How To Protect The Ocean


citizen science
climate change
social enterprise
Marine Science
Ocean Conservation
Marine Conservation
finding dori
Marine Protected Areas
shark attack
Oceans Day
finding dory
Shark Week
SCUBA Diving
Arctic Ocean
marine conservation conferences
sea turtle
Jairo Mora
Plastic Pollution
women in science
ocean news
marine education
Marine Conservation Career
Asha DeVos
Ocean Talk Friday
science debate
marine science management
marine biology jobs
red sea
Oil Spill
great barrirer reef
Ocean Optimisim
Ocean Optimism
Ross Sea MPA
grassroots conservation
ocean planning
Polar Bear
marine biology
Sustainable Fisheries
Fake News
Science Communication
wildlife documentaries
social science
ocean use
climate science
earth hour
Social Change
Women 4 Science
Sci Comm
Cape Cod Seal
Taiwanese White Dolphin
Dolphin Rescued
Grand Cayman
Paris Climate Change Agreement
Shark Conservation
Sea Wolves
Climate Change Reduction
Ocean Plastic Pollution
Salt Marsh
Shark Dragged
Water Quality
Lost Sharks
River Sharks
Marine Conservation careers
Sea Otters
Fish Farm
Hurricane Harvey
Whale Sharks
Social Marketing
Tales From The Sea
Graduate Student
Remote Sensing
Open Access
Marine Mammals
Sperm Whale
Coastal Land Loss
Coastal Habitat
Local Politics
Fisheries Science
Carbon Tax
Ocean Wise
Plastic Straws
Underwater Performer
Coral Reef
Tailless Whales
Kilauea Volcano
Shark Fishing
Marine Mammal
Marine Litter
Jairo Mora Sandoval Bravery Award
UK Marine Conservation Zones
Squid Cephalopods
Marine Conservation Conference
Art of Storytelling for Science
Plastic Pollution in the Ocean
Right Whales
Scott Pruitt
Southern Resident Orca
Nurse Sharks
Decolonizing Conservation
Hermaphrodite Sharks
Land-Based Shark Fishing
Sea Turtles
Great White Sharks
Greenhouse Gases
Nassau Grouper
Boyan Slant
King Penguins
Marine Philanthropy
Ocean Acidification
Red Tide
Marine Debris
High Seas
Ocean Clean Project
Impact Investing
Sea Stars
Eco-Friendly Products
Humpback Whales
Sea Level Rise
Deep Sea Coral Reef
Kelp forest
Shark Cage Diving
Sharkwater Extinction
Coral Reef Algae
Hurricane Florence
Tiger Shark
Southern Resident Orcas
Science Journal
Ocean Dead Zones
Shark Culling
Ocean Clean Up Project
Sei Whale
Community Conservation
Open Access Journals
Barndoor Skate
My Green Butler
Lonely Whale
Beaked Whales
Northern Right Whale Festival
Marine Mammal Captivity
Podcasting For The Environment
Salish Sea
Living Species Report
Conservation Marketing
Marine Biology Colleges
US Midterm Elections 2018
Marine Policies
Academic Science Journals
Shark Management
Conch Shells
Carbon Footprint
Love the Ocean
Consumer Trends
Science Journals
Marine Conservation Art
Climate Report
Marine Science and Conservation
Marine Social Science
Marine Sewage
Diversity In Careers
Mobile Conservation
WWF Canada
Manta Ray
Monk Seal
Blue Mind
Holiday Plastics
Whale Entanglement
Ocean Stories
Japan Whaling
Decompression Sickness
Status Quo Bias
Government Shutdown
New Year's Resolutions
Northern Right Whale Calf
Northwest Passage
Southern Resident Orca Population
Plastic Pollution Reduction
Bluebottle Jellyfish
IUU Fishing
Ocean Cleanup Project
Ocean Ramsay
Governor Ron Desantis
Marine Careers
Zero Waste
Fish Markets
Plastic Packaging Free
Elephant Seal
Whale Seaside Sanctuaries
Reef Safe Sunscreen
Danni Washington
Second Hand Clothing
Ocean Art
Participatory Science
Andrey Dolgov
Sea Urchins
Thrift Stores
Sea Lions
Plastic Pollution Climate Change
Deepwater Horizon
Telemetry Tags
Ethiopian Plane Crash
Greta Thunberg
Mako Shark
Plastic Straw Ban
Scientific Journals
Marine Protected Areas Climate Change
Marine Conservation Organizations
Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
Renewable Energy
Sea Lions Herring
Conservation Statistics
Shark Protection
Leatherback Sea Turtles
Horseshoe Crabs
Notre Dame Cathedral
Earth Day
Seal Rescue
Ocean Conservancy Trash Free Seas
Sustainable Asia
Marine Mammal Stranding
Grey Whale
Basking Sharks
Marine Mammals In Military
Ocean Lifestyle
Planet Tech
Collision Conference
Fast Fashion
Nature Documentaries
Protected Species
Animal Welfare
World Ocean's Day
Pride Month
Marine Debris Clean Up
Ghost Nets
Pacific Whale Foundation
Whale Sanctuaries
Regenerative Agriculture
Loggerhead Sea Turtles
Sargassum Belt
Orca Eating Great White Sharks
Northern Right Whale
Harmful Algal Blooms
Living Shorelines
Dr. Edie Widder
Single-Use Plastics
Sea Ice
Neil Degrasse Tyson
Fionn Ferreira
Freshwater Species
Endangered Species
Marine Mammal Science
Environmental Studies And Sciences
Climate Change Is Real
Florida Keys
Hurricane Dorian
Speak Up For Blue
Illegal Fishing
United Nations
Nuclear Waste
Climate Strike
Environmental Lawyers
So You Want To Be A Marine Biologist
Deep Sea Mining
Great Barrier Reef
Virtual Reality
Mote Marine Laboratory
Duke University
Spiny Lobster
Invasive Species
Fish Quotas
Fisheries And Oceans
Australia Heat
Climate Action
Top Episodes in 2019
Happy New Year
Australian WildFires
Marine Pollution
Fukushima Radiation
Acoustic Noise On Coral Reefs
Secchi Disk
Talking Oceans
Sea Grant
Sexual Assault
Tiger King
Gulf Of Mexico
Fish To Door
Planet Of The Humans
Wildlife Photography
Deep-Sea Squid
Black Lives Matter
Deep Sea
Behaviour Change
Illegal Trade
Shark Week 2020
Shark Science
Sea Change Health
Marine Planning
Black In Marine Science
Sustainable Lifestyle
Top Episodes in 2020
Decade Of The Ocean
Blue Whales
Blue Carbon
Sea Lion
Ocean Sounds
Water Pollution
Fisheries Policy
Electric Vehicle
Climate Justice
Blue Nature Alliance
science communicator
Coral Reefs
Socia Enterprise
Ocean Action
Live For A Better Ocean
Blue Foods
Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
Oceans Week
Speak Up
Deep-Sea Mining
Sewage Treatment
Paul Watson
For-Purpose Business
Climate Crisis
Act for the blue
Business for the environment
Ocean Justice and Equity
Small Islands
Sustainable Business
Kelp Forests
Diversity And Inclusion
willow project
Marine Conservation Jobs
Orca Capitivity
Human Behavior
Sand Dunes
Conservation Story
Ocean Justice
Sea Otter
Sustainable Companies
Inclusion, Equality
Ocean Conservation Commitments
B Corp
Marine Protected Area
The Faroe Islands
Electric Boats
Ocean Sole
Coastal Resilient
Behavior Change
Women in Marine Science
ocean education
Ocean Leaders
Climate Change Resiliency
Whale Tourism
Ocean Pollution
Impact Companies













January 2018
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As we get ready for 2019, I look back at my life in 2018 and reflect on how well I lived for a better Ocean. There were some things that I did that really helped me reduce my impact on the Ocean and there were other things that I realized that I was having a greater impact on the Ocean. So, this episode is dedicated to announcing my resolutions for 2019 to Live For A Better Ocean.

Here they are:

1) Eat meat 3 times per week only;
2) Use less single-use plastic;
3) Buy more eco-friendly products; and,
4) Launch a hands-on Ocean Conservation Project.

Lofty goals, but I am psyched to get started. 

Share Your New Year's Resolutions To Live For A Better Ocean In Our Facebook Group:

Want to get started on living for a better Ocean? Sign up for the Grove Collaborative and get a free gift:

Direct download: SUFB_S667_NewYearsResolutionToLiveForABetterOcean.mp3
Category:New Year's Resolutions -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

It's been 8 days since the US government shutdown due to immigration/funding for the border wall. This shutdown marks the 3rd instance in 2018 and closes off the year where civil servants are not working to help protect the Ocean.

US Government Shutdown Affects Civil Servants

The first half of today's episode is a rant from me about how the Civil Servants are the people who suffer the most within the government during a shutdown. Politicians still get paid; however, my understanding is that non-essential civil servants do not. 

As a former Canadian Civil Servant, I know for a fact that people under-appreciate the work conducted by non-partisan employees of the government. Imagine being temporarily laid off for an indeterminate amount of time while rich people argue about money during the holiday season. This is not something that should happen.

Job Tip: Use Technology To Make It Easier For The Hiring Manager

I had a thought the other day about how job seekers can grab the attention of the hiring manager: Just make life easier for them. As I learn the benefits of audio and podcasting, I discuss the ways audio applications can make life easier for hiring managers.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group about this episode:

Take advantage of our Sponsor's, Grove Collaborative, holiday deal for eco-friendly products:

Direct download: SUFB_S666_GovernmentShutdownAndJobTipUsingTechnology.mp3
Category:Government Shutdown -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

New Years is around the corner, which means that many of you are planning out their New Year's Resolutions for 2019. My question to you is: Do you stick with your New Year's Resolution? Our resolutions are about change. Change can be difficult. Why is it so difficult to change our ways.

I asked Brooke Tully who has a series of blog posts about "Why People Don't Do Things!" The first part of this four part series is the Status Quo Bias, a behavioural change theory that explains why we have such trouble changing our habits.

Take a listen then read more on this subject on Brooke's Website.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Link to Registration (Ends Jan 15th):

Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group about this episode:

Take advantage of our Sponsor's, Grove Collaborative, holiday deal for eco-friendly products:

Direct download: SUFB_S665_StatusQuoBiasWithBrookeTully.mp3
Category:Status Quo Bias -- posted at: 12:38pm EST

Honduras fishers are experiencing decompression sickness after diving for lobsters that are now found in deeper waters due to overfishing. 

Over 47% of fishers have been affected from the bends as ignore the rules of scuba diving to provide for their families. The fishers dive more than twice a day and ascend faster the than prescribed rate to get back down to collect more lobsters. Many of the divers go back to fishing in the same way because out of necessity to provide for their families in the impoverished Caribbean Nation.

This story stresses the importance of considering ow sustainable fishing can affect the well being of impoverished coastal communities. 

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Take advantage of our Sponsor's, Grove Collaborative, holiday deal for eco-friendly products:

Japan has a long history of commercial whaling that dates back before the World Wars, so it is not surprising that the country wants to continue to whale. The government have gone to great lakes to overturn the International Whaling Commission's (IWC) ban on commercial whaling since it was implemented in 1987 as it threatened to pull out of the IWC multiple times. A few days ago, Japan made good on its promise and announced that it will leave the IWC as a member on June 30th, 2019.

Southern Ocean Whaling Will Stop

The country also announced that it will cease all commercial whaling activity in the Southern Ocean after 30 years of hunting under "scientific research." The whaling fleet finds it too expensive to keep hunting in the Southern Ocean.

Whaling Within Its Ocean Borders

Japan will continue its commercial whaling practices within its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). A spokesperson stated that the country will abide by IWC practices and calculations for a sustainable whale populations.

Some Environmental Groups Think This Is Positive

Sea Shepherd Society are pleased with Japan's decision because now Japan will be exposed for illegally whaling and the International Whaling Commission can put pressure on them; however, I don't think this will matter much. There is an interesting article they wrote on their blog about the 8 positive things that come out of Japan's withdrawal from the IWC. 

Share your thoughts in our Facebook Group:

Take advantage of our Sponsor's, Grove Collaborative, holiday deal for eco-friendly products:

Direct download: SUFB_S663_JapanAnnouncesExitFromIWCToCommenceWhaling.mp3
Category:Japan Whaling -- posted at: 12:59pm EST

Sharks are terrific predators, so much so, they have been found to eat their siblings while still in the womb. Researchers at the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium in Motobu, Japan, used an underwater ultrasound to see nurse shark pups jumping in and out of their respective uterus in the mother.

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Take advantage of our Sponsor's, Grove Collaborative, holiday deal for eco-friendly products:

Direct download: SUFB_S662_BabySharksJumpUteriToEatTheirSiblings.mp3
Category:Sharks -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

As we wind down 2018 and gear up for 2019, we look back at the Ocean stories that dominated headlines. Some of those stories were "doom and gloom" stories, while others were good news stories. 

In today's episode, I highlight the year's 8 Ocean Good News stories identified by Oceana Canada to start reviewing the stories that may not have made big news world wide, but were definitely news worthy. 

Do you have some good news stories that I missed? Share them in the Facebook Group:

Take advantage of our Sponsor's, Grove Collaborative, holiday deal for eco-friendly products:

Direct download: SUFB_S661_8OceanGoodNewsStoriesAccordingToOceanCanad.mp3
Category:Ocean Stories -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

NOAA released a new report that stated the number of incidences of whale entanglement in US waters for 2016 and 2017. The results of the report show there was not an overall change in reported whale entanglements between the years; however, certain areas showed an increase while others decreased. 

I go through the important parts of the report as highlighted in a Mongabay article with a focus on what the future looks like for whale entanglements. 

Share your thoughts in our Facebook Group:

Take advantage of our Sponsor's, Grove Collaborative, holiday deal for eco-friendly products:

Direct download: SUFB_S660_NOAAProvidesInformationOnWhaleEntanglements.mp3
Category:Whale Entanglement -- posted at: 2:41pm EST

Brooke Tully joins me on the podcast today for another edition of "What's Happening in Conservation Marketing This Week?" This time, Brooke describes her new online workshop that she created to help make conservation movements more effective using marketing techniques that follow traditional and digital marketing practices. 

Brooke and I provide some examples of effective Conservation Marketing that only scratch the surface of the material that you will be hearing.

You can find the registration for the Online 6-Weeks Workshop here. 

Note: I do not make any money on this workshop.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Link to Registration (Ends Jan 15th):

Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group about this episode:

Take advantage of our Sponsor's, Grove Collaborative, holiday deal for eco-friendly products:

Direct download: SUFB_S659_ConservationMarketingToBetterProtectNature.mp3
Category:Conservation Marketing -- posted at: 5:03pm EST

The Ocean Clean Up Project was deployed in September with much anticipation of the world. The goal: Clean up the Pacific Garbage Patch. A lofty goal surrounded with a lot of controversy from the science and conservation fields; however, many media outlets were promoting the heck out of the project as a feel good project. 

I have been very critical of the program relating to various criticism shared by the Marine Science and Conservation community. 

The Clean Up Project device reached the Great Pacific Garbage Patch recently; however, it has not cleaned up anything. The device is not working the way it should. It is not moving fast enough to pick up the trash in the water. Boyan Slant released a statement saying that his team is working on the problem. 

There may be some good that comes out of this project, which I discuss in this episode. Check it out.

Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group about this episode:

Take advantage of our Sponsor's, Grove Collaborative, holiday deal for eco-friendly products:

Direct download: SUFB_S658_AnUpdateOnTheOceanCleanUpProject.mp3
Category:Ocean Clean Up Project -- posted at: 3:40pm EST

There are a few things I wanted to discuss today:

Grove Announcement

Last week I got an email from a listener, who loved the products she got from the Grove after hearing the link on my show; however, she was not happy about the packaging used. I emailed the customer support person that I deal with for my affiliate account. 

My contact got back to me within a day and said that the extra packaging was a mistake and should never had happened. This is great news as the products are eco-friendly and they are committed to better packaging. 

I will resume the ads for the Grove on the show tomorrow.

Zinke Out As Secretary Of The Interior

Ryan Zinke has stepped down as Secretary of the Interior after numerous scandals regarding his personal spending choices. Zinke has been responsible for many negative changes to the National Park Service and US Fisheries and Wildlife (neither of the bureaus have had director spots filled since the Trump administration began their reign). 

Zinke's replacement is David Bernhardt, who was a fossil fuel lobbyist before he was Deputy Secretary for the Department of Interior. There is not much change in the style of the Secretaries. 

Orcas Swim With Woman Swimmer

This story sounds made up, but it happened. Drone footage of a woman in New Zealand has gone viral after it showed a small pod of Orcas swimming with the woman. A pretty fantastic story, but also don't swim with Orcas on purpose, let them come up to you.

Share your thoughts on this episode in our Facebook Group:

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Direct download: SUFB_S657_GroveAnnouncementZinkeOutOrcasSwimWithWoman.mp3
Category:Zinke -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

I've had my Patreon campaign active for a few years now to help support the show. So far, I've been able to raise enough money to help support the show through upgrading my podcast equipment (microphones, receivers, recorder, cables and computer). It's been wonderful so far; however, I feel that Patreon can be used for a greater purpose and it can contribute to Speak Up For Blue's Social and Environmental mission.

I propose what change I would like to make, but I need your help. I need your feedback on this matter as I would like this effort to be driven my the Speak Up For Blue Community.

Let me know your thoughts in the Facebook Group:

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Direct download: SUFB_S656_INeedYourHelpWithMyPatreon.mp3
Category:Patreon -- posted at: 1:49pm EST

It's the holiday season and you are likely in the thick of things with everything that has to do with the holidays. There are celebrations, food, gifts and for some of you, Christmas Trees. It's a great time of year to spend with your family and friends. 

However, there is a problem with each of the ways we celebrate our holidays. the problem lies with the amount of plastic that we use over the holidays. In this podcast, John Davis and I discuss the amount of waste that can be avoided over the next few weeks, including:

1) Christmas Trees;
2) Holiday Parties; and,
3) Holiday Gifts.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

What is your strategy to avoid plastics during the holiday season? Let me know in the Facebook Group:

Direct download: SUFB_S655_AvoidingPLasticUseThroughoutTheHolidays.mp3
Category:Holiday Plastics -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Dr. Edd Hind-Ozan is back on the podcast today for his weekly segment called "What's Happening In Marine Social Science This Week?" On this week's segment, Edd discusses a story of a woman in Ireland who enjoys swimming in the cold-water coast off of Ireland. You might think she is crazy, but she says that the cold water calms her mind and she is happy for a healthy Ocean.

The conversation made me think of what I like to do the most when I am around the Ocean. For me, it's exploring the tide pools along various coast lines around the world. I talk about my recent trip (last April) to Hawaii and the tide pools I found, along with the wonderful animals!

What is your favourite thing do do when you are near the Ocean? Let me know in the Facebook Group:

Enjoy the Podcast!!!


Direct download: SUFB_S654_TheMindCalmingEffectOfTheOcean.mp3
Category:Blue Mind -- posted at: 12:39pm EST

Ocean Acidification is usually discussed with the subjects of calcium based animals such as Corals, mussels and snails as they need Calcium to build their shells. Calcium will not be available as there is more CO2 in the Ocean. However, not all living Ocean beings will be negatively affected. Plants such as Seaweeds are predicted to thrive.

Many sushi lovers will breathe a sigh of relief at this news, but there is cautioned thrown their way. A new study was recently conducted on how the iodine levels in seaweed, and its consumers, will be affected in the presence of elevated CO2 levels as future IPCC reports suggest. 

Iodine is important to humans as it regulates the thyroid hormones in your body. Too little or too much iodine could have serious effects on the body that could decrease human and animal health.

The results show consumers (fish and molluscs) that ate seaweed under increased CO2 conditions possessed elevated iodine concentrations, which means humans will be required to monitor the iodine levels in seaweed in the future to ensure it does not decrease the health in humans.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

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Direct download: SUFB_S653_OceanAcidificationCanAffectSeaweedAndHumans.mp3
Category:Seaweed -- posted at: 12:55pm EST

Two groups of people have stood up at the Convention of Parties (COP24) to say they have had enough of government inaction and want change now.

A young girl by the name of Greta Thunberg attended the conference to speak to the United Nations on her frustration with inaction. She wants the governments of the world to take action against Climate Change now as the world is already late to the party.

A group of 415 investors controlling $32 trillion have written a joint letter to the COP24 delegates demanding action against Climate Change as the consequences could cost more than $23 trillion by the end of the century.

Could these groups along with most of the world change the mind countries such as the US, Saudi Arabia and Russia that control over 40% of global hydrocarbon production?

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

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Grove Collaborative Special: 


Direct download: SUFB_S652_CouldGovernmentsBeForcedToReduceClimateChange.mp3
Category:climate change -- posted at: 4:49pm EST

I provide you with a job update, where I dive into my efforts for a side job (side hustle) and why I think it's important to have one.

Brooke Tully alos joins me on the podcast of one of her segments of "What's Happening In Conservation Marketing This Week?" Brooke and I discuss the ever so popular topic if eating less meat to reduce our Climate Change Impacts.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

I would love to hear your thoughts on the episode in our Facebook Group:

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Grove Collaborative Special: 

Direct download: SUFB_S651_EatingLessMeatForClimateChangeAndJobUpdate_H2.mp3
Category:climate change -- posted at: 2:06pm EST

This story is crazy!!! NOAA researchers are surprised that they have observed 4-5 Endangered Monk Seals with eels stuck up their noses. Why? They aren't sure yet as no one has ever seen this happen; however, they do have a hypothesis as to why. 

Listen to the episode to find out.

I also address some SUFB podcast things on today's podcast first. Skip to 15 min or so if you prefer to just listen to the Monk Seal story.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

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Grove Collaborative Special: 

Direct download: SUFB_S650_EndangeredMonkSealsWithEelsUpTheirNose.mp3
Category:Monk Seal -- posted at: 3:34pm EST

This story is crazy!!! NOAA researchers are surprised that they have observed 4-5 Endangered Monk Seals with eels stuck up their noses. Why? They aren't sure yet as no one has ever seen this happen; however, they do have a hypothesis as to why. 

Listen to the episode to find out.

I also address some SUFB podcast things on today's podcast first. Skip to 15 min or so if you prefer to just listen to the Monk Seal story.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

I would love to hear your thoughts on the episode in our Facebook Group:

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Grove Collaborative Special: 

Direct download: SUFB_S650_EndangeredMonkSealsWithEelsUpTheirNose.mp3
Category:Monk Seal -- posted at: 3:34pm EST

A graduate student and the Executive Director of Manta Trust, Joshua Stewart has discovered a nursery habitat in the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico. This is a HUGE discovery as manta rays are known to migrate around the world making it difficult to find their important life history habitats.

Joshua is looking forward to conducting further research in the near future to find out the size of the nursery habitat and whether the boundaries will go beyond the Marine Sanctuary boundaries. If the boundaries are larger, then the Sanctuary managers have grounds to expand the boundaries and protect the Endangered Species.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

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Grove Collaborative Special: 

Direct download: SUFB_S649_OceanicMantaRayNurseryAreaFoundInMarineSanctuary.mp3
Category:Manta Ray -- posted at: 6:10pm EST

The Canadian Government recently launched a Zero Plastic Waste Strategy, which means they are retooling the way Canada will use plastic. Their goal will be to reduce plastic use by 30% by 2030 and 50% by 2040. 

Take a listen to find out how they are going to accomplish this goal.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

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Grove Collaborative Special: 

Direct download: SUFB_S648_CanadasZeroPlasticWasteStrategy_1.mp3
Category:Ocean Plastic Pollution -- posted at: 9:45am EST

Dr. Edd Hind-Ozan joins me on the podcast today to discuss how some researchers are interacting with Indigenous groups when it comes to science and conservation projects. Dr. Natalie Ban was quoted as saying that she would not work with Indigenous groups unless she was requested by said group. An interesting approach to move away from parachute science.

I finish off the episode by discussing the suppression of science of NOAA by the Trump Administration. I discuss my experience when a similar scenario occurred at the Canadian Federal Government level when the HArper Administration suppressed science on everything ecological as it could interfere with Natural Resource Development.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

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Grove Collaborative Special: 

Nick Wehner, Director of Open Initiatives at OCTO, joins me again on the podcast. This time around we discuss the 1 year anniversary of their pre-print database called MarXiv. 

Nick breaks down all of the stats for the inaugural year of this open access database that is here to serve the Marine Conservation Community. 

Listen in on our conversation to hear how you can get your work published in this database for decision makers to use it for their purpose of marine conservation.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

I would love to hear your thoughts on the episode in our Facebook Group:

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Grove Collaborative Special: 

Direct download: SUFB_S646_MarXivOneYearLaterWithNickWehner.mp3
Category:MarXiv -- posted at: 1:36pm EST

Sigrid Kuehnemund, VP of Oceans at WWF Canada, joins me on the podcast today to provide more information on how an oil spill off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador happened. 

During the interview, Sigrid points out that the spill could have been caused by the way the regulations are laid out. Sigrid, through WWF, are advocating to the government-industry partnership to include them in the conversation as well as make the regulations better. 

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

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Grove Collaborative Special: 

Direct download: SUFB_S645_WhatCanadaNeedsToDoForOilManagementWithSigridKuehnemund.mp3
Category:WWF Canada -- posted at: 12:34pm EST

Brook Tully is back with another segment of "What's Happening In Conservation Marketing This Week?" Brook and I discuss the thought of mobile devices and how there is an opportunity to help conserve the natural areas in our world. 

We discuss the use of text message marketing as well as location based app marketing. We also bring up the fact that apps could be used to help consumers determine whether products are using eco-friendly ingredients such as sustainable palm oil. 

I also give you an update of my job search as a way to help people with their own job search. 

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

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Grove Collaborative Special: 

I am pleased to be joined by Tim Cashion on the episode today to discuss a study that analyzed how fisheries companies could make more money by fishing sustainably over the long term. 

Tim is a PhD student at University of British Columbia in Fisheries and is the husband of Madeleine Cashio, who was on the podcast a few weeks ago discussing shark fisheries management and big data. 

I would love to hear your thoughts on the episode in our Facebook Group:

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Grove Collaborative Special: 

This episode is a continuation of episode 638, where I discussed the fact that All White Male panels at conferences and workshops in the Marine Conservation and Science field. I received a bit of criticism for the episode and my views on how panels should be diversified. 

The criticism and subsequent responses to the post occured in the Facebook Group. The conversation was very respectful, especially considering the sensitivity of the topic. 

I address the criticism from the post and try to clarify my stance. 

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

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Grove Collaborative Special: 

Category:Diversity In Careers -- posted at: 7:50pm EST

Beth Pike and Ray Evrard, from the Salish Shes Podcast, join me today to discuss their most recent episode on Poop...yes, you read that correctly...Poop!

Their episode focused on how Victoria released raw sewage into the Ocean until recently when they decided to build a sewage treatment plant. They started to build the plant because people just north of the city were complaining of the smell and the "white fish." The city of Seattle was also complaining about similar issues. Seattle is quite a distance from Victoria so you can imagine how far the sewage (including poop!) travelled where people still noticed the smell and pollution.

Take a listen to the episode and let me know what you think in the Facebook Group:

Check out the Salish Shes Podcast

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

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Grove Collaborative Special: 

Direct download: SUFB_S641_SalishShesTalkOceanPoopProblemsWithBethAndRay.mp3
Category:Marine Sewage -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

We continue with our Friday segment of "What's Happening In Marine Social Science This Week" with Dr. Edd Hind-Ozan, but first, I provide a warning to all people who want to rescue a whale from entangled gear and are not trained for it. 

Whale Rescue Can Be Dangerous

Beth Pike (Co-host of the Salish Shes Podcast), made me aware of a story where a man hopped on the back of a whale to untangle it from the fishing gear that was caught around the animal. The effort was made popular after Ellen had the two men on her show to praise them for their work; however, the rescue could have gone wrong very quickly and the man could have sustained serious injuries or even died. 

Rescuing whales is dangerous. They are massive animals with powerful flukes (tails) that can kill people if they are ever struck. entanglements can also lead to injury if the person gets caught themselves and the whale dives below the surface.

The point of the story is to encourage people to call the proper authorities and wait for trained rescuers to aid the animal in question. 

Indonesian Fishing Community Take Matters Into Their Own Hands

Fishing communities in many parts of the world rely on fishing for sustenance and revenue. A lack of fish due to overfishing can put the community at risk, so it's not surprising when a fishing community in Indonesia to take matters into their own hands and enforce a paper marine protected area to discourage poaching from occurring. 

Dr. Edd Hind-Ozan describes the story and discusses how fishing communities in other countries are doing something similar to ensure the viability of their natural resource. 

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

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I have the pleasure to have a good friend of mine on the podcast, Dr. Nathan Robinson. You might remember Nathan as the researcher that pulled out the plastic straw from the Olive Ridley Sea Turtles in Costa Rica in the famous You Tube video. He's also the same guy to pull out the plastic fork from a different Olive Ridley Sea Turtle four months later about 70 km south of the first incident. 

Today, Nathan joins me to discuss a new study on Green Sea Turtles off the coast of Cape Eleuthra Island, Bahamas. The behavioural study is identifying trends and variations in behaviour of individuals among habitats and other Sea Turtles.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Links For Nathan:

Cape Eleuthra Institute

Nathan's You Tube Channel

Links for the Show:

Facebook Group:


Grove Collaborative:


Direct download: SUFB_S639_TheRealWorldSeaTurtlesWithDrNathanRobinson.mp3
Category:Sea Turtles -- posted at: 12:13pm EST

On today's episode, I talk about the persistence of All Old White Male Panels and conference and workshops and how that might limit Marine Science and Conservation. 

I also provide an update on my job search after having an information meeting with a Canadian Marine Conservation Organization. Spoiler alert: I don't have a job, but there is potential.

Share your thoughts on this episode in our Facebook Group:

Do you have a question that you would like to share on air? Ask it on our Speakpipe service and leave a voicemail:

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Get ready for your holiday parties you are hosting by using the Grove's quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:

I start this episode by discussing 3 important conclusions of the US Climate Report as I didn't feel that I covered enough on it yesterday. 

I continue the episode with our "What's Happening In Conservation Marketing" segment with Brook Tully.

Climate Report: 3 Takeaways

The Atlantic wrote a great piece on 3 important points of the Climate Report released by the Trump Administration last week. I talk about them briefly as they are important to know. It talks about long term trends and results due to droughts and sea level rise.

Conservation Marketing Segment

Brooke Tully joins me on the podcast today to continue her series with "What Is Happening This Week In Conservation Marketing," where Brooke and I discuss Conservation Marketing applications in Marine Conservation. 

In this segment we explore what will happen next after the plastic straw movement? Will the movement die out or will it be successful in making more people aware of ocean plastic pollution and help change behaviours in other single use plastic use?

Have some thoughts on the episode? Share them in the Facebook Group:

Want to get your question heard on the podcast? Ask it here:

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Get ready for your holiday parties you are hosting by using the Grove's quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:

Direct download: SUFB_S637_WhatsNextAfterThePlasticStrawMovement.mp3
Category:Plastic Straws -- posted at: 12:35pm EST

A Climate Report predicting massive increases in the costs due to the consequences of climate change was released on Black Friday while holiday shoppers were out getting gifts for their families and friends. The Trump administration tried to sneak out the report due to their position as a Climate Denying-Administration; however, the plan backfired after several news agencies picked up the report and covered it in some detail.

The coverage from some of the media outlets could be called questionable as some agencies had panels consisting of Climate Deniers that tried to skirt the conversation around the Climate action needed to whether Climate Change actually exist. 

I discuss these events during this episode.

Let me know in our Facebook Group what you think of how the media covers Climate Change stories in regards to always mentioning Climate Denial:

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Get ready for your holiday parties you are hosting by using the Grove's quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:

Artist Danielle Eubank connects people with the Ocean through her art, which are paintings of the wavelets in almost every Ocean in the world. Danielle has painted hundreds of pieces from four Oceans and is getting set to paint some pieces in the Southern Ocean.

Art plays a huge role in connecting people to the Ocean as well as helping them understand Ocean Issues and how they can help solve them. 

Danielle offers a tip to help protect the Ocean every time she posts on her Facebook page.

How have you seen art play a role on Marine Conservation? Let me know in the Facebook Group:

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:


Direct download: SUFB_S635_OneArtistFiveOceansWithDanielleEubank.mp3
Category:Marine Conservation Art -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

Dr. Edd Hind-Ozan joins me for another segment of "What's Happening in Marine Social Science This Week" where we discuss a plastic pollution story in Nigeria. The story describes a lawyer who was sick of seeing plastic on her beach so much that she started an organization involving community clean ups to help rid the beach of plastic. 

I cover a story out of the North Eastern Pacific, where a warm water mass has formed and being dubbed the "Son of the Blob." Some meteorologists are suggesting the that water mass may be responsible for the droughts and forest fires along the West Coast of North America.

Let us know your thoughts on this episode in the Facebook Group:

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:


Direct download: SUFB_S634_PlasticPollutionInNigeriaAndSonOfTheBlob.mp3
Category:Plastic Pollution -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

Nick Wehner is back from OCTO to discuss how Scientists can now pre-register their studies with journals. This process will help scientists vet their methods with peer reviewers and get them approved before they do the study, which will increase their chances of being published by the journal and prevent their study from being scooped. 

Nick tells us about the article and how this process will be good for scientists. 

If you want to upload your thesis, grey paper pr pre-print to a server where Decision Makers can access, check out MarXiv

Let us know what you think of this article in our Facebook Group:

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:

Direct download: SUFB_S633_PreregisterYourStudyJournalsWithNicWehner.mp3
Category:Science Journals -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

I'm about to embark on a journey to find a job in Marine and/or Freshwater Conservation in Canada and I want to share this journey with you. 

I've covered finding a job before as I shelled out my advice to over a hundred people in my lifetime; however, I never covered my own experience as it is happening. This is probably the most vulnerable that I have ever put myself out there on this podcast. I want to do it because I want people to know that they are not alone through their journey.

There will be rejection and there will be emotional responses, but I will eventually find a job. I know this because I have been in this situation before. 

Where will I begin with my strategy? Well, you will have to listen to the podcast to find out.

Let me know your strategy in our Facebook Group:

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:

Direct download: SUFB_S632_IMissScienceAndGNowLookingForAJob.mp3
Category:Marine Conservation careers -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

I have Brooke Tully on the podcast today for her segment "What's Happening In Conservation Marketing This Week." On this segment Brooke and I discussed how conservation organizations should change their messaging to match changing consumer trends. 

I also discuss the Marine Conservation that is happening on the Isle of Man that includes beach clean up to community fisheries management.

What are your thoughts on Conservation Organizations needing to change their messaging according to shifting consumer trends? Let me know in the Facebook Group:

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:

Direct download: SUFB_S631_ConsumerEnvironmentalTrendsAndProtectingTheIlseOfMan.mp3
Category:Consumer Trends -- posted at: 4:03pm EST

There was an oil spill that happened off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador that no one seems to be discussing. It is estimated that 250,000 Litres of oil was spilled it was is still from an unknown cause. 

The spill has not yet been contained because the weather is so severe from the "most intense storm" that has hit the area in history. The total amount of oil spilled and the total damage will not be known until the authorities can get in and start containing the spill.

This is yet another reason why Canadians and the world need to move away from our dependence on oil and shift towards more renewable energy sources to protect our coastal water quality as well as our species and habitats. 

I would love to know whether you heard about the oil spill before you listened to the podcast. Let me know in the Facebook Group:

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:

Direct download: SUFB_S630_MassiveOilSpillOffTheCoastOfNewfoundland.mp3
Category:Oil Spill -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

We discuss many of the Issues facing the Ocean on this podcast; however, we rarely discuss what we love most about the Ocean itself. We protect the Ocean because we love it, so we should talk more about what we love about the Ocean.

In this episode, I tell you 3 reasons why I love the Ocean in hopes that you will go to the Facebook Group and tell me your reasons why you love the Ocean.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:

Direct download: SUFB_S629_WhatDoYouLoveAboutTheOcean.mp3
Category:Love the Ocean -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

The Canadian Government, led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, is rolling out the Carbon Tax for Canadians and Businesses. I thought I would take the time to calculate my family's carbon footprint for the past year. I was amazed at how much Carbon I produced for my trips via airplane and it makes me wonder whether I should curtail travelling based on the carbon that I produce. 

On the other hand, I could implement a carbon offsetting program where I pay to offset my carbon footprint to fund specific projects.

What it your Carbon Footprint? Go to the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Page and calculate your footprint:

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:

Direct download: SUFB_S628_MyCarbonFootprint.mp3
Category:Carbon Footprint -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

We start today's episode with the Marine Social Science Segment with Dr. Edd Hind-Ozan discussing a news article demonstrating a great Industrial-Government-Science Partnership to monitor whales to prevent entanglement.

The Dungeness Crab Industry has funded Scientists to board Coast Guard helicopters during regular surveillance duties to monitor areas where there are crab pots to prevent whale entanglement. 

We continue with the show as I describe the carbon tax in Canada and how the Federal Government will use the tax. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau rolled out how the Carbon Tax will work for various provinces. Everyone will pay a tax based on their household carbon emissions (in tons of carbon produced) and will get money back with their tax returns. 

Want to share your ideas? I would love to hear your thoughts in our Facebook Group:

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting: 

Direct download: SUFB_S627_MarineSocialScienceThisWeekAnd.mp3
Category:Carbon Tax -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

For years China has been accepting plastic from many parts of the world include the US; however, the superpower stopped accepting plastic in "dirty" form last January (2018). The questions now is what does the US do with all of its plastic waste? 

John Davis (OCTO) is here to try and answer the question as it has been the latest topic on the Marine-Debris Listserv. We discuss the new form the plastic must be in for China to accept it. We also discuss how cities are adapting to this new format and what they are doing with their plastic trash. 

We would love to hear your ideas. You can join the Marine-Debris Listserv by going to

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:

Direct download: SUFB_S626_ChinaWontTakePlasticWhatNowWithJohnDavis.mp3
Category:Plastic Pollution -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

Elephant tusks and rhino horns dominate the headlines when it comes to illegal products being sold on the black market. I understand why this happens as they are iconic species; however, there are many other illegal animals being sold where enforcement is lacking.

An article in National Geographic discusses the illegal sales of Conch and Nautilus shells (along with other shells) that are not in the up and up. The shells were not picked up on along the shore where it was already empty. Many of the shells were taken from the Ocean with live animals in them. The poachers kill the animals in the shells, pour acid in the shell, which cleans out the shell or any remains and sell it at markets and in decorative stores. 

The people who buy the shells do not make the connection that there were animals in the shells or they do not understand their important functionality in the Ocean habitats in which they live. 

Do you see Nautilus and Conch shells being sold at markets where you travel and at stores at home? Let me know in the Facebook Group:

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:

Direct download: SUFB_S625_NautilusConchShellsPartOfHugeIllegalTrade.mp3
Category:Conch Shells -- posted at: 4:19pm EST

I am happy to announce the beginning of the Conservation Marketing Segments with Brooke Tully. She will be on the program once a week discussing various topics surrounding Conservation Marketing. 

Brooke's first segment involves tips on how we can better our presentations at conferences to focus more on results and discussion. 

The second half of the episode is dedicated to me telling you about a conversation I had with my Aunt about Climate Change. 

I would love to hear your thoughts on the episode in the Facebook Group:

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:

Direct download: SUFB_S624_ConsMarkAndClimateChangeDiscussion.mp3
Category:climate change -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

I am delighted to have Sophia Wasserman on the podcast today to discuss a new published study (Open Access) on the public's perception of Dolphinariums (Swim with Dolphins experience) in the Turks and Caicos Islands. 

I was surprised to see the results of this study and understand how a dolphinarium could seem reasonable for an island environment to have, especially when jobs are scarce and there is a booming tourist industry.

Sophia takes us through the study's methods and results as we discuss the implications of the study to perception of dolphinariums. 

What do you think of dolphinariums? Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group:

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:

Direct download: SUFB_S623_PublicPerceptionOfDolphinariumsWithSophiaWasserman.mp3
Category:Dolphinarium -- posted at: 4:17pm EST

I had the pleasure of interviewing Madeline Cashion for this episode, where we discussed managing big data for fisheries management with a focus on Sharks. 

Madeline completed her Masters with this project. She studied 65 years worth of fisheries data in the Mediterranean to better understand how shark populations in the region have changed. It wasn't an easy process as there are many challenges in analyzing a long term dataset. 

Madeline and I discuss the challenges of using big data and how she overcame those challenges to create a useful thesis project that could be applicable to managers in the Mediterranean. 

How do you think Managers could use this data to apply to shark management? Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group:

Enjoy the Podcast!

Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:

We continue with the Marine Social Science Segments with Dr. Edd Hind-Ozan. Today we discuss why there are plastic bits in plastic water bottles. Just another reason why we shouldn't be using plastic water bottles.

I also discuss the new Orca Whale Watching Ban implemented in Washington State to help protect the Southern Resident Orca Whale Population. I ask the question, is whale watching the real problem, or is it low hanging fruit?

Let me know what you think of the Orca Whale Watching Ban in our Facebook Group:

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:

Direct download: SUFB_S621_PlasticBitsInWaterBottlesOrcaWhaleWatchingBanned.mp3
Category:Orca -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

Nick Wehner and I continue our series on clearing up the tangled subject of paywalled journal articles and open access. 

I've heard the grumblings of many people on the restrictions of peer reviewed journal articles that sit behind a paywall. The restrictions can include such subjects as with whom the author can share her/his published articles. 

Nick takes us through the legal rights of authors and what type pf restrictions exist on published papers, including how authors should look into the type of creative commons license they should use before the article is written.

Do you have something to say about the rights of authors? Chime in via the Facebook Group.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Don't forget to submit your paper to MarXiv to ensure Ocean decision makers get access to your paper.

Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:

Will the approach to Marine Policy be different now that the House is controlled by the Democrats? I explore this questions with the help of the listeners in the Facebook Group and in my Facebook contacts. 

I asked people this morning whether they thought Marine Policy will change now the that house was dominated by Democrats. Most were positive and hopeful realizing that policies may not be able to be reversed. However, they also realize that certain policies that are bad for the Ocean may not go through.

I discuss the comments in this episode, but I would love to hear your thoughts in the Facebook Group.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Discuss the Election and how it will affect the Ocean in the Facebook Group:

Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:

Direct download: SUFB_S619_ChangesWithTheVoteHowItAffectsTheOcean.mp3
Category:Marine Policies -- posted at: 4:05pm EST

This episode is for the US listeners in the audience. It's a message to remind you to go out and vote. It's a reminder that you can make a difference. 

I go over a few of the Environmental policies that the Trump Administration has changed over the past 2 years. The policy changes have ignored science and US citizens to promote short term economic growth. 

My message is simple, vote for the Democrat Candidates to provide a check and balance in the House and Senate to ensure policy changes by this administration will not go forward without a fight and a representation of the US people.


Discuss the Election and how it will affect the Ocean in the Facebook Group:

Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:

Direct download: SUFB_S618_VoteForTheOceanVoteBlue.mp3
Category:US Midterm Elections 2018 -- posted at: 12:09pm EST

Nicole Matthesen, a member of the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group, asked a question in the group regarding how to choose a school for marine science. I didn't respond by text, but I did dedicate this podcast episode to answering the question.

During this episode, I go through strategies that I would use if I were to redo College/University as well as graduate school. My strategies focus on looking for a school that will set me up for a career. 

Brooke Tully joins me on the podcast to discuss why Conservation Marketing is so important for Marine Conservation to be successful. I was originally joined by Brooke on the podcast to discuss Conservation Marketing in general; however, this time we begin to discuss the implications of how to do conservation by targeting individual markets. 

This interview is Part 1 of 2. I wanted to divide up the interview due to length without throwing away any of the value of Brooke's words. Part 2 will be published tomorrow where we discuss the workshop she facilitated for a variety of types pf professionals that want to do conservation and target specific audiences.

How do you think we should target audiences? Let me know in the Facebook Group.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Sponsor: I've teamed up with the Grove Collective to give you a chance to change the way you use cleaning products in your home that will benefit the Ocean. Click here for your free gift after purchase!

This episode is the second part of my interview with Brooke Tully. We discuss her latest workshop she facilitated at the Conservation Marketing (#ConsMark2018) Conference last week. 

In the episode, Brooke discusses the structure of the workshop and how she got participants to think about how they need to group their audiences and customize their Conservation Messaging to relate to each audience.

Do you have a marketing background? Let me know in the Facebook Group how you think conservation messaging should be grouped based on various audiences?

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Sponsor: I've teamed up with the Grove Collective to give you a chance to change the way you use cleaning products in your home that will benefit the Ocean. Click here for your free gift after purchase!

The latest report from WWF called the Living Species Report 2018 says that in the past 40 years humans have been responsible for the loss of 60% of animals around the world. I will be honest, this can't be a surprise to you, right? 

Media companies have been plastering articles on all of their platforms like it's a huge surprise, but let's face it we aren't that surprised are we?

The way humans have been treating the world has been awful. Our governments continue to make decisions based on short term gains without worrying about the long term consequences. 

The best way to turn things around starts with voting!!! Vote whenever possible!

Let me know in the Facebook Group how you feel about this report. 

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Sponsor: I've teamed up with the Grove Collective to give you a chance to change the way you use cleaning products in your home that will benefit the Ocean. Click here for your free gift after purchase!

Direct download: SUFB_S614_AreWeSurprisedAboutDecreaseInGlobalSpecies.mp3
Category:Living Species Report -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

Dr. Edd Hind-Ozan joins me on the program today to kick off a new segment called "What's New In Marine Social Science." We discuss a great article in Popular Science that identifies the top Environmental Priority in every state going into the election. So read the article and go VOTE!!!

Did you know that there has been a slow oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico that started after Hurricane Ivan destroyed a platform in 2004. The platform was owned and operated by Taylor Energy. Since 2004, the company has not had to pay anything in fines even though the leak was discovered in 2010 during aerial surveys during BP's Deepsea Horizon disaster. 

Both the stories today highlight the importance to put elected officials in office that will do the right thing when managing natural resources and reducing climate change impacts. 

Let me know your thoughts on this episode in the Facebook Group

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Sponsor: I've teamed up with the Grove Collective to give you a chance to change the way you use cleaning products in your home that will benefit the Ocean. Click here for your free gift after purchase!

Direct download: SUFB_S613_LargestSlowestOilSpillInUSHistoryMarinePolicySegement.mp3
Category:Oil Spill -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

I have the pleasure of interviewing Beth Pike and Raye Evrard from the Salish Shes Podcast on today's episode. I say it's a pleasure because 1) They are great communicators; and, 2) They are podcastors! 

We discuss their podcast the Salish Shes that is about the Salish Seas and all the wonders and issues swirling around in this beautiful body of water. 

They have a new episode out today and it's all about POOP!!! That's right, I said it! It's all about the poop that ends up in the Salish Sea and how it's affecting the water quality of this body of water that is full of diversity.

Check out the podcast by clicking here.

Let me know in the Facebook Group what you think of the Salish Shes podcast after you listened to it. 

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Sponsor: I've teamed up with the Grove Collective to give you a chance to change the way you use cleaning products in your home that will benefit the Ocean. Click here for your free gift after purchase!

Direct download: SUFB_S612_SalishSeasPodcast.mp3
Category:Salish Sea -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations (ENGOs) have hard tasks ahead of them at all times. The organizations balance: scientific and conservation projects with getting the results to their audience. they compete with other organizations with email and social media campaigns as well as other companies that are trying to get their message out. 

However, Podcasting is a platform that many organizations seem to overlook. Often times the ENGOs overlook this platform because they don't have the people and think that it is too expensive to start up/maintain. Unfortunately, the ENGOs are missing out on a new audience that could have a chance to get to know your organization and support the organizations.

I run down 5 reasons why ENGOS should podcast because it could transform how they do business in the future.

Let me know in the Facebook Group if you think Podcasts are a good platform for ENGOs.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

If you are interested in starting your own podcast or you would like your ENGO to start one, please contact me at  

No more new Marine Mammal Captivity in Canada according to Bill S-203 that passed in the Senate last week. The Ban will including captivity and breeding programs in any facility in Canada. 

Marine Mammal Captivity has been very controversial for decades, but the Blackfish documentary increased the push of the movement to stop Marine Mammal Captivity in marine-themed parks. Scientists, Activists, Advocates and Policy Makers have been working tirelessly to ban captive marine mammals all over the world. Canada is just another country that has hopped aboard the movement. 

The Bill targets two facilities in Canada, The Vancouver Aquarium and Marineland. The former facility has changed its policies on Marine Mammal captivity in the recent years after it stood up for its educational and conservation purpose; however, protesters and members put enough pressure for the facility to give in. 

Marineland has yet to give up the fight. It says that banning captivity of marine mammals will shutdown the park and put local residents out of jobs; however, SeaWorld has undergone a huge and profitable transformation after the pressure of the public against its captive program took place and now markets towards other attractions such as rides and free beer.

What do you think will happen to these facilities? Let me know in the Facebook Group.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Join the Patreon Community to help support Speak Up For Blue's mission to bring Marine Science and Conservation information to you and the audience. 

Direct download: SUFB_S610_MarineMammalsCapitivityBannedInCanada.mp3
Category:Marine Mammal Captivity -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

#ConsMark2018 is over and the planning for the next Conference in 2020 will begin soon enough. However, before the planning begins I must discuss the conference that just happened. 

There were many highlights for this conference from learning how government agencies use messaging and events (festivals) to reach their audience to learning how social marketing organizations, such as Rare, use marketing techniques similar to corporations (Nike, etc.) to get people to change their behaviour around a conservation issue. 

I talk about all of the highlights of the conference and what gaps were identified in trying to duplicate efforts of some great projects within larger organizations/government departments.

I would love to hear your thoughts on Social Marketing and whether you see it as an important tool in the Conservation tool box. Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Join the Patreon Community to help support Speak Up For Blue's mission to bring Marine Science and Conservation information to you and the audience. 

Direct download: SUFB_S609_MyThoughtsAfterTheConsMarkConference.mp3
Category:Conference -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

I have Cheryl Munday on the podcast to discuss the importance of the Northern Right Whale Festival that will happen on November 3rd in Jacksonville Florida. 

Check out the reason why the festival is happening, why it's in Jacksonville and the importance of the venue. This is conservation.

Let us know in the Facebook Group what you think about using events like this festival to promote conservation.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Join the Patreon Community to help support Speak Up For Blue's mission to bring Marine Science and Conservation information to you and the audience.

The Conservation Marketing Conference (#ConsMark2018) is on this weekend and I wanted to share with you how I was preparing for the conference. 

Conferences are one of my favourite things about the Marine Science and Conservation field. I get to reunite with friends and colleagues from all over the world. I also get to catch up on some great research shared at the conference I attend. My favourite part of conferences is the networking. I find it's the most important part of the conference.

I set goals for each conference so I know why I attend a particular conference. My goals will differ from conference to conference, but I always have a goal. It helps me stay focused and not get distracted by all the cool things happening around me. 

I outline my goals in this episode so that you can see my thought process. Hopefully, you can duplicate this process for your own purposes if you don't set goals for conferences. 

Let me know in the Facebook Group what type of goals you set when you go to conferences.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Join the Patreon Community to help support Speak Up For Blue's mission to bring Marine Science and Conservation information to you and the audience.

Direct download: SUFB_S607_PlanningForTheConsMarkConference.mp3
Category:Conference -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

This episode is Part 2 of the Interview with Dr. Chris Parsons where we discuss the beaching and deaths of over 50 beaked whales off the coasts of Scotland and Ireland

In this episode, we discuss navy sonar and how it affects marine mammals. Chris dives into why beaked whales are so susceptible to sonar during navy exercises. 

Have questions about how noise affects marine mammals? Join our Facebook Group to ask Dr. Chris Parsons and other Marine Mammal Experts. 

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Join the Patreon Community to help support Speak Up For Blue's mission to bring Marine Science and Conservation information to you and the audience. 

Direct download: SUFB_S606_WhyBeakedWhalesAreDyingInTheUKPart2.mp3
Category:Beaked Whales -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

A dedicated listener, Alyssa Stoller, sent me an article on beaked whales beaching themselves off the coasts of Scotland and Ireland. Alyssa wanted to make sure that the story would get spread across the Speak Up For Blue airwaves as it was an important story and it needed to be discussed. I gladly obliged.

I asked Dr. Chris Parsons if he would be able to come on the podcast to help explain the details of the story as he is familiar with the area. Chris used to work in the area on Marine Mammals. 

As usual, Chris and I got talking and we talked...a lot. So I decided to separate the show into two parts. In Part 1, Chris and I discuss the overall reasons as to why marine mammals beach themselves. In part 2 (next episode), we discuss the specifics of the article that Alyssa sent us.

Do you think military sonar should be banned near marine mammals? Let us know in the Facebook Group.

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Join the Patreon Community to help support Speak Up For Blue's mission to bring Marine Science and Conservation information to you and the audience. 

Direct download: SUFB_S605_WhyAreBeakedWhalesBeachingThemselvesInTheUK.mp3
Category:Whales -- posted at: 3:57pm EST

Lonely Whale has partnered up with Dell and other corporations for a program called Next Wave Plastics, where corporations use ocean-bound plastics located in strategic areas to incorporate in their supply chain. This program answers the question: "What are corporations doing to help reduce plastics in their products?" 

Dune Ives, Executive Director of Lonely Whale joins me on the podcast today to discuss the award winning program and how the corporate partnership is only the beginning of reinventing how products are made. 

Dune is also here to discuss two new corporate partners to join the likes of GM, Bureo, Trek, Herman Miller, Human Scale and Interface to Next Wave Plastics.

Do you think this program will get more corporations involved? Let me know in the Facebook Group.

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Direct download: SUFB_S604_NextWavePlasticsWithDuneIvesLonelyWhale.mp3
Category:Lonely Whale -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

Do you ever feel like you are worried about damaging the places you visit? This past week we discussed a popular Thai beach being closed down to tourists because of the damage and pollution that caused during their visits. I know I always worry about how my actions could harm or disrespect the places that I visit. As a tourist, we have responsibilities to protect the Ocean in the various places we visit. 

Dr. Christopher Warren has created a program for tourists to ensure they do not have a negative impact on the environment on the destination they visit.

It's a great idea and there is a possibility that the program will be rolled out for all people who are trying to reduce their impact on the environment whether or not they are travelling. 

Would you use this program while travelling if it was offered by your hotel? Let me know in the Facebook Group.

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Direct download: SUFB_S603_MyGreenButlerToHelpTheOcean.mp3
Category:My Green Butler -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

The Barndoor skate is a huge skate species living off the coast of the Northeastern US and was once a commercially viable species; however, from 1971 to 1998, the barndoor skate population numbers were very low to the point where fisheries scientists were worried that the species were going extinct. the population had been overfished for years.

In 2000, the large skate species was added to the Endangered Species List, which seemed to be the right thing to do as the population has now almost fully recovered from being overfished and back to 1965 population numbers. Is it time to start to fish them again?

Researchers are cautiously optimistic on their viability as a commercial fisheries and are looking into the matter. Fisheries management of a recovered species is a complex issue as managers want to make sure that the species population is stable during fishing activities.

Do you think managers should open up the fisheries again? Let me know in the Facebook Group.

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Direct download: SUFB_S602_BarndoorSkateRecoveryInUS.mp3
Category:Barndoor Skate -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

In September, I interviewed Dr. Naomi Rose to discuss what is happening to the Southern Resident Orca Population. There are only 74 left and the population has not had a new birth for the past 3 years. One of the recent deaths of an Orca named J50 was presumed to be the cause of starvation. The population only eats Chinook Salmon and nothing else. A lack of Chinook Salmon has lead to the number of individuals in the population to 74, the lowest in 35 years!!!

Naomi stated that the cause of the lack of salmon prey for the Orca population was due to damns in the Columbia and Snake Rivers. The removal of the damns could bring back the salmon population and help save the Orcas; however, the hydroelectric companies do not want to remove the damns. 

There was an article in the Seattle Times published last week by Lynda Mapes on a new effort to help the Orcas now instead of in the future because there just isn't that much time left for these whales.

A new election around the corner could change the tide on this issue and that is what I am focusing on in this episode. 

Do you think the damns should be removed? Let me know in the Facebook Group.

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Direct download: SUFB_S601_OrcaSurvivalDependsOnDamnRemoval.mp3
Category:Southern Resident Orcas -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

We continue our series on how pay-walled journal publishers are inhibiting marine conservation practices as they limit access to science articles. Nick Wehner (from OCTO) joins me on the podcast to discuss a new article he wrote on how the impact of articles listed in Open Access Repositories, such as MarXiv, is increased over Open Access articles from publishers. 

I am shocked by what Nick reveals in this interview and I think you will be as well. 

This topic is something that needs to be discussed. Do you think scientists should start publishing in repositories such as MarXiv rather than journals that are behind a wall? Let me know in the Facebook Group.

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Direct download: SUFB_S600_OpenAccessWithNickWehner.mp3
Category:Open Access Journals -- posted at: 4:41pm EST

Searching for Jobs in Marine Conservation can be daunting, frustrating and depressing. We get up in the morning, find a job, then apply to it thinking that we will get an interview...but nothing. This process is repeated daily and your passion dwindles every month you are not working in Marine Conservation. However, it doesn't need to be this way. 

Searching for a job is similar to being a salesperson, where getting the job is the sale of a product/service. You can cold call people by applying to a job without any of the personnel knowing who you are just like you get phone calls from call centres trying to sell you a product. The chance of getting a sale or a job is slim. 

However, if you build a relationship with the client/employer, then you can show them who you are, become someone they trust and respect. Become someone they think about when there is an opportunity available. 

Building relationships is not the same as applying for a job blindly. Building relationship is about networking. Networking is one of the most important aspects of job hunting.

Networking is not about adding people to your "Contacts" App. It's about building relationships. You are selling yourself by seeking out a job, but you don't want to ask right away. You want to be patient and bring value to the person. Overtime, an opportunity may arise where you end up getting a job in the opportunity you want. 

I go into more detail about building a networking and seeking a job. during this episode.

This episode is building on top of last week's episode on Marine Conservation career. 

Do you have questions about your career? Discuss it in the Facebook Group.

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Have you ever wanted to visit a place so badly that you dream of it every night and look at beautiful pictures? How did you feel when you showed up to that place after years of dreaming about it and finding out that it has been ruined by other tourists who had the same dreams.

It happened at a beach in Thailand that was made popular by the movie "The Beach" that starred Leonardo DiCaprio (an environmental advocate no less).

Did you ever wonder whether we need to see all of these places or should we just leave them alone?

These are the questions that I dive into during this episode. I would love to hear you weigh in on this matter in the Facebook Group.

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Direct download: SUFB_S598_ThailandBeachClosedDueToTouristDamageAndPollution.mp3
Category:Tourism -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

The popular organization OCEANARCH led a team of 26 researchers to find some Great white Sharks in the waters off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada in search to find a mating sight hypothesized to be in the area. 

Two of the their tagged sharks, Lydia and Hilton, were tracked in the Canadian waters. Researchers wondered why the sharks migrated so far North. 

During the expedition, the team found and tagged six sharks that they will track over the next year or so in hopes that the apex predators will reveal a pattern. 

I know there are groups of people who do not like to see sharks tagged and think that they should be left alone; however, the results from the data have lead to huge advances in our knowledge of not only Great White Sharks, but other species as well. Hammerhead sharks are protected in Florida State waters due to the data that revealed the species is highly sensitive to being caught by fishing. The data was gathered during a tagging expedition. 

Do you think sharks should be tagged? Let me know in the Facebook Group

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Direct download: SUFB_S597_SharkExpeditionCouldLeadToFindingGreatWhiteMatingSite.mp3
Category:OCEANARCH -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

There are 100s of people that try to get in the Marine Science and Conservation field every year. It's difficult to find a job let alone build a career in Marine Conservation. However, there are certain things you can do to help increase your chances to get a job within your career path. Well, you need to have a career path in the first place.

This episode, I discuss why you need to have a career path, or 2, planned to focus your job search and stick to a plan to get your Marine Science and Conservation. 

For those of you trying to develop a career, you need to listen to this podcast. 

If you have questions about your career, ask them in the Facebook Group.

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The International Shoreline Cleanup occurs in September every year. It's a way to get people to understand how much plastic and debris washes up on beaches. 

Greenpeace Canada has released a report identifying the common pieces of trash that was found along the shorelines in Canada. The CBC covered the report and why the corporations should be responsible for the items they create. Some corporations blame the recycling and waste management system.

How do you think the corporations should react to their items being found on Canadian Shorelines? Let us know in the Facebook Group.


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What do you do when your government doesn't follow up on its pledge to reduce greenhouse gas emissions? You take them to court. That is what a group of organizations did to the Dutch Government. An appeals court ruled that the government had to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2020. This cut will include closing a coal plant that was just opened last year. 

The ruling opens the discussion as to whether every government will be taken to court to ensure they follow up on their international pledges. 

Do you think most government will have to be taken to court? Let me know if the Facebook Group


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Local communities can be great examples of showing great conservation examples as they conserve their community in order for them to survive for generations. A recent example was brought to the forefront by Mongabay's Jennifer O'Mahony. The example was of a Senegalese Community that went through a transformation of the way they management their land and water resources to sustainably live as a successful community. 

Of course, they are not without problems, but their story is amazing and is one that is spreading to neighbouring villages.

Check out this episode to find out the community's story. Let me know in the Facebook Group wether you think more communities should be managed in the same way, especially when it comes to enforcement. 

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I'm confused. First, an article comes out with a list of the 100 companies that contribute 71% of the Global Greenhouse Gases (the list was made up primarily of oil/gas and coal corporations). Then, an article comes out saying that the meat industry is responsible to contributing more than the oil and gas industry. Which one contributes more? And does it matter?

Here are the sources:

List of 100 Companies producing 71% of Global Greenhouse Gases

Meat Industry to surpass oil and gas industry as top Greenhouse Gas Contributor

Do you have information on this that could help us choose what is best for the Ocean? Let me know in the Facebook Group.

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Direct download: SUFB_E592_WhatIsTheBiggestContributorToClimateChange.mp3
Category:climate change -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

I've met with many people over my career you provide them with advice on how to get a Marine Conservation Career. In fact, I created an online course for it a few years back. I enjoy helping people as I got helped by my colleagues; however, there are somethings that I wish I could provide better advice on. That is harassment in the workplace. 

I recently was told about a situation a friend of mine within Marine Conservation was going through at their current workplace. The situation has gotten my friend anxious, stressed out and fearful for her safety. A bunch of us are trying to provide her help, often times just being there to listen to what she has to say to get her frustrations out. I still feel helpless in trying to help because I don't have experience in this situation.

I thought I would dedicate an episode on my thoughts on how to deal with harassment within the field of Marine Science and Conservation in order to start the conversation to that you and other audience members may continue the conversation in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group. It would be great if you could tell your story to help others realize that they are not alone. Or provide a an ear for people going through a bad situation.


Another IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change) report has been released and things haven't gotten better regarding Climate Change...things are worse. The report predicted that massive droughts and flooding will occur that will change coastlines forever and it will happen sooner than expected. 

Am I surprised, no. We have not done enough as a human species to reduce climate change. In fact, we've done worse. the climate change debates and governments that continue to do business as usual are not helping us to implementing the solution. 

I explore whether the IPCC reports really help communicate the dire situation that were are in or do they make things worse. 

Take a listen to the episode and let me know what you think in the Facebook Group.

NY Times Source

Guardian Source

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Direct download: SUFB_S590_AnotherScaryReportFromTheIPCC.mp3
Category:climate change -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

On of the main arguments for reduce meat content lately has been to help reduce climate change. According to studies, cow flatulence emits methane, a greenhouse gas. In fact, the meat industry is said to contribute 4% of the global greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. An estimate puts 3 tons of methane for every cow...that's a lot of farts and burps! However, there may be a way that the amount methane from cows could be reduced. 

A Swiss company claims to have created a feed for the animals that will reduce the flatulence by 10%. The company also says that it can benefit farmers by increasing the cows milk yield and feed efficiency. 

Can this help the meat industry reduce their methane output? Is it enough? Let me know what you think in the Facebook Group.


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Direct download: SUFB_S589_ReduceCowFartsSaveTheWorldFromClimateChange.mp3
Category:Greenhouse Gases -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

A quick episode today. This episode is based on the various reactions of a family who encountered two whales during their family adventure in Puget Sound. Let's just say some family members were enjoying the once in a lifetime experience and others were scared out of their wits. 

The whales were under the boat and lifted the boat slightly, so I can understand why some of the family members were afraid. However, it was interesting to hear calmer heads prevail as they calmed down their fellow family members to show that the whales meant no harm and that they will never experience it take it all in.

I have some family members that get frightened at specific wildlife around my neighbourhood. I tell one of those stories in this episode. 

Let me know your irrational fears for animals in the Facebook Group.

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Direct download: SUFB_S588_IfAWhaleWentUnderYourBoatWouldYouCall911.mp3
Category:Whales -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

Jellyfish are amazing creatures, just ask Rebecca Helm; however, some jellies can get a little dangerous if one happens to get stung by a jelly. 

In this episode, I talk about how Climate Change is causing concern about a specific kind of jellyfish in Australia that is moving south due to warming waters. The sting of this particular jellyfish can cause extreme pain and "make you want to die." Quite scary. The Australian government is worried about the southern migration and its effect on tourism.

Are you afraid of Jellyfish? Let me know your jellyfish story in our Facebook Group


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Direct download: SUFB_S587_JellyfishToxinSoBadItMakesYouWantToDie.mp3
Category:Jellyfish -- posted at: 4:02pm EST

Sei Whales were hunted to population collapse back before the 1960s and there hasn't been another Sei whale spotted in the Canadian North Pacific since. Until now that is...

Canadian Government researchers heard what seemed to be Sei Whales sounds during a summer monitoring study in 2018. The research team spotted the whales swimming with a pod of fin whales not long after they heard the sounds. Sei whales are listed on the Canadian Species At Risk Act. 

The monitoring study was conducted after the US Marine Mammal Protection Act demanded countries who exported seafood to the US would have to show that their fishing activities did not negatively impact marine mammals. A great initiative!

Listen to the episode for more details.

Do you agree the country policies are should affect other countries? Let me know in the Facebook Group.


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Direct download: SUFB_S586_SeiWhalesSpottedInCanadianWaters.mp3
Category:Sei Whale -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

You can't stop natural disasters from happening, but you can protect the people who live along the coastlines through emergency planning policies. 

This episode I use the events that happened in Indonesia this past week to discuss how important it is to have governments who are willing to ensure emergency planning procedures are implemented, are tested and changed based on vulnerabilities found through testing. 

There is a call to action at the end that you don't want to miss. 

Do you know your emergency policies as you live along your coast? Let me know in the Facebook Group.


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A new study was published looking at the future of global Orca populations and the results are not good. We've discussed the challenges that the Southern Resident Orca Population face with lack of Chinook Salmon and contamination problems; however, we have not yet discussed the health of other populations. The Orca study that the Guardian wrote about covers global populations.

Results of the study showed Orca populations having problems with contamination when populations were in close proximity to industrialized coastlines that dump/dumped contaminants such as PCBs. The story is not all doom and gloom. 

Orca populations in more remote areas, or orcas living away from highly industrious areas such as the Arctic or Antarctic are in much better shape in the long term.

How do you think Orcas should be managed in the future? Let us know in the Facebook Group.


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Direct download: SUFB_S584_AreGlobalOrcaPopulationsInTrouble.mp3
Category:Orcas -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

It's not secret that I am not a fan of the Ocean Clean Project that is spearheaded by Boyant Slat. I don't think the device that he is building will clean up the Oceans from plastic pollution or even the Pacific Garbage Patch; however, a colleague and friend John Davis has a different perspective on the project giving me more hope about the evolution of the project. 

John is well versed in how the marine debris experts think about various project around the world dealing with marine debris (and plastic pollution). He knows these things because his organization, Open Communications for the Ocean (OCTO), operates the leading online community of marine debris professionals called the Marine Debris Listserv.

In the episode, John talks about how and why OCTO started the listserv and what it has meant to him and the field of marine debris.

Take a listen and find out some exciting updates for the Ocean Clean Project and gives me hope in Boyant's vision.

What do you think about the Ocean Clean Up Project? Let us know in our Facebook Group.

Click Here To Join The MARINE DEBRIS listserv.

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Mongabay just published an article on how researchers have discovered 3 new species, including a blood red-coloured branching coral in a protected area off the coast of Panama. 

The species Thesea dalioi is 1 of 2 species found in the Eastern Pacific Ocean and 1 of 27 species in the coral group. The species was named after Ray Dalio, a US philanthropist who funded the research and made it possible for the species to be discovered. 

It's important to provide funding to research similar to this so that we have an opportunity to discover new species. Any new species, especially those with regenerative properties, can be useful in the biomedical markets to help find cures for various human diseases. 

What do you think of the species? Let me know in the Facebook Group


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Direct download: SUFB_S582_NewSpeciesOfBloodRedCoralDiscoveredOffCoastOfPanama.mp3
Category:Coral -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

It's been a while since I've done an episode where I told you the purpose of this podcast and why I recently made the business, Speak Up For Blue Media and Communications Inc., real! 

I also wanted to do this because there are many new users as of late and I wanted to make sure that all of you know what Speak Up For Blue (SUFB) is about and why I made it a business. 

You also find out where I want to take this business in the future. 

If you have any questions about the me, the podcasts or the company, feel free to connect with me via email (andrew(at) 

Join our Patreon Community to help our company create more content and grow the company. 

Direct download: SUFB_S581_ReconnectingWhatIsSUFB.mp3
Category:Marine Conservation -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Japan has hunted whales in the South Pacific Ocean for decades killing hundreds of whales each year under the "scientific purpose" tag. We all know the tag is not true, but no country can do anything about the loophole in the International Whaling Commission's (IWC) policy. 

However, after the latest vote of maintaining a moratorium on whaling, Japan threatened to leave the IWC. If they leave, they will want to start whaling in full force, but will there finally be legal action to take on Japan's whaling efforts? Some people in Australia think so and are pressuring their government to try and stop Japanese whaling whether or not Japan remains part of the IWC. 

Find out how by listening to the podcast.

Do you think Japan will leave the IWC? Share your answer in the Facebook Group.


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Two people were bitten by sharks in Australia within a 24 hour period. I don't even know what the chances of having a shark bite within the same bay in 24 hours are; however, the right thing to do is not kill sharks. We know it doesn't reduce the incidents of shark bites. Politicians think that it helps solve the problem. 

Take a listen to the episode and let me know what you think in the Facebook Group.


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There are so many marine parks that hold marine mammals in captivity in Asia. It's ridiculous!!! It seems that the marine mammal theme park in Asian countries is thriving, except maybe it has hit a bit of a downturn. A marine park just outside Tokyo, Japan closed its doors due to low attendance. The problem is that the owners LEFT THE ANIMALS AT THE PARK!!!!

Fish, penguins and a lone dolphin named Honey was left behind with only a few people to take care of there well being. This is just a small problem with the lack of accountability of these types of theme parks. 

The Rick O'Barry Dolphin Project team was allowed to visit the dolphin to check on its well being. The team reported that the dolphin was in water that was below standard and that it didn't swim around the entire 2 hours of the visit. 

How can anyone leave an animal abandoned like that is beyond me!!!

You know how I feel, now let me know your thoughts in the Facebook Group.


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Speak Up For Blue is bringing Marine Science and Conservation directly to its audience through podcasting. If you enjoy this programming, please join our Patreon Community to support our mission.

Direct download: SUFB_S578_DolphinariumAbandonsDolphinPensguinsAndOtherFish.mp3
Category:Dolphinarium -- posted at: 2:00pm EST

I took part in a discussion in a different Facebook Group that had to do with growing a Social Enterprise. The discussion was a question regarding Dead Zones in the Ocean. The question came up after I introduced myself in the group as a Marine Ecologist to which I usually get a reply regarding a question about the Ocean.

The question of what is a Dead Zone in the Ocean was quickly followed up by someone saying they didn't think Scientists new the cause of the dead zone. As a Marine Ecologist, I had to step in. I told the person what they were, how they were caused and what we can do to decrease the spatial extent of these dead zones. 

I decided to reiterate what I wrote in the discussion here, on the podcast in case you hadn't heard of them either. 

Listen to the episode and let me know in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group whether you have heard of dead zones.

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Direct download: SUFB_S577_LearningAboutOceanDeadZones.mp3
Category:Ocean Dead Zones -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

PETA is spending some energy on a small Lobster Shell Company in New Brunswick, Canada as the company was in the news due to the smell coming from the plant. The smell was bothering neighbours. The company has since worked on rectifying the issue, but PETA has a permanent solution for the plant. You won't get a smell if you stop killing lobsters and other shellfish.

However, the are some problems with that way of thinking. Firstly, the people who work at the plant or even in the shellfish industry would be out of work. How would they earn a living when they are only trained as fishers and fishing has been in their family for generations. Secondly, the company recycles the unused shells of lobsters, crabs and shrimp to grind them into a powder for export to asian markets for the bio-medical industry and fertilizer. The process uses the wasted parts of the shellfish, which is great because now the entire animal is put to great use. 

PETA wants all people to convert to a vegan diet as it will keep animals alive; however, they lose credibility when they equate lobsters as people. Their campaigns are aggressive and show no compassion for the fisher, in this case. It's all or nothing for PETA and that isn't how conservation works. 

Take a listen to the podcast and let me know in the Facebook Group if you agree/disagree with me.  


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Direct download: SUFB_S576_PETATargetingLobsterShellPlantInNovaScotia.mp3
Category:PETA -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

The Trump administration is holding a set of public listening meeting between August 31st and November on the topic of allowing commercial fishing in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). You might be asking "why would anyone allow commercial fishing in MPAs that are probably designed to protect habitats from overfishing?" And you are completely right. There really is no reason for this type of deregulation.

The reason the Trump administration is using is because of the country's seafood trade deficit. The Seafood trade is measured based on the value of the country's exports vs the country's imports. 

I take the time to run through why Dr. Martin Smith form Duke University says the US should have a Seafood Trade deficit.


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Do you think the US should run a seafood trade deficit? Let us know in the Facebook Group?

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Direct download: SUFB_S575_IsTheTrumpAdministrationTargetingFishingInMPAs.mp3
Category:Seafood -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

There is a BIG problem in the Marine Science and Conservation field and it goes with how the science and research is shared. Science in itself is supposed to be freely shared amongst the public; however, that is not the case. Journals hold the vital research methodologies and results behind a paywall that is only available to people who can afford the annual access of a set of journals that could equal upwards of $5 million.

Over a number of episodes, I will be speaking with today's guest, Nick Wehner from OCTO (Open Communications For The Ocean) about the ins and outs of the journal field that holds one of the biggest problems in sharing information.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Check out MarXiv that allows authors to share their pre-print papers in Marine Science and Conservation.

MarXiv Twitter

OCTO Twitter

If you have a view on this issue, let me know what you have to say in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group.

Direct download: SUFB_S574_OpenAccessVsPayWallJournalsWithNickWehner.mp3
Category:Science Journal -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

The Southern Resident Orca population is a terrible shape. The Orca known as J50 has recently disappeared causing concern for scientists, conservationists and advocates in Canada and the US. There are now only 74 Orcas left in that population. 

The major contributing factors to the situation with the Orca population are the lack of chinook salmon and the increase of ship traffic along the West Coast of North America causes risk of ship strikes and underwater noise.

There are a number of organizations that do not think the Canadian Government is doing enough to protect the Orcas, so they decided to sue them. 

I discuss what they want the Government to do and why during this episode.


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Do you think the organizations should sue the government for the action that is rarely used? Let me know in the Facebook Group.

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Overfishing is putting a dent in the oceans seafood supply; however, it is difficult to quantify what damage has been done. Scientists are trying to determine the damage from overfishing by trying to determine the amount of the ocean we are fishing. There are a couple of labs that used a global fishing dataset to assess the amount of ocean is taken up by fishing. The two labs have come to very different conclusions based on one particular difference in the analysis. 

I cover the difference and discuss the ramifications of those differences for managing the future of our ocean's fish stocks.


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Let me know in the Facebook Group which method you think is correct.

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Direct download: SUFB_S572_WhatAreOfTheOceanAreWeReallyFishing.mp3
Category:Overfishing -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

A juvenile Tiger Shark was caught off the coast of Nova Scotia surprising researchers and the public. Some commenters were worried about the fact that tiger sharks may be present in Canadian waters. However, it doesn't seem likely that Tiger Sharks will be plentiful in the cool, temperate waters of Canada. Not yet anyway.

I take time during the episode to explain two possibilities as to why a tiger shark might be present in temperature waters. 

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Let me know what you thought of the show in the Facebook Group. I like explaining some Ocean process and think I might do more in the future.

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Direct download: SUFB_S571_JuvenileTigerSharkFoundInCanada.mp3
Category:Tiger Shark -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

A student was bitten by a shark in the shallow waters off a popular beach in Cape Cod. The student, from Brazil, was boogie boarding with his girlfriend's brother when the shark bit him. He lost his leg and later died of his wounds at the hospital. Our thoughts go out to his family and friends during this tragic time.

During this episode, I comment on the way the news depicts the event and go over how to avoid get bitten.


Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Do you have any tips on how you can avoid a shark bite that I didn't cover here? Let me know in the Facebook Group.

Join the Patreon Community to help support the podcast and the mission I am trying to build to help you live for a better Ocean.


Direct download: SUFB_S570_BrazilianStudentKilledAfternSharkBiteOffCapeCod.mp3
Category:shark attack -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

Hurricane Florence came through North Carolina, South Carolina and parts of Virginia whirling 105 mph winds and ocean waves recorded as high as 80 feet. Rains, winds and floods have taken the lives of 17 people in the states and causing an estimated $22 Billion. The hurricane is moving north towards New York and New Jersey after it moved back out to sea where it is now classified as a Category 2.

Now we discuss getting people safe and looking to the future on how to put people in office that will provide regulations to help their state adapt to climate change safely.


Flooding Areas Update

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Do you live in a hurricane state? Let me know in the Facebook Group what your thoughts are on the damage and the lack of management in certain states.

Join our Patreon Community to help support our mission to build Awareness of Marine Science and Conservation and inspire Action to live for a better Ocean.


Direct download: SUFB_S569_HurricaneFlorenceDamageAndCoastalTalk.mp3
Category:Hurricane Florence -- posted at: 4:01pm EST