Thu, 28 January 2016
Nathan Johnson joins us again this week fro Ocean Talk Friday where we chat about the latest Ocean Conservation News that happened this week including: Scotland Fishermen are angry at proposed MPA fishing restrictions; Will the Ocean be your Valentine?; The Seychelles are investing in Blue Bonds; and, North Atlantic Right Whales get protection extension through a larger critical habitat.
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Wed, 27 January 2016
It is with great pleasure that I announce the 100th episode of the Speak Up For Blue Podcast. I have a little something special planned, but you will have to listen to find out.
On today's Research Thursday, I chat about coral abundance on the Great Barrier Reef and a few studies that have found management of corals better when human disturbances were regulated (eliminated). Find out what I mean by listening to the podcast.
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Category: -- posted at: 11:23pm EDT |
Tue, 26 January 2016
We see news articles about specific countries hunting whales around the world and there doesn't seem to be a good reason for it. We also see the IWC not really doing much about it, so we ask the question: Why?
Dr. Chris Parsons sits is a Marine Mammal Biologist who sits on the Scientific Committee of the IWC and breaks down the science, or lack there of, and the politics involved in the decisions.
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Category: -- posted at: 7:00pm EDT |
Mon, 25 January 2016
Tuna species are one of the most sought after seafood meals on the planet. Tuna is also becoming one of the most overfished species on the planet. I take the time to introduce you to the species and let you know about some of the seafood precautions you should take before you eat it, or avoid it.
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Sun, 24 January 2016
The UK has declared 23 Marine Conservation Areas around its borders in an effort to protect its environment and better manage its Oceans. This is a HUGE win for the Island nation to protect its Ocean biodiversity!
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Category: -- posted at: 10:20pm EDT |
Thu, 21 January 2016
Nathan Johnson joins me via phone (internet problems!) to discuss this week's important Ocean Conservation topics, including: Fisheries declining faster than we thought; SCUBA diving is great for Africa's Oceans; Celebration of 15 years of Marine Protected Area for the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands; and, a Researcher talks about plastic pollution in the Ocean and it's negative effect on seafood and the people who eat it.
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Wed, 20 January 2016
Manta Rays are the subject of this week's Research Thursday. I discuss a paper that wanted to figure out where Manta Rays go when they are not in 3 different protected areas. The authors used citizen science (Manta Matcher) to identify individuals and track their migration within the area.
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Category: -- posted at: 7:00pm EDT |
Tue, 19 January 2016
Dr. Carl Safina is not just a Marine Scientist, or ornathologist, or ocean plicy maker, or science communicator...He's all of those wrapped into one. I had the pleasure of interviewing Carl and asked him how he has been so effective in protecting ocena life during is career. His answer was wonderful.
I also asked him about some major issues like Climate Change and the Seafood industry.
Carl is an Ocean Leader and a great person, which I highly respect. It's not everyday you get to interview you heroes. But today was one of those days!
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Mon, 18 January 2016
Manta Rays are one of the most majestic species in the Ocean; however, it's also the most mysterious. Researchers do not know much about the species, but are finding out new things every year. Listen to this episode so I can introduce you to this wonderful animal.
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Category: -- posted at: 7:00pm EDT |
Sun, 17 January 2016
Peru and 12 other countries are looking to protect Manta Rays from accidental catches (bycatch) and being fished to extinction through various protection methods including a highly regulated fishery (maybe even banning fishing altogether) to allow for a more sustainable ecotourism industry to flourish.
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Category: -- posted at: 11:35pm EDT |
Fri, 15 January 2016
Nathan and I discuss 3 different topics today: 1) Seaweed farming as an alternative to fishing and a way to absorb more CO2; 2) Over 600 sea turtles were rescued after they were stranded from cold ocean temepratures thanks to a great network of volunteers, vets, and conservationists; and, we discuss the merits of big sharks in aquariums.
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Wed, 13 January 2016
Continuing with our week about the Great White shark, I thought I would talk about a paper that described the North West Atlantic population in terms of its Abundance Trends during Summer and Winter Seasons. The information in the paper I talk about contains important information that helps understand the species better, which will improve their management for future years to come.
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Category: -- posted at: 7:00pm EDT |
Tue, 12 January 2016
Sharks were found by a team of scientists in an underwater volcano that is active. It wasn't erupting, but the water was too hot and acidic for any diver to go in the water. The scientists, on a National Geographic trip, lowered a specialized camera underwater to view the sharks.
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Mon, 11 January 2016
Great White Sharks were vilified in the popular set of movies of "Jaws" in the 70s and they are consistently vilified in the media being described as "monsters" and "man-eaters." This tends to happen when we don't know too much about an animal, which is why the Great White Shark is this week Profiled Species on Species Tuesday.
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Category: -- posted at: 11:28pm EDT |
Sun, 10 January 2016
A Japan Aquarium in Okinawa tranferred a Great White Shark that was accidentally caught of the coast of Japan into its Dangerous Predators Exhibit on January 5, 2016. 3 Days later it died. Why did the aquarium feel that it could take care of a Great White Shark when other aquariums have failed in the past? We explore this and more on this episode.
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Category: -- posted at: 11:12pm EDT |
Fri, 8 January 2016
The first Ocean Talk Friday of 2016 has really got me psyched! Nathan Johnson and I talk about Marine Protected Areas, Marine Protected Areas and more Marine Protected Areas. Oh and we also talk about our friends over at and how they are publishing articles that will be written in 2041? WTF?!
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Wed, 6 January 2016
Research Thursday is back for 2016 and it's becoming one of my favourite segments of this podcast. Today, I talk about how researchers wanted to set a baseline of Sea Turtle abundance in and out of the Florida Current, a place where alternative energy industries will be looking to harness energy from in the future.
This is a great proactive research paper that you don't normally see.
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Category: -- posted at: 7:00pm EDT |
Tue, 5 January 2016
A huge win occurred recently where the US federal government banned Microbeads from all products by July 2017. This is a huge victory for the Ocean as Microbeads has some harmful effects on waterways and oceans around the world. Find out their effects and how many microbeads are introduced into waterways per day in the US by listening to the podcast.
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Tue, 5 January 2016
Today I profile the Olive Ridley Sea Turtle because the species came up in a couple of conversations I had with Dr. Nathan Robinson. Unfortunately, those conversations were not positive as Nathan had to take to plastic items out of the nose of 2 Olive Ridleys. I thought I would profile this species because it might help us understand why plastic is getting stuck up their nose.
Listen in for some fun facts on this omnivorous species.
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Mon, 4 January 2016
Many of you have been making new year's resolutions over the past week to create a better life. I thought I would introduce another resolution that will help the you live for a better Ocean. Take a listen to hear the different ways you can commit to this New Year's Resolution.
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