to make sure it fit our new shorter episode model. Enjoy Part 1 of 2 episodes on Conservation Marketing with Brooke Tully. Check out her work here: Enjoy the Podcast!!! Want to talk about it? Join our FREE Facebook Group to discuss the Oceans with Ocean-minded people. Want to hear more form Brooke? Check out The Deep Dive, where Brooke and I talk more candidly about conservation marketing and how it applies to the Ocean.
Direct download: SUFB_S546_TheOceanAwarenessActionGapWithBrookeTully.mp3
Category:Social Marketing -- posted at: 4:00pm EDT |
Wed, 6 September 2017
Raising Ocean Awareness through any means may not be enough to be successful at conserving and protecting the Ocean. I know! I was surprised to hear that as well. We often watch documentaries or participate in campaigns that try to raise awareness of Ocean issues, but they are not as effective (all of the time) in doing what is necessary: Change the behaviours of people to protect the Ocean from harm. The documentary "Chasing Coral" is a prime example. The movie did a great job to explain and highlight the devastating impact rising sea surface temperatures (from climate change) are having on corals; however, the film did not tell people how they could change their behaviour to reduce their contribution to climate change. The result was a whole lot of people feeling depressed about the Ocean without any guidance on how to change what was happening. Brian Day knows how to use a tool that is used by Coke to make them a corporate giant. The tool is called marketing and it's purpose is to change people's behaviour for a specific result. In Coke's case, they would like people to drink their product to make them feel happy. In the Ocean's case, Brian wants people to change a certain behaviour to stop the action the people were taking to further harm the Ocean. Sounds like common sense, right? Unfortunately, not everyone one or every organization uses marketing in an effective way to change the world for social good, i.e. Social Marketing. Brian knows how to though and it works under the right circumstances. Brian explains how to use social marketing to change people's behaviour around the Ocean to protect it in this episode. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Let me know what you think of the episode by joining our Facebook Group for the Podcast. Support Speak Up For Blue's Efforts to create a free pr=resource program for Ocean Citizen Scientists to help move Marine Science and Conservation forward by collecting information for various Citizen Science program. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign
Direct download: SUFB_S365_ChangingBehaviourAroundTheOceanWithBrianDay.mp3
Category:Social Marketing -- posted at: 8:00am EDT |