Mon, 17 December 2018
There are a few things I wanted to discuss today: Grove Announcement Last week I got an email from a listener, who loved the products she got from the Grove after hearing the link on my show; however, she was not happy about the packaging used. I emailed the customer support person that I deal with for my affiliate account. My contact got back to me within a day and said that the extra packaging was a mistake and should never had happened. This is great news as the products are eco-friendly and they are committed to better packaging. I will resume the ads for the Grove on the show tomorrow. Zinke Out As Secretary Of The Interior Ryan Zinke has stepped down as Secretary of the Interior after numerous scandals regarding his personal spending choices. Zinke has been responsible for many negative changes to the National Park Service and US Fisheries and Wildlife (neither of the bureaus have had director spots filled since the Trump administration began their reign). Zinke's replacement is David Bernhardt, who was a fossil fuel lobbyist before he was Deputy Secretary for the Department of Interior. There is not much change in the style of the Secretaries. Orcas Swim With Woman Swimmer This story sounds made up, but it happened. Drone footage of a woman in New Zealand has gone viral after it showed a small pod of Orcas swimming with the woman. A pretty fantastic story, but also don't swim with Orcas on purpose, let them come up to you. Share your thoughts on this episode in our Facebook Group: Enjoy the Podcast!!!
Direct download: SUFB_S657_GroveAnnouncementZinkeOutOrcasSwimWithWoman.mp3
Category:Zinke -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |