Mon, 13 April 2020
Bumble Bee Tuna was recently purchased by FCF, a Taiwan-based fishing company that has been accused of IUU (Illegal, Unregulated, and Unreported) Fishing and human rights violations in regards to fisheries (i.e. fisheries slavery). A Greenpeace report described the human rights violation cases that were as recent as 2019 by surveying migrant fishermen on three vessels tied to FCF. Bumble Bee Tuna owns a number of other brands that you may buy on a regular basis (check out this link for the details: sold on Amazon ( Link To Article: Should we be writing our government officials to let them know that we don't want these companies to sell their products when they don't treat fishers properly? Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group: Check out the new Speak Up For The Ocean Blue Podcast App: Check out the Shows on the Speak Up For Blue Network: Marine Conservation Happy Hour Madame Curiosity ConCiencia Azul: Dugongs & Seadragons: Environmental Studies & Sciences Marine Mammal Science: Projects For Wildlife Podcast:
Direct download: SUFB_S989_TheTunaYouAreEatingMaySupportIllegalFishingCompanies.mp3
Category:IUU Fishing -- posted at: 12:00am EDT |
Thu, 3 October 2019
I was invited to give a talk yesterday at a private school for grades 7 and 8 students. They had a project that included the topic of Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fisheries, an important and delicate issue in the Oceans. After the talk, I thought that it would be important to discuss IUU Fishing on the podcast because the issue is so important. I talk about 8 reasons why you should care about IUU Fisheries. The topic was adapted from an article of the same title found here. Did you know much about IUU Fishing before this episode? Share your thoughts on the issue on our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group: Check out the new Speak Up For The Ocean Blue Podcast App: Check out the Shows on the Speak Up For Blue Network: Marine Conservation Happy Hour Dugongs & Seadragons: Environmental Studies & Sciences Marine Mammal Science:
Direct download: SUFB_S898_8ReasonsWhyYouShouldCareAboutIUUFisheries.mp3
Category:IUU Fishing -- posted at: 1:36pm EDT |
Thu, 10 January 2019
Indonesia has been aggressively fighting illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing domestically since 2014. It has gone as far as sinking foreign vessels that were illegally fishing in Indonesian waters using Navy Forces. The result has been an increase in fish abundance domestically to support its artisanal-based fisheries industry, but there is still more work to be done. The country is calling for the UN to include Fishing Crimes as part of the Palermo Treaty, which would put it in the same class as human trafficking and other illegal crimes that require international cooperation. Companies that profit from IUU fishing activities never reside in Indonesia. They are located in other countries; therefore, enforcement is often difficult. It's amazing how far a country has to go to fight IUU fishing activities. Take a listen and share your thoughts in the Facebook Group: Want to get started on living for a better Ocean? Sign up for the Grove Collaborative and get a free gift:
Direct download: SUFB_S677_WhatItsReallyLikeToFightIllegalFishing.mp3
Category:IUU Fishing -- posted at: 1:45pm EDT |