Mon, 5 July 2021
The US Navy conducts drills in the ocean on a regular basis whether it uses sonar or detonates bombs. Unfortunately, many marine species including marine mammals, suffer from these exercises. Sonar exercises can affect the hearing of marine mammals and disrupt their communication within a pod that is used to hunting and looking after young individuals. Explosives are a different beast. Small to large explosions can be tested that will result in the killing of nearby ocean animals and affect the hearing of marine mammals in the distance. Two more "shock" tests, where a large explosive will be detonated will cause more marine species deaths in a time where we are trying to protect every individual. Link to Article: Check out all of our episodes on Want To Talk Oceans? Join the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group: Speak Up For Blue Instagram: Speak Up For Blue Twitter:
Direct download: SUFB_S1179_USNavyBlowsUpMarineWildlifeToShowOffThatTheyCanBlowStuffUp.mp3
Category:Navy -- posted at: 12:00am EST |