Thu, 22 November 2018
Nick Wehner is back from OCTO to discuss how Scientists can now pre-register their studies with journals. This process will help scientists vet their methods with peer reviewers and get them approved before they do the study, which will increase their chances of being published by the journal and prevent their study from being scooped. Nick tells us about the article and how this process will be good for scientists. If you want to upload your thesis, grey paper pr pre-print to a server where Decision Makers can access, check out MarXiv. Let us know what you think of this article in our Facebook Group: Enjoy the Podcast!!! Get quality household cleaning products from the Grove Collaborative by visiting:
Direct download: SUFB_S633_PreregisterYourStudyJournalsWithNicWehner.mp3
Category:Science Journals -- posted at: 4:00pm EST |