Wed, 28 February 2018
Doug Parsons, producer and host of the podcast America Adapts: A Climate Change Podcast, joins me on the podcast to discuss the importance of science communication and why he invited a climate change denier on his podcast. I have to admit, bringing on a climate denier as a guest for a climate adaptation podcast was a great move. It showed us all why it is important to listen to the other side and understand their motivations. Understanding (not necessarily agreeing) is an important aspect in Marine Science and Conservation applications, especially when it comes to engaging with the public and stakeholders. America Adapts: The Climate Change Podcast (iTunes) America Adapts: The Climate Change Podcast (Spotify) Enjoy the Podcast!!! If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, but are worried that it might be too difficult, take the Podcast for the Environmental Communication Course at Duke University's Executive Education Program. Click here to register. Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.
Direct download: SUFB_S439_SciCommAndClimateAdaptationWithDougParsons.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Mon, 26 February 2018
SUFB 438: Debt Financing for MPAs; Fighting Pseudoscience with SciComm; and, Belugas Alter Feeding Behaviour in Absence of Sea Ice
I cover a lot of information in this week's Ocean Update episode. First, I discuss how the Seychelles worked with The Nature Conservancy to refinance their nation debt in exchange for designating 30% of its EEZ as a Marine Protected Area. Second, I give my opinion on how to fight pseudoscience, such as the flat earther movement, with scicomm (Science Communication). Lastly, beluga whales have been found to be diving deeper and longer for food when there is less sea ice. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Enjoy the Podcast!!! If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.
Direct download: SUFB_S438_MPADebtFinancing_FightingScienceDenialWithSciComm_BelugasDiveLongerAndDeeperWithLessSeaIce.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Fri, 23 February 2018
On today's episode of Ocean Talk Friday, I talk about Science Communication in the Marine Science and Conservation field, focusing on how we need to dedicate more time on communicating our projects and people online via social media. I suggest going beyond just pushing information to the public and engage with followers and build a stronger, more engaging follower base by revealing the people within your organization. I also suggest that organizations make it a priority to scicomm and spread the workload across the people within your organization. Check out what I have to say and let me know how you feel about it. Enjoy the Podcast!!! If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.
Direct download: SUFB_S437_OceanTalkFriday_SciCommAdviceForOnline.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Wed, 21 February 2018
Dr. Andrew Wright joins on the podcast to discuss his experience working in the Antarctic collecting acoustic information on Type C Orcas within the newly implemented Ross Sea Marine Protected Area. He tells us how he got there, what he saw, what saw him, safety precautions he had to take and more!!! If you want to be a field biologist, you need to listen to Andrew's interview!!! Enjoy the Podcast!!! If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.
Direct download: SUFB_S436_WhatItsLikeToDoFieldWorkInAntarctica.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Mon, 19 February 2018
SUFB 435: Queen Conch In Decline In Protected Areas; The Power of Celebrities in Ocean Conservation; and, Your Shampoo Might Be Polluting the Air
On today's Ocean Update Podcast, I chat about a Mongabay article that reveals a decline in protected Queen Conches in the Bahamas due to fishing upstream; I give my opinion on the power of Celebrities in Ocean Conservation; and, I talk about an article revealing that your shampoo may be causing air pollution...and it could be a good thing!!! Enjoy the Podcast!!! If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.
Direct download: SUFB_S435_QueenConchsDecreasingInBahamas_ThePowerOfCelebritiesInOceanConservation_ShampoosAndPersonalCareProductsCausingAirPollution.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:09pm EST |
Fri, 16 February 2018
Nathan Johnson is back on Ocean Talk Friday to talk about some Marine Science and Conservation and some invertebrate species!!! Here are the topics for today: Enjoy the Podcast!!! If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast. |
Wed, 14 February 2018
The Fisheries Act has been a crucial piece of legislation that has helped protect the Canadian aquatic environment for decades. The Act has been cumbersome to natural resource businesses as well. In 2012, the Canadian Government lead by then Prime Minister Stephen Harper changed the Fisheries Act to help the oil and gas industry build their pipelines faster to "help" the economy. The Act was left a gutted version of it's former self until recently. The Canadian Government led by current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has vowed to change the Fisheries Act back to its original wording and to make it better. Scientists and Conservationists have been waiting a long time for this (since Trudeau became Prime Minister in 2015) to see the changes made. Last Tuesday, February 6, the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Dominic LeBlanc, announced the new suggested changes for the Fisheries Act. I can say that Scientists are quite happy!!! I asked Dr. Brett Favaro, who was involved in providing feedback during the process and has been tweeting up a storm on the new changes, to come on the show and tell us about the changes and give us his thoughts. Brett has some optimistic thoughts with some suggestions for some improvements. Enjoy the Podcast!!! If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.
Direct download: SUFB_S433_FisheriesActChangesWithBrettFavaro.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Mon, 12 February 2018
SUFB 432: Patagonia Releases New Matching Site For Activists; Content Is King; and, Jellyfish Threaten Salmon Farming in Norway
Today's Ocean Update Episode has two stories and book-ending my weekly opinion piece: 1) Patagonia releases project to match Environmental Organizations with wannabe Activists; 2) Content Should Always be King and we need to release ALL information; and, 3) Jellyfish are causing trouble for Norwegian Fish Farms and it may happen again. Enjoy the Podcast!!! If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.
Direct download: SUFB_S432_EnvironmentalDatingDatabaseContentIsKingJellyfishThreatenSlamonFarmingInNorway.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Fri, 9 February 2018
SUFB 431: Green Water Increase in Lakes and Oceans, EPA Leader Thinks Climate Change Will Benefit Humans and The Queen Bans Plastic Straws
Dr. Lyne Morissette joins me on the podcast to discuss 3 stories that were in the news this week: 1) The Mediterranean Sea and the Great Lakes are experiencing higher eutrophication levels than ever before due to poor water management and climate change; 2) EPA head, Scott Pruitt, says Climate Change will benefit humans because we've always thrived in warm temperatures; and, 3) The Queen of England bans plastic straws in her properties and the city of Seattle bans straws...there is a movement happening!!! Enjoy the Podcast!!! If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.
Wed, 7 February 2018
Traveling to any place around the world is an exciting adventure full of positive thoughts about travelling, enjoying foreign cultures, food and drinks. Yet there seems to be little thought on Environmental Protection when we search for hotels or other places to stay. Perhaps because we don't want to think about the things that were done to create the "paradise" advertised online, in a magazine, or on TV. Do you ever wonder what habitat existed where your hotel is now? How many animals were displaced when the hotel was built? I thought about these questions and more during my trip to Mexico where my family and I stayed at the Moon Palace (the same place where COP3 took place). Today's episode is dedicated to reviewing the resort in terms of Ocean Health. Enjoy the Podcast!!! If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.
Direct download: SUFB_S430_MexicoResortReviewFromMyLatestTrip.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Mon, 5 February 2018
SUFB 429: All MPA Stakeholders Need to be Included, Ocean Science Comm Rant and Aquaculture Spill Follow Up
I'm back from my Mexico trip with the family and I can't wait for you to hear today's episode. In this episode, I talk about the results of the first 5 years of 83 marine reserves in Southern Australia and their status and why adaptive management plays such an important role with stakeholders (the abalone fisher group in particular). I also give a bit of a rant on how we can communicate Marine Science and Conservation stories better based on a couple o books I read on social media marketing. Finally, I follow up on a story about an aquaculture company who got in big trouble in Puget Sound for allowing Atlantic Salmon to escape their nets and invade the Pacific Ocean (it turns out it was their fault after all!!!). Enjoy the Podcast!!! If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.
Direct download: SUFB_S429_MPAStakeholders_OceanScienceCommunication_AtlanticSalmonEscapeFollowUpStory.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Fri, 2 February 2018
SUFB 428: $60 Million Wasted On Great Barrier Reef Projects, Plastic Pollution Affect Corals and Diversity May Help Protect The Antarctic Sea (Ocean Talk Friday)
On today's episode for Ocean Talk Friday, I discuss 3 stories that I think you should know about: 1) The Australian Government may be wasting $60 Million on ineffective projects, according to expert panel; 2) Scientists determine plastic pollution can kill corals; and, 3) New Antarctic Sea expedition could provide the evidence necessary to protect 1.8 square kms of diverse habitat. Enjoy the Podcast!!! If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast. |