Wed, 21 August 2019
Elections Canada has come out with a new rule for this upcoming federal election. The rule is targeted at Environmental Charities in Canada. These charities will not be able to say "Climate Change is real" to influence voters during advertising campaigns because one candidate has denied climate change; therefore, charities who make the statement will be considered partisan and their charitable status could be in jeopardy. Utter BS in my opinion and it adds to the battle between the government of Canada and environmental charities. Listen to the episode for more information. Do you think environmental charities should be able to say things like "Climate Change is Real?" Share your thoughts in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group: Want to be more eco-friendly? Buy certified eco-friendly products from our affiliate partner the Grove Collaborative: Check out the new Speak Up For The Ocean Blue Podcast App:
Direct download: SUFB_S865_ElectionsCanadaDeemsClimateChangeIsRealStatementAsPartisan.mp3
Category:Climate Change Is Real -- posted at: 1:00pm EST |