Mon, 31 December 2018
As we get ready for 2019, I look back at my life in 2018 and reflect on how well I lived for a better Ocean. There were some things that I did that really helped me reduce my impact on the Ocean and there were other things that I realized that I was having a greater impact on the Ocean. So, this episode is dedicated to announcing my resolutions for 2019 to Live For A Better Ocean. Here they are: 1) Eat meat 3 times per week only; Lofty goals, but I am psyched to get started. Share Your New Year's Resolutions To Live For A Better Ocean In Our Facebook Group: Want to get started on living for a better Ocean? Sign up for the Grove Collaborative and get a free gift:
Direct download: SUFB_S667_NewYearsResolutionToLiveForABetterOcean.mp3
Category:New Year's Resolutions -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 30 December 2018
It's been 8 days since the US government shutdown due to immigration/funding for the border wall. This shutdown marks the 3rd instance in 2018 and closes off the year where civil servants are not working to help protect the Ocean. US Government Shutdown Affects Civil Servants The first half of today's episode is a rant from me about how the Civil Servants are the people who suffer the most within the government during a shutdown. Politicians still get paid; however, my understanding is that non-essential civil servants do not. As a former Canadian Civil Servant, I know for a fact that people under-appreciate the work conducted by non-partisan employees of the government. Imagine being temporarily laid off for an indeterminate amount of time while rich people argue about money during the holiday season. This is not something that should happen. Job Tip: Use Technology To Make It Easier For The Hiring Manager I had a thought the other day about how job seekers can grab the attention of the hiring manager: Just make life easier for them. As I learn the benefits of audio and podcasting, I discuss the ways audio applications can make life easier for hiring managers. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group about this episode: Take advantage of our Sponsor's, Grove Collaborative, holiday deal for eco-friendly products:
Direct download: SUFB_S666_GovernmentShutdownAndJobTipUsingTechnology.mp3
Category:Government Shutdown -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sat, 29 December 2018
New Years is around the corner, which means that many of you are planning out their New Year's Resolutions for 2019. My question to you is: Do you stick with your New Year's Resolution? Our resolutions are about change. Change can be difficult. Why is it so difficult to change our ways. I asked Brooke Tully who has a series of blog posts about "Why People Don't Do Things!" The first part of this four part series is the Status Quo Bias, a behavioural change theory that explains why we have such trouble changing our habits. Take a listen then read more on this subject on Brooke's Website. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Link to Registration (Ends Jan 15th): Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group about this episode: Take advantage of our Sponsor's, Grove Collaborative, holiday deal for eco-friendly products:
Direct download: SUFB_S665_StatusQuoBiasWithBrookeTully.mp3
Category:Status Quo Bias -- posted at: 12:38pm EST |
Fri, 28 December 2018
Honduras fishers are experiencing decompression sickness after diving for lobsters that are now found in deeper waters due to overfishing. Over 47% of fishers have been affected from the bends as ignore the rules of scuba diving to provide for their families. The fishers dive more than twice a day and ascend faster the than prescribed rate to get back down to collect more lobsters. Many of the divers go back to fishing in the same way because out of necessity to provide for their families in the impoverished Caribbean Nation. This story stresses the importance of considering ow sustainable fishing can affect the well being of impoverished coastal communities. Share your thoughts in our Facebook Group: Take advantage of our Sponsor's, Grove Collaborative, holiday deal for eco-friendly products:
Direct download: SUFB_S664_HondurasDiversUndergoingTheBendsForDeepSeaLobster.mp3
Category:Decompression Sickness -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Thu, 27 December 2018
Japan has a long history of commercial whaling that dates back before the World Wars, so it is not surprising that the country wants to continue to whale. The government have gone to great lakes to overturn the International Whaling Commission's (IWC) ban on commercial whaling since it was implemented in 1987 as it threatened to pull out of the IWC multiple times. A few days ago, Japan made good on its promise and announced that it will leave the IWC as a member on June 30th, 2019. Southern Ocean Whaling Will Stop The country also announced that it will cease all commercial whaling activity in the Southern Ocean after 30 years of hunting under "scientific research." The whaling fleet finds it too expensive to keep hunting in the Southern Ocean. Whaling Within Its Ocean Borders Japan will continue its commercial whaling practices within its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). A spokesperson stated that the country will abide by IWC practices and calculations for a sustainable whale populations. Some Environmental Groups Think This Is Positive Sea Shepherd Society are pleased with Japan's decision because now Japan will be exposed for illegally whaling and the International Whaling Commission can put pressure on them; however, I don't think this will matter much. There is an interesting article they wrote on their blog about the 8 positive things that come out of Japan's withdrawal from the IWC. Share your thoughts in our Facebook Group: Take advantage of our Sponsor's, Grove Collaborative, holiday deal for eco-friendly products:
Direct download: SUFB_S663_JapanAnnouncesExitFromIWCToCommenceWhaling.mp3
Category:Japan Whaling -- posted at: 12:59pm EST |
Sat, 22 December 2018
Sharks are terrific predators, so much so, they have been found to eat their siblings while still in the womb. Researchers at the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium in Motobu, Japan, used an underwater ultrasound to see nurse shark pups jumping in and out of their respective uterus in the mother. Share your thoughts in our Facebook Group: Take advantage of our Sponsor's, Grove Collaborative, holiday deal for eco-friendly products:
Direct download: SUFB_S662_BabySharksJumpUteriToEatTheirSiblings.mp3
Category:Sharks -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Fri, 21 December 2018
As we wind down 2018 and gear up for 2019, we look back at the Ocean stories that dominated headlines. Some of those stories were "doom and gloom" stories, while others were good news stories. In today's episode, I highlight the year's 8 Ocean Good News stories identified by Oceana Canada to start reviewing the stories that may not have made big news world wide, but were definitely news worthy. Do you have some good news stories that I missed? Share them in the Facebook Group: Take advantage of our Sponsor's, Grove Collaborative, holiday deal for eco-friendly products:
Direct download: SUFB_S661_8OceanGoodNewsStoriesAccordingToOceanCanad.mp3
Category:Ocean Stories -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Thu, 20 December 2018
NOAA released a new report that stated the number of incidences of whale entanglement in US waters for 2016 and 2017. The results of the report show there was not an overall change in reported whale entanglements between the years; however, certain areas showed an increase while others decreased. I go through the important parts of the report as highlighted in a Mongabay article with a focus on what the future looks like for whale entanglements. Share your thoughts in our Facebook Group: Take advantage of our Sponsor's, Grove Collaborative, holiday deal for eco-friendly products:
Direct download: SUFB_S660_NOAAProvidesInformationOnWhaleEntanglements.mp3
Category:Whale Entanglement -- posted at: 2:41pm EST |
Wed, 19 December 2018
Brooke Tully joins me on the podcast today for another edition of "What's Happening in Conservation Marketing This Week?" This time, Brooke describes her new online workshop that she created to help make conservation movements more effective using marketing techniques that follow traditional and digital marketing practices. Brooke and I provide some examples of effective Conservation Marketing that only scratch the surface of the material that you will be hearing. You can find the registration for the Online 6-Weeks Workshop here. Note: I do not make any money on this workshop. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Link to Registration (Ends Jan 15th): Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group about this episode: Take advantage of our Sponsor's, Grove Collaborative, holiday deal for eco-friendly products:
Direct download: SUFB_S659_ConservationMarketingToBetterProtectNature.mp3
Category:Conservation Marketing -- posted at: 5:03pm EST |
Tue, 18 December 2018
The Ocean Clean Up Project was deployed in September with much anticipation of the world. The goal: Clean up the Pacific Garbage Patch. A lofty goal surrounded with a lot of controversy from the science and conservation fields; however, many media outlets were promoting the heck out of the project as a feel good project. I have been very critical of the program relating to various criticism shared by the Marine Science and Conservation community. The Clean Up Project device reached the Great Pacific Garbage Patch recently; however, it has not cleaned up anything. The device is not working the way it should. It is not moving fast enough to pick up the trash in the water. Boyan Slant released a statement saying that his team is working on the problem. There may be some good that comes out of this project, which I discuss in this episode. Check it out. Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group about this episode: Take advantage of our Sponsor's, Grove Collaborative, holiday deal for eco-friendly products:
Direct download: SUFB_S658_AnUpdateOnTheOceanCleanUpProject.mp3
Category:Ocean Clean Up Project -- posted at: 3:40pm EST |
Mon, 17 December 2018
There are a few things I wanted to discuss today: Grove Announcement Last week I got an email from a listener, who loved the products she got from the Grove after hearing the link on my show; however, she was not happy about the packaging used. I emailed the customer support person that I deal with for my affiliate account. My contact got back to me within a day and said that the extra packaging was a mistake and should never had happened. This is great news as the products are eco-friendly and they are committed to better packaging. I will resume the ads for the Grove on the show tomorrow. Zinke Out As Secretary Of The Interior Ryan Zinke has stepped down as Secretary of the Interior after numerous scandals regarding his personal spending choices. Zinke has been responsible for many negative changes to the National Park Service and US Fisheries and Wildlife (neither of the bureaus have had director spots filled since the Trump administration began their reign). Zinke's replacement is David Bernhardt, who was a fossil fuel lobbyist before he was Deputy Secretary for the Department of Interior. There is not much change in the style of the Secretaries. Orcas Swim With Woman Swimmer This story sounds made up, but it happened. Drone footage of a woman in New Zealand has gone viral after it showed a small pod of Orcas swimming with the woman. A pretty fantastic story, but also don't swim with Orcas on purpose, let them come up to you. Share your thoughts on this episode in our Facebook Group: Enjoy the Podcast!!!
Direct download: SUFB_S657_GroveAnnouncementZinkeOutOrcasSwimWithWoman.mp3
Category:Zinke -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 16 December 2018
I've had my Patreon campaign active for a few years now to help support the show. So far, I've been able to raise enough money to help support the show through upgrading my podcast equipment (microphones, receivers, recorder, cables and computer). It's been wonderful so far; however, I feel that Patreon can be used for a greater purpose and it can contribute to Speak Up For Blue's Social and Environmental mission. I propose what change I would like to make, but I need your help. I need your feedback on this matter as I would like this effort to be driven my the Speak Up For Blue Community. Let me know your thoughts in the Facebook Group: Enjoy the Podcast!!! |
Sat, 15 December 2018
It's the holiday season and you are likely in the thick of things with everything that has to do with the holidays. There are celebrations, food, gifts and for some of you, Christmas Trees. It's a great time of year to spend with your family and friends. However, there is a problem with each of the ways we celebrate our holidays. the problem lies with the amount of plastic that we use over the holidays. In this podcast, John Davis and I discuss the amount of waste that can be avoided over the next few weeks, including: 1) Christmas Trees; Enjoy the Podcast!!! What is your strategy to avoid plastics during the holiday season? Let me know in the Facebook Group:
Direct download: SUFB_S655_AvoidingPLasticUseThroughoutTheHolidays.mp3
Category:Holiday Plastics -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Fri, 14 December 2018
Dr. Edd Hind-Ozan is back on the podcast today for his weekly segment called "What's Happening In Marine Social Science This Week?" On this week's segment, Edd discusses a story of a woman in Ireland who enjoys swimming in the cold-water coast off of Ireland. You might think she is crazy, but she says that the cold water calms her mind and she is happy for a healthy Ocean. The conversation made me think of what I like to do the most when I am around the Ocean. For me, it's exploring the tide pools along various coast lines around the world. I talk about my recent trip (last April) to Hawaii and the tide pools I found, along with the wonderful animals! What is your favourite thing do do when you are near the Ocean? Let me know in the Facebook Group: Enjoy the Podcast!!!
Direct download: SUFB_S654_TheMindCalmingEffectOfTheOcean.mp3
Category:Blue Mind -- posted at: 12:39pm EST |
Thu, 13 December 2018
Ocean Acidification is usually discussed with the subjects of calcium based animals such as Corals, mussels and snails as they need Calcium to build their shells. Calcium will not be available as there is more CO2 in the Ocean. However, not all living Ocean beings will be negatively affected. Plants such as Seaweeds are predicted to thrive. Many sushi lovers will breathe a sigh of relief at this news, but there is cautioned thrown their way. A new study was recently conducted on how the iodine levels in seaweed, and its consumers, will be affected in the presence of elevated CO2 levels as future IPCC reports suggest. Iodine is important to humans as it regulates the thyroid hormones in your body. Too little or too much iodine could have serious effects on the body that could decrease human and animal health. The results show consumers (fish and molluscs) that ate seaweed under increased CO2 conditions possessed elevated iodine concentrations, which means humans will be required to monitor the iodine levels in seaweed in the future to ensure it does not decrease the health in humans. Enjoy the Podcast!!! I would love to hear your thoughts on the episode in our Facebook Group: Want to be heard on the podcast? Leave a voicemail:
Direct download: SUFB_S653_OceanAcidificationCanAffectSeaweedAndHumans.mp3
Category:Seaweed -- posted at: 12:55pm EST |
Wed, 12 December 2018
Two groups of people have stood up at the Convention of Parties (COP24) to say they have had enough of government inaction and want change now. A young girl by the name of Greta Thunberg attended the conference to speak to the United Nations on her frustration with inaction. She wants the governments of the world to take action against Climate Change now as the world is already late to the party. A group of 415 investors controlling $32 trillion have written a joint letter to the COP24 delegates demanding action against Climate Change as the consequences could cost more than $23 trillion by the end of the century. Could these groups along with most of the world change the mind countries such as the US, Saudi Arabia and Russia that control over 40% of global hydrocarbon production? Enjoy the Podcast!!! I would love to hear your thoughts on the episode in our Facebook Group: Want to be heard on the podcast? Leave a voicemail: Grove Collaborative Special:
Direct download: SUFB_S652_CouldGovernmentsBeForcedToReduceClimateChange.mp3
Category:climate change -- posted at: 4:49pm EST |
Tue, 11 December 2018
I provide you with a job update, where I dive into my efforts for a side job (side hustle) and why I think it's important to have one. Brooke Tully alos joins me on the podcast of one of her segments of "What's Happening In Conservation Marketing This Week?" Brooke and I discuss the ever so popular topic if eating less meat to reduce our Climate Change Impacts. Enjoy the Podcast!!! I would love to hear your thoughts on the episode in our Facebook Group: Want to be heard on the podcast? Leave a voicemail: Grove Collaborative Special:
Direct download: SUFB_S651_EatingLessMeatForClimateChangeAndJobUpdate_H2.mp3
Category:climate change -- posted at: 2:06pm EST |
Mon, 10 December 2018
This story is crazy!!! NOAA researchers are surprised that they have observed 4-5 Endangered Monk Seals with eels stuck up their noses. Why? They aren't sure yet as no one has ever seen this happen; however, they do have a hypothesis as to why. Listen to the episode to find out. I also address some SUFB podcast things on today's podcast first. Skip to 15 min or so if you prefer to just listen to the Monk Seal story. Enjoy the Podcast!!! I would love to hear your thoughts on the episode in our Facebook Group: Want to be heard on the podcast? Leave a voicemail: Grove Collaborative Special:
Direct download: SUFB_S650_EndangeredMonkSealsWithEelsUpTheirNose.mp3
Category:Monk Seal -- posted at: 3:34pm EST |
Mon, 10 December 2018
This story is crazy!!! NOAA researchers are surprised that they have observed 4-5 Endangered Monk Seals with eels stuck up their noses. Why? They aren't sure yet as no one has ever seen this happen; however, they do have a hypothesis as to why. Listen to the episode to find out. I also address some SUFB podcast things on today's podcast first. Skip to 15 min or so if you prefer to just listen to the Monk Seal story. Enjoy the Podcast!!! I would love to hear your thoughts on the episode in our Facebook Group: Want to be heard on the podcast? Leave a voicemail: Grove Collaborative Special:
Direct download: SUFB_S650_EndangeredMonkSealsWithEelsUpTheirNose.mp3
Category:Monk Seal -- posted at: 3:34pm EST |
Sun, 9 December 2018
A graduate student and the Executive Director of Manta Trust, Joshua Stewart has discovered a nursery habitat in the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico. This is a HUGE discovery as manta rays are known to migrate around the world making it difficult to find their important life history habitats. Joshua is looking forward to conducting further research in the near future to find out the size of the nursery habitat and whether the boundaries will go beyond the Marine Sanctuary boundaries. If the boundaries are larger, then the Sanctuary managers have grounds to expand the boundaries and protect the Endangered Species. Enjoy the Podcast!!! I would love to hear your thoughts on the episode in our Facebook Group: Want to be heard on the podcast? Leave a voicemail: Grove Collaborative Special:
Direct download: SUFB_S649_OceanicMantaRayNurseryAreaFoundInMarineSanctuary.mp3
Category:Manta Ray -- posted at: 6:10pm EST |
Sat, 8 December 2018
The Canadian Government recently launched a Zero Plastic Waste Strategy, which means they are retooling the way Canada will use plastic. Their goal will be to reduce plastic use by 30% by 2030 and 50% by 2040. Take a listen to find out how they are going to accomplish this goal. Enjoy the Podcast!!! I would love to hear your thoughts on the episode in our Facebook Group: Want to be heard on the podcast? Leave a voicemail: Grove Collaborative Special:
Direct download: SUFB_S648_CanadasZeroPlasticWasteStrategy_1.mp3
Category:Ocean Plastic Pollution -- posted at: 9:45am EST |
Fri, 7 December 2018
Dr. Edd Hind-Ozan joins me on the podcast today to discuss how some researchers are interacting with Indigenous groups when it comes to science and conservation projects. Dr. Natalie Ban was quoted as saying that she would not work with Indigenous groups unless she was requested by said group. An interesting approach to move away from parachute science. I finish off the episode by discussing the suppression of science of NOAA by the Trump Administration. I discuss my experience when a similar scenario occurred at the Canadian Federal Government level when the HArper Administration suppressed science on everything ecological as it could interfere with Natural Resource Development. Enjoy the Podcast!!! I would love to hear your thoughts on the episode in our Facebook Group: Want to be heard on the podcast? Leave a voicemail: Grove Collaborative Special:
Direct download: SUFB_S647_IndiginousLeadMarineConservationAndSupressionOfScienceInUSGov_1.mp3
Category:Indigenous -- posted at: 2:36pm EST |
Thu, 6 December 2018
Nick Wehner, Director of Open Initiatives at OCTO, joins me again on the podcast. This time around we discuss the 1 year anniversary of their pre-print database called MarXiv. Nick breaks down all of the stats for the inaugural year of this open access database that is here to serve the Marine Conservation Community. Listen in on our conversation to hear how you can get your work published in this database for decision makers to use it for their purpose of marine conservation. Enjoy the Podcast!!! I would love to hear your thoughts on the episode in our Facebook Group: Want to be heard on the podcast? Leave a voicemail: Grove Collaborative Special:
Direct download: SUFB_S646_MarXivOneYearLaterWithNickWehner.mp3
Category:MarXiv -- posted at: 1:36pm EST |
Wed, 5 December 2018
Sigrid Kuehnemund, VP of Oceans at WWF Canada, joins me on the podcast today to provide more information on how an oil spill off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador happened. During the interview, Sigrid points out that the spill could have been caused by the way the regulations are laid out. Sigrid, through WWF, are advocating to the government-industry partnership to include them in the conversation as well as make the regulations better. Enjoy the Podcast!!! I would love to hear your thoughts on the episode in our Facebook Group: Want to be heard on the podcast? Leave a voicemail: Grove Collaborative Special:
Direct download: SUFB_S645_WhatCanadaNeedsToDoForOilManagementWithSigridKuehnemund.mp3
Category:WWF Canada -- posted at: 12:34pm EST |
Tue, 4 December 2018
Brook Tully is back with another segment of "What's Happening In Conservation Marketing This Week?" Brook and I discuss the thought of mobile devices and how there is an opportunity to help conserve the natural areas in our world. We discuss the use of text message marketing as well as location based app marketing. We also bring up the fact that apps could be used to help consumers determine whether products are using eco-friendly ingredients such as sustainable palm oil. I also give you an update of my job search as a way to help people with their own job search. Enjoy the Podcast!!! I would love to hear your thoughts on the episode in our Facebook Group: Want to be heard on the podcast? Leave a voicemail: Grove Collaborative Special:
Direct download: SUFB_S644_HowMobileUseCanChangeTheWayWeDoConservationAndJobSearchUpdate.mp3
Category:Mobile Conservation -- posted at: 2:25pm EST |
Mon, 3 December 2018
SUFB 643: How Fisheries Companies Can Make More Money Through Sustainable Fisheries With Tim Cashion
I am pleased to be joined by Tim Cashion on the episode today to discuss a study that analyzed how fisheries companies could make more money by fishing sustainably over the long term. Tim is a PhD student at University of British Columbia in Fisheries and is the husband of Madeleine Cashio, who was on the podcast a few weeks ago discussing shark fisheries management and big data. I would love to hear your thoughts on the episode in our Facebook Group: Want to be heard on the podcast? Leave a voicemail: Grove Collaborative Special:
Direct download: SUFB_S643_HowFisheriesCompaniesCanMakeMoreMoneyThroughSustainableFishingWithTimCashion.mp3
Category:Sustainable Fisheries -- posted at: 2:08pm EST |
Sun, 2 December 2018
This episode is a continuation of episode 638, where I discussed the fact that All White Male panels at conferences and workshops in the Marine Conservation and Science field. I received a bit of criticism for the episode and my views on how panels should be diversified. The criticism and subsequent responses to the post occured in the Facebook Group. The conversation was very respectful, especially considering the sensitivity of the topic. I address the criticism from the post and try to clarify my stance. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Want to be heard on the podcast? Leave a voicemail: Grove Collaborative Special:
Category:Diversity In Careers
-- posted at: 7:50pm EST
Sat, 1 December 2018
Beth Pike and Ray Evrard, from the Salish Shes Podcast, join me today to discuss their most recent episode on Poop...yes, you read that correctly...Poop! Their episode focused on how Victoria released raw sewage into the Ocean until recently when they decided to build a sewage treatment plant. They started to build the plant because people just north of the city were complaining of the smell and the "white fish." The city of Seattle was also complaining about similar issues. Seattle is quite a distance from Victoria so you can imagine how far the sewage (including poop!) travelled where people still noticed the smell and pollution. Take a listen to the episode and let me know what you think in the Facebook Group: Check out the Salish Shes Podcast Enjoy the Podcast!!! Want to be heard on the podcast? Leave a voicemail: Grove Collaborative Special:
Direct download: SUFB_S641_SalishShesTalkOceanPoopProblemsWithBethAndRay.mp3
Category:Marine Sewage -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |