How To Protect The Ocean (general)


citizen science
climate change
social enterprise
Marine Science
Ocean Conservation
Marine Conservation
finding dori
Marine Protected Areas
shark attack
Oceans Day
finding dory
Shark Week
SCUBA Diving
Arctic Ocean
marine conservation conferences
sea turtle
Jairo Mora
Plastic Pollution
women in science
ocean news
marine education
Marine Conservation Career
Asha DeVos
Ocean Talk Friday
science debate
marine science management
marine biology jobs
red sea
Oil Spill
great barrirer reef
Ocean Optimisim
Ocean Optimism
Ross Sea MPA
grassroots conservation
ocean planning
Polar Bear
marine biology
Sustainable Fisheries
Fake News
Science Communication
wildlife documentaries
social science
ocean use
climate science
earth hour
Social Change
Women 4 Science
Sci Comm
Cape Cod Seal
Taiwanese White Dolphin
Dolphin Rescued
Grand Cayman
Paris Climate Change Agreement
Shark Conservation
Sea Wolves
Climate Change Reduction
Ocean Plastic Pollution
Salt Marsh
Shark Dragged
Water Quality
Lost Sharks
River Sharks
Marine Conservation careers
Sea Otters
Fish Farm
Hurricane Harvey
Whale Sharks
Social Marketing
Tales From The Sea
Graduate Student
Remote Sensing
Open Access
Marine Mammals
Sperm Whale
Coastal Land Loss
Coastal Habitat
Local Politics
Fisheries Science
Carbon Tax
Ocean Wise
Plastic Straws
Underwater Performer
Coral Reef
Tailless Whales
Kilauea Volcano
Shark Fishing
Marine Mammal
Marine Litter
Jairo Mora Sandoval Bravery Award
UK Marine Conservation Zones
Squid Cephalopods
Marine Conservation Conference
Art of Storytelling for Science
Plastic Pollution in the Ocean
Right Whales
Scott Pruitt
Southern Resident Orca
Nurse Sharks
Decolonizing Conservation
Hermaphrodite Sharks
Land-Based Shark Fishing
Sea Turtles
Great White Sharks
Greenhouse Gases
Nassau Grouper
Boyan Slant
King Penguins
Marine Philanthropy
Ocean Acidification
Red Tide
Marine Debris
High Seas
Ocean Clean Project
Impact Investing
Sea Stars
Eco-Friendly Products
Humpback Whales
Sea Level Rise
Deep Sea Coral Reef
Kelp forest
Shark Cage Diving
Sharkwater Extinction
Coral Reef Algae
Hurricane Florence
Tiger Shark
Southern Resident Orcas
Science Journal
Ocean Dead Zones
Shark Culling
Ocean Clean Up Project
Sei Whale
Community Conservation
Open Access Journals
Barndoor Skate
My Green Butler
Lonely Whale
Beaked Whales
Northern Right Whale Festival
Marine Mammal Captivity
Podcasting For The Environment
Salish Sea
Living Species Report
Conservation Marketing
Marine Biology Colleges
US Midterm Elections 2018
Marine Policies
Academic Science Journals
Shark Management
Conch Shells
Carbon Footprint
Love the Ocean
Consumer Trends
Science Journals
Marine Conservation Art
Climate Report
Marine Science and Conservation
Marine Social Science
Marine Sewage
Diversity In Careers
Mobile Conservation
WWF Canada
Manta Ray
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Blue Mind
Holiday Plastics
Whale Entanglement
Ocean Stories
Japan Whaling
Decompression Sickness
Status Quo Bias
Government Shutdown
New Year's Resolutions
Northern Right Whale Calf
Northwest Passage
Southern Resident Orca Population
Plastic Pollution Reduction
Bluebottle Jellyfish
IUU Fishing
Ocean Cleanup Project
Ocean Ramsay
Governor Ron Desantis
Marine Careers
Zero Waste
Fish Markets
Plastic Packaging Free
Elephant Seal
Whale Seaside Sanctuaries
Reef Safe Sunscreen
Danni Washington
Second Hand Clothing
Ocean Art
Participatory Science
Andrey Dolgov
Sea Urchins
Thrift Stores
Sea Lions
Plastic Pollution Climate Change
Deepwater Horizon
Telemetry Tags
Ethiopian Plane Crash
Greta Thunberg
Mako Shark
Plastic Straw Ban
Scientific Journals
Marine Protected Areas Climate Change
Marine Conservation Organizations
Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
Renewable Energy
Sea Lions Herring
Conservation Statistics
Shark Protection
Leatherback Sea Turtles
Horseshoe Crabs
Notre Dame Cathedral
Earth Day
Seal Rescue
Ocean Conservancy Trash Free Seas
Sustainable Asia
Marine Mammal Stranding
Grey Whale
Basking Sharks
Marine Mammals In Military
Ocean Lifestyle
Planet Tech
Collision Conference
Fast Fashion
Nature Documentaries
Protected Species
Animal Welfare
World Ocean's Day
Pride Month
Marine Debris Clean Up
Ghost Nets
Pacific Whale Foundation
Whale Sanctuaries
Regenerative Agriculture
Loggerhead Sea Turtles
Sargassum Belt
Orca Eating Great White Sharks
Northern Right Whale
Harmful Algal Blooms
Living Shorelines
Dr. Edie Widder
Single-Use Plastics
Sea Ice
Neil Degrasse Tyson
Fionn Ferreira
Freshwater Species
Endangered Species
Marine Mammal Science
Environmental Studies And Sciences
Climate Change Is Real
Florida Keys
Hurricane Dorian
Speak Up For Blue
Illegal Fishing
United Nations
Nuclear Waste
Climate Strike
Environmental Lawyers
So You Want To Be A Marine Biologist
Deep Sea Mining
Great Barrier Reef
Virtual Reality
Mote Marine Laboratory
Duke University
Spiny Lobster
Invasive Species
Fish Quotas
Fisheries And Oceans
Australia Heat
Climate Action
Top Episodes in 2019
Happy New Year
Australian WildFires
Marine Pollution
Fukushima Radiation
Acoustic Noise On Coral Reefs
Secchi Disk
Talking Oceans
Sea Grant
Sexual Assault
Tiger King
Gulf Of Mexico
Fish To Door
Planet Of The Humans
Wildlife Photography
Deep-Sea Squid
Black Lives Matter
Deep Sea
Behaviour Change
Illegal Trade
Shark Week 2020
Shark Science
Sea Change Health
Marine Planning
Black In Marine Science
Sustainable Lifestyle
Top Episodes in 2020
Decade Of The Ocean
Blue Whales
Blue Carbon
Sea Lion
Ocean Sounds
Water Pollution
Fisheries Policy
Electric Vehicle
Climate Justice
Blue Nature Alliance
science communicator
Coral Reefs
Socia Enterprise
Ocean Action
Live For A Better Ocean
Blue Foods
Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
Oceans Week
Speak Up
Deep-Sea Mining
Sewage Treatment
Paul Watson
For-Purpose Business
Climate Crisis
Act for the blue
Business for the environment
Ocean Justice and Equity
Small Islands
Sustainable Business
Kelp Forests
Diversity And Inclusion
willow project
Marine Conservation Jobs
Orca Capitivity
Human Behavior
Sand Dunes
Conservation Story
Ocean Justice
Sea Otter
Sustainable Companies
Inclusion, Equality
Ocean Conservation Commitments
B Corp
Marine Protected Area
The Faroe Islands
Electric Boats
Ocean Sole
Coastal Resilient
Behavior Change
Women in Marine Science
ocean education
Ocean Leaders
Climate Change Resiliency
Whale Tourism
Ocean Pollution
Impact Companies













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Andrew Lewin interviews Josh McInnes from the University of British Columbia about his groundbreaking research on killer whales. They discuss Josh's work on transient orca populations and the discovery of a potential new orca population in oceanic waters. Learn about Josh's background, including his experience working on whale watching boats and delivering lectures on orcas. Dive into the reasons behind Josh pursuing a master's degree and explore the fascinating world of orca research and conservation.

Tune in for an insightful look at orcas and the exciting discoveries in marine science!

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Discovery of a Potential New Oceanic Population of Killer Whales

The podcast episode highlighted a significant observation regarding the potential discovery of a new oceanic population of killer whales. The observation dates back to 1997 when a large herd of female sperm whales was encountered 200 kilometers off the California coast. Renowned cytologist Bob Pittman observed these sperm whales being attacked by a group of 35 unknown killer whales, exhibiting cookie-cutter bite marks, indicating a unique and unidentified population.

This initial observation led to further research into these unknown killer whales. Subsequent fieldwork off the California and Oregon coasts revealed more interactions with these mysterious killer whales that did not align with the typical descriptions of resident or transient killer whale populations in the area. These findings have sparked the development of a potential new oceanic population of killer whales.

The significance of this discovery lies in shedding light on previously unknown or poorly understood killer whale populations. Understanding the presence and behavior of these new populations is crucial for conservation efforts and marine ecosystem management. By identifying and studying these unknown killer whales, researchers can gain insights into their ecological roles, interactions with other species, and potential threats they may face. This information is vital for developing targeted conservation strategies to protect these newly discovered populations and ensure the overall health of marine ecosystems.

  • The designation of protective status for orcas in the state of Oregon, in addition to federal protection, is crucial for emphasizing the need for conservation efforts at both state and federal levels. State-level protection in Oregon signifies a proactive approach towards safeguarding the orca population within state waters, complementing existing federal protections. This dual protection ensures that orcas are safeguarded against various threats, including ship strikes, vessel noise, pollution, overfishing, and habitat degradation.

  • The state-level protection in Oregon is particularly significant due to the state's unique role in providing essential habitat for orcas, such as the Columbia River Chinook salmon population, which is crucial for the Southern resident killer whales. By designating orcas as protected species within state waters, Oregon can enforce regulations and management strategies to mitigate threats and ensure the conservation of these iconic marine mammals.

  • The collaboration between state and federal authorities in protecting orcas sets a precedent for effective conservation efforts that recognize the importance of addressing threats at multiple levels. By working together, state and federal agencies can coordinate conservation measures, share resources, and implement comprehensive strategies to protect orcas and their habitats. This integrated approach enhances the effectiveness of conservation initiatives and promotes the long-term sustainability of orca populations in Oregon and beyond.

  • Overfishing: Josh mentions that overfishing is a significant threat to killer whales, especially for populations like the Southern Resident killer whales that rely heavily on Chinook salmon for their diet. Declining fish stocks due to overfishing can lead to food scarcity for killer whales, impacting their energetic and caloric intake. This highlights the importance of sustainable fishing practices and effective fisheries management to ensure an adequate food supply for killer whales.

  • Vessel Noise: Another threat discussed during the interviewis vessel noise, which can disrupt the communication and hunting behaviors of killer whales. The increasing number of boats, including whale-watching vessels, can contribute to underwater noise pollution, affecting the ability of killer whales to navigate, communicate, and locate prey. Mitigation measures such as reducing vessel speed, implementing noise-reducing technologies, and establishing marine protected areas can help minimize the impact of vessel noise on killer whales.

  • Pollution: Josh also mentions the presence of pollutants in killer whales, including new toxins from sources like wildfires. Pollution can accumulate in the blubber and bodies of killer whales, affecting their endocrine systems and overall health. Addressing pollution sources, implementing stricter regulations on chemical discharges, and promoting ecosystem health can help reduce the exposure of killer whales to harmful pollutants and ensure their well-being.

  • Hatchery Salmon Quality: The quality of hatchery salmon is highlighted as a concern for killer whales, as hatchery fish may not provide the same nutritional value as wild salmon. If hatchery salmon outcompete wild salmon, killer whales may receive fewer nutrients from their primary food source, impacting their overall health and reproductive success. Ensuring the availability of high-quality wild salmon through habitat restoration, sustainable fisheries practices, and monitoring hatchery operations can support the dietary needs of killer whales.

In conclusion, the various threats faced by killer whales, including overfishing, vessel noise, pollution, and hatchery salmon quality, underscore the need for comprehensive conservation strategies. These strategies should focus on sustainable fisheries management, reducing anthropogenic disturbances, addressing pollution sources, and promoting the health of marine ecosystems to safeguard the well-being of killer whale populations.

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Government decisions whether they are from the courts, congress, senate, or the white house can inspire people to take up the arm of conservation by seeking out a job and building a career to protect the environment, but going back to school to get a science degree may not lead you to the type of change that you want. Building a career in conservation takes planning; therefore, I will teach you what you should look for in a career that could lead to change.
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The relationship between Indigenous people and the government of Canada is terrible. the relationship with Indigenous people and commercial fishers is also terrible, especially over the past couple of years when the Mi'kmaq nation started up fishing in Nova Scotia.  There has definitely been a need to repair the relationships which will take time and a lot of effort. 

One way to repair these relationships is to conduct a study that incorporates all parties at the same table. The Apoqnmatulti'k project combines Indigenous knowledge, Western science, and local knowledge to gather information about three important marine species in Nova Scotia, Canada. 

Find out why this partnership has become successful.

Mongabay Article:

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I found out about an organization in Canada that works with students, teachers, and volunteers to clean up plastics along beaches and wetlands and help reduce the amount of single-use plastics in Canada. 

You just know I had to get the Executive Director, Natasha Tucker, on the podcast to talk about her organization and get the details on the federal government's promise to ban certain single-use plastics in Canada.


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Scientists recently observed three separate hunting events of orcas against blue whales. Two hunting events were in 2019 (16 days apart) and the last event was in 2021. The first event was on a healthy individual. 

The scientists observed the hunting events in Bremer Bay (South West Australia) where three orcas lined up along the side of the blue whale and pushed it underwater while two orcas would bite at its head. 

The hunts are part of nature and solidify orcas as THE apex predator of the ocean who has been observed to eat the livers from great white sharks. 

Orcas enjoy swimming in the mouth of the whale to eat its nutrient-rich tongue. 

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Media Article:

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Blue carbon could possibly be a term that is the least known in conservation by the public. It's an important term that has many positive outcomes for the ocean and our planet. 

Rosie Sherwood is an artist who would like more people to understand blue carbon and the role it plays in fighting climate change. She is working with the Plymouth University's Marine Institute as a resident to help the people of Plymouth understand the role seagrass plays in capturing carbon from the atmosphere.

Check out the links below:

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A study based in Seychelles found that there some fish species will remain on a reef after the corals have bleached, which could help maintain fisheries and some form of nutrition for humans. 

Coral reefs are at risk from or are bleaching in many parts of the world, which could have negative implications on the fish communities and the human communities that rely on them for food.

The study identified five micronutrients that are found in a diverse array of fish (zinc, iron, calcium, selenium, and omega-3 fatty acids) that live on coral reefs. However, when the reefs bleach, only two micronutrients are commonly found (zinc and iron), which could affect the human population that relies on them.

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A Greenpeace research vessel discovered a new colony of Gentoo penguins in Antarctica. It is the only colony that has been detected this far south on the icy continent. It's an important discovery because Gentoo penguins prefer low-lying, rocky areas that have no ice. 

The ice in Antarctica is melting six times faster than it was in the 1970s due to climate change. Melting ice will have an effect on global sea rise, weather patterns, and prey availability (krill). 

Greenpeace and other organizations are calling for the nations of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) to implement a network of Marine Protected Areas in Antarctica to relieve fishing pressure on the habitats. 

Links to articles:
1) Mongabay article:
2) Gentoo Penguins:

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

There was a headline on Rollingstone magazine (link below) that mentioned the Doomsday Glacier was on the verge of melting. The headline didn't make me feel good about where we were at on reducing climate change, but it also didn't motivate me to do anything about it because the problem seemed too big. 

Conservation optimism is important when trying to change people's behaviour to live for a better ocean. Optimistic stories can inspire people to do more for the ocean. 

Reading the headline "'the fuse has been blown' and the Doomsday glacier is coming for us all" does not seem to instill inspiration, but more apathy. 

The headline proves that the movie "Don't Look Up!" is less of a satire than it intended. 

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Direct download: SUFB_S1260_CanMediaHeadlinesAffectMotivationOnClimateChange.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Did you ever wonder what happens to your pee and poo after you flush the toilet? I bet you never thought you would read those words on this podcast, but the fact of the matter is our water quality is dependent on how well our sewage treatment plants can stop nasty stuff that we excrete from getting into our waterways, including the ocean.

Mongabay posted a great editorial about how the world is dealing with preventing pharmaceutical waste that we excrete from getting into our water. It doesn't look like we are doing a great job. 

Many places around the world cannot treat their sewage with the basic process let alone afford to implement the technology to treat pharmaceuticals. 

The sludge that does get produced after some sort of treatment gets added as a fertilizer on farmland, which means pharmaceuticals are in our fertilizer that helps produce the food in which we ingest. 

Pharmaceuticals are also affecting fish behaviour and physiology. I discuss two examples of studies that look at how elevated levels of estrogen (from birth control) and behavioural changes from psychiatric medicine affect fish in aquatic systems. 

The technology to treat pharmaceuticals does exist but has not been widely implemented. 

Link to article:
1) Mongabay:
2) Fish paper:

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You likely heard of the undersea volcano that erupted in the South Pacific near the island of Tonga as it was all over the news. The eruption reached 20 km in the air and the blast was visible from space. Unfortunately, the eruption caused Tsunami-like waves to crash into the island of Tonga and cause damage to properties, cut out power, and flood many parts of the island. 

New Zealand is sending rescuers and supplies to help the nearby island but is having trouble communicating with the island.

A volcanic eruption is violent and destructive, but it is also part of the ocean's process to constantly evolve. I discuss the ways that underwater volcanos lead to biodiversity over time. 

Link to articles:
1) Volcano eruption:
2) Undersea Volcanos:

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Coffee pods are popular in most households. You can make any type of coffee quickly without any mess of having to take teaspoon measurements of the coffee beans and pour them into the coffee-maker. All you have to do is pop them into the designated area and press a button and voila! A wonderful coffee to start your day!

However, are you aware that your coffee pod may not be recyclable even though it says it is on the packaging? Keurig Dr. Pepper Canada claimed that their K-Cups were recyclable all over Canada, but most places outside British Columbia and Quebec would not accept them in their facility. 

K-Cups are made from polypropylene #5, which is rarely recycled in Canada. Keurig Dr. Pepper Canada had to pay $2.3 million in fines and $631 thousand in donations to environmental charitable organizations for misleading consumers. 

The incident begs the question: Are your coffee pods recyclable in your area?

Link to articles:
1) Keurig Dr. Pepper Fined:
2) Keurig Dr. Pepper Go Green:
3) Canadian Plastics Defined:

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

A friend recently recommended a podcast to me where the host interviewed Dr. Jane Goodall. Dr. Goodall is a terrific scientist and is known for her studies on great apes where she lived with apes in the wild for many years. 

During the podcast, the host, Jay Shetty, discussed how hope could help fight the war on nature. I've heard from family and friends that they lose hope after hearing the doom and gloom of nature, yet Dr. Goodall suggests that they people can get their optimism back through local actions. 

I talk about how hope should be part of every nature message if we want to end this war on the environment.

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We need to do many things to reduce Climate Change and there are companies that are working around the clock to help bring renewable energy to the forefront in order to get them online. 

You may notice more windmills in the Ocean or near highways and the acres of land dedicated to solar panels. The latter is the focus of today's episode, solar panels. 

One of the major challenges to adding more solar panels is finding the space to put them. Deserts seem to be a good area, but one company is also looking at floating solar panels to decrease the risk of competing for space, but is adding a number of floating panels good for the habitats underneath the surface of the water?

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The people are fed up with the broken promises of climate action by governments and will eventually resort to violence if the government doesn't clean up its act with the oil and gas industry. Dr. David Suzuki thinks that blowing up pipelines is inevitable if governments continue to ignore the people's wishes of climate action now. 

The speech is getting a lot of heat from conservative-leaning media as they think the words will lead to environmental terrorism. 

What are your thoughts?

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Direct download: SUFB_S1248_DidDavidSuzukiReallySayThisAtAPipelineProtestInCanada.mp3
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Deep-sea mining is on the minds of many mining and tech companies as there is a potential to mind the metals that are so badly needed for computer chips that power the very devices you are using to listen to this podcast. However, we are not aware of the ramifications of mining unique areas such as deep-sea hydrothermal vents. 

A PhD candidate in deep-sea biology for Queen's University Belfast, Elin Angharad Thomas, conducted an analysis to assess whether the species that are found in hydrothermal vent habitats would be threatened by deep-sea mining. She used the criteria for the IUCN Red List to determine whether the species would be considered "at risk." 

The results of her analysis revealed that 2/3 of the species analyzed would be considered endangered by deep-sea mining and 20% of the species would be considered critically endangered.

The results of the study make more of a case to avoid deep-sea mining to preserve biodiversity in the deep sea. 

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NFTs are all the rage in the cryptocurrency world these days. Many artists, digital creators, and even marine organizations are making money using NFTs. However, the way NFTs are processed could have implications for increasing climate change.

NFTs use the Eurythreum cryptocurrency, which is controlled by users (called miners) having to solve complex puzzles to gain tokens. Solving the puzzles take up a lot of energy which emits carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. 

The entire Eurythreum cryptocurrency uses as much electricity as Libya. 

There are ways to reduce the emissions to almost zero by switching the manner in which the currency is controlled. 

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The Indonesian government took coal ash off the list of hazardous materials even though there is evidence that there are harmful metals such as mercury and arsenic that can leech into the environment. The coal industry lobby worked with the government to get the removal passed. 

The government followed up with a policy where the fisheries ministry would by bricks made from coal ash and use them as bricks in the foundation for coral transplantation.

I can't make this stuff up!

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There are many designation categories for protected areas in the ocean; however, they are often lumped into one category: Marine Protected Area. Marine Protected Area (MPA) is a term that has a very specific definition that is different from other protected area categories. 

A marine protected area is an area in the ocean where no extractive activities are allowed.

Some parks are called MPAs, but they allow extractive activities so they don't count as an MPA. 

Why is this important? If we want to protect the ocean, then we will need to have MPAs where no extractive activities are permitted to ensure there is protection. Some parks allow trawling to occur. Other parks allow oil and gas exploration and extraction. 

It can be confusing for us all to keep up with the protected area designations, but it's important to know what areas are truly protected. 

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In May 2021, a container ship called the X-Press Pearl caught fire and sank off the coast of Sri Lanka spilling large amounts of toxic chemicals in the form of fuel and a high concentration of microplastic pellets, called nurdles. 

These nurdles can wreak havoc on ocean habitats as they are made from fossil fuel chemicals and break down once in the water. The nurdles are ingested by sea turtles, marine mammals, seabirds, and fish where they can cause choking and/or leech chemicals into the animals' bodies. The spill of nurdles has also caused 20,000 fishers to stop fishing in Sri Lanka. 

The X-Press Pearl spill is a current example that nurdles need to be classified as hazardous materials. Unfortunately, the International Maritime Organization put off addressing the issue until next year opening the way for more spills to occur over the next year. 

Over 230,000 tons of nurdles enter the ocean every year. 

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Petition against nurdles:

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Direct download: SUFB_S1243_WhatIsANurdleAndHowItsDevastatingTheOcean.mp3
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New research published in the Journal of Heredity identified 3 new genetically distinctive populations of tiger sharks: one population is in the Indo-Pacific Ocean basin; one is in the Atlantic Ocean basin, and the third is in the waters surrounding the Hawaiin Islands. 

The new populations will no doubt add a call to protect the distinct population keeping in mind that tiger sharks are mass migratory species.

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Polish researchers observed a young female polar bear chasing a reindeer into the ocean, drowning it, and feeding on it. 

The observation in addition to another observation of the same young female feeding on a different reindeer carcass in the same region sparked a wonder as to whether polar bears were altering their diets in the Svalbard region because there was less ice. 

Other researchers disagree with that line of thinking as the bears have been seen feeding on reindeer since the 1950s and 60s on occasion. They think that more people are able to document the observations with phone cameras to post on social media making it seems as though polar bears feeding on reindeer occurs more often than we think.

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Did you ever wonder how well your State is managing your beaches? Your state has a coastline along the ocean or the Great Lakes which can be a dynamic place. Coastlines are always changing, usually slow changes, but they are changing. Your state and local governments are in charge of how your beaches are managed and adapted to any changes that might occur but are they managed well?

There are so many laws and policies that can contribute to the management of beaches that it can be difficult to find a good indicator of how well they are managed. Luckily, there is a great organization and assesses the management of the beaches in each state annually, Surfrider. 

I am joined by Surfrider's Stefani Sekich-Quinn, who manages Surfrider's annual State of the Beach report. Stefanie joins me today to discuss the results of this year's report and reasons we can be hopeful for the future of our beaches...BUT we will have to keep up the pressure. 

Link to the report:

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There have been over 1,000 manatees that have died in 2021. Most of the manatees died of starvation due to the lack of seagrass available for food. 

This episode explores why the seagrass disappeared over the past decade and suggests what needs to be done to protect the manatees better. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

The North Atlantic Right whale's population dipped from 366 to 336 from 2019 to 2020 making it the lowest it has been in 20 years. Whale entanglement is the leading culprit in the North Atlantic Right Whale's mortality off the coast of Maine. Lobster fishing gear tends to be the gear that entangles the whales. 

A court recently ruled on whether the government should implement a 4-month ban on offshore lobster fishing in Maine to protect migrating North Atlantic Right whales that travel through the area. The court ruled against the ban on lobster fishing to protect the $1.4 billion fishing industry citing the data presented by the government was not sufficient enough to show a risk to the whale population in the area. The government is appealing the decision. 

Conservationists are calling for more collaborations between conservations and fishers to help make new technologies safer and more affordable gear (such as lineless lobster traps.

Link to article:

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Direct download: SUFB_S1238_LobsterFishingVsNorthernRightWhales.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

This interview with Alifa Haque is a sample of the second episode of season 2 of the Beyond Jaws podcast about the science and conservation actions for wedgefish and guitarfish. 

Alifa is a doctoral candidate at the University of Oxford and is studying shark catches in Bangladesh, her home country. 

In this episode, Alifa tells the story of how she wanted to learn more about the shark fishery in her country after observing how many sharks the fishers catch. Alifa built relationships with the fishers and formed her own citizen science project that had volunteers work with fishers at various sites along the coastline. 

Find out how her data is being used to inform future policy. 

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Direct download: SUFB_S1237_AssessingSharkFisheriesInBangladesh.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

My co-host for the Beyond Jaws Jaws podcast, Dr. David Ebert, joins me on the podcast today to discuss the new season of our podcast discussing wedgefish and guitarfish science and conservation. Wedgefish and guitarfish are commonly known as rhino rays or shark rays due to their long rostrum and uniquely shaped bodies.  

This season of Beyond Jaws features interviews of shark scientists from all over the world that are studying the life history, ecology, and the conservation of these species. 

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Direct download: SUFB_S1236_BeyondJawsPodcastPromoSeason2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

OceanEye, a non-profit organization dedicated to collecting plastic pollution in the Mediterranean Sea to understand the level of pollution, has contributed data and results to international bodies such as the IUCN and UN for their reports. The reports address the plastic pollution problem in the sea that is bordered by 22 countries. 

Each country has its own policies to dispose of its trash; however, some of its waste management systems are not up to par to prevent the trash from entering the Meditteranean Sea. 

Now that there is more data available, governing bodies and non-profit organizations can work with countries to help assess their plastic pollution problem.


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I was pleasantly surprised when I heard the latest voicemail that came in was from my neighbour Brynn, who lives two doors down the street from me. She responded to my request for people to send a voicemail to discuss their thoughts on the COP26 announcements. 

Brynn found more hope in local action and less hope in federal announcements. Cities tend to take a more action-based approach to climate change as their problems affect their citizens faster and at a local level. 

I also discuss some criticism I received in an email about a recent episode on the Fore Islands and the dolphin hunt. 

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Direct download: SUFB_S1234_ListenerFeedbackOnCOP26.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

COP26 is all about the big announcements and Canada definitely made a big one. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that Canada will cap emissions on the oil and gas industry, but the cap won't affect the production of oil and gas. 

Canadian scientist and environmentalist, Dr. David Suzuki, did not attend COP26 this year because he is tired of empty promises. He is happy that the government made the announcement to cap oil and gas emissions, but would hope to see action soon. 

Indigenous groups were divided on the meeting. Some past attendees opted to stay in their communities to implement community action for a better climate while others attended the meeting as they thought it was their duty to represent their communities. 

What do you think of the announcement? Have your say by leaving a voicemail here:

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Direct download: SUFB_S1233_Cop26TheCanadianPromiseAndReactions.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Good ol' COP26, the Climate Change meeting, is happening again and there were some major announcements made at the meeting by countries such as the US, India, and Canada. I will cover the Canadian announcement in the next episode. 

The announcements sounded great, but what do scientists think about the announcements.

Link to article:

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Direct download: COP26_Major_Announcements_within_the_first_week.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

I answer a listener question from a voicemail I received about how people who communicate science can get their message across to their target audiences about Climate Change. 

There is a long history of messaging about climate change and how scientists were late to the game in getting the message out about a topic that is affecting all of us today. 

I discuss why scientists were late to the game to speak out about climate change and how today's social media tools are allowing more scientists to discuss their research and projects easier than ever. 

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Direct download: SUFB_S1227_SciCommAndClimateChange.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

I received a question from Josie Greenston who asked me (I am paraphrasing):

Where do I begin with helping with the Ocean? There are so many things that are harming the ocean (climate change, over-fishing, plastic pollution, etc.) that I don't know where to begin helping the Ocean.

Josie asks a great question that I've heard before. I wanted to take this episode to address how people can help the ocean with various levels of available commitment. 

You can choose any one of the options or combine them depending on your interest and commitment level. 

Connect with Speak Up For Blue:

Direct download: SUFB_S1226_WhereDoYouBeginToHelpTheOcean.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

There was a cull of 1400 white-sided dolphins in the Faroe Islands recently has some people wanting to know if it was legal. 

Whaling of pilot whales and other small cetaceans is legal in the Faroe Islands as the local community relies on whale meat as their primary protein source. The small island autonomous territory has been culling whales for centuries. The meat is processed in the open bays and handed out for free to the local community. 

The average catch per year is approximately 800 pilot whales and 250 white-sided dolphins; however, the total number of dolphins killed was 1400 individuals. That is 6 times the normal amount of dolphins and almost twice as many individuals as pilot whales.

There seemed to be a number of questions surrounding the cull of the dolphins including: were there enough killers present, did some boats run over the dolphins,  was all of the meat used, etc. 

You may feel that the cull is inhumane, but I ask you to keep an open mind to some of the questions and understand that these are people on a small island with access to very little natural resources in food other than the oceans. 

I should also mention that I am not for cetacean hunting. I just found this story interesting to look at from a different perspective. 

Link to article: 

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Direct download: SUFB_S1211_1400DolphinsCulledInFaroeIslandsButIsItWorthIt.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

We are continuing our series in partnership with the Blue Nature Alliance to discuss Marine Conservation and how that will move forward in order to protect 30% of the ocean by 2030. 

Incorporating People, Knowledge, and Networks in Ocean Conservation will be crucial to implement successful marine conservation strategies. 

I am joined by Kate Brown (Global Island Partnership in New Zealand), Coral Pasisi (Tofia Niue from the Island of Niue) and Ginny Farmer (Blue Nature Alliance based in the US) on the podcast to discuss their experiences in marine conservation and how people, knowledge, and networks help in ocean conservation.

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Direct download: SUFB_S1206_BNAPeopleKnowledgeNetworks.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

My recent adventure with trying to get my Provincial Government from taking away powers from Conservation Authorities to protect floodplains and protected areas from developers made me realize that I had the ability to help my local environment by becoming a local advocate. 

As I feel inspired to become a local activist, I wanted to provide you with some key advice that helped realize my potential and help you help your local environment. 

The first thing you need to do is stay aware of what is happening to your local environment. You will need to subscribe to some newsletters from local organizations (government and non-government). You may want to talk to the staff directly or just stay aware by reading their newsletter. 

The next and most important thing is to create positive relationships with local, state/provincial, and federal politicians. Whether you voted for your representatives or not, you can keep a good relationship with your local politicians. These relationships will come in handy when you would like to discuss any environmental changes to the legislation or push for a new change to better protect the environment. 

Building this relationship takes time and effort on your part because it is up to you to bring items of action to your local representatives.

Check out how I built relationships with my local politicians. 

Have you tried to build a relationship with yours?

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Ocean Science Radio
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The Guide To Mindful Conservation: Dancing In Pink Hiking Boots:
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Direct download: SUFB_S1086_HowToBecomeABetterLocalActivist.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

We all know, love, and sometimes fear sharks for their predatory nature; however, we never really feat a swordfish. We tend to be in wonder and ah when with see this fish in the wild. Maybe it is because we only see them when they are being caught by recreational fishermen when they go deep-sea fishing. Swordfish are predators and they are quite effective predators with their unique bill. 

Swordfish swim actively around their prey, which forms a "bait ball" by grouping in a ball swimming close together in the same direction in a massive ball. The swordfish jet around the bait ball at high speeds. They use their "sword", or bill, to hit a few fish out of the ball separating them from the school and stunning them. They gobble the fish up and do the process over and over until they had their fill or the entire school is gone. Scientists thought the manner in which the swordfish, and other billfish, used their bills was pretty much the only way they use it. They were wrong. 

Sharks have been washing up on beaches along the Mediterranean coastline dead with the tips of swordfishes' bills in their head or in their backs. Researchers are trying to figure out why swordfish are impaling the predator as a broken bill does not grow back. 

More research needs to be conducted to understand why swordfish are behaving in the manner. Are adults warding off attacks from predators competing for bait balls? Are juveniles impaling sharks because their bills are still growing? these are the questions being asked by researchers to get more insight. 

Why do you think this is happening?

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Ocean Science Radio
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The Guide To Mindful Conservation: Dancing In Pink Hiking Boots:
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Direct download: SUFB_S1085_SwordfishKillingSharks.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Originally, I was going to do an entrie episode on the State of the Ocean in 2019, but I was worried it would be too depressing. Therefore, I decided to add the outlook of the Oceans for 2020 in the same episode to inspire hope. 

Do you agree with my assessment of the Ocean in 2019 and my outlook for 2020? Let me know in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group:

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Projects For Wildlife Podcast:
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Direct download: SUFB_S947_StateOfTheOceans2019AndOutlookFor2020.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

This episode is the second part of my interview with Dr. Nathan Robinson who was one of the two marine scientists who video recorded the second only live recording of a live Deep Sea Giant Squid EVER!!!

Nathan discusses the events surrounding and during the analysis of the video. It's quite the story, especially how he describes how he felt when he first saw the footage after 100 hours of dull video viewing nothing, but dark deep-sea.

YouTube links:

Sea Turtle With Straw:

Sea Turtle With Fork:

Nathan's YouTube Channel:

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Direct download: SUFB_S839_2ndRecordingOfALivingDeepSeeSquidWithDrNathanRobinson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:20pm EST

The Government Of Canada has reported six Northern Right Whale Deaths in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Four of those deaths came in 48 hours. The Department of Transportation has announced a temporary reduction in ship speed in the area to avoid any future deaths. This action is the same action that the government took two years ago which seemed to work. So why did the government revert back to old ways? 

Do you think the speed should be reduced permanently (or seasonally)? Share your thoughts in the Facebook Group:

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Direct download: SUFB_S830_6NorthernRightWhalesDieInJuneInCanada.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

It's Cephalopod Week (June 15th to June 22nd) so Speak Up For Blue will focus this week on all things Cephalopod. 

In this episode, we chat with Thomas Clements, who just passed his defence for his PhD, about how Cephalopods were different millions of years ago compared to today's species in the group. 

Thomas also goes into wonderful detail about how fossils are formed. This will be a great episode for Cephalopod enthusiastes and Paleontology enthusiasts. 

Thomas Clements' Twitter

Thomas Claments' Website

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Direct download: SUFB_S482_CephalopodWeekInTheBeginningWithThomasClements.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:12am EST

I focus on how businesses are approaching Marine Conservation in this episode. our three stories cover different ways businesses are adapting to changing times.

Our first story is about two businesses who make it easier and more cost effective for oil companies to drill in Alaska (The Bad).

Our second story involves companies like IKEA, Royal Caribbean and SeaWorld (yes, even SeaWorld!!!) leading the charge in getting rid of single-use plastic straws and bags in their companies. 

Our last story for this episode covers an art project by the Caption Boomer Belgian Art Collective that placed a sperm whale sculpture on a beach by a lake in the French Alps (800m above sea level) to connect people living inland with the trials and tribulations that face the Ocean.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Donate to the Jairo Mora Sandoval Bravery Award to Fund 5 more brave Marine Conservationists

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:26am EST

This Episode of Ocean Talk Friday was recorded live on the Facebook Fan Page where I discussed how the US Senate Science Committee might be delaying the country's Climate Change adaptation by bringing up ridiculous reasons to deny the human effects on climate change.

I also discuss a new genetically unique population of Blue Whales that were discovered in New Zealand and how this discovery will drive policy in relation to oil and gas exploration that has opened up in the country.

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Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

I recorded Ocean Talk Friday in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group on Wednesday, which I plan on doing from now on. If you want to take part then join the group and attend every Wednesday at 7pm EST to have a chance to get on the episode.

Today, I chat with fellow SUFB members about:
1) Sea World failing an Animal Welfare Audit of a Tour Guide; and,
2) Florida Mangroves in the Everglades are Disappearing because of Sea Level Rise and Mismanagement for profit.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

I would love to hear your opinion on this episode. Join the Facebook Group to chime in.

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Direct download: SUFB_S464_OceanTalkFriday.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:15pm EST

Today's episode is all about my vacation to Hawai'i. I'm here for a wedding, but used the opportunity to get some Marine Conservation done in the best way I know how, I volunteered to monitor Green Sea Turtles that would bask in the sun on the beach. I tell you all about it in this episode.

Enjoy The Podcast!!!

I would love to hear your opinion on this episode. Join the Facebook Group to chime in.

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Direct download: SUFB_S458_HawaiinGreenSeaTurtleVolunteeringDuringMyVacation.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:19pm EST

I am very happy to be discussing Harbour Seal behaviour with my new friend Shea Steingass who has the pleasure in conducting these captivating animals. She discusses how she uses stable isotope analysis using Harbour Seal whiskers. She also talks about the interesting way that she and her colleagues capture the seals to collect the information.

Shea is going to be a superstar in this field and I can't wait to have her on again to see what she is up to next. 

Follow her on Twitter to see what she does next

And ask her questions about her research in our Facebook Group.

Do you know we launched more Ocean Related Podcasts?

Subscribe to Marine Conservation Happy Hour and ConCiencia Azul

Direct download: SUFB_S448_BehaviouralStudiesInHarbourSealsWithSheaSteingass.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Shea and I sit down to decompress and discuss the past four days at OceanDotComm 2018. We chat about we loved the challenge on taking on the Southern Louisiana Coastal Optimism project and incorporating it into the podcast. We also discuss how Shea was psyched to work on the podcast with me...I think she did a pretty great job don't you?!

We also get into how impressed we were with all of the people we interviewed and we are very optimistic that the people of Southern Louisiana will be able to adapt to their changing coastline!

Direct download: 10_SUFB_Season1_SeasonFinaleWithSheaSteingass1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00pm EST

On today's Ocean Update Episode I chat about why 1000s of starfish wash ashore dead along the UK coastline; why the Trump Administration is trying to silence scientists that want to alert the public about dramatic decreases in glacial coverage; and, I highlight two Emperor Penguins that have fun with a camera in the Antarctic. 

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, but are worried that it might be too difficult, take the Podcast for the Environmental Communication Course at Duke University's Executive Education Program. Click here to register.

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Dr. Lyne Morissette joins me on the podcast today for another episode of Ocean Talk Friday. We sit down to chat about Sea Level Rise in San Francisco Bay as well as how much of the land is sinking exacerbating the effect of salt water creeping onto land. We also get philosophical by answering two questions: 1) Should Seafood Corporations be responsible for funding conservation programs for fisheries and the habitats that they affect with their practices; and 2) Should marine scientists and conservationists become vegans and fly less to lead by example?

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, but are worried that it might be too difficult, take the Podcast for the Environmental Communication Course at Duke University's Executive Education Program. Click here to register.

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Direct download: SUFB_S443_OceanTalkFriday.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:24am EST

No interview today (my apologies). Instead I cover some news items including a diver's video of underwater trash goes vital; an Indian natural wastewater treatment system treats 198 million gallons of water; and, Canada confirms commitment to Paris Climate Accord Agreement even though they are upping their greenhouse gas emissions.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, but are worried that it might be too difficult, take the Podcast for the Environmental Communication Course at Duke University's Executive Education Program. Click here to register.

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

This is a motivational rant to inspire you to get moving on your science communication efforts. The world needs more people to inspire the public to do better. Publications are just a tiny portion of SciComm since most people don't read journal articles due to accessibility and...well, they just aren't interested. Online communication is the new platform to reach millions of people. So build your online presence, get your message out and change the world!!!

Enjoy the Podcast!!! 

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, but are worried that it might be too difficult, take the Podcast for the Environmental Communication Course at Duke University's Executive Education Program. Click here to register.

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.


Direct download: SUFB_S440_GetStartedInSciCommNow.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Doug Parsons, producer and host of the podcast America Adapts: A Climate Change Podcast, joins me on the podcast to discuss the importance of science communication and why he invited a climate change denier on his podcast. I have to admit, bringing on a climate denier as a guest for a climate adaptation podcast was a great move. It showed us all why it is important to listen to the other side and understand their motivations. Understanding (not necessarily agreeing) is an important aspect in Marine Science and Conservation applications, especially when it comes to engaging with the public and stakeholders.

America Adapts Website

America Adapts: The Climate Change Podcast (iTunes)

America Adapts: The Climate Change Podcast (Spotify)

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, but are worried that it might be too difficult, take the Podcast for the Environmental Communication Course at Duke University's Executive Education Program. Click here to register.

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.


Direct download: SUFB_S439_SciCommAndClimateAdaptationWithDougParsons.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

I cover a lot of information in this week's Ocean Update episode. First, I discuss how the Seychelles worked with The Nature Conservancy to refinance their nation debt in exchange for designating 30% of its EEZ as a Marine Protected Area. Second, I give my opinion on how to fight pseudoscience, such as the flat earther movement, with scicomm (Science Communication). Lastly, beluga whales have been found to be diving deeper and longer for food when there is less sea ice. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

On today's episode of Ocean Talk Friday, I talk about Science Communication in the Marine Science and Conservation field, focusing on how we need to dedicate more time on communicating our projects and people online via social media. I suggest going beyond just pushing information to the public and engage with followers and build a stronger, more engaging follower base by revealing the people within your organization. I also suggest that organizations make it a priority to scicomm and spread the workload across the people within your organization. 

Check out what I have to say and let me know how you feel about it.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Direct download: SUFB_S437_OceanTalkFriday_SciCommAdviceForOnline.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Dr. Andrew Wright joins on the podcast to discuss his experience working in the Antarctic collecting acoustic information on Type C Orcas within the newly implemented Ross Sea Marine Protected Area. He tells us how he got there, what he saw, what saw him, safety precautions he had to take and more!!! If you want to be a field biologist, you need to listen to Andrew's interview!!!

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Direct download: SUFB_S436_WhatItsLikeToDoFieldWorkInAntarctica.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

On today's Ocean Update Podcast, I chat about a Mongabay article that reveals a decline in protected Queen Conches in the Bahamas due to fishing upstream; I give my opinion on the power of Celebrities in Ocean Conservation; and, I talk about an article revealing that your shampoo may be causing air pollution...and it could be a good thing!!!

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Nathan Johnson is back on Ocean Talk Friday to talk about some Marine Science and Conservation and some invertebrate species!!! Here are the topics for today:
1) How Conservationists Can Overcome the Awareness-Action Gap;
2) Female Mutant Crayfish Clones to reproduce and is an effective invasive species;
3) Maine Lobster fishers conserving for the future; and,
4) Melting of Antarctic Ice Sheets Allows Scientists to explore the deep sea.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Direct download: SUFB_S434_OceanTalkFriday.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

The Fisheries Act has been a crucial piece of legislation that has helped protect the Canadian aquatic environment for decades. The Act has been cumbersome to natural resource businesses as well. In 2012, the Canadian Government lead by then Prime Minister Stephen Harper changed the Fisheries Act to help the oil and gas industry build their pipelines faster to "help" the economy. The Act was left a gutted version of it's former self until recently. 

The Canadian Government led by current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has vowed to change the Fisheries Act back to its original wording and to make it better. Scientists and Conservationists have been waiting a long time for this (since Trudeau became Prime Minister in 2015) to see the changes made. 

Last Tuesday, February 6, the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Dominic LeBlanc, announced the new suggested changes for the Fisheries Act. I can say that Scientists are quite happy!!!

I asked Dr. Brett Favaro, who was involved in providing feedback during the process and has been tweeting up a storm on the new changes, to come on the show and tell us about the changes and give us his thoughts. 

Brett has some optimistic thoughts with some suggestions for some improvements. 

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Direct download: SUFB_S433_FisheriesActChangesWithBrettFavaro.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Today's Ocean Update Episode has two stories and book-ending my weekly opinion piece: 1) Patagonia releases project to match Environmental Organizations with wannabe Activists; 2) Content Should Always be King and we need to release ALL information; and, 3) Jellyfish are causing trouble for Norwegian Fish Farms and it may happen again.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.


Dr. Lyne Morissette joins me on the podcast to discuss 3 stories that were in the news this week: 1) The Mediterranean Sea and the Great Lakes are experiencing higher eutrophication levels than ever before due to poor water management and climate change; 2) EPA head, Scott Pruitt, says Climate Change will benefit humans because we've always thrived in warm temperatures; and, 3) The Queen of England bans plastic straws in her properties and the city of Seattle bans straws...there is a movement happening!!!

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.


Direct download: SUFB_S431_OceanTalkFriday.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Traveling to any place around the world is an exciting adventure full of positive thoughts about travelling, enjoying foreign cultures, food and drinks. Yet there seems to be little thought on Environmental Protection when we search for hotels or other places to stay. Perhaps because we don't want to think about the things that were done to create the "paradise" advertised online, in a magazine, or on TV. 

Do you ever wonder what habitat existed where your hotel is now? How many animals were displaced when the hotel was built? 

I thought about these questions and more during my trip to Mexico where my family and I stayed at the Moon Palace (the same place where COP3 took place). Today's episode is dedicated to reviewing the resort in terms of Ocean Health.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Direct download: SUFB_S430_MexicoResortReviewFromMyLatestTrip.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

I'm back from my Mexico trip with the family and I can't wait for you to hear today's episode. In this episode, I talk about the results of the first 5 years of 83 marine reserves in Southern Australia and their status and why adaptive management plays such an important role with stakeholders (the abalone fisher group in particular). I also give a bit of a rant on how we can communicate Marine Science and Conservation stories better based on a couple o books I read on social media marketing. Finally, I follow up on a story about an aquaculture company who got in big trouble in Puget Sound for allowing Atlantic Salmon to escape their nets and invade the Pacific Ocean (it turns out it was their fault after all!!!).

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

On today's episode for Ocean Talk Friday, I discuss 3 stories that I think you should know about: 1) The Australian Government may be wasting $60 Million on ineffective projects, according to expert panel; 2) Scientists determine plastic pollution can kill corals; and, 3) New Antarctic Sea expedition could provide the evidence necessary to protect 1.8 square kms of diverse habitat.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Direct download: SUFB_S428_OceanTalkFriday.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

I am proud to have Dr. Dave Ebert back on the podcast to discuss deep-sea sharks from around the world. Dave gives us career advice, tells us a story about how he and colleagues discovered a species of skate in the North Pacific (that was more abundant then originally thought) and talks about his upcoming expedition to Sri Lanka to look for deep-sea sharks. 

You will not want to miss this episode!!!

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.


Direct download: SUFB_S427_HydrothermalVentSkatesWithDrDaveEbert.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

I am covering 3 Ocean News stories for today's episode: 1) There were 300 dead thresher sharks found on the side of the road in Mexico and investigators are saying it has to do with organized crime; 2) A fisher in Costa Rica was surprised to see plastic pieces, including a lighter, after he cut open his catch...a mahi-mahi fish; and, 3) A Right Whale was spotted off the coast of Naples, Florida which counts as only the 5th sighting of these marine mammals since 1963.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

On today's episode for Ocean Talk Friday, I talk about 2 important issues that came across my desk this week. Trump implemented a 30% tax on Imported Solar Panels from China to protect American Jobs; however, the move will likely kill over 20K American jobs. 

The second story I cover is about the Pay-for Internship/Volunteership that is designed to give early career scientists/conservationists experience so that they can get jobs. The problem is that not many people can afford to pay the thousands of dollars for these programs making marine biology more for people that can afford the programs. Is this a case of segregation based on financial status?

Click here for more detailed show notes

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Direct download: SUFB_S425_OceanTalkFriday.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Melina Soto from Healthy Reefs, a non-profit organization based in Mexico, is here to talk about the health of the Mesoamerican Coral Reef that spans 4 countries: Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and Honduras. We talk about the rapid decrease from the 1990s to 2006 that triggered a multinational coastal monitoring program to help inform managers and politicians on how they could make better decisions to help the reefs. 

This episode is jam packed with information. You might want to listen to it more than once...I know I did!!!

For more detailed show notes and link to the articles, click here

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Direct download: SUFB_S424_MesoAmericanReefReportCardWithMelinaSoto.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Right Whales may have their day in court, how to get over the depressing part of conservation and is this the beginning of the end for single use plastic (I certainly hope so!!!) are the topics that I am covering today on the podcast. 

For more detailed show notes and link to the articles, click here

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Dr. Lyne Morissette joins me today for Ocean Talk Friday where we discuss the East China Sea Ship Collision and Oil Spill that occurred last week. 

We also discuss the Vancouver Aquarium's announcement that they are ending their captive Cetacean program. We talk about the difference between captive cetaceans for entertainment vs rescue and rehabilitation. It's an interesting conversation. 

Click here for the blog post.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Direct download: SUFB_S422_OceanTalkFriday.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Chris Cilfone and he team are on the quest to accomplish the impossible, filming the birth of a Humpback Whale in the Ocean. Filming an event like this has never been done before so the Kohola (Meaning Whale) team has a huge challenge in front of them. However, National Geographic believe in the them as they provided a small grant to set them on their way and NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association) has granted the team a permit to approach the whales to get the right shot. 

Now they are looking to you to help them get on the water and stay there so they can capture this epic event. They are crowdfunding for the rest of the campaign to pay for a boat, gas, and other equipment to get them on the water as long as possible. 

Check out their Go Fund Me Page to be a part of the film!!!

Click here for the blog post and to watch the video trailer for their go fund me page.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Direct download: SUFB_S421_FilmingTheUltimateHumpbackWhaleSceneForConservationWithChris.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Happy Monday Folks! Today's episode I chat about: 

1) Wether a whale saved a marine biologist from a tiger shark (8:52);

2) Why the Trump Administration gave Florida an exemption from oil and gas exploration/drilling and not other states (18:19); and,

3) Why Blue Crab pee can be good for the health of oyster habitats in Georgia. (28:00)

Enjoy The Podcast!!!

Check out more detailed show notes on our website.

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Melissa Marquez joins me on the podcast today to discuss the hot topics of the week in Marine Science and Conservation. This week, we discuss a push to ban plastic straws in the UK and how Bonnethead sharks have been found to ingest as well as digest seagrass. 

But we first chat about how Melissa is creating the Spanish version of the Speak Up For Blue Podcast called ConCiencia Azul. We talk about how the idea came about and what she is going to be talking about on the podcast. 

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Check out more detailed show notes on our website.

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Direct download: SUFB_S419_OceanTalkFriday_MelissaMarquez.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Hypoxic, or oxygen-depleted zones, are growing in size and number around the world. I cha about why this is happening and my experience working with a research team that measured the extent of the hypoxic zone in the Gulf of Mexico stemming from the Mississippi River. 

I also chat about an article shared by one of our Facebook Group members about how Climate Change is affecting the ratio of males and females of green sea turtles in the Great Barrier Reef. I tell you why this is happening and what the implications are. 

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Check out more detailed show notes on our website.

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

The Trump Administration has proposed to open 90% of US Outer Continental Shelf to Oil and Gas Drilling. I discuss what that means for the Marine Environment and its Conservation and how we can prevent these types of changes in the future. (14:53)

I also chat about a recent discussion on the internet about whether we should avoid citing people who have been outed as sexual harassers, sexual predators, or even people known to mistreat their colleagues and employees. (28:15)

Finally, I chat about a recent article that discusses what to do if you come across a cold-stunned sea turtle. (44:35)

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Check out more detailed show notes on our website.

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Science and Policy articles always give us an insight on how local communities depend on local resources. In today's episode, I discuss an article that studies how breastfeeding is a socio-economic driver for fishing effort. the article describes how malnutrition of impoverished fishing communities are working as a driver for fishers to spend more time trying to catch fish of which there are less because the fish population has been drastically reduced over time. This article proves how local communities prioritize their needs and how their decisions affect their natural resources (i.e. fish). 

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Check out more detailed show notes on our website.

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Direct download: SUFB_S416_FishingEffortAffectedByBreastfeeding.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Climate Change is not proven or disproven by the current Weather. Freezing temperatures have brought on questioning by climate deniers as to whether climate change is real. It's still real and I talk about why during the podcast. 

I also talk about how a cyclone in India dumped 80 tons of plastic debris along its coastline. I bleak reminder of the severity of plastic pollution in our oceans. 

Check out more detailed show notes on our website.

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Direct download: SUFB_S415_NoColdWeatherDoesNotMeanClimateChangeDoesNotExist.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

In this last episode of 2017, I breakdown what you can expect from Speak Up For Blue in 2018. Here is the list:

1) New podcast shows: Marine Conservation Happy Hour, ConCiencia Azul (Speak Up For Blue in Spanish, hosted by Melissa Marquez) and Speak Up For Blue in French (Hosted by Dr. Lyne Morissette). 

2) You Tube Videos - I will be creating regular You Tube videos for 2 , maybe 3, episodes per week in 2018

3) Creating more LIVE content on a daily (weekday) basis in Facebook, Instagram and Periscope (Twitter)

4) Bringing more Marine Science content to all of the above platforms

5) Providing more Speak Up For Blue Community resources so we can all make better decisions

6) Create more incentives for the Speak Up For Blue Patreon Campaign

7) Create branded Merchandise where a portion of the profits will go towards supporting small organizations doing great work

8) Consulting as a Podcast Producer and Host for organizations who would like to create podcast content for their projects.

If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at

Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

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Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

As we wind down 2017 and get ready for 2018, I revisit the top 5 most downloaded podcasts of 2017:

5) Episode 285 - Ocean Talk Friday featuring Lyne Morissette

4) Episode 326 - How To Eat Sustainable Seafood with Fish Nerds Clay Groves

3) Episode 289 - Human Activities and the Ocean

2) Episode: 360 - Marine Conservation Career Struggles: 4 Perspectives (Marine Conservation Happy Hour Preview)

1) Episode: 335 Shark Science Communication with Melissa Marquez

What a year for the podcast as there were more that 120K downloads this year!!!!

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

This episode is brought to you courtesy of our Patreon Contributors that help pay for equipment, software and my time that I dedicate to creating content for this podcast. I offer a number of incentives to the Patrons including a once a month Q&A on Marine Science and Conservation Careers, Merchandise, and more! It's to thank those of you who are supporting my own efforts of Science Communication. I will also be bringing some shorter interviews with some colleagues that will only be available to Patrons. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Direct download: SUFB_S413_5TopEpisodesOf2017.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

I wanted to post a shorter episode today (Merry Christmas everyone!!!) to highlight my wishes for the Marine Science and Conservation Field:

1) I would like to see people read more science papers or know more about them;

2) I would like to see people in the field be nicer to each other (eliminate sexual harassment and bias and colleagues standing up for each other);

3) I would like to see citizens, in any country, support politicians who demonstrate in ability to understand the importance of science and listen to science experts no matter the outcome;

4) I would like to see more people get involved in science communication and support those who are actively engaging in science communication; and,

5) I would like to see the Speak Up For Blue Community as well as other people supporting smaller organizations who are results-oriented.

Enjoy the Podcast and Merry Christmas!!!

This episode is brought to you courtesy of our Patreon Contributors that help pay for equipment, software and my time that I dedicate to creating content for this podcast. I offer a number of incentives to the Patrons including a once a month Q&A on Marine Science and Conservation Careers, Merchandise, and more! It's to thank those of you who are supporting my own efforts of Science Communication. I will also be bringing some shorter interviews with some colleagues that will only be available to Patrons. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Direct download: SUFB_S412_ChristmasWishListForMarineScienceAndConservation.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Climate Change has a number of consequences that affect you and I directly and indirectly. Some consequences such as increased storm frequency and intensity, we see in front of our eyes (think Hurricane Irma); however, others go unnoticed (think Ocean Acidification). 

All of Climate Change's consequences are important and are brought on by us in the form of increased Greenhouse gases (CO2). We know that CO2 can be absorbed by plants, which is why we plant trees like crazy (more because forest destruction is so rampant all over the planet). However, we often forget that CO2 is also absorbed by plants in the Ocean. In fact, most of the CO2 on the plant is absorbed by plants in the Ocean. Unfortunately, human destruction is causing harm to the plants that play such a critical role in CO2 absorption and O2 production. 

On today's Ocean Talk Friday Episode, I string an article, a conversation that I had with a bank teller this week and a guide on how you can reduce your Climate Change footprint and how they all relate to Ocean Acidification (and provide an important way you can support the reduction of climate change).

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

This episode is brought to you courtesy of our Patreon Contributors that help pay for equipment, software and my time that I dedicate to creating content for this podcast. I offer a number of incentives to the Patrons including a once a month Q&A on Marine Science and Conservation Careers, Merchandise, and more! It's to thank those of you who are supporting my own efforts of Science Communication. I will also be bringing some shorter interviews with some colleagues that will only be available to Patrons. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.


Direct download: SUFB_S411_OTF_HowTrawlingSeagrassAndOceanAcidificationAreConnected.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Coral Reefs have had it rough over the past few decades; however, the past 3 years were just devastating. Each of the last 3 years have been the hottest year on record. Coral reefs don't do very well when the Sea Surface Temperature gets too hot, they tend to bleach. For example, 93% of the Great Barrier Reef bleached over the past 3 years. It's been rough...

Coral Reef conservation is happening around the world to restore bleached reefs and protect the reefs that are healthy. There are many people helping coral reefs as well as the coastal communities that depend on them. Of course, it's difficult to know everyone doing coral reef conservation, but we try to introduce you to some of the people/organizations working hard to protect these biodiversity hot spots here in the Speak Up For Blue Podcast. 

Vic Ferguson is the founder and Executive Director of the World Federation of Coral Reef Conservation (WFCRC), a non-profit organization that mobilizes teams of volunteers to work with corals reefs around the world. 

In this interview, Vic tells me about how he founded the WFCRC and its primary function is to contribute to protecting Coral Reefs and helping people protect their coastline. He also describes an upcoming collaborative project with Ocean Guardian that will take place in the Cook Islands.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

This episode is brought to you courtesy of our Patreon Contributors that help pay for equipment, software and my time that I dedicate to creating content for this podcast. I offer a number of incentives to the Patrons including a once a month Q&A on Marine Science and Conservation Careers, Merchandise, and more! It's to thank those of you who are supporting my own efforts of Science Communication. I will also be bringing some shorter interviews with some colleagues that will only be available to Patrons. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Direct download: SUFB_S410_CoralReefConservationWithVicFerguson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Welcome to the Ocean Update Episode where I take you through 2 stories and an opinion piece that I think are important:

1) Scientists did not find a 512 year old Greenland Shark (9:54);
2) Opinion: We have quite a bit of work as Marine Conservationists to educate the people (16:22); and,
3) US Federal Government is banning words for scientists to use (33:19).

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

This episode is brought to you courtesy of our Patreon Contributors that help pay for equipment, software and my time that I dedicate to creating content for this podcast. I offer a number of incentives to the Patrons including a once a month Q&A on Marine Science and Conservation Careers, Merchandise, and more! It's to thank those of you who are supporting my own efforts of Science Communication. I will also be bringing some shorter interviews with some colleagues that will only be available to Patrons.  Contribute to our Patreon Campaign
Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.
Direct download: SUFB_S409_ConservationistsWeHaveATonOfWorkToDo.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:58am EST

I ask myself three questions on today's Ocean Talk Friday episode:

1) Will charging 3 men with animal cruelty deter others from hurting animals?;
2) Did Blue Planet II help save the Ocean by raising awareness? Was it designed to do that?
3) Did you know some Shrimp are injected with a chemical called CMC to make them look bigger? 

This episode is brought to you courtesy of our Patreon Contributors that help pay for equipment, software and my time that I dedicate to creating content for this podcast. I offer a number of incentives to the Patrons including a once a month Q&A on Marine Science and Conservation Careers, Merchandise, and more! It's to thank those of you who are supporting my own efforts of Science Communication. I will also be bringing some shorter interviews with some colleagues that will only be available to Patrons.  Contribute to our Patreon Campaign
Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.
Direct download: SUFB_S408_OceanTalkFriday.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:13am EST

Bonnie Waycott joins me on the podcast today to discuss how the Japanese aquaculture industry is recovering after the March 11th, 2011 Tsunami that devastated part of Japan. Recovery efforts are still ongoing almost 7 years later, where some families are still in temporary housing as their homes are still not back together. 
Japan is a country that has a bad reputation for Marine Conservation as they are synonymous with Whaling and the Cove; however, it is rare that we get an inside look at how the people in Japan live off of the sea and recover after such a devastating event that changes the history of the region. Bonnie provides us with that look as she has been studying the recovery through the eye of a journalist. 
Join us as Bonnie tells us about how she grew up in Japan and the UK; lived through the Japanese Earthquakes of 2011; and, works with the people of Japan to determine how they recover from a Tsunami.
Enjoy the Podcast!!! 
This episode was available first to Patreon Contributors only. It's to thank those of you who are supporting my own efforts of Science Communication. I will also be bringing some shorter interviews with some colleagues that will only be available to Patrons. And of course, once a month, I will be conducting a Q&A for Marine Scientists and Conservationists that want to build/continue their career in their respective field. I will announce the date soon. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign
Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.
Direct download: SUFB_S407_ACountryRecoveringFromATsunamiWithBonnieWaycott.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Polar Bears have been facing a number of challenges that have played a role in decreasing their global population in the Arctic Environment. Climate change and metal poisoning have been two of the top issues facing Polar Bears. We talk about climate change and its effect on Polar Bears almost every time we discuss the marine mammals. Of  course, there are still some people who don't think Climate Change is causing any problem to Polar Bears or any other species for that matter.

Environmental Documentary Photographer, Paul Nicklen, released a video and photos of a Polar Bear on its last legs this past week and tied the dying condition to climate change. Nicklen intended for the piece to inspire people to change their behaviour to reduce/eliminate climate change; however, not everybody agreed. 

So it's time to discuss this matter on the podcast!

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

This episode was available first to Patreon Contributors only. It's to thank those of you who are supporting my own efforts of Science Communication. I will also be bringing some shorter interviews with some colleagues that will only be available to Patrons. And of course, once a month, I will be conducting a Q&A for Marine Scientists and Conservationists that want to build/continue their career in their respective field. I will announce the date soon. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.


Direct download: SUFB_S406_DidClimateChangeKillAStarvingPolarBear.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST


Nathan Johnson joins us on the podcast today to discuss this week's top stories that we think you should know about:

Giving Small-Scale Fishing a voice on an international platform;
Regular people work to help Sea Turtles;
Countries around the world agree that Plastic Pollution in a Global Problem; and,
Arctic Countries agree to stop fishing in Arctic High Seas for 16 years so researchers can study the area.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

This episode was available first to Patreon Contributors only. It's to thank those of you who are supporting my own efforts of Science Communication. I will also be bringing some shorter interviews with some colleagues that will only be available to Patrons. And of course, once a month, I will be conducting a Q&A for Marine Scientists and Conservationists that want to build/continue their career in their respective field. I will announce the date soon.  href="">Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Direct download: SUFB_S405_OceanTalkFriday.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:17am EST

I had the pleasure to catch up with my friend and colleague, Dr. Nathan Robinson, who is a Sea Turtle Biologist, a Marine Scientist, and a Science Communicator. 
Nathan is known for being the scientist that pulled a straw out of an Olive Ridley Sea Turtle's nose and 4 months later pulled a plastic fork out of another Olive Ridley Sea Turtle's nose about 70 km from the other site. Those videos could arguably be considered as the catalyst to the "Ban Plastic Straw" campaigns that are happening all around the world. 
Today, Nathan tells us how those videos changed his career path to more of a science communicator path and started the You Tube Channel called "The Wandering Biologist." Check out the podcast then go to his channel and subscribe for some incredible videos of Ocean and other animals.
Enjoy the Podcast!!!
This episode was available first to Patreon Contributors only. It's to thank those of you who are supporting my own efforts of Science Communication. I will also be bringing some shorter interviews with some colleagues that will only be available to Patrons. And of course, once a month, I will be conducting a Q&A for Marine Scientists and Conservationists that want to build/continue their career in their respective field. I will announce the date soon. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign
Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.
Direct download: SUFB_S404_MarineScienceCommunicationWithNathanRobinson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Science Communication (SciComm) is a great tool for Scientists and Conservationists to use to reach the public. It provides Scientists with the power to drive their own message straight from their own mouths, especially now with social media tools such as podcasting and online videos available to anyone that has a message to provide an audience.

However, traditional media such as TV Networks and Newspapers still reach an established and large audience that may not be available to people who are just starting out in Science Communication. Unfortunately, you never know what will be the final product when you use that type of media as they have creative control and it seems as thought they will do anything for a click. 

Dr. Alexander Pyron learned that lesson the hard way. I discuss his opinion piece in the Op Ed of the Washington Post in which he now regrets writing and says the Post added words that he did not write...words that could cost him his career and ruin his reputation as a Scientist. 

I do discuss some great news in the Arctic in terms of fisheries and scientific research and cover a weird article about the Chinese Navy shredding jellyfish in the Ocean to protect their Aircraft Carriers.

Enjoy the Podcast!!! 

Let me know what you think of the episode by joining our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

I will be adding a live Q&A at least once a month for people who have questions for their building their career in Marine Science and Conservation. All you have to do to is become a Patreon Contributor for a minimum of $1 USD per month to gain access. Not only will you be getting advice on your career, but you will also be supporting my effort to make people aware of all things Ocean! Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

This week on Ocean Talk Friday, I cover 3 stories:

1) The Science of The Climate Change Denier's Strategy to confuse people;
2) President Trump is reducing the area in National Monuments and allowing mining and commercial fishing in the protected areas; and,
3) A lobster in New Brunswick had the Pepsi logo imprinted on its claw opening a larger conversation of how bad plastic pollution has gotten around the globe

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Let me know what you think of the episode by joining our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

I will be adding a live Q&A at least once a month for people who have questions for their building their career in Marine Science and Conservation. All you have to do to is become a Patreon Contributor for a minimum of $1 USD per month to gain access. Not only will you be getting advice on your career, but you will also be supporting my effort to make people aware of all things Ocean! Contribute to our Patreon Campaign


Direct download: SUFB_S402_OceanTalkFriday.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

SEA Change Clothing Co. is a company on a mission to change the way we make decisions when we buy our clothes to reduce plastic pollution.

Most shirts and sweaters are made with micro-plastics and every time we wash our clothes, some of those micro-plastics come off the clothes and are added to our waterways. However, Sea Change Clothing is pure organic cotton so there are no micro-plastics in the shirt.

In addition to reducing plastics in clothing, Sea Change Clothing's mission is to pick up 3 lbs of plastic for every item sold. 

I had the opportunity to chat with Sea Change Clothing's founder, Brennan Fitzgerald, to find out all about him and his company. 

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Let me know what you think of the episode by joining our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Support Speak Up For Blue's Efforts to build a platform to raise awareness for Marine Science and Conservation and help you live for a better Ocean. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign


Direct download: SUFB_S401_SellingForASEAChangeWithBrennanFitzpatrick.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Ocean Update today is a special one...400 EPISODES here on The Speak Up For Blue Podcast!!! I take some time to Thank You for helping me get there and helping me build this fantastic community!!!

I also talk about how the Media needs to stop throwing sharks under the bus and start to help their reputation. Specifically, I talk about the spear fisherman that was bitten by a white shark and how the Washington Post said that the guy was "ambushed" by a white shark. Just ridiculous!

Other news that I talk about is the ocean reserve Mexico declared to protect their "Galapagos of North America." 

I also talk about a new restoration technique being used to help bring back the Great Barrier Reef.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Let me know what you think of the episode by joining our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Support Speak Up For Blue's Efforts to build a platform to raise awareness for Marine Science and Conservation and help you live for a better Ocean. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Ocean Talk Friday is all about dealing with human issues (as much of marine conservation is!). I start off today by talking about a 210,000 gallon oil leak of the Keystone Pipeline in South Dakota last week as well as some news about the Keystone XL pipeline construction.

Next I talk about how we should use science communication for conservation via the Blue Planet II series and their assumption that a pilot whale calf died of toxins related plastic pollution in its mother's milk and how one scientist (and some conservative websites) picked up on the inaccuracy. 

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Let me know what you think of the episode by joining our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Support Speak Up For Blue's Efforts to build a platform to raise awareness for Marine Science and Conservation and help you live for a better Ocean. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Direct download: SUFB_S399_OceanTalkFriday.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Dr. Craig McClain is on the podcast. This is his second time on the podcast as he was on our second ever episode, so this is really special.

Craig is the Executive Director of the Louisiana Marine Consortium (LUMCON) and the Chief Editor of 

Craig is on the podcast to chat about OCEANSDOTCOMM, which is an innovative concept he has been wanting to do for a very long time. OCEANSDOTCOMM will be a game changer in Science and Conservation Communication. What is it? Well, you will have to listen to the episode to find out. 

After you listen, go here to apply to OCEANSDOTCOMM.

Enjoy The Podcast!!!

Let me know what you think of the episode by joining our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Support Speak Up For Blue's Efforts to build a platform to raise awareness for Marine Science and Conservation and help you live for a better Ocean. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Direct download: SUFB_S398_OceansDotComm.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

An article came out this week where over 15,000 scientists agreed upon on thing: we are screwing up this planet royally. But don't let the title fool you, the authors highlight 9 things that either went wrong or are going wrong. The optimism is to look at the first thing the authors go over: The Ozone Layer. The paper highlights that, as a planet, we overcame ozone depletion and made it strong again. It took change and a Global Effort in how we approached using products such as aerosols, but it worked. 

Listen to the other 8 things the authors highlight. Many of them are connected and changes can cause change.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Let me know what you think of the episode by joining our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Support Speak Up For Blue's Efforts to build a platform to raise awareness for Marine Science and Conservation and help you live for a better Ocean. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Direct download: SUFB_S396_OceanTalkFriday.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:32am EST

Products that are good for our health and the environment actually exist!!! I know, right! Today, on the podcast, I have Caroline Duell, founder of All Good Products, which sell products such as lotions and sunscreen that are created from natural ingredients. For example, their sunscreen is reef safe because it is made from natural ingredients and lacks oxybenzone, which is deadly to corals. 

Take a listen to find out how Caroline discovered her path by providing people what they wanted and how she creates products that solve people's problems in addition to being good for the environment.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Let me know what you think of the episode by joining our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Support Speak Up For Blue's Efforts to build a platform to raise awareness for Marine Science and Conservation and help you live for a better Ocean. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Direct download: SUFB_S395_AllGoodProductsWithCarolineDuell.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

I comment on a recent article from Oceans Deeply where Dr. Asha de Vos commented on how the Marine Science and Conservation field needs to move away from Parachute Science and support more long term local initiatives in developing countries. Find out what Parachute Science is all about and why we need to stop.

Also on the show, we talk about how Climate Change is decreasing the Walrus population in Alaska and how the recent denial of making them Endangered Federally is a slap in the face by the current federal administration to people seeking to reduce/eliminate Climate Change.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Let me know what you think of the episode by joining our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Support Speak Up For Blue's Efforts to build a platform to raise awareness for Marine Science and Conservation and help you live for a better Ocean. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Direct download: SUFB_S394_ParachuteScienceAndWalrusesLosingToClimateChange.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:56am EST

Dr. Lyne Morissette joins me on the podcast again this week for another instalment of Ocean Talk Friday. Today we talk:

1) Volvo Award goes to Canadian Economist for High Seas Fishing Study;
2) The expansion of an Antarctic Network of Marine Protected Areas does not go ahead...yet;
3) A weird sailing story from two women who were rescued after 90 days stranded at sea, but their stories don't correlate with true accounts; and,
4) More countries collaborate to protect sharks across borders.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Sign up for the upcoming Webinar by Nick entitled: "Making Your Research Freely-Available with MarXiv:The (free!) research repository for ocean-conservation and marine climate science"

Let me know what you think of the episode by joining our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Support Speak Up For Blue's Efforts to create a free pr=resource program for Ocean Citizen Scientists to help move Marine Science and Conservation forward by collecting information for various Citizen Science program. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Direct download: SUFB_S390_OceanTalkFriday.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:11am EST

On this week's instalment of Ocean Updates, we tackle the last ditch efforts of the collaborative, Mexican-led group, of VaquitaCPR to try to save the last 19 individuals of the endemic Vaquita. If you read the story, you wouldn't think that it was a success as VaquitaCPR caught and had to release the first Vaquita, but the team thinks it was a success. 

Other stories that I am covering today include my thoughts on industry funded fisheries research with a focus on Dr. Ray Hilborn, who is often thought to be a tool of the fisheries industry, but is he looking out for fish or his funders pockets. 

Finally, I found out about a EU fisheries program that gives out yellow and red cards to evaluate countries based on their efforts to reduce/eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fisheries. 

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Sign up for the upcoming Webinar by Nick entitled: "Making Your Research Freely-Available with MarXiv:The (free!) research repository for ocean-conservation and marine climate science"


Let me know what you think of the episode by joining our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

This episode was brought to you by Octo (Open Communications for The Oceans). Check out their recent MPA News (Marine Protected Area News) issue helping inform the Marine Science and Conservation field around the world.

Support Speak Up For Blue's Efforts to create a free pr=resource program for Ocean Citizen Scientists to help move Marine Science and Conservation forward by collecting information for various Citizen Science program. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign

Direct download: SUFB_S388_CountriesGetYellowCardsForBadFishing.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

I tell a story about my trip with some friends to the Buffalo Bills game last Sunday. It was crazy hot!!! The Bills stadium ran out of bottled water by half time and wouldn't give us regular tap water. It sucked because it was crazy hot!!! So hot!!! And no water equals not a great day until more bottled water showed up. 

I want to know why we never see tap water in public anymore?!?!?!

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Let me know what you think of the episode by joining our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Support Speak Up For Blue's Efforts to create a free pr=resource program for Ocean Citizen Scientists to help move Marine Science and Conservation forward by collecting information for various Citizen Science program. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign


Direct download: SUFB_S374_TapWaterVSBottledWater.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

We are featuring another episode of the Marine Conservation Happy Hour where Dr. Scarlett Smash recounts her and her husband's experience of evacuating the state of Florida along with millions of other people. Let's just say water and gas were in limited quantity and it was hot and sticky. I will let Smash tell you the rest.

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Let me know what you think of the episode by joining our Facebook Group for the Podcast.

Support Speak Up For Blue's Efforts to create a free pr=resource program for Ocean Citizen Scientists to help move Marine Science and Conservation forward by collecting information for various Citizen Science program. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign


Direct download: SUFB_S372_OceanTalkFridayMarineConservationHappyHour.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST