Mon, 24 September 2018
PETA is spending some energy on a small Lobster Shell Company in New Brunswick, Canada as the company was in the news due to the smell coming from the plant. The smell was bothering neighbours. The company has since worked on rectifying the issue, but PETA has a permanent solution for the plant. You won't get a smell if you stop killing lobsters and other shellfish. However, the are some problems with that way of thinking. Firstly, the people who work at the plant or even in the shellfish industry would be out of work. How would they earn a living when they are only trained as fishers and fishing has been in their family for generations. Secondly, the company recycles the unused shells of lobsters, crabs and shrimp to grind them into a powder for export to asian markets for the bio-medical industry and fertilizer. The process uses the wasted parts of the shellfish, which is great because now the entire animal is put to great use. PETA wants all people to convert to a vegan diet as it will keep animals alive; however, they lose credibility when they equate lobsters as people. Their campaigns are aggressive and show no compassion for the fisher, in this case. It's all or nothing for PETA and that isn't how conservation works. Take a listen to the podcast and let me know in the Facebook Group if you agree/disagree with me. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Join our Patreon Community is you want to support our mission and help Speak Up For Blue Grow!
Direct download: SUFB_S576_PETATargetingLobsterShellPlantInNovaScotia.mp3
Category:PETA -- posted at: 4:00pm EST |