Thu, 25 January 2024
In this episode, Andrew introduces a new segment called Throwback Thursdays, where he reflects on past episodes. He highlights Dr. Naomi Rose, a frequent guest who provides valuable insights on orcas and marine mammal captivity. The episode focuses on whale seaside sanctuaries and the release of bottlenose dolphins from the National Aquarium of Baltimore. Andrew discusses the science of blackfish and the case of Keiko. Tune in for an exciting and informative discussion on ocean conservation. More on Whale Seaside Sanctuaries: More on Dr. Naomi Rose: Follow a career in conservation: Use the code SUFB to get 33% off courses and the careers program. Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
In this episode, the host enthusiastically promotes a product called Magic Mind, which is designed to combat brain fog and tiredness. Describing it as a "little elixir," the host emphasizes that Magic Mind is an all-natural product containing natural ingredients. They personally attest to its effectiveness in helping them manage their busy schedule, which includes tasks like video editing, scripting, recording, and marketing. The host explains that they incorporate Magic Mind into their daily routine, taking it like a shot, and find that it keeps them awake and provides mental clarity throughout the day. The host attributes the efficacy of Magic Mind to its unique slow release of caffeine. They draw a comparison to other common sources of caffeine, such as Coca-Cola or coffee, which provide a short-lived energy spike followed by a crash and increased exhaustion. By contrast, the host highlights that Magic Mind's sustained release of caffeine helps them maintain consistent energy levels without the need for additional boosts like chocolate or sugary drinks. They even mention that they have reduced their sugar and caffeine intake by opting for Magic Mind instead. To encourage listeners to try Magic Mind, the host presents a special promotion. They inform the audience that for a limited time, they can receive one month free when they subscribe for three months. The host provides a specific link to the Magic Mind website,, and shares a code, PROTECT20, that grants an extra 20% off the subscription price. Urging listeners to seize this opportunity before the end of January, the host emphasizes the value of this offer. Overall, the host passionately promotes Magic Mind as a natural and effective solution for combating brain fog and tiredness, particularly for individuals with busy schedules or those involved in podcasting and science communication. In addition to promoting Magic Mind, the host also discusses the challenges of podcasting and the phenomenon known as "pod fading," where podcasts cease producing new episodes after only a few installments. Drawing a parallel to the rise and fall of blogging, the host acknowledges that while it may seem like everyone has a podcast nowadays, podcasting is far from easy. It demands significant effort and dedication. The host highlights the staggering number of podcasts in existence, with approximately 4 million currently available. However, they note that only around 430,000 of these podcasts are actively producing new content. This statistic underscores the intense competition within the podcasting industry. The host acknowledges that not all podcasts will attract a large audience, especially in the early stages. Nevertheless, they express gratitude for their engaged audience, who continue to listen and interact with the show. Sharing personal experiences, the host reveals the challenges they have faced while podcasting, including late nights, sleep deprivation, and the juggling act of raising two children while maintaining a regular job. They candidly admit to relying on caffeine to stay alert and put forth their best effort in producing the podcasts. The host recalls the difficulties encountered during the initial stages, such as recording episodes multiple times and making mistakes. Despite these obstacles, the host emphasizes the importance of consistency and delivering valuable information to their audience. In summary, the host's discussion sheds light on the hard work and dedication required in podcasting, as well as the significant number of podcasts that fade away after only a few episodes due to the fiercely competitive nature of the industry.
Direct download: HTPTO_E1559A_NaomiRoseWhaleSeasideSanctuary.mp3
Category:Marine Mammal Captivity -- posted at: 12:25pm EST |
Mon, 13 March 2023
Kiska the orca who was known as the loneliest orca in the world passed away due to a bacterial infection on March 10th and people around the world are angry at Marineland for their lack of effort in taking good care of Kiska. But the most frustrating part of Kiska's story is that she could have been the first orca to participate in the whale sanctuary project. Therefore, we need to intensify the efforts of retiring orcas and other marine mammals to seaside sanctuaries so we don't repeat Kiska's tragedy. Link to article: Fill out our listener survey: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: HTPTO_E1429_KiskaHasPassedAway.mp3
Category:Marine Mammal Captivity -- posted at: 12:19am EST |
Fri, 10 February 2023
Whale and dolphin captivity is quite a controversial issue as there are people who are advocating for the release of every captive orca, dolphin, seal, and sea lion (along with manatees) to improve their overall health and there are people who think that these animals are treated well in marine parks and offer a great way for humans to make a connection to help save marine mammals. On which side should you fall and how do you make that decision? These are just some of the questions that you may ask yourself when the opportunity presents itself to see an orca or some other marine mammal. I am going to give you some resources that can help you make decisions for yourself so that you can live for a better ocean. Fill out our listener survey: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: HTPTO_E1417_3WaysToMakeDecisionOnWhaleDolphinCaptivity.mp3
Category:Marine Mammal Captivity -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 31 October 2022
People love traveling to Mexico to enjoy the tropical weather to escape winter for a week and the high tourist area called Quintana Roo is a very popular destination. But there is a problem with some of the tourist activities such as dolphin excursions. Tourists can watch captive dolphins perform tricks or even swim with them. Scientists and advocates have been trying to shut the dolphinarium industry down all over the world, but Mexico is home to approximately 10% of the 3000 held in captivity around the world. A recent vote by Mexico's government officials has banned marine mammal captivity which is a great first step in the right direction; however, I am going to talk about why so much more needs to be done to ensure this ban on captivity goes through. In other words, I am not holding my breath. Link to article: Join the audio program - Build Your Marine Science and Conservation Career: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1375_MexicoBansCaptiveMarineMammals.mp3
Category:Marine Mammal Captivity -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Mon, 30 May 2022
Laws in Canada make sure that marine theme parks such as Marineland cannot acquire new cetaceans (Whales or Dolphins) and they were amended in 2019 to ensure that whales and dolphins do not perform in their entertainment shows, but evidence suggests that Marineland continues to conduct the whale and dolphin shows. Therefore, Canadian laws should work faster to ensure the safety and well-being of the animals. In this episode, I will discuss the video evidence that was published by Animal Justice in Canada and why I think that the laws should work faster to stop the shows from happening at all. Link to Article: Sign up to find out about the audio Ocean Conservation Careers members group: Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: Website: Instagram: Twitter:
Direct download: SUFB_S1312_MarinelandRunningIllegalWhaleAndDolphinShowsInCanada.mp3
Category:Marine Mammal Captivity -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 13 April 2022
Building a connection to the ocean is crucial to getting people interested in conserving the ocean. Marine theme parks that hold orcas, dolphins, seals, and sea lions are often advertised as ways to build the connection between people and the ocean; however, what cost are we willing to spend on building the connection. Marine mammals are not healthy in captivity and it's time that we end this experiment. Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1292_DolphinHurtsTrainerAtMiamiSeaquarium.mp3
Category:Marine Mammal Captivity -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Wed, 6 October 2021
A listener named Sydney Stauffer asked me to create an episode on my thoughts on swim-with-dolphin programs that are held with dolphins in captivity. She heard the episode with Stephanie Stack (e1214) about swim-with-whales in the wild and wanted me to discuss the captivity aspect of swimming with dolphins. Sydney was concerned that we don't discuss the captivity programs, especially the smaller companies that we see in tourist destinations such as the Caribbean. Tourists participate in these experiences because they think the animals want to participate, but that is not the case. The captive dolphins do not have a choice. A captive dolphin that has to undergo human swimming encounters multiple times per day (10-20 on the small end) is not comfortable interacting with that many humans who do not know how to properly interact with a dolphin. Dolphins can (and have!) get aggressive with humans who pay a lot of money to have a dream-come-true encounter with the cetacean. Education is the number one solution in getting people to stop frequenting the swim-with-dolphin encounters. Links: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1219_DiscoveryCoveSwimWithDolphinProgram.mp3
Category:Marine Mammal Captivity -- posted at: 12:00am EST |
Sun, 12 September 2021
![]() Kaitlyn Mitchell is a lawyer for Animal Justice, a non-profit organization that looks out for the welfare of animals in Canada. Website: Kaitlyn came highly recommended as someone to interview on the Canadian side of the border that is involved in advocating for the belugas in the transfer from Marineland (Canada) to Mystic Aquarium (US). I covered the original story by interviewing Dr. Naomi Rose (Episode 1197, Kaitlyn provides us with an update on the beluga whale transfer as well as how we can make sure that bill S-203 (Canadian Cetacean Captivity Ban) can be made better to avoid needless deaths like that of Havok. Kaitlyn also tells us about the dire situation with Kiska, an orca that has been recorded bashing her head against the side of her tank. We discuss what Animal Justice hopes to be done about the orca at Marineland. Connect with Animal Justice: Connect with Speak Up For Blue:
Direct download: SUFB_S1209_CetaceanBanBillandBelugaTransfer.mp3
Category:Marine Mammal Captivity -- posted at: 8:05pm EST |
Thu, 9 May 2019
Dr. Chris Parsons joins me on the podcast again today. This time Chris is discussing the results of a new report on the science of mortality and life expectancy of Marine Mammals in captivity compared to wild. There are many misleading "facts" out there regarding mortality and life expectancy so this report comes at the right time. Listen to Chris discuss the details now and let us know your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group: Want to get started on living for a better Ocean? Sign up for the Grove Collaborative and get a free gift: Check out the new Speak Up For The Ocean Blue Podcast App:
Direct download: SUFB_S779_MarineMammalInCaptivityNewReportWithDrChrisParsons.mp3
Category:Marine Mammal Captivity -- posted at: 1:00pm EST |
Mon, 29 October 2018
No more new Marine Mammal Captivity in Canada according to Bill S-203 that passed in the Senate last week. The Ban will including captivity and breeding programs in any facility in Canada. Marine Mammal Captivity has been very controversial for decades, but the Blackfish documentary increased the push of the movement to stop Marine Mammal Captivity in marine-themed parks. Scientists, Activists, Advocates and Policy Makers have been working tirelessly to ban captive marine mammals all over the world. Canada is just another country that has hopped aboard the movement. The Bill targets two facilities in Canada, The Vancouver Aquarium and Marineland. The former facility has changed its policies on Marine Mammal captivity in the recent years after it stood up for its educational and conservation purpose; however, protesters and members put enough pressure for the facility to give in. Marineland has yet to give up the fight. It says that banning captivity of marine mammals will shutdown the park and put local residents out of jobs; however, SeaWorld has undergone a huge and profitable transformation after the pressure of the public against its captive program took place and now markets towards other attractions such as rides and free beer. What do you think will happen to these facilities? Let me know in the Facebook Group. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Join the Patreon Community to help support Speak Up For Blue's mission to bring Marine Science and Conservation information to you and the audience.
Direct download: SUFB_S610_MarineMammalsCapitivityBannedInCanada.mp3
Category:Marine Mammal Captivity -- posted at: 4:00pm EST |